The document is a report on private equity exits in 2012 that contains the following key points:
- Private equity exit activity in 2011 totaled 420 deals and $104 billion, similar to 2010 levels.
- Exit activity increased in the second half of 2011 while investment activity declined.
- Private equity firms were able to execute exits across all industries and company sizes.
- Median exit valuation multiples hit a three-year high, driven by improving company performance and demand in the M&A market.
"1-year later" update to the Pavia Startup Scene. A brief overview of coworking places, institutions, associations, initiatives, digital agencies and university spin-off in the city.
The document provides details about a school trip taken by a class from Grottaminarda, Italy to various locations around their town from January 28th to February 13th, 2010. The class visited local churches, including St. Thomas Church, St. Michael Church, and St. Mary's Church. They also toured the D'Aquino Castle, which has an archaeological museum and modern art museum. The trip included learning about the history and architecture of important landmarks in Grottaminarda.
Coming Friday, July 30, 2010: Stage play, "Echoes in my Blues", written, directed, and produced by my sister-in-law, Curesa Clark. Show some love. Tickets on sale now. For more info on this wonderful stage play, press play to view presentation.
The document is a report on private equity exits in 2012 that contains the following key points:
- Private equity exit activity in 2011 totaled 420 deals and $104 billion, similar to 2010 levels.
- Exit activity increased in the second half of 2011 while investment activity declined.
- Private equity firms were able to execute exits across all industries and company sizes.
- Median exit valuation multiples hit a three-year high, driven by improving company performance and demand in the M&A market.
"1-year later" update to the Pavia Startup Scene. A brief overview of coworking places, institutions, associations, initiatives, digital agencies and university spin-off in the city.
The document provides details about a school trip taken by a class from Grottaminarda, Italy to various locations around their town from January 28th to February 13th, 2010. The class visited local churches, including St. Thomas Church, St. Michael Church, and St. Mary's Church. They also toured the D'Aquino Castle, which has an archaeological museum and modern art museum. The trip included learning about the history and architecture of important landmarks in Grottaminarda.
Coming Friday, July 30, 2010: Stage play, "Echoes in my Blues", written, directed, and produced by my sister-in-law, Curesa Clark. Show some love. Tickets on sale now. For more info on this wonderful stage play, press play to view presentation.
This document discusses the development of plate tectonics as a scientific theory. Paleomagnetism from rock magnetism provided evidence that continents have moved over time. Similar patterns in the magnetic poles' paths for North America and Europe indicated they were once joined. Mapping of the ocean floor in the 1950s-60s revealed seafloor spreading at ridges. Geomagnetic reversals recorded in ocean crust provided further evidence when linked to seafloor spreading in 1963. This led to plate tectonics becoming accepted as explaining how Earth's major rigid plates continuously move at a slow rate.
- The document describes an algorithm called seed-and-spawn that searches for matching local regions between two images by propagating an initial set of seed matches. It does this by spawning new matches from existing matches at different image scales and locations, continuously matching regions at coarser and finer scales.
- The algorithm takes an initial set of seed matches and refines them before adding them to a priority queue. It then repeatedly spawns new matches from the highest priority match and refines the spawns. Matches that satisfy criteria are added to the solution.
- The algorithm was evaluated on an object recognition benchmark and shown to significantly increase the discriminative power of a state-of-the-art local feature matching method.
This document discusses object-oriented programming concepts in PHP, including classes, objects, inheritance, polymorphism, and data hiding. It provides examples of each concept, such as using the extends keyword for inheritance and interfaces for polymorphism. Magic functions like __get() and __set() are also covered. Keywords in PHP OOP like class, interface, implements, and extends are highlighted.
Dokumen tersebut membahas tentang pentingnya penilaian peserta didik yang sesuai dengan tuntutan kompetensi. Dokumen menjelaskan perlunya proses pembelajaran dan penilaian yang sejalan untuk mengukur kemampuan peserta didik dalam menghadapi tantangan abad 21. Dokumen juga menyajikan tabel yang menjelaskan kaitan antara kegiatan pembelajaran dengan domain kognitif, afektif, dan psikomotorik.
The document provides an overview of the startup scene in Pavia, Italy, including institutional organizations, thematic associations, co-working spaces, university initiatives and spin-offs, digital agencies, and local media blogs that cover entrepreneurship in the region. Key organizations mentioned include WeDev, the European Tech Alliance, UNIPV Innovation, and Universitiamo. The document also lists over 25 university spin-offs created between 2013-2015 and notes places like coworking spaces in Vigevano and Binasco that support entrepreneurs.
SWOT International is a consulting firm that aims to help companies reach their goals through strategic planning and process improvement. They discuss how catching up with business trends is important. Their services include developing dynamic sales forces, strategic planning tailored to specific markets, and ensuring regulatory compliance when expanding to Mexico. The document promotes SWOT International's solutions for issues like low market share, lack of international sales force, and undefined strategic plans.