This document provides supply and sale statistics for fish in Taiwan by region in kilograms. It shows the total supply, amount supplied locally within each region and from other regions, total sales, direct sales, sales for processing, and sales to other towns/cities. The key regions supplied are Suao, Taitung, Donggang, and Taichung Port. Most regions supply the majority of their fish locally and sell most directly, with a portion also going to other towns or for processing.
The document projects the monthly statements of operations and retained earnings for Bioceutical Research Labs, Inc. from June 2012 through May 2013. It forecasts revenues from sales each month along with cost of goods sold, operating expenses including fixed costs like rent and salaries, variable costs like commissions and marketing, and taxes. The projections show net income increasing each month over the year period as sales are expected to rise from $149,940 to $2,399,040 per month.
The document projects the statements of operations and retained earnings for Bioceutical Research Labs, Inc. for the period ending June 30, 2012. It forecasts monthly sales, costs, expenses, profits and losses. Gross sales are projected to be $8.4 million for the year with net income of $940,089. Operating expenses are estimated to be $4.66 million, reducing earnings before taxes to $1.45 million for the year.
This document provides economic projections for various commodities from 2015 to 2026, including changes in price, volume, export value, and other metrics. It includes projections for coal, copper concentrate, iron ore, crude oil, zinc ore, non-money gold, calcite, molybdenum, washed cashmere, combed cashmere, and total mineral contributions. For each commodity, it shows the projected annual percentage change in price and volume, as well as total export value. The projections contain values for mean price changes, standard deviation of price changes, and other statistical indicators.
Financial Model Sample Format - Cement CompanyPranav Pareek
A sample of a basic financial model of a hypothetical cement company based in Kenya
- Driver Sheet (with Revenue Model)
- Income Statement
- Balance Sheet
- Cash Flow
- DCF (including WACC calculation and Sensitivity Analysis)
- Ratio Analysis
This document provides revenue, expenditure, and gain figures for various fish markets in Taiwan broken down by market and ice making/cold storage. The totals show that overall revenues were 1.679 billion NT$, expenditures were 1.441 billion NT$, and total gain was 238 million NT$. Individual market figures are also provided.
The document discusses internet usage statistics in India from 1998 to 2010. It provides data on the number of internet users and India's population for each year, as well as the percentage of the population that used the internet. The number of users grew from 1.4 million in 1998 to over 100 million in 2010, with the percentage of the population using the internet increasing from 0.1% to 8.5% over that period. Sources of the usage data include the ITU, CIA Almanac, IAMAI and IWS.
The document presents optimistic and pessimistic scenarios for company revenue and costs over 4 years. Under the optimistic scenario, B2C sales increase 15% annually and B2B sales increase 10% annually. Profits are positive by year 3. Under the pessimistic scenario, B2C sales increase 10% annually and B2B sales increase 7.5% annually. Profits remain negative over the 3 year period. Both scenarios assume a one-time capital investment in year 0 and 10% annual depreciation.
The document is a report listing courses offered in the summer semester, including the number of students enrolled in each section, total tuition revenue based on a $40 per credit rate, the amount owed to each professor, and the remaining balance owed. It includes over 100 course sections across multiple campuses, with student counts ranging from 1 to 60, credits from 2 to 4, and professor pay ranging from around $9,000 to $38,000 per section. Revenues are projected based on student numbers and credit hours, with balances due to professors listed for each section.
This code takes user input of numbers in a vector of size N, sorts the vector in ascending order using nested for loops, and displays the sorted vector in a text box. When the button is clicked, it gets the vector size N from a text box, populates the vector with inputted numbers, uses nested for loops to compare and swap elements if out of order, and outputs the sorted vector.
This document appears to be a question and answer format with multiple questions asked and several answers provided but no other contextual information. It is difficult to determine the topic or essential information from the limited content presented.
- O documento discute conceitos fundamentais do direito tributário, como direito positivo, ciência do direito, norma jurídica e o conceito de tributo.
- ? apresentada a estrutura lógica padr?o de uma norma jurídica (antecedente, consequente e san??o) e como o significado de uma lei só emerge após processo interpretativo.
- Discorre sobre as características essenciais de um tributo segundo o CTN e questiona se contribui??es e empréstimos compulsórios se encaixam nesta def
O documento discute como a linguagem constrói a realidade de diferentes formas. Primeiro, explica como nossa percep??o ingênua da realidade é desafiada pela física moderna. Em seguida, discute como diferentes sistemas linguísticos, como a linguagem social, jurídica e científica, cada um cria sua própria realidade. Finalmente, argumenta que a tradu??o entre linguagens diferentes também cria novas realidades.
Campa?a de envío de correos electrónicos á Real Academia Galega para pedir que no ano 2014 o Día das Letras Galegas se dedique a Ricardo Carvalho Calero.
O documento discute o LinkedIn, uma rede social profissional online. Aborda conceitos de arquitetura da informa??o, sistemas de organiza??o, avalia??o de usabilidade e acessibilidade no LinkedIn. Conclui que o site permite manter contatos profissionais, porém precisa melhorar a acessibilidade, como permitir aumentar o tamanho da fonte.
Este documento resume uma avalia??o de usabilidade e acessibilidade do site Livemocha realizada por alunos da UFMG. O relatório aponta que o Livemocha atende aos critérios de usabilidade, mas deixa a desejar em rela??o às diretrizes de acessibilidade da WCAG 2.0, n?o podendo ser considerado totalmente acessível.
Este documento descreve os objetivos e procedimentos de um teste de tra??o para determinar o diagrama tens?o-deforma??o de um material. Inclui figuras ilustrando o teste de tra??o, a máquina de ensaio e o diagrama tens?o-deforma??o. Explica como calcular a tens?o e deforma??o nominal a partir dos dados do teste, e os principais pontos do diagrama como limite de elasticidade e resistência. Também diferencia o comportamento de materiais dúcteis e frágeis nestes diagramas.
This document provides data on fish supply in Taiwan by region, supplier type, and market from 2020. Some key details:
- Total fish supply was 112,182,891 kg, with over 60% from production areas and around 40% from consumption areas.
- The largest supplying production areas were Kaohsiung (148,784,835 kg), Tungkang (32,844,507 kg), and Orchid Island (7,642,000 kg).
- By supplier type, fishermen provided the most at 181,454,649 kg (60.3%), followed by fishery companies at 97,018,224 kg (32.2%).
- The largest consuming
This document discusses financial planning and analysis (FP&A), including what FP&A is, where it fits in an organization, typical education and skills needed, common reports and techniques used, and the future of the field. It provides examples of monthly budget reports for revenue and cost of goods sold for a company, including line items for sales, discounts, returns, expenses, variances, and more. It also lists typical FP&A data and reports such as trial balances, budgets, cash flow projections, business models, and reconciliations.
This code takes user input of numbers in a vector of size N, sorts the vector in ascending order using nested for loops, and displays the sorted vector in a text box. When the button is clicked, it gets the vector size N from a text box, populates the vector with inputted numbers, uses nested for loops to compare and swap elements if out of order, and outputs the sorted vector.
This document appears to be a question and answer format with multiple questions asked and several answers provided but no other contextual information. It is difficult to determine the topic or essential information from the limited content presented.
- O documento discute conceitos fundamentais do direito tributário, como direito positivo, ciência do direito, norma jurídica e o conceito de tributo.
- ? apresentada a estrutura lógica padr?o de uma norma jurídica (antecedente, consequente e san??o) e como o significado de uma lei só emerge após processo interpretativo.
- Discorre sobre as características essenciais de um tributo segundo o CTN e questiona se contribui??es e empréstimos compulsórios se encaixam nesta def
O documento discute como a linguagem constrói a realidade de diferentes formas. Primeiro, explica como nossa percep??o ingênua da realidade é desafiada pela física moderna. Em seguida, discute como diferentes sistemas linguísticos, como a linguagem social, jurídica e científica, cada um cria sua própria realidade. Finalmente, argumenta que a tradu??o entre linguagens diferentes também cria novas realidades.
Campa?a de envío de correos electrónicos á Real Academia Galega para pedir que no ano 2014 o Día das Letras Galegas se dedique a Ricardo Carvalho Calero.
O documento discute o LinkedIn, uma rede social profissional online. Aborda conceitos de arquitetura da informa??o, sistemas de organiza??o, avalia??o de usabilidade e acessibilidade no LinkedIn. Conclui que o site permite manter contatos profissionais, porém precisa melhorar a acessibilidade, como permitir aumentar o tamanho da fonte.
Este documento resume uma avalia??o de usabilidade e acessibilidade do site Livemocha realizada por alunos da UFMG. O relatório aponta que o Livemocha atende aos critérios de usabilidade, mas deixa a desejar em rela??o às diretrizes de acessibilidade da WCAG 2.0, n?o podendo ser considerado totalmente acessível.
Este documento descreve os objetivos e procedimentos de um teste de tra??o para determinar o diagrama tens?o-deforma??o de um material. Inclui figuras ilustrando o teste de tra??o, a máquina de ensaio e o diagrama tens?o-deforma??o. Explica como calcular a tens?o e deforma??o nominal a partir dos dados do teste, e os principais pontos do diagrama como limite de elasticidade e resistência. Também diferencia o comportamento de materiais dúcteis e frágeis nestes diagramas.
This document provides data on fish supply in Taiwan by region, supplier type, and market from 2020. Some key details:
- Total fish supply was 112,182,891 kg, with over 60% from production areas and around 40% from consumption areas.
- The largest supplying production areas were Kaohsiung (148,784,835 kg), Tungkang (32,844,507 kg), and Orchid Island (7,642,000 kg).
- By supplier type, fishermen provided the most at 181,454,649 kg (60.3%), followed by fishery companies at 97,018,224 kg (32.2%).
- The largest consuming
This document discusses financial planning and analysis (FP&A), including what FP&A is, where it fits in an organization, typical education and skills needed, common reports and techniques used, and the future of the field. It provides examples of monthly budget reports for revenue and cost of goods sold for a company, including line items for sales, discounts, returns, expenses, variances, and more. It also lists typical FP&A data and reports such as trial balances, budgets, cash flow projections, business models, and reconciliations.
This document is the budget allocation for the fiscal year 2017 of the Tambon Tha Sao Subdistrict Administrative Organization in Uttaradit Province, Thailand. It allocates a total budget of 74,762,900 Baht across various expenditure categories. Some of the largest allocations include 24,165,090 Baht for infrastructure and public facilities, 16,385,490 Baht for debt interest payments, and 15,203,330 Baht for personnel expenses. It also outlines the actual spending for the past 3 fiscal years for comparison.
This document contains financial data across multiple years including revenue, expenses, assets and liabilities. The largest section shows revenue increasing from $15.6 million to $21.7 million over 3 years while expenses increased from $1.6 million to $4.5 million. Overall profits increased from $14.2 million to $17.2 million in that period.
Financial Report:Cash Budget, Income Statement & Balance Sheet? ??
The document shows the monthly cash receipts and payments schedules for Lenggang Travel Sdn Bhd for the period of January to December 2015. Cash receipts were highest in February and July due to high sales of adventure and beach holidays respectively. Cash payments were highest in June and July due to high costs of airline tickets and hotel bookings for cancelled holidays. By the end of the year, the company had a net cash balance of RM1,419,500 and net profit of RM211,500 for the financial year.
The document proposes converting an underutilized mobile station located at a high-traffic intersection into a convenience store with fuel pumps, a car wash, and repair services. It details the projected conversion costs of $453,960 and financial projections showing increased annual net income of $760,848 and returns on investment of 34.58% compared to the property's current performance. The site is well-located with over 87,000 vehicles passing per day and has no environmental issues.
The document proposes converting an underutilized mobile station located at a high-traffic intersection into a convenience store with fuel pumps, a car wash, and repair services. It details the projected conversion costs of $453,960 and financial projections showing increased annual net income of $760,848 and returns on investment of 34.58% compared to current operations. The site is well-located with over 87,000 vehicles passing daily and no environmental issues. Expressions of interest in the proposed conversion are invited by July 15th, 2011.
This document outlines the projected budget for a restaurant over 10 years. It includes projections for sales, cost of goods sold, labor costs, expenses, and opening costs. Total sales are projected to increase by 5% each year. Food and alcohol sales are projected at 93% and 7% of total sales respectively. Cost of goods sold for food is 30% and alcohol is 25% of their respective sales. Labor costs include salaries at 10% of sales, hourly wages at 17%, benefits at 2%, and payroll taxes at 3%. Expenses such as rent, utilities and supplies are also accounted for.
The document appears to be a report listing various individuals identified by number (e.g. A1, B1, etc.), the income or organization amount for each, total bonuses, product bonuses, network bonuses, sponsor bonuses, and identification numbers. It includes totals for cash back and modal ke luar (translated funds out).
This document provides an overview of commercial and planning activities at a company. It discusses key functions like sales and marketing, procurement, production, and distribution. It also summarizes planning work like demand forecasting, production planning, material requirement analysis, and inventory management. Graphs and tables show data on sales targets, stock levels, material requirements, and price trends to support the planning process.
This document was created to entice investors into a snare - the words Nigerian Scam ring a bell - Investors Beware it screams....scam, fraud all come to mind....
Search for John Cutten Fraudster....Caveat Emptor - watch out!!!!
The document analyzes the number of units, financial appraisal, and cash flow for a proposed development project consisting of 198 units across three types: double-storey terrace homes, double-storey shop/offices, and low-cost houses. It provides details on the gross development value, gross development cost, and projected cash inflows and outflows over 24 months from 2013 to 2014. The total development cost is estimated at RM38.6 million and the gross development value is RM55.1 million, indicating a potential profit of RM16.5 million.
The document appears to be an analytical report listing stocks and their realized and unrealized gains and losses between April 1, 1970 and March 31, 2016. It includes information on the quantity sold, realized amount, realized gain/loss, balance quantity, average cost price, current market price, unrealized amount, unrealized gain/loss, and total gain/loss for each stock. A total realized amount of ?11,93,625.00 and total unrealized amount of ?2,03,347.00 is reported, with an overall gain of ?3,45,958.00 or 18.32%.
- In week 7, 144 new sales leads were added. 44 of those leads were followed up in the same week, with 100 total leads followed up.
- Across all segments, 3,901 accounts were pre-loaded with 268 tapped in week 7's funnel. 489 accounts totaled in sales funnels with 244 reaching conversion.
- For consumer marketing sales plays, 2,649 total accounts were acquired in week 7 with 67% follow-up rates and 138 tapped in funnels. The plays resulted in 182 conversions totaling $3,479,305 in booking revenue.
The document is a budget report for the fiscal year 2559 BE (2016 CE) of the Tha Sao Subdistrict Municipality in Uttaradit Province, Thailand. It provides details of revenue and expenditure estimates for the year, including breakdowns of projected income sources and spending categories. The total approved budget is 57,092,500 Baht, with expected revenue of 57,092,500 Baht to match projected expenditures.
The document discusses bonus distributions from two companies, PT. Super Metro and PT. Super Hero. It provides information on:
1) Net profits, bonus percentages to be distributed, and amounts for each company.
2) Number of employees in each grade level and division for both companies.
3) Basic salary amounts for each company and division.
4) Bonus calculation and distribution amounts for each grade level in both companies.
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This document contains cash flow analyses for a construction company from 2012 to 2020. It shows projected income from sales and loans, expenses for personnel, materials, machinery, and other costs. It also includes a loan amortization schedule and graphs showing the balance of cash and accumulated cash over time. The analyses project steady income growth from sales each year and a gradual increase in the balance and accumulation of cash in the company's accounts.
Bioceutical Research Labs projects sales to steadily increase each month from June 2010 to May 2011, reaching a total of $3.1 million for the year. Gross profits are projected at 71.47% of sales. Total operating expenses are projected to be 70.84% of sales, including fixed costs like wages, rent, and marketing, as well as variable costs like commissions and freight. This would result in a small net income of $12,577, or 0.41% of projected total sales, for the full year ending May 2011.
This document provides fisheries production data for Taiwan from 1959 to 1964, including total production and value by year, fishery type, and region. It shows that:
- Total fisheries production and value increased each year from 246,327 metric tons valued at NT$2.12 billion in 1959 to 376,398 metric tons valued at NT$2.97 billion in 1964.
- Offshore and coastal fisheries accounted for the majority of production and value each year. Aquaculture, particularly saltwater fishponds, also significantly increased production and value over this period.