Social media overview varietyKaren ScottThe document provides an overview of using social media for business purposes. It outlines objectives like gaining engagement, improving communication, and driving traffic. It then discusses interacting with Facebook by creating posts, comments, and engaging with other pages. It also covers interacting with Twitter by finding followers and creating discussions. Examples are given of companies that have set up Facebook pages and used Twitter. The benefits of blogging are explained as showing expertise, allowing clients to know you, helping people, learning, becoming a better communicator, and creating connections.
RemodelDarren SmithThis document discusses home remodeling and restoration services including restoring stairs, customizing bathrooms, and renovating office spaces. A variety of services are offered such as choosing custom colors and restoring hardwood floors. The goal is to help make clients' dreams for their home renovations come true.
Molski michalski, międzynarodowa koordynacja polityki konkurencjiMichalThis book provides a concise summary and analysis of international coordination efforts in competition policy across four key international organizations: the World Trade Organization, Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development, United Nations Conference on Trade and Development, and International Competition Network. The book examines the development and initiatives of each organization in turn, highlighting both their achievements and limitations in building a common global competition order. In his conclusion, the author asserts that while efforts to formalize international cooperation on competition policy have increased, "soft" non-binding coordination remains the most effective approach.
Amigas no hipocritasverdaderasamigasEste documento enfatiza la importancia de la honestidad y la lealtad en las amistades. Una verdadera amistad se basa en la sinceridad y en decir la verdad, incluso cuando sea difícil, en lugar de mentiras. Las amistades verdaderas son valiosas y deben valorarse y fortalecerse con el tiempo.
Garcia schanz einsteinvanegarciaschanzEinstein nació en 1879 en Alemania y se graduó como maestro de física y química en 1900. En 1905 publicó su teoría especial de la relatividad y desarrolló la ecuación más conocida que lleva su nombre. El documento resume brevemente la vida, carrera y obras principales de Albert Einstein.
Jonathan Bennett CVJonathan BennettJonathan Bennett has over 15 years of experience as a project manager in various industries. He is currently a senior project manager at Ellucian, where he manages the implementation of student management systems across multiple clients. Previously, he has held project management roles at The Collinson Group and The Chartered Insurance Institute. He has a BSc in Engineering with Business Studies and is a certified Project Management Professional with Prince2 qualifications.
recomend from LiliaJekaterina SirokiJekaterina Siroki has worked for the Operations division of SEB Estonia since 2003, where her responsibilities included settling fund units and foreign securities. Over the course of her employment, Jekaterina proved herself to be an able, hardworking, and respected employee who was accurate in her work, helpful to coworkers and clients, intelligent, and able to solve any problems that arose. Due to her high intelligence, innovative attitude, creativity, punctuality, and initiative, she is considered a perfect employee for any job.
"Siempre he sido campesino, me gusta trabajar la tierra, porque de ahí vi´via...Luz del Carmen Morales Montes de OcaEste documento promueve la creación de presentaciones Haiku Deck en ݺߣShare, ofreciendo una plataforma para que los usuarios diseñen y compartan sus propias presentaciones de diapositivas de manera creativa.
Condo house launches singaporeecnewlaunch07A residential site at West Coast Vale has been released for sale under the confirmed list of the first half of the Government
Optimización de procesosOrganisation for Economic Co-operation & DevelopmentEste documento especifica los requerimientos funcionales para optimizar el proceso de gestión de viáticos en una organización. Describe 27 funciones clave como registrar una solicitud de viáticos, aprobar solicitudes, notificar aprobaciones, registrar gastos, elaborar rendiciones y más. El objetivo es definir el proceso optimizado de gestión de viáticos de manera eficiente.
Sheri Resume 4206Sheri KellySheri N. Kelly is seeking a position that offers advancement based on performance. She has over 15 years of experience in office management and coordination roles. Most recently, she was the Office Coordinator for Virtual Vintage, where she managed the owner's calendar, maintained marketing efforts, and provided excellent customer service. Prior to that, she was the Office Manager for JC National HVAC, handling accounts receivable, scheduling, dispatching technicians, and various administrative duties. Kelly has strong computer skills including QuickBooks, Microsoft Office, and marketing automation platforms.
Herramientas para crear mapas conceptualesJeimy FierroEste documento lista y describe 7 herramientas digitales para crear mapas conceptuales e infografías. Cada herramienta incluye su nombre, una breve descripción de su función y un enlace. Las herramientas descritas son Mindomo, Cmaptools, Gliffy,, Lovelycharts, Creately y MindMeister.
reference from SigritJekaterina SirokiJekaterina Široki is a determined, courageous person with very high professional and personal goals who is not afraid of hard work or challenges. She performs her work with full devotion, always looking to improve and being thorough, swift, and conscientious. Jekaterina is also a good communicator who is open, positive, and stands up for her principles and team. She is valued in her role at the bank.
cover letterJekaterina SirokiKate Siroki is writing to inquire about any vacancies at the company. She has eight years of experience in bank administration and management of financial portfolios. Her duties included processing transactions, preparing reports, and implementing accounting systems. Kate believes she is a hard worker with strong computer and communication skills who would be an asset to the team. She has excellent references and asks to discuss any potential opportunities.
2011~2012 소프트웨어 관련도서 추천 리뷰 모음Choulhyouc Lee아래의 9권 책 리뷰를 포함하고 있습니다.
리팩토링 코드 품질을 개선하는 객체지향 사고법
빅데이터의 충격 (거대한 데이터의 파도가 사업 전략을 바꾼다)
헤드 퍼스트 데이터 분석 (당신을 최고의 데이터 분석가로 이끌어줄 마법 같은 학습서)
왓슨 인간의 사고를 시작하다
소프트웨어 누가 이렇게 개떡같이 만든 거야
앱만장자 (부를 거머쥔 인디 개발자들의 성공 비법)
애자일 마스터 (프로젝트 인셉션 추정과 계획 그리고 실행)
읽기 좋은 코드가 좋은 코드다 (더 나은 코드를 작성하는 간단하고 실전적인 테크닉)
프로그래머, 열정을 말하다
7th.lecture.step5.prototyping.20181012Judy Kwon사용자 중심 디자인 프로세스를 시작한다.
1. 제작 단계 : 어떻게 할 것인가
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Amigas no hipocritasverdaderasamigasEste documento enfatiza la importancia de la honestidad y la lealtad en las amistades. Una verdadera amistad se basa en la sinceridad y en decir la verdad, incluso cuando sea difícil, en lugar de mentiras. Las amistades verdaderas son valiosas y deben valorarse y fortalecerse con el tiempo.
Garcia schanz einsteinvanegarciaschanzEinstein nació en 1879 en Alemania y se graduó como maestro de física y química en 1900. En 1905 publicó su teoría especial de la relatividad y desarrolló la ecuación más conocida que lleva su nombre. El documento resume brevemente la vida, carrera y obras principales de Albert Einstein.
Jonathan Bennett CVJonathan BennettJonathan Bennett has over 15 years of experience as a project manager in various industries. He is currently a senior project manager at Ellucian, where he manages the implementation of student management systems across multiple clients. Previously, he has held project management roles at The Collinson Group and The Chartered Insurance Institute. He has a BSc in Engineering with Business Studies and is a certified Project Management Professional with Prince2 qualifications.
recomend from LiliaJekaterina SirokiJekaterina Siroki has worked for the Operations division of SEB Estonia since 2003, where her responsibilities included settling fund units and foreign securities. Over the course of her employment, Jekaterina proved herself to be an able, hardworking, and respected employee who was accurate in her work, helpful to coworkers and clients, intelligent, and able to solve any problems that arose. Due to her high intelligence, innovative attitude, creativity, punctuality, and initiative, she is considered a perfect employee for any job.
"Siempre he sido campesino, me gusta trabajar la tierra, porque de ahí vi´via...Luz del Carmen Morales Montes de OcaEste documento promueve la creación de presentaciones Haiku Deck en ݺߣShare, ofreciendo una plataforma para que los usuarios diseñen y compartan sus propias presentaciones de diapositivas de manera creativa.
Condo house launches singaporeecnewlaunch07A residential site at West Coast Vale has been released for sale under the confirmed list of the first half of the Government
Optimización de procesosOrganisation for Economic Co-operation & DevelopmentEste documento especifica los requerimientos funcionales para optimizar el proceso de gestión de viáticos en una organización. Describe 27 funciones clave como registrar una solicitud de viáticos, aprobar solicitudes, notificar aprobaciones, registrar gastos, elaborar rendiciones y más. El objetivo es definir el proceso optimizado de gestión de viáticos de manera eficiente.
Sheri Resume 4206Sheri KellySheri N. Kelly is seeking a position that offers advancement based on performance. She has over 15 years of experience in office management and coordination roles. Most recently, she was the Office Coordinator for Virtual Vintage, where she managed the owner's calendar, maintained marketing efforts, and provided excellent customer service. Prior to that, she was the Office Manager for JC National HVAC, handling accounts receivable, scheduling, dispatching technicians, and various administrative duties. Kelly has strong computer skills including QuickBooks, Microsoft Office, and marketing automation platforms.
Herramientas para crear mapas conceptualesJeimy FierroEste documento lista y describe 7 herramientas digitales para crear mapas conceptuales e infografías. Cada herramienta incluye su nombre, una breve descripción de su función y un enlace. Las herramientas descritas son Mindomo, Cmaptools, Gliffy,, Lovelycharts, Creately y MindMeister.
reference from SigritJekaterina SirokiJekaterina Široki is a determined, courageous person with very high professional and personal goals who is not afraid of hard work or challenges. She performs her work with full devotion, always looking to improve and being thorough, swift, and conscientious. Jekaterina is also a good communicator who is open, positive, and stands up for her principles and team. She is valued in her role at the bank.
cover letterJekaterina SirokiKate Siroki is writing to inquire about any vacancies at the company. She has eight years of experience in bank administration and management of financial portfolios. Her duties included processing transactions, preparing reports, and implementing accounting systems. Kate believes she is a hard worker with strong computer and communication skills who would be an asset to the team. She has excellent references and asks to discuss any potential opportunities.
2011~2012 소프트웨어 관련도서 추천 리뷰 모음Choulhyouc Lee아래의 9권 책 리뷰를 포함하고 있습니다.
리팩토링 코드 품질을 개선하는 객체지향 사고법
빅데이터의 충격 (거대한 데이터의 파도가 사업 전략을 바꾼다)
헤드 퍼스트 데이터 분석 (당신을 최고의 데이터 분석가로 이끌어줄 마법 같은 학습서)
왓슨 인간의 사고를 시작하다
소프트웨어 누가 이렇게 개떡같이 만든 거야
앱만장자 (부를 거머쥔 인디 개발자들의 성공 비법)
애자일 마스터 (프로젝트 인셉션 추정과 계획 그리고 실행)
읽기 좋은 코드가 좋은 코드다 (더 나은 코드를 작성하는 간단하고 실전적인 테크닉)
프로그래머, 열정을 말하다
『밑바닥부터 시작하는 딥러닝』 - 미리보기복연 이사이토 고키 지음 | 개앞맵시(이복연) 옮김 | 24,000원 | 한빛미디어 | 2017.01.03
"직접 구현하고 움직여보며 익히는 가장 쉬운 딥러닝 입문서 "
이 책은 라이브러리나 프레임워크에 의존하지 않고, 딥러닝의 핵심을 ‘밑바닥부터’ 직접 만들어보며 즐겁게 배울 수 있는 본격 딥러닝 입문서입니다. 술술 읽힐 만큼 쉽게 설명하였고, 역전파처럼 어려운 내용은 ‘계산 그래프’ 기법으로 시각적으로 풀이했습니다. 무엇보다 작동하는 코드가 있어 직접 돌려보고 요리조리 수정해보면 어려운 이론도 명확하게 이해할 수 있습니다. 딥러닝에 새롭게 입문하려는 분과 기초를 다시금 정리하고 싶은 현업 연구자와 개발자에게 최고의 책이 될 것입니다.