[web security share] part one.
The example in this ppt,just use to show how,please don't hack and damage that site,which one show in this ppt!thanks!
And then ,i will show more ppt that about web security.
you could contact me in email or QQ:
My emial is cyf5513@gmail.com.my QQ num is 764834962.Let me talk and learn from each other and be good!
Retail POS trends in today Omnichannel realityOpenbravo
Review of the main trends POS solutions are showing to effectively respond to the new omnichannel imperative and help stores succeed on achieving the required operational excellence.
7. Part 2: How we do that
操作符 ->
? + 把google可能忽略的字列如查询范围 【已弃用】
? - 把某个字忽略
? ~ 同意词
? OR 或[大写]
? * 通配符,补全搜索字词
? “" 精确查询
8. Part 2: How we do that
关键词搜索 ->
? site 搜索一个特定站点的详细内容
? intitle 搜索网页标题中的某个特定字符串
? inurl 搜索网页URL地址中的某个特定字符串
? filetype 搜索指定类型的文件
? link 搜索和某个站点做了链接的所有URL
? intext 搜索网页面正文内容中的某个特定字符串
? info 搜索指定站点的一些基本信息
? all 所有关键字前都加上all可以得到更加精确详细的信息
9. Part 2: How we do that
For 前端的童鞋们:
10. Part 3: Let’s analyze it
关键词: site
佳能 site:pchome,net
11. Part 3: Let’s analyze it
关键词: intitle inurl
国外程序员 伯乐在线
12. Part 3: Let’s analyze it
filetype:pdf inurl:event.pchome.net