Este documento proporciona información sobre una compa?ía llamada EMGOLDEX que vende lingotes de oro puro de 999,9 milésimas desde 1 hasta 100 gramos. La compa?ía ofrece un programa de bonos y ganancias residuales para emprendedores así como la compra de oro en su tienda en línea para compradores. También describe un plan de marketing multinivel para la entrada de nuevos miembros y ganancias residuales ilimitadas.
This short document discusses off reservation boarding schools and provides the name of one school called the "Lutheran Indian Mission". It lists four names of people and asks if there are any questions at the end.
Especialidad en Tecnología Educativa
18? Generación
Actividad 4.5
La gestión de los procesos de innovación
Pérez Castro Carlos Antonio
This document provides fisheries production data for Taiwan from 1959 to 1964, including total production and value by year, fishery type, and region. It shows that:
- Total fisheries production and value increased each year from 246,327 metric tons valued at NT$2.12 billion in 1959 to 376,398 metric tons valued at NT$2.97 billion in 1964.
- Offshore and coastal fisheries accounted for the majority of production and value each year. Aquaculture, particularly saltwater fishponds, also significantly increased production and value over this period.
This document provides revenue, expenditure, and gain figures for various fish markets in Taiwan broken down by market and ice making/cold storage. The totals show that overall revenues were 1.679 billion NT$, expenditures were 1.441 billion NT$, and total gain was 238 million NT$. Individual market figures are also provided.
This document provides supply and sale statistics for fish in Taiwan by region in kilograms. It shows the total supply, amount supplied locally within each region and from other regions, total sales, direct sales, sales for processing, and sales to other towns/cities. The key regions supplied are Suao, Taitung, Donggang, and Taichung Port. Most regions supply the majority of their fish locally and sell most directly, with a portion also going to other towns or for processing.
El documento proporciona datos sobre las víctimas de accidentes entre pescadores en varios distritos de Taiwán. Divide la información en categorías como muertes, heridos graves y leves, desaparecidos, y causa del accidente (caída al mar, buceo, incendio, enfermedad, hundimiento, disparos). En total, hubo 20 muertes, 6 heridos graves y 49 heridos leves. La mayoría de los accidentes se debieron a caídas al mar.
This document provides data on fish supply in Taiwan by region, supplier type, and market from 2020. Some key details:
- Total fish supply was 112,182,891 kg, with over 60% from production areas and around 40% from consumption areas.
- The largest supplying production areas were Kaohsiung (148,784,835 kg), Tungkang (32,844,507 kg), and Orchid Island (7,642,000 kg).
- By supplier type, fishermen provided the most at 181,454,649 kg (60.3%), followed by fishery companies at 97,018,224 kg (32.2%).
- The largest consuming
Este documento presenta datos sobre la producción y el valor de diferentes tipos de productos de pescado enlatado. Incluye tablas con cifras sobre la cantidad producida (en cajas) y el valor (en miles de dólares taiwaneses) de varias especies de pescado, como sardinas, anguila de mar y almejas, envasadas en diferentes tipos de latas y con diferentes tratamientos, como agua, aceite y condimentados.