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20 Year Personal Marketing Plan
for the BOOKWORM by Jem Caraig

               Jem Caraig
              January 2012

The Bookworm
           CHAPTER 1
    Tips to have the best novel.
          My Brand Launch

           CHAPTER 2
       Today and the Future
       The Bookworm Daily

           CHAPTER 3
      Epilogue: Adventure is life.

Vision - Mission

     My purpose in life to capture life as a best
selling novel and an adventure by sharing my
story to people through my career in the
hospitality industry and in future business
ventures in the food service industry.

Vision - Mission

    As a BOOKWORM, I will share my
knowledge with people especially children
who does not have the opportunity to read
books. To fulfil my duty as one of Gods
children, I will be a good citizen of the
Philippines while continuing the search for my
deeper purpose in this life.

To write my best selling novel in need

...   be creative
...   get inspired.
...   not be afraid to explore.
...   learn from other authors.
...   share my story.
...   never settle.
Be Creative and Get Inspired

Dont be afraid to explore.

Learn from others


Bookworm, Jem Caraig - Traveller

bookworm   gem        car + pig = carpig     travel

    (Based from a best selling book by Mitch Albom,
    tuesdays with Morrie

   The Orientation
       As a BOOKWORM, I am to read and explore things
        in this world.
   The Classroom
       The world is my classroom
   The Student
       As an MBA student, I am to learn business
        theories as well as life lessons

      (Based from a best selling book by Mitch Albom,
      tuesdays with Morrie

People are only mean when they're threatened, and that's
what our culture does...And when you get threatened, you
start looking out only for yourself. You start making money
a god. It is all part of this culture.  Mitch Albom

Culture should not be my shelter. It may be a guide
of something who I am but it should never define
my whole being. In this materialistic world, money
plays a bigger role than religion. I should not
succumb to that desire. Money may lead me to
different places but happiness cannot be measured
by it.

   (Based from a best selling book by Mitch Albom,
   tuesdays with Morrie

  "What's wrong with being number two?
               Mitch Albom

I may lose a game, once or twice,
but that does not mean Im not a
great player. My rank as second or
third place does not matter as long
as I put up a good fight.

       (Based from a best selling book by Mitch Albom,
       tuesdays with Morrie

"So many people walk around with a meaningless life. They seem half-
asleep, even when they're busy doing things they think are important. This
is because they're chasing the wrong things. The way you get meaning into
your life is to devote yourself to loving others, devote yourself to your
community around you, and devote yourself to creating something that
gives you purpose and meaning." - Mitch Albom

I will not be contented on material things as a main reason
for happiness. Instead, I will put my best foot forward and
learn to appreciate Gods creation as a gift that should
always be taken cared of. As a striving Filipino citizen, I will
choose a path wherein I will be of help to others and will
try my best to fulfil my goals as a person.

Today and the Future.
             NOW                           IN 20 YEARS
   25 years old                      45 years old
   Single                            Married and with beautiful and
   MBA Student                        intelligent kids
   Looking for a job                 Employee in a hotel or a
   Dependent                          restaurant.
   Healthy                           Independent
   Saving money for the future       Healthy
                                      Saved enough money for
The Bookworm Daily

To succeed and reach 2032, I need to...
     Say yes
     Monitor dates and time
     Bank accounts

Epilogue: Adventure is life.

     In my life, where everything is spoon-fed
and presented on a silver platter, I am to
fulfil my role as Gods child. As I mature, I
will be of service to others wholeheartedly
and I will help those who help me through
this journey.

Epilogue: Adventure is life.

    As a student of AGSB, I must be able to learn
and enrich my knowledge with valuable lessons and
deeper     understanding      to  business    and
    As I pursue my career in the hotel and food
service industry, I must apply the lessons Ive
learned during my stay in Ateneo.

Epilogue: Adventure is life.

    I will forever owe this life to my parents
who worked so hard to give us shelter, food
and security. Also, I will forever be grateful
for being brought up with full respect and a
loving environment.

20 Year Personal Marketing Plan
for the BOOKWORM by Jem Caraig

               Jem Caraig
              January 2012


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20 year marketing plan

  • 1. 20 Year Personal Marketing Plan for the BOOKWORM by Jem Caraig Jem Caraig January 2012 http://jemcaraig.blogspot.com
  • 2. The Bookworm CHAPTER 1 Vision/Mission Tips to have the best novel. My Brand Launch CHAPTER 2 Inspiration Today and the Future The Bookworm Daily CHAPTER 3 Epilogue: Adventure is life. http://jemcaraig.blogspot.com
  • 3. Vision - Mission My purpose in life to capture life as a best selling novel and an adventure by sharing my story to people through my career in the hospitality industry and in future business ventures in the food service industry. http://jemcaraig.blogspot.com
  • 4. Vision - Mission As a BOOKWORM, I will share my knowledge with people especially children who does not have the opportunity to read books. To fulfil my duty as one of Gods children, I will be a good citizen of the Philippines while continuing the search for my deeper purpose in this life. http://jemcaraig.blogspot.com
  • 5. To write my best selling novel in need to: ... be creative ... get inspired. ... not be afraid to explore. ... learn from other authors. ... share my story. ... never settle. http://jemcaraig.blogspot.com
  • 6. Be Creative and Get Inspired http://jemcaraig.blogspot.com
  • 7. Dont be afraid to explore. http://jemcaraig.blogspot.com
  • 8. Learn from others FAMILY and FRIENDS http://jemcaraig.blogspot.com
  • 9. Bookworm, Jem Caraig - Traveller bookworm gem car + pig = carpig travel http://jemcaraig.blogspot.com http://jemcaraig.blogspot.com
  • 10. Inspiration (Based from a best selling book by Mitch Albom, tuesdays with Morrie The Orientation As a BOOKWORM, I am to read and explore things in this world. The Classroom The world is my classroom The Student As an MBA student, I am to learn business theories as well as life lessons http://jemcaraig.blogspot.com
  • 11. Inspiration (Based from a best selling book by Mitch Albom, tuesdays with Morrie People are only mean when they're threatened, and that's what our culture does...And when you get threatened, you start looking out only for yourself. You start making money a god. It is all part of this culture. Mitch Albom Culture should not be my shelter. It may be a guide of something who I am but it should never define my whole being. In this materialistic world, money plays a bigger role than religion. I should not succumb to that desire. Money may lead me to different places but happiness cannot be measured by it. http://jemcaraig.blogspot.com
  • 12. Inspiration (Based from a best selling book by Mitch Albom, tuesdays with Morrie "What's wrong with being number two? Mitch Albom I may lose a game, once or twice, but that does not mean Im not a great player. My rank as second or third place does not matter as long as I put up a good fight. http://jemcaraig.blogspot.com
  • 13. Inspiration (Based from a best selling book by Mitch Albom, tuesdays with Morrie "So many people walk around with a meaningless life. They seem half- asleep, even when they're busy doing things they think are important. This is because they're chasing the wrong things. The way you get meaning into your life is to devote yourself to loving others, devote yourself to your community around you, and devote yourself to creating something that gives you purpose and meaning." - Mitch Albom I will not be contented on material things as a main reason for happiness. Instead, I will put my best foot forward and learn to appreciate Gods creation as a gift that should always be taken cared of. As a striving Filipino citizen, I will choose a path wherein I will be of help to others and will try my best to fulfil my goals as a person. http://jemcaraig.blogspot.com
  • 14. Today and the Future. NOW IN 20 YEARS 25 years old 45 years old Single Married and with beautiful and MBA Student intelligent kids Looking for a job Employee in a hotel or a Dependent restaurant. Healthy Independent Saving money for the future Healthy Saved enough money for travelling http://jemcaraig.blogspot.com
  • 15. The Bookworm Daily To succeed and reach 2032, I need to... Say yes Search Monitor dates and time Deadlines Activities/Hobbies Bank accounts http://jemcaraig.blogspot.com
  • 16. Epilogue: Adventure is life. In my life, where everything is spoon-fed and presented on a silver platter, I am to fulfil my role as Gods child. As I mature, I will be of service to others wholeheartedly and I will help those who help me through this journey. http://jemcaraig.blogspot.com
  • 17. Epilogue: Adventure is life. As a student of AGSB, I must be able to learn and enrich my knowledge with valuable lessons and deeper understanding to business and entrepreneurship. As I pursue my career in the hotel and food service industry, I must apply the lessons Ive learned during my stay in Ateneo. http://jemcaraig.blogspot.com
  • 18. Epilogue: Adventure is life. I will forever owe this life to my parents who worked so hard to give us shelter, food and security. Also, I will forever be grateful for being brought up with full respect and a loving environment. http://jemcaraig.blogspot.com
  • 19. 20 Year Personal Marketing Plan for the BOOKWORM by Jem Caraig Jem Caraig January 2012 http://jemcaraig.blogspot.com