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觜一危 ~ 襾語()
る企 覦一磯 觜一危 蠍一
 ロ蠍 - 2ク 
れ娠-Import ?
Hadoop RDBMS  一危一 Import  蠍磯
 Sqoop 蠍磯蓋 螳螻 蠍磯ルれ 蟲蠍襷 牛  語!
朱 襦  (1/2)
豈 360 伎 譴 (螳)
れ娠  Import 
朱 襦  (2/2)
ロク れ
れ娠  Import
 DB Driver 覲旧
$ cp /opt/cloudera/parcels/CDH/jars/postgresql-9.0-801.jdbc4.jar
 PostgreSQL  螻/觜覯 
$ cat /var/lib/cloudera-scm-server-db/data/generated_password.txt
$ psql -U cloudera-scm -p 7432 -h localhost -d postgres
 Import  一危 
postgres=# select * from smartcar_symptom_info;
 PostgreSQL  HDFS襦 螳語り鍵(Import) ろ
$ sqoop import --connect jdbc:postgresql:// --username cloudera-scm --
password Cw1zSFSFy6 --target-dir /pilot-pjt/collect/sqoop/car-symptom --query "select * from
smartcar_symptom_info where $CONDITIONS AND speed_p_symptom = '觜'" --num-
mappers 1
 Hue 一危 
る企 覦一磯 觜一危 蠍一
ロ蠍 2ク  Sqoop Import 
[ 螳襭 ]
   : 觚 www.youtube.com
 れ給語: 殊企 www.slideshare.net

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2. Application - Sqoop Import

  • 1. 觜一危 ~ 襾語() る企 覦一磯 觜一危 蠍一 れ娠(Sqoop)-Import ロ蠍 - 2ク 蟾螳
  • 2. れ娠-Import ? Hadoop RDBMS 一危一 Import 蠍磯 Sqoop 蠍磯蓋 螳螻 蠍磯ルれ 蟲蠍襷 牛 語!
  • 3. 朱 襦 (1/2)
  • 4. 豈 360 伎 譴 (螳) れ娠 Import 朱 襦 (2/2)
  • 6. Server01 DB Driver 覲旧 $ cp /opt/cloudera/parcels/CDH/jars/postgresql-9.0-801.jdbc4.jar /opt/cloudera/parcels/CDH/lib/sqoop/lib Step-1 PostgreSQL 螻/觜覯 $ cat /var/lib/cloudera-scm-server-db/data/generated_password.txt Step-2 PostgreSQL $ psql -U cloudera-scm -p 7432 -h localhost -d postgres Step-3
  • 7. Import 一危 postgres=# select * from smartcar_symptom_info; Step-4 PostgreSQL HDFS襦 螳語り鍵(Import) ろ $ sqoop import --connect jdbc:postgresql:// --username cloudera-scm -- password Cw1zSFSFy6 --target-dir /pilot-pjt/collect/sqoop/car-symptom --query "select * from smartcar_symptom_info where $CONDITIONS AND speed_p_symptom = '觜'" --num- mappers 1 Step-5 Hue 一危 http://server02.hadoop.com:8888 Step-6
  • 8. る企 覦一磯 觜一危 蠍一 ロ蠍 2ク Sqoop Import [ 螳襭 ] : 觚 www.youtube.com れ給語: 殊企 www.slideshare.net