Типы тестирования
Документооборот в процессе тестирования
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CQAna Claudia RodriguesO documento discute os procedimentos e controles de qualidade para laboratórios clínicos de acordo com a RDC 302 da ANVISA. Ele descreve programas de controle interno e externo da qualidade, incluindo o monitoramento de parâmetros analíticos, ações corretivas e registros. Além disso, fornece diretrizes sobre calibração, materiais de controle, avaliação estatística de resultados e regras para aceitação/rejeição de testes.
Software development life cycle yazılım geliştirme yaşam döngüsüMesut GünesYazılım geliştirme yaşam döngüsü hakkında kalite ve test bakışı açısından kısa bir sunum.
Chapter 1 - Requirement EngineeringNeeraj Kumar SinghThis is chapter 1 of ISTQB Advance Agile Technical Tester certification. This presentation helps aspirants understand and prepare the content of the certification.
Agile Testing: The Role Of The Agile TesterDeclan WhelanThis presentation provides an overview of the role of testers on agile teams.
In essence, the differences between testers and developers should blur so that focus is the whole team completing stories and delivering value.
Testers can add more value on agile teams by contributing earlier and moving from defect detection to defect prevention.
Abordagem familiar para o estudante de medicina - UFMGRicardo AlexandreO documento discute conceitos de família, arranjos familiares e domicílio no Brasil. Aborda a evolução das taxas de fecundidade, o aumento da proporção de pessoas morando sozinhas e a diversificação dos arranjos familiares. Também apresenta ferramentas para avaliação sistêmica de famílias como o genograma, FIRO, PRACTICE e APGAR.
Agile testing principles and practices - Anil KaradeIndicThreadsTraditional test processes are not adaptive to extensive changes in software. Agile process emphasizes on ability to adapt to changing business needs, customer collaboration, integrated teams and frequent delivery of business values. Agile is an umbrella term that describes a variety of methods including XP and Scrum.
The talk will discuss pitfalls of the traditional testing process. Traditional testing process happens very late in the SDLC Where as Agile process focuses on test-first approach. The talk will explain benefits of going agile. Principles and practices of agile process will be discussed and agile methodologies Scrum and Extreme Programming will be discussed in detail. Purpose of Scrum, its effectiveness, timings and managing the scrum will be discussed. Some of the practices for XP like Pair Programming, Test Driven Development will be discussed. The Talk will also cover the QA role in agile world. The talk will cover the implementation issues while shifting from traditional to agile process. Talk will also include an interactive game for illustration of concepts.
QA Best Practices in Agile World_newPraveen Dosapati (CSM)The document discusses QA best practices in an Agile development environment. It describes key aspects of Agile like iterative delivery, self-organizing teams, and rapid feedback. It addresses challenges of fitting QA into short iterations and questions around testing approaches. The document advocates for testing to be collaborative, automated, and continuous throughout development. It provides recommendations for QA roles in activities like planning, stand-ups, retrospectives and acceptance testing. Overall it promotes testing practices in Agile that focus on early feedback, automation, and involvement of QA throughout the development process.
Effective Software Test Case Design ApproachCharles D. Carson, MSSWE, CSM, ASQ-CSQEEffective Software Test Case Design Approach highlights typical wrong approaches to software test case design and focuses on an effective methodology in test case design from a collaborative approach.
Through the use of an example requirement/user story, this presentation highlights the "interactions" between the stakeholders, i.e. Product Owner, Developer, and Test Engineer in the development of user story acceptance criteria, details, test scope, and effective, consistent and valid test cases.
Aumentando a produtividade e Automatizando Processos com JiraLuís Cesar TeodoroO documento apresenta uma introdução ao Atlassian Jira, descrevendo sua visão geral e arquitetura, principais características como segurança, internacionalização e workflows. Também aborda funcionalidades como GreenHopper, integração, relatórios e cenários de uso como helpdesk e gerenciamento de projetos. Por fim, discute aspectos de implantação como escopo e atividades.
Chapter 3 - Agile Testing Methods, Techniques and ToolsNeeraj Kumar SinghThis is the chapter 3 of ISTQB Agile Tester Extension certification. This presentation helps aspirants understand and prepare content of certification.
Especificação de requisitosFernando PalmaEste documento resume os requisitos funcionais e não funcionais para o desenvolvimento de um software de lista de presença. Ele especifica os requisitos para realizar chamadas, visualizar e editar presenças, agendar chamadas, visualizar estatísticas e configurar a lista de presença. Além disso, descreve requisitos de usabilidade, confiabilidade, interface e documentação.
Introdução ao BDD com GherkinValquíria Duarte D'AmatoTem como objetivo uma breve introdução ao BDD com Gherkin.
Nela terá alguns exemplos da utilização da linguagem Gherkin na criação dos BDDs.
Automation TestingSun TechnlogiesThe document discusses automation testing basics, including that automation testing is done using automated tools to write and execute test cases. It explains that automation testing should be used for tasks that are time-consuming, repeated, tedious, or involve high risk test cases. The document also lists some popular free and commercial automation testing tools.
1ª Aula Bioquimica - http://bio-quimica.blogspot.comJulio Dutra1) O documento descreve os procedimentos de um laboratório de bioquímica clínica, incluindo tipos de amostras coletadas, equipamentos utilizados nos processos analíticos e pré/pós-analíticos, e métodos para realizar testes bioquímicos.
2) São detalhados processos de coleta, armazenamento e transporte de amostras para evitar erros, assim como técnicas para punção venosa, arterial e capilar.
3) Os principais equipamentos descritos são espectrof
Istqb Agile-tester ExtensionGirish GoutamThe document provides an overview of the ISTQB Agile Tester certification. It begins by comparing traditional waterfall software development methodology to agile methodology. With waterfall, requirements are gathered upfront and the customer only sees the final product, while with agile development is iterative with working software delivered in short iterations. An example compares developing a word processing competitor under the two methodologies. The rest of the document outlines agile principles, practices for testing in agile, roles of testers, agile testing techniques and tools.
Automation testing introduction for FujiNetHai Tran SonThis document discusses automation testing and provides an overview of manual vs automation testing. It covers why automation testing is important, including allowing repetitive tests to run across multiple builds and reducing human error. Common automation tools like QTP and Selenium are mentioned. The history of automation from record and playback to modern keyword-driven approaches is summarized. Examples of building automation frameworks for QTP and Selenium are provided. In conclusion, the document promotes automation testing as important for the future.
Manual para antibiogramalucwagnerEste documento fornece instruções detalhadas sobre como realizar o teste de antibiograma usando a técnica de Kirby-Bauer, incluindo a preparação da amostra bacteriana, escolha dos discos de antibióticos, execução do teste e interpretação dos resultados. É importante seguir rigorosamente os procedimentos padronizados para garantir a precisão dos resultados.
Katalon Studio - Best automation solution for software testing teamKatalon StudioKatalon Studio is a test automation solution for mobile, web, and API testing. It offers a simple, powerful, and full-featured solution for both small and large testing teams. Key features include cross-platform support, an intuitive graphical user interface, built-in keywords and templates, and integration with development tools and continuous integration systems.
Aula 04 - Diagrama de casos de usoLeinylson FontineleO documento apresenta os conceitos de diagramas de casos de uso. Explica que eles descrevem as interações entre atores e o sistema, sem detalhar como o sistema funciona internamente. Detalha os componentes de um diagrama de casos de uso, incluindo atores, casos de uso e associações, e fornece exemplos de cada um.
Agile testingYogita patilThis document provides an overview of agile testing. It discusses what agile testing is, common agile testing strategies and stages, principles of agile testing, advantages such as reduced time and money and regular feedback, challenges like compressed testing cycles and minimal time for planning, and concludes that communication between teams is key to agile testing success. The agile testing life cycle involves four stages: iteration 0 for initial setup, construction iterations for ongoing testing, release for deployment, and production for maintenance. Principles include testing moving the project forward, testing as a continuous activity, everyone on the team participating in testing, and reducing feedback loops.
Projeto Gestão da Qualidademanskinho1. O documento discute a importância dos sistemas de gestão da qualidade para a satisfação dos clientes e como as ferramentas de gestão da qualidade podem ser aplicadas para melhorar o atendimento ao cliente.
2. Serão apresentadas doze perguntas sobre sistemas de gestão da qualidade que serão aplicadas em uma empresa química da região de Criciúma para avaliar se a qualidade faz diferença na administração das empresas.
3. O objetivo é mostrar como a qualidade nas empresas traz vantagens e identificar se empresas da
Agile Testing and Test AutomationNaveen Kumar SinghLet's explore what is agile testing, how agile testing is different than traditional testing. What practices team has to adopt to have parallel testing and how to create your own test automation framework. Test automation frameworks using cucumber, selenium, junit, nunit, rspec, coded UI etc.
Test Management in Agile - Agile testing Days 2018Derk-Jan de GroodYesterday Jan Jaap Cannegieter and I gave an amazing tutorial at the Agile testing days. In our full day tutorial we discussed the role of the test manager and how to add value in an agile environment.
We discovered that a test manager is operation at two interfaces. One is being that of a quality ambassador that shows the business and stakeholders how testing is done and how its progressing . On the other interface the test manager is enabling the team(s) to build quality into their deliverables. During this full day tutorial we deep dived on both aspects. We discussed the agile test strategy and investigated what activities we test managers undertake, what activities we find important and what is valued most by our stakeholder. You wouldn’t be surprised if we told you that there is a gap between both. Next we practiced with defining agile test plans at MVP and sprint level. And assessed other roles that test managers can adopt. We closed the full circle by concluding that extra activities might be added to our initial brainstorm results. The topic is truly alive. Not only did we have a full rum (we had an all-time conference record with the amount of attendees), during the day we had a lot of lively discussions and answered a lot of questions from the participants. We loved the participation of all in the room and believe we all had a good day.
Chapter 5 - ReviewsNeeraj Kumar SinghThis is the chapter 5 of ISTQB Advance Test Analyst certification. This presentation helps aspirants understand and prepare content of certification.
Aula 2 estudo transversalRicardo AlexandreEste documento descreve os estudos transversais ou de prevalência, incluindo sua estrutura, tempo, utilidade, variáveis, amostra, medidas, vantagens, desvantagens e vieses. Estudos transversais medem características de populações em um único ponto no tempo e são úteis para estimar parâmetros como prevalência, porém não podem estabelecer relações causais.
Técnicas de modelagem de teste (parte 1)Fabrício CamposO documento discute várias técnicas de teste de software, incluindo:
1) Partição de equivalência - Uma técnica para dividir entradas em grupos com comportamento similar e testar um caso de cada grupo.
2) Análise de valor limite - Testa valores próximos aos limites de cada partiçao para verificar possíveis defeitos nessas regiões.
3) Tabela de decisão - Usa regras lógicas para gerar combinações de entrada para teste.
4) Teste de transição de estados - Testa um sistema modelado como máqu
Effective Software Test Case Design ApproachCharles D. Carson, MSSWE, CSM, ASQ-CSQEEffective Software Test Case Design Approach highlights typical wrong approaches to software test case design and focuses on an effective methodology in test case design from a collaborative approach.
Through the use of an example requirement/user story, this presentation highlights the "interactions" between the stakeholders, i.e. Product Owner, Developer, and Test Engineer in the development of user story acceptance criteria, details, test scope, and effective, consistent and valid test cases.
Aumentando a produtividade e Automatizando Processos com JiraLuís Cesar TeodoroO documento apresenta uma introdução ao Atlassian Jira, descrevendo sua visão geral e arquitetura, principais características como segurança, internacionalização e workflows. Também aborda funcionalidades como GreenHopper, integração, relatórios e cenários de uso como helpdesk e gerenciamento de projetos. Por fim, discute aspectos de implantação como escopo e atividades.
Chapter 3 - Agile Testing Methods, Techniques and ToolsNeeraj Kumar SinghThis is the chapter 3 of ISTQB Agile Tester Extension certification. This presentation helps aspirants understand and prepare content of certification.
Especificação de requisitosFernando PalmaEste documento resume os requisitos funcionais e não funcionais para o desenvolvimento de um software de lista de presença. Ele especifica os requisitos para realizar chamadas, visualizar e editar presenças, agendar chamadas, visualizar estatísticas e configurar a lista de presença. Além disso, descreve requisitos de usabilidade, confiabilidade, interface e documentação.
Introdução ao BDD com GherkinValquíria Duarte D'AmatoTem como objetivo uma breve introdução ao BDD com Gherkin.
Nela terá alguns exemplos da utilização da linguagem Gherkin na criação dos BDDs.
Automation TestingSun TechnlogiesThe document discusses automation testing basics, including that automation testing is done using automated tools to write and execute test cases. It explains that automation testing should be used for tasks that are time-consuming, repeated, tedious, or involve high risk test cases. The document also lists some popular free and commercial automation testing tools.
1ª Aula Bioquimica - http://bio-quimica.blogspot.comJulio Dutra1) O documento descreve os procedimentos de um laboratório de bioquímica clínica, incluindo tipos de amostras coletadas, equipamentos utilizados nos processos analíticos e pré/pós-analíticos, e métodos para realizar testes bioquímicos.
2) São detalhados processos de coleta, armazenamento e transporte de amostras para evitar erros, assim como técnicas para punção venosa, arterial e capilar.
3) Os principais equipamentos descritos são espectrof
Istqb Agile-tester ExtensionGirish GoutamThe document provides an overview of the ISTQB Agile Tester certification. It begins by comparing traditional waterfall software development methodology to agile methodology. With waterfall, requirements are gathered upfront and the customer only sees the final product, while with agile development is iterative with working software delivered in short iterations. An example compares developing a word processing competitor under the two methodologies. The rest of the document outlines agile principles, practices for testing in agile, roles of testers, agile testing techniques and tools.
Automation testing introduction for FujiNetHai Tran SonThis document discusses automation testing and provides an overview of manual vs automation testing. It covers why automation testing is important, including allowing repetitive tests to run across multiple builds and reducing human error. Common automation tools like QTP and Selenium are mentioned. The history of automation from record and playback to modern keyword-driven approaches is summarized. Examples of building automation frameworks for QTP and Selenium are provided. In conclusion, the document promotes automation testing as important for the future.
Manual para antibiogramalucwagnerEste documento fornece instruções detalhadas sobre como realizar o teste de antibiograma usando a técnica de Kirby-Bauer, incluindo a preparação da amostra bacteriana, escolha dos discos de antibióticos, execução do teste e interpretação dos resultados. É importante seguir rigorosamente os procedimentos padronizados para garantir a precisão dos resultados.
Katalon Studio - Best automation solution for software testing teamKatalon StudioKatalon Studio is a test automation solution for mobile, web, and API testing. It offers a simple, powerful, and full-featured solution for both small and large testing teams. Key features include cross-platform support, an intuitive graphical user interface, built-in keywords and templates, and integration with development tools and continuous integration systems.
Aula 04 - Diagrama de casos de usoLeinylson FontineleO documento apresenta os conceitos de diagramas de casos de uso. Explica que eles descrevem as interações entre atores e o sistema, sem detalhar como o sistema funciona internamente. Detalha os componentes de um diagrama de casos de uso, incluindo atores, casos de uso e associações, e fornece exemplos de cada um.
Agile testingYogita patilThis document provides an overview of agile testing. It discusses what agile testing is, common agile testing strategies and stages, principles of agile testing, advantages such as reduced time and money and regular feedback, challenges like compressed testing cycles and minimal time for planning, and concludes that communication between teams is key to agile testing success. The agile testing life cycle involves four stages: iteration 0 for initial setup, construction iterations for ongoing testing, release for deployment, and production for maintenance. Principles include testing moving the project forward, testing as a continuous activity, everyone on the team participating in testing, and reducing feedback loops.
Projeto Gestão da Qualidademanskinho1. O documento discute a importância dos sistemas de gestão da qualidade para a satisfação dos clientes e como as ferramentas de gestão da qualidade podem ser aplicadas para melhorar o atendimento ao cliente.
2. Serão apresentadas doze perguntas sobre sistemas de gestão da qualidade que serão aplicadas em uma empresa química da região de Criciúma para avaliar se a qualidade faz diferença na administração das empresas.
3. O objetivo é mostrar como a qualidade nas empresas traz vantagens e identificar se empresas da
Agile Testing and Test AutomationNaveen Kumar SinghLet's explore what is agile testing, how agile testing is different than traditional testing. What practices team has to adopt to have parallel testing and how to create your own test automation framework. Test automation frameworks using cucumber, selenium, junit, nunit, rspec, coded UI etc.
Test Management in Agile - Agile testing Days 2018Derk-Jan de GroodYesterday Jan Jaap Cannegieter and I gave an amazing tutorial at the Agile testing days. In our full day tutorial we discussed the role of the test manager and how to add value in an agile environment.
We discovered that a test manager is operation at two interfaces. One is being that of a quality ambassador that shows the business and stakeholders how testing is done and how its progressing . On the other interface the test manager is enabling the team(s) to build quality into their deliverables. During this full day tutorial we deep dived on both aspects. We discussed the agile test strategy and investigated what activities we test managers undertake, what activities we find important and what is valued most by our stakeholder. You wouldn’t be surprised if we told you that there is a gap between both. Next we practiced with defining agile test plans at MVP and sprint level. And assessed other roles that test managers can adopt. We closed the full circle by concluding that extra activities might be added to our initial brainstorm results. The topic is truly alive. Not only did we have a full rum (we had an all-time conference record with the amount of attendees), during the day we had a lot of lively discussions and answered a lot of questions from the participants. We loved the participation of all in the room and believe we all had a good day.
Chapter 5 - ReviewsNeeraj Kumar SinghThis is the chapter 5 of ISTQB Advance Test Analyst certification. This presentation helps aspirants understand and prepare content of certification.
Aula 2 estudo transversalRicardo AlexandreEste documento descreve os estudos transversais ou de prevalência, incluindo sua estrutura, tempo, utilidade, variáveis, amostra, medidas, vantagens, desvantagens e vieses. Estudos transversais medem características de populações em um único ponto no tempo e são úteis para estimar parâmetros como prevalência, porém não podem estabelecer relações causais.
Técnicas de modelagem de teste (parte 1)Fabrício CamposO documento discute várias técnicas de teste de software, incluindo:
1) Partição de equivalência - Uma técnica para dividir entradas em grupos com comportamento similar e testar um caso de cada grupo.
2) Análise de valor limite - Testa valores próximos aos limites de cada partiçao para verificar possíveis defeitos nessas regiões.
3) Tabela de decisão - Usa regras lógicas para gerar combinações de entrada para teste.
4) Teste de transição de estados - Testa um sistema modelado como máqu
Денис Тучин - Почему всегда не успеваем QA? Как могут помочь гибкие методыв...Denis TuchinКакие основные проблемы есть при тестировании больших проектов и как их помогают решить гибкие (agile) практики.
Какие инструменты помогают снизить накладные расходы на тестирование при постоянно меняющихся требованиях
Концепция построения процесса тестирования в Agile проектах: 3+1LuxoftTraining13-15 мая 2013 г. прошла онлайн-конференция Chief ConfeT&QA, посвященная различным вопросам тестирования: от методов приоритизации тестирования до синдрома профессионального выгорания в тестировании.
Елена Саламаха, тренер Luxoft Training, представила доклад о трёх основных концепциях построения тестирования в Agile:
• Техники предотвращения появления дефектов
• Автоматизация, Непрерывная интеграция
• Концепция постоянного улучшения, «гибкого внедрения гибкости»
Также в своем докладе Елена ответила на ряд вопросов:
• Как избежать непредвиденных багов?
• Как избежать недопонимания и разночтения требований?
• Как избежать рутинной ручной и, часто лишней, работы?
• Как поддерживать стабильный уровень качества в условиях частых поставок?
• Как не потеряться в постоянных изменениях?
Как перестать беспокоиться и начать тестировать или это волшебное слово AgileIT61Анна Вареца, QA engineer в Weezlabs
Если команда проекта работает по Agile методологии, но подход к тестированию остается стандартным, то участникам проекта необходимо узнать пару вещей, которые сделают их работу эффективнее. В докладе будут описаны ключевые моменты, объясняющие, чем тестирование в условиях Agile практики отличается от стандартных концепций тестирования.
Tech Talks @NSU: Организация тестирования в IT-компаниях Академгородка. Карье...Tech Talks @NSUhttp://techtalks.nsu.ru
5 апреля 2012. Организация тестирования в IT-компаниях Академгородка. Карьерный путь тестировщика (Мария Колчинская, AcademSoft)
«Мария Колчинская (AcademSoft) рассказывает о процессах тестирования и карьере тестировщика»
Лекция прочитана в рамках проекта Tech Talks @NSU – серии открытых лекций о разработке ПО и карьере в IT, проводимых в Новосибирском государственном университете.
Подробности: http://techtalks.nsu.ru
6. Документация в тестировании
Цели документированияЦели документирования
7. Содержание плана
Тест план (Test Plan) - это документ, описывающий весь объем работ по
тестированию, начиная с описания объекта, стратегии, расписания,
критериев начала и окончания тестирования, до необходимого в процессе
работы оборудования, специальных знаний, а также оценки рисков с
вариантами их разрешения.
9. Содержание плана
Что надо тестировать?
Описание объекта тестирования: системы, приложения, оборудования
Что будем тестировать?
Список функций и описание тестируемой системы и её компонент в отдельности
10. Содержание плана
Что надо тестировать?
Описание объекта тестирования: системы, приложения, оборудования
Что будем тестировать?
Список функций и описание тестируемой системы и её компонент в отдельности
Как будем тестировать?
Стратегия тестирования, а именно: виды тестирования и их применение по отношению к
объекту тестирования.
11. Содержание плана
Что надо тестировать?
Описание объекта тестирования: системы, приложения, оборудования
Что будем тестировать?
Список функций и описание тестируемой системы и её компонент в отдельности
Как будем тестировать?
Стратегия тестирования, а именно: виды тестирования и их применение по отношению к
объекту тестирования.
Когда будем тестировать?
Последовательность проведения работ:
(Test Preparation)
(Test Preparation)
Анализ результатов
(Test Result Analisys)
Анализ результатов
(Test Result Analisys)
12. Содержание плана
Критерии начала тестирования:
готовность тестовой платформы (тестового стенда), законченность разработки требуемой
функциональности, наличие всей необходимой документации …
Критерии окончания тестирования:
результаты тестирования удовлетворяют критериям качества продукта
13. Содержание плана
Окружение тестируемой системы (описание программно-аппаратных средств)
Необходимое для тестирования оборудование и программные средства
(тестовый стенд и его конфигурация, программы для автоматизированного
тестирования и т.д.)
Риски и пути их разрешения
14. Создание тестов
Документы для тестированияДокументы для тестирования
ChecklistChecklist Test caseTest case Test scenarioTest scenario
15. Создание тестов
Header (Заголовок)
Test Case ID – уникальный идентификатор тестового случая
TestCase Name – название тестового случая
Test Case Priority – Приоритет тестового случая
Summ ary– Краткое изложение назначения тестового случая
Created By – Кем создан
Created On – Когда создан
16. Создание тестов
Header (Заголовок)
PreConditions (Начальные условия)
Список действий, которые приводят систему к состоянию пригодному для
проведения основной проверки.
Либо список условий, выполнение которых говорит о том, что система
находится в пригодном для проведения основного теста состояния.
17. Создание тестов
Header (Заголовок)
PreConditions (Начальные условия)
Test Case Description (Описание теста)
Expected result
(Ожидаемый результат)
Test Result
1 Action 1
2 Action 2
N Action N Result passed/failed/blocked
18. Создание тестов
Header (Заголовок)
PreConditions (Начальные условия)
Test Case Description (Описание теста)
PostConditions (Действие по завершению)
Шаги, которые возвращают систему в первоначальное состояние
19. Дефект и его описание
Атрибут Описание
Defect (bug) ID Уникальный номер дефекта
VersionBuild Номер версиисборки
Status Статус дефекта
Found by Имя тестировщика нашедшего дефект
Data Дата обнаружения
Functionality area Часть продукта где обнаружен дефект
Assigned to Имя разработчика, за которым закреплен дефект
Summary Краткое, но максимально информативное и сжатое описание проблемы.
Short description Полезная информация о баге: описание, комментарии, нюансы и т.д.
Steps to reproduce Конкретные шаги для воспроизведения проблемы
Actual Фактический результат
Expected Ожидаемый результат
Notes Предварительный анализ причин дефекта
Attachment Log-файлы, снимки экрана, видео…..