This document contains notes from a science lesson on acceleration. It defines key terms like motion, velocity, and acceleration and provides examples. Students are instructed to read sections from their textbook, complete practice problems, and work in groups. The teacher discusses demonstrations to illustrate the different terms and includes graphs to represent speed over time. Warnings are given to students about behavior expectations and homework policies.
2. Take 5 min to do the following
Individual : No discussions
Open the textbook page 27
Read the first two paragraphs
3. WALT : Lesson 3 : Acceleration
WILF : Focus and participation of everyone
TIB : Acceleration is mentioned a lot in real
life. For example : there will be acceleration
fines in Paris soon
4. Target behavior of the month is being
You need to be following and on-task to get
your merit
Next office hours are tomorrow after school
The quizzes/entry tickets will be graded soon
All these powerpoint slides are on Engrade in
5. During a professional drag race, a car can
increase speed and accelerate from 0 to
480km/hr in 5 seconds !
To slow the car down from such a huge
speed, the driver releases a parachute
6. Definition of acceleration : change in velocity
during a period of time
You should know the difference between
Motion, Velocity and Acceleration
What is motion ?
Change in position
What is velocity ?
Speed + Direction
What is acceleration ?
Change in velocity
7. I will do 3 demonstrations and then youll tell
me which term corresponds to each
Which term for demonstration 1 ?
Which term for demonstration 2 ?
Which term for demonstration 3 ?
8. Does direction matter in acceleration ?
If the acceleration is in the same direction as
the motion you speed up
If the acceleration is in the opposite direction
of motion you slow down
Check next figure for these cases
10. Velocity was change of position
Acceleration is change in velocity
An easier way to write it is :
12. Voice level 1
Answer in your notebook
This is graded as participation
Do the practice of Math skills page 29
13. As we learned distance time graphs, there is a
new type of graph : Speed time Graphs
Time is on horizontal axis
Speed is on vertical axis
14. Open textbook page 30
Each group needs to read from 30 to 32
Write a summary per group
18. Do not talk unless you have
permission (Raise your hand)
No talking back (Come see in end
of class)
Stay focused and on task
Respect your classmates and
Be prepared
19. You are expected to do your homework on the
due date (no excuses)
Every time you miss a homework you get a
strike,after 3 your parents are informed
Not doing your homework will negatively affect
your grade in participation and quizzes
20. The corrected quiz as well as rubrics will be
posted on Engrade.
An individual assesment means no discussion at
all. Any talking will result in a 0.
Come see me right after class or office hours to
discuss your copy, do not bring it up inside class.
Any copy written in pencil cannot be considered
for re-grading, use a pen.