πινόκιο 1dex3Εργασίες των μαθητών της Ε΄ τάξης του 2ου Δ.Σ. Αλμυρού, υπό την επίβλεψη της δασκάλας τους, στα πλαίσια του μαθήματος της γλώσσας :«Γράψε μια φανταστική ιστορία με πρωταγωνιστή τον Πινόκιο».Η συγκεκριμένη εργασία αποσκοπεί στο να κεντρίσει την φαντασία των μαθητών.Επιπλέον να τους ωθήσει στη λογοτεχνική γραφή, με στόχο να αναπτύξουν τη δημιουργικότητά τους και να γίνουν επαρκέστεροι αναγνώστες.
6ο δημοτικό σχολείο "Μικροί Δημιουργοί από το σχολείο" Vasiliki ResvaniΕνδοσχολικό δίκτυο πολιτιστικού προγράμματος εθελοντισμού. Βασική θεματική του η εικαστική αναμόρφωση των κοινόχρηστων χώρων του σχολείου με στόχο την αγάπη για αυτό και την ανάπτυξη του εθελοντισμού.
Όλο το σχολείο φροντίζει να διακοσμούνται οι τοίχοι και το καλοκαίρι γίνονται γκραφιτι σε εξωτερικούς τοίχους.
Greek traditional items exhibition -έκθεση λαογραφικήTheodora Chandrinou20ο Δημοτικό Σχολείο Ιλίου, Αθήνα, Ελλάδα. Σχολικό έτος 2015 -2016.
Ελληνική παραδοσιακή λαογραφική έκθεση, που πραγματοποιήθηκε στην αίθουσα εκδηλώσεων του 20ου Δημοτικού Σχολείου Ιλίου, Αθήνα, Ελλάδα, τον μήνα Μάρτιο.
Υπεύθυνη εκπαιδευτικός αρμόδια για την οργάνωση της έκθεσης: Ζωή Πλατή. Σε συνεργασία με τους γονείς των παιδιών και εμπλέκοντας γόνιμα όλη τη σχολική μας κοινότητα. Τα παιδιά της ΣΤ τάξης που συμμετείχαν στο Ευρωπαϊκό e-Twinning πρόγραμμά μας: «Η τέχνη της Χαρακτικής ως παιδαγωγικό εργαλείο» ξεναγήθηκαν στην έκθεση και διδάχθηκαν για την ελληνική παραδοσιακή μας τέχνη από το Δάσκαλο της τάξης τους. Μελέτησαν τα παραδοσιακά μοτίβα, εμπνεύστηκαν και δημιούργησαν χαρακτικά στο μάθημα των Εικαστικών.
Συνεργάστηκαν οι Εκπαιδευτικοί των ΣΤ τάξεων: Νίκος Κόικας – Υποδιευθυντής, Δάσκαλος ΣΤ1 τάξης, Μαρία Κακαβά, Δασκάλα ΣΤ2 τάξηςκαι Θεοδώρα Χανδρινού - Διδασκαλία Εικαστικών, ιδρυτής του προγράμματος e-Twinning για την Ελλάδα.
Εορτασμός της Παγκόσμιας Ημέρας της Ελληνικής Γλώσσας στα Ελληνικά Σχολεία τη...gvlachosΕορτασμός της Παγκόσμιας Ημέρας της Ελληνικής Γλώσσας στα Ελληνικά Σχολεία της Ελληνικής Κοινότητας Λουμπουμπάσι 9 Φεβρουαρίου 2022
My portfolio doragkThe document discusses the benefits of using portfolios for language learning and assessment. It defines a portfolio as a collection of student work that shows their progress and achievements. Portfolios have several benefits, including allowing students to reflect on their learning and growth, take ownership of their work, and demonstrate different skills and types of intelligence. They can also serve as an assessment tool and language passport.
M.s.a cyprus cypanteli.mCyprus is an island located in the Eastern Mediterranean between Africa, Asia, and Europe. It has a population of around 891,000 people distributed across 6 districts. The capital Nicosia is divided, while Limassol has the largest population. Cyprus has a Mediterranean climate and is known for its beaches. Though Cyprus gained independence from the UK in 1960, 40% of its northern area remains occupied by Turkish troops since a conflict in 1974 divided the Greek and Turkish Cypriot populations.
πινόκιο 1dex3Εργασίες των μαθητών της Ε΄ τάξης του 2ου Δ.Σ. Αλμυρού, υπό την επίβλεψη της δασκάλας τους, στα πλαίσια του μαθήματος της γλώσσας :«Γράψε μια φανταστική ιστορία με πρωταγωνιστή τον Πινόκιο».Η συγκεκριμένη εργασία αποσκοπεί στο να κεντρίσει την φαντασία των μαθητών.Επιπλέον να τους ωθήσει στη λογοτεχνική γραφή, με στόχο να αναπτύξουν τη δημιουργικότητά τους και να γίνουν επαρκέστεροι αναγνώστες.
6ο δημοτικό σχολείο "Μικροί Δημιουργοί από το σχολείο" Vasiliki ResvaniΕνδοσχολικό δίκτυο πολιτιστικού προγράμματος εθελοντισμού. Βασική θεματική του η εικαστική αναμόρφωση των κοινόχρηστων χώρων του σχολείου με στόχο την αγάπη για αυτό και την ανάπτυξη του εθελοντισμού.
Όλο το σχολείο φροντίζει να διακοσμούνται οι τοίχοι και το καλοκαίρι γίνονται γκραφιτι σε εξωτερικούς τοίχους.
Greek traditional items exhibition -έκθεση λαογραφικήTheodora Chandrinou20ο Δημοτικό Σχολείο Ιλίου, Αθήνα, Ελλάδα. Σχολικό έτος 2015 -2016.
Ελληνική παραδοσιακή λαογραφική έκθεση, που πραγματοποιήθηκε στην αίθουσα εκδηλώσεων του 20ου Δημοτικού Σχολείου Ιλίου, Αθήνα, Ελλάδα, τον μήνα Μάρτιο.
Υπεύθυνη εκπαιδευτικός αρμόδια για την οργάνωση της έκθεσης: Ζωή Πλατή. Σε συνεργασία με τους γονείς των παιδιών και εμπλέκοντας γόνιμα όλη τη σχολική μας κοινότητα. Τα παιδιά της ΣΤ τάξης που συμμετείχαν στο Ευρωπαϊκό e-Twinning πρόγραμμά μας: «Η τέχνη της Χαρακτικής ως παιδαγωγικό εργαλείο» ξεναγήθηκαν στην έκθεση και διδάχθηκαν για την ελληνική παραδοσιακή μας τέχνη από το Δάσκαλο της τάξης τους. Μελέτησαν τα παραδοσιακά μοτίβα, εμπνεύστηκαν και δημιούργησαν χαρακτικά στο μάθημα των Εικαστικών.
Συνεργάστηκαν οι Εκπαιδευτικοί των ΣΤ τάξεων: Νίκος Κόικας – Υποδιευθυντής, Δάσκαλος ΣΤ1 τάξης, Μαρία Κακαβά, Δασκάλα ΣΤ2 τάξηςκαι Θεοδώρα Χανδρινού - Διδασκαλία Εικαστικών, ιδρυτής του προγράμματος e-Twinning για την Ελλάδα.
Εορτασμός της Παγκόσμιας Ημέρας της Ελληνικής Γλώσσας στα Ελληνικά Σχολεία τη...gvlachosΕορτασμός της Παγκόσμιας Ημέρας της Ελληνικής Γλώσσας στα Ελληνικά Σχολεία της Ελληνικής Κοινότητας Λουμπουμπάσι 9 Φεβρουαρίου 2022
My portfolio doragkThe document discusses the benefits of using portfolios for language learning and assessment. It defines a portfolio as a collection of student work that shows their progress and achievements. Portfolios have several benefits, including allowing students to reflect on their learning and growth, take ownership of their work, and demonstrate different skills and types of intelligence. They can also serve as an assessment tool and language passport.
M.s.a cyprus cypanteli.mCyprus is an island located in the Eastern Mediterranean between Africa, Asia, and Europe. It has a population of around 891,000 people distributed across 6 districts. The capital Nicosia is divided, while Limassol has the largest population. Cyprus has a Mediterranean climate and is known for its beaches. Though Cyprus gained independence from the UK in 1960, 40% of its northern area remains occupied by Turkish troops since a conflict in 1974 divided the Greek and Turkish Cypriot populations.
M.S.A school CYpanteli.mAyios Georgios Lyceum is a public school in Nicosia, Cyprus founded in 1998. It is located in a green and peaceful suburb next to a river, and has modern facilities including 26 classrooms and 20 specialized classrooms. The school has over 600 students and 99 teachers, and offers a broad curriculum along with various extracurricular activities like sports, volunteer work, environmental programs, theater, music, and conferences.
Give a child something to talk about!Louise StuartLouise Stuart is a speech-language pathologist who uses various tools and techniques to help students with communication difficulties, including a therapy dog named Toby, augmentative and alternative communication devices, tactile BINGO for visually impaired students, and Boardmaker software. She also facilitates workshops on health, wellness, and art projects to support students with special needs.
κοπή βασιλόπιτας 2016doragkThis document announces a Teachers of English Union of Macedonia event on February 7, 2016. It will include presentations and workshops on teaching Shakespeare's sonnets, as well as a theatrical performance celebrating Shakespeare the playwright. The event aims to provide professional development for teachers and support the union's work. All English teachers are invited to attend for a 5 euro fee and encouraged to join or renew their annual 15 euro membership. Brief biographies of the event speakers, Dr. Luke Prodromou and David Gibson, are also provided.
First steps in applying clildoragkThe document summarizes an attempt to teach geography content about the solar system to 6th grade students through English using Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL). The teacher considered factors like language level and prepared materials incorporating activities to develop the four skills and vocabulary through topics like planets, adjectives, and grammar. Students engaged with content through games, presentations, role-plays and used English to learn. Most students found it motivating and remembered information, though preparation was time-consuming and some struggled with comprehension.
7 september scheduledoragkThe document announces a one-day seminar organized by TEUM to provide assistance to teachers in addressing new challenges related to pedagogy, technology, and professional development at the start of the new school year. The keynote speaker, Mr. George Vassilakis from City & Guilds-Peoplecert, will present on teacher development in the 21st century and how teachers can develop professionally using tools like social media and networking. Two participating publishers, Express Publishing and MM Publications, will also give presentations on incorporating technology and new materials in the classroom.
Teacher development presentation by George VassilakisPeoplecertTeacher development is a never-ending process that involves continuous learning, reflection, and improvement. It is important for both novice and highly experienced teachers. For novice teachers, development includes completing qualifications like CELTA and focusing on practical methodology and collaboration. For more experienced teachers, development involves doubt, reflection on practice, ongoing study, and pursuing additional qualifications. Effective teacher development combines practice, study, reflection, evaluation, and collaboration over the course of a teacher's career. It is important for developing subject matter expertise, pedagogical skills, self-awareness, and understanding of learners. Development can occur through personal study, getting learner feedback, peer observations, workshops, action research, and networking with other teachers.
EnglishteachersinserresdoragkThe document introduces a new blog created by the State English Teachers' Union of Serres as a more interactive shared space for teachers to connect, communicate, and collaborate than a typical website. The blog aims to connect teachers through a personal learning network, communicate by exchanging ideas with other teachers worldwide, and collaborate by building a sense of community and engaging in autonomous learning.
Move2 learn from france to greece 2018doragkFrench students from Lycée Michelet in Paris visited Pentapolis Upper Highschool in Northern Greece from February 9-13, 2018. During their cultural exchange, the students explored local heritage sites like museums and monasteries, learned about disability programs at a therapeutic horse riding center, experienced Greek cuisine and sports like canoeing, and presented their work on Greek television and radio. The visit aimed to promote mutual understanding between the schools and was an unforgettable experience for all involved.
Blackoutpoetrydoragk1. The document is a Padlet board containing blackout poems created by numerous contributors from countries like Ireland, the Netherlands, Poland, France, and Greece.
2. The blackout poems were created by extracting words and phrases from passages of text and arranging them in a poetic form.
3. Comments on the poems praise their creativity, artistry, meanings, and ability to convey messages using only selected words.
Open spaces 3 rd issuedoragkThis document summarizes the 2nd International Conference on Situating Strategy Use held in Komotini, Greece in September 2017. It provided an opportunity for over 100 educators from 26 countries to share experiences and debate the role of language learning strategies. The conference included keynote speeches, panels and presentations on less researched issues related to strategies. It also allowed participants to interact virtually with pioneers in the field of strategy research like Joan Rubin and Anna Chamot. The organizing committee and student volunteers are commended for hosting this inspiring event.
Creative teaching methods_erasmus+doragkThe document describes a seminar on creative teaching methods held in Barcelona, Spain from October 9-13, 2017. The seminar trained teachers from 5 countries on inquiry-based learning, cooperative learning, and student motivation. It was led by trainer Maja Petrushevska and covered group work, discussions, presentations, games, exploring topics, international teams, and cooperation. The document also outlines the phases of inquiry-based learning including planning, retrieving information, processing data, creating presentations, sharing knowledge, and evaluating the process.
Serres xmasprogrammedoragkThis document announces a Christmas workshop and show featuring drama activities and a performance celebrating teaching and Jane Austen. The workshop will demonstrate various drama techniques that can be used in language classrooms to make learning more engaging, help build students' confidence and fluency, and bring textbooks to life. Some techniques include warm-up activities, extended exercises and performances of plays. The show will feature six short sketches inspired by English writers like Austen, Dickens and Wilde, performed by members of an English teachers' association and their theatre group.
Imagine esl groupdoragkThe document contains a collection of quotes and poems from students around the world expressing visions of equality, unity, peace, and love between all people without borders or discrimination. The quotes envision a world where all people help each other, share ideas and feelings, speak the language of love, and work together for a better future.
Teum bulletin 1st issuedoragkThis document summarizes a two-day conference held in Serres, Greece to celebrate the 400th anniversary of William Shakespeare. The conference was organized by the Macedonian Union of English Teachers of Primary and Secondary Education of Serres and focused on Shakespeare's work and its enduring value in world culture. Over the two days, there were theoretical presentations, demonstrations of teaching practices, and hands-on workshops. Excerpts of Shakespeare's plays were also screened. The conference aimed to highlight Shakespeare's magnificent body of work on important social issues and explore its continued relevance in addressing the human experience.
Οι Κυριακές του Τριωδίου: Από την Κυριακή του Τελώνη και του Φαρισαίου μέχρι ...Δήμητρα ΤζίνουΕργασία της μαθήτριας της Α' τάξης του 3ου Γυμνασίου Περιστερίου Λένιας Σηφάκη.
Ασφάλεια στο διαδίκτυο και εκφοβισμός – Δειγματική Διδασκαλία.pptx36dimperistΒασιλική Ιωακειμίδου - Ασφάλεια στο διαδίκτυο και εκφοβισμός – Δειγματική Διδασκαλία
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για διδασκαλία στη τάξη, στη Γ Λυκείου Προσανατολισμού.
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