The document discusses JSF validation, including that validation occurs during the request lifecycle, and if validation fails a ConverterException or ValidationException is thrown. It also covers standard validation using tags like <f:validateDoubleRange> and <f:validateLength> and creating custom validators by implementing the Validator interface and annotating the class with @FacesValidator.
The document discusses regenerative nanomedicine and human enhancement technologies including tissue engineering, stem cell research, nanofluidic chips, nanopiezotronics, laser suturing, cellular fusion, 3D printing of implants, bioMEMS, brain-computer interfaces, and nanobots. It also addresses some of the legal, ethical, and existential implications of these emerging technologies including issues around defining and transcending normal human abilities.
This document discusses using different resources for learning including a video, a book from the library, a collection of CDs, an IT teacher, and a PC magazine to help achieve learning targets and purposes on December 18, 2010 in an unspecified learner environment. The document references December 18, 2010 multiple times but provides little other context or detail about its contents.
El documento describe c坦mo funcionan los climatizadores evaporativos. Utilizan el principio de reducir la temperatura mediante la evaporaci坦n de agua, lo que enfr鱈a el aire circulante en 5-10 grados cent鱈grados. Proporcionan ventajas como ahorro de energ鱈a, bajo costo de mantenimiento y no secan el ambiente. Funcionan absorbiendo agua en el aire para reducir su temperatura realmente cuando la humedad relativa es menor que 100%.
Mi Hogar Feliz Children's Home had repairs and renovations completed including sealing the roof, painting ceilings in several rooms including the study, kitchen, pantry, and laundry areas. Walls were painted in some rooms and water and gas lines were installed or completed in the kitchen, laundry areas, and shower/bathroom areas to improve the home.
El documento proporciona instrucciones sobre c坦mo agregar y programar un sensor t叩ctil en un modelo LEGO Mindstorms NXT para que el comportamiento del modelo cambie cuando se presiona o libera el sensor t叩ctil. Tambi辿n menciona que la aplicaci坦n Robot Educator permite programar ideas que utilicen el sensor t叩ctil.
Leandro Mendes apresenta sobre automatiza巽達o de infraestrutura, resolvendo problemas organizacionais e operacionais comuns. Ele discute ferramentas como configuration managers (Puppet, Chef), Spacewalk, virtualiza巽達o, instala巽達o autom叩tica e gerenciamento de daemons para organizar a infraestrutura e tornar os processos automatizados. Seguran巽a, administra巽達o e backups tamb辿m s達o abordados.
Este documento presenta la introducci坦n de un curso de Formulaci坦n y Evaluaci坦n de Proyectos en el Instituto de Educaci坦n Superior Alfredo Coviello para el a単o escolar 2014. Se detallan los objetivos del curso, la metodolog鱈a de trabajo, criterios de evaluaci坦n y contenidos que incluyen temas como empresa, proyectos, toma de decisiones, investigaci坦n de mercado y evaluaci坦n de proyectos.
This document discusses concepts related to communication and self-concept. It begins by introducing the presenter, Devi harisandi, and then discusses how speech is learned through imitation and reinforcement. It defines self-concept as one's perception of their physical appearance, intelligence, personality, strengths and weaknesses. Significant others are described as people whose opinions are important. Improving self-concept involves being willing to change and forgive oneself, setting goals, developing uniqueness, and standing up for beliefs. The document also discusses the ideal self, how others see you, self-fulfilling prophecies, the communication process, barriers to listening, and note-taking tips.
A empresa est叩 enfrentando desafios financeiros devido pandemia e precisa cortar custos. O plano 辿 demitir v叩rios funcion叩rios nas pr坦ximas semanas e tamb辿m congelar os sal叩rios dos funcion叩rios restantes. As lideran巽as pedem compreens達o durante esses tempos dif鱈ceis.
This document summarizes the key details of 3 rounds of a quiz competition focused on branding:
1. The first round asked multiple choice questions about the meanings of abbreviations and acronyms used by various companies.
2. The second round involved questions about company slogans, taglines, and punchlines. Teams had to bid a score before answering each question.
3. The third round featured logo identification questions, showing partial or cropped logos that needed to be identified.
The document provided the questions, multiple choice answers, and correct answers for each round of the branding quiz.
El documento presenta el estatuto del Partido Socialista Frente Amplio de Ecuador. Establece que es una organizaci坦n pol鱈tica de izquierda revolucionaria con objetivos como instaurar un gobierno socialista y transformar el estado y la sociedad para que todos los ecuatorianos se beneficien de la riqueza nacional. Describe los requisitos para ser miembro del partido y los deberes y derechos de los afiliados. Tambi辿n explica la estructura organizativa del partido, incluyendo sus diferentes organismos directivos a nivel nacional, provincial y local.
The document outlines plans to build on the strengths of the Global Water Partnership's (GWP) current strategy in developing a new "2020 Vision". It has a vision of a water secure world with enough water for all. The GWP network has grown significantly in recent years and its key strengths include being a neutral multistakeholder platform, inclusive structures, strong knowledge base, and moving from advocacy to implementation. The strategy will focus on four goals - promoting water as part of sustainable development, addressing critical challenges like climate change and food security, knowledge sharing, and building a stronger network. It will implement this vision through regional and country partnerships, knowledge dissemination, and building climate resilience through water security.
The document discusses a meeting held on February 21, 2014 regarding sections 4.3-4.4. The meeting participants reviewed and discussed the sections and agreed on some proposed changes. They agreed to revise the language in sections 4.3.1 and 4.3.2 for clarity and consistency and make updates to section 4.4 based on prior discussions and decisions.
The document discusses a meeting held on February 19, 2014 regarding an investigation. Key people attended the meeting to discuss information and next steps. Further action will be taken to review the facts and evidence collected so far in the investigation.
The document is a 3 page report dated February 14, 2014. It discusses a project to develop a new software application and outlines the objectives, timeline, and responsibilities for completion. The report assigns specific tasks to the project team members and sets deadlines to deliver an initial prototype by the end of the month.
This document contains a discussion about a quiz and new questions from February 12, 2014. It includes 3 separate entries at 10:40 AM, 11:02 AM, and 11:13 AM where comments or questions were added regarding the quiz and new questions.
This document discusses inverse relations. Inverse relations are two relations that are opposites of each other, such that if one relation holds true between two objects, the inverse relation must not hold true between those objects. The document provides examples of inverse relations such as above/below and younger/older to illustrate this concept of relations that are logical opposites.
Transformations can be combined by performing one transformation after another on an object. The order that transformations are performed impacts the final result. Multiple transformations applied in sequence produce a single combined transformation.
Mi Hogar Feliz Children's Home had repairs and renovations completed including sealing the roof, painting ceilings in several rooms including the study, kitchen, pantry, and laundry areas. Walls were painted in some rooms and water and gas lines were installed or completed in the kitchen, laundry areas, and shower/bathroom areas to improve the home.
El documento proporciona instrucciones sobre c坦mo agregar y programar un sensor t叩ctil en un modelo LEGO Mindstorms NXT para que el comportamiento del modelo cambie cuando se presiona o libera el sensor t叩ctil. Tambi辿n menciona que la aplicaci坦n Robot Educator permite programar ideas que utilicen el sensor t叩ctil.
Leandro Mendes apresenta sobre automatiza巽達o de infraestrutura, resolvendo problemas organizacionais e operacionais comuns. Ele discute ferramentas como configuration managers (Puppet, Chef), Spacewalk, virtualiza巽達o, instala巽達o autom叩tica e gerenciamento de daemons para organizar a infraestrutura e tornar os processos automatizados. Seguran巽a, administra巽達o e backups tamb辿m s達o abordados.
Este documento presenta la introducci坦n de un curso de Formulaci坦n y Evaluaci坦n de Proyectos en el Instituto de Educaci坦n Superior Alfredo Coviello para el a単o escolar 2014. Se detallan los objetivos del curso, la metodolog鱈a de trabajo, criterios de evaluaci坦n y contenidos que incluyen temas como empresa, proyectos, toma de decisiones, investigaci坦n de mercado y evaluaci坦n de proyectos.
This document discusses concepts related to communication and self-concept. It begins by introducing the presenter, Devi harisandi, and then discusses how speech is learned through imitation and reinforcement. It defines self-concept as one's perception of their physical appearance, intelligence, personality, strengths and weaknesses. Significant others are described as people whose opinions are important. Improving self-concept involves being willing to change and forgive oneself, setting goals, developing uniqueness, and standing up for beliefs. The document also discusses the ideal self, how others see you, self-fulfilling prophecies, the communication process, barriers to listening, and note-taking tips.
A empresa est叩 enfrentando desafios financeiros devido pandemia e precisa cortar custos. O plano 辿 demitir v叩rios funcion叩rios nas pr坦ximas semanas e tamb辿m congelar os sal叩rios dos funcion叩rios restantes. As lideran巽as pedem compreens達o durante esses tempos dif鱈ceis.
This document summarizes the key details of 3 rounds of a quiz competition focused on branding:
1. The first round asked multiple choice questions about the meanings of abbreviations and acronyms used by various companies.
2. The second round involved questions about company slogans, taglines, and punchlines. Teams had to bid a score before answering each question.
3. The third round featured logo identification questions, showing partial or cropped logos that needed to be identified.
The document provided the questions, multiple choice answers, and correct answers for each round of the branding quiz.
El documento presenta el estatuto del Partido Socialista Frente Amplio de Ecuador. Establece que es una organizaci坦n pol鱈tica de izquierda revolucionaria con objetivos como instaurar un gobierno socialista y transformar el estado y la sociedad para que todos los ecuatorianos se beneficien de la riqueza nacional. Describe los requisitos para ser miembro del partido y los deberes y derechos de los afiliados. Tambi辿n explica la estructura organizativa del partido, incluyendo sus diferentes organismos directivos a nivel nacional, provincial y local.
The document outlines plans to build on the strengths of the Global Water Partnership's (GWP) current strategy in developing a new "2020 Vision". It has a vision of a water secure world with enough water for all. The GWP network has grown significantly in recent years and its key strengths include being a neutral multistakeholder platform, inclusive structures, strong knowledge base, and moving from advocacy to implementation. The strategy will focus on four goals - promoting water as part of sustainable development, addressing critical challenges like climate change and food security, knowledge sharing, and building a stronger network. It will implement this vision through regional and country partnerships, knowledge dissemination, and building climate resilience through water security.
The document discusses a meeting held on February 21, 2014 regarding sections 4.3-4.4. The meeting participants reviewed and discussed the sections and agreed on some proposed changes. They agreed to revise the language in sections 4.3.1 and 4.3.2 for clarity and consistency and make updates to section 4.4 based on prior discussions and decisions.
The document discusses a meeting held on February 19, 2014 regarding an investigation. Key people attended the meeting to discuss information and next steps. Further action will be taken to review the facts and evidence collected so far in the investigation.
The document is a 3 page report dated February 14, 2014. It discusses a project to develop a new software application and outlines the objectives, timeline, and responsibilities for completion. The report assigns specific tasks to the project team members and sets deadlines to deliver an initial prototype by the end of the month.
This document contains a discussion about a quiz and new questions from February 12, 2014. It includes 3 separate entries at 10:40 AM, 11:02 AM, and 11:13 AM where comments or questions were added regarding the quiz and new questions.
This document discusses inverse relations. Inverse relations are two relations that are opposites of each other, such that if one relation holds true between two objects, the inverse relation must not hold true between those objects. The document provides examples of inverse relations such as above/below and younger/older to illustrate this concept of relations that are logical opposites.
Transformations can be combined by performing one transformation after another on an object. The order that transformations are performed impacts the final result. Multiple transformations applied in sequence produce a single combined transformation.
The document is a memo dated February 7, 2014 discussing a project to upgrade computer systems for the accounting department. It outlines the proposed schedule to purchase new computers by mid-February, install updated software during the last two weeks of February, and train accounting staff on the new systems in early March before going live with the changes.
This document contains 5 sections with the date February 6, 2014. Each section is unlabeled. The document appears to be a log or record from that date containing brief entries but no other contextual information.
The document is dated February 5th, 2014 and contains 4 unlabeled paragraphs. It appears to be a report or notes from a meeting that took place on February 5th, 2014, but no other contextual information is provided.
The document is a series of 6 entries dated February 4, 2014. It contains brief notes with the date and times ranging from 11:12 AM to 11:22 AM, but no other significant details. The document appears to be a log of brief time-stamped entries for a single day with no other contextual information provided.