In this webinar, you will learn about four key mortgage metrics. You will also be able to benchmark your credit union’s performance comparative to other credit unions, and learn ways to improve your credit union’s mortgage lending program and ultimately your credit union’s bottom line. For more info:
How Has the Recent NCUA Rule Affected Board Liability (Credit Union Conferenc...NAFCU Services Corporation
From the 2011 NAFCU Annual Conference, presented by Patrick Touhey, SVP, Allied Solutions.
The financial climate and recent regulatory changes from NCUA have affected the liability of credit union boards. Learn the details of this new regulation and what the potential is for an increase in lawsuits in the future. Should directors increase their D&O insurance limits? What kinds of suits are being filed against credit union boards? Find out the important questions all boards should be asking.
More information at
The Importance of Technology in Educationmarc_ritteman
The document argues that embracing technology in schools can improve student performance and prepare them for the future. It provides several examples and statistics showing that when used effectively alongside teaching, technology can boost standardized test scores, increase the use of higher-order thinking skills, and better prepare students for technology-focused careers. However, it cautions that technology is only a tool and must be implemented properly through proven teaching methods and ongoing professional development for teachers.
The Natural Innovation Foundation supports clean technologies for developing countries. They are testing a new solar-powered water pump called "SUnPulse Water" that can pump 20,000 liters of water per day from a depth of 30 meters and costs only 0.03 per kiloliter to operate. The pump is currently undergoing testing at a test site.
Shared Service Management - Service Manager Dag 2013Jordi Recasens
In de praktijk zien we HR, FM en ICT-afdelingen wel samenkomen, maar niet samenwerken. Dit is nodig wanneer u gezamenlijk uw dienstverlening verder wilt gaan verbeteren. Aan de hand van een uit de praktijk ontstaan groeimodel vertelt Jordi Recasens welke stappen nodig zijn om te komen tot Shared Service Management. Zo komt u tot een effectieve samenwerking binnen de dienstverlening, waarbij de kracht van de afdelingen wordt gebundeld. Gepresenteerd door: Jordi Recasens tijdens de Service Manager Dag, 2013
Google Adwords para Iniciantes @ HUB EscolaFilip Pelgrims
Apresenta??o da palestra Google Adwords para Iniciantes no Festival do HUB Escola em Curitiba.
PDF from Prezi.
The Natural Innovation Foundation supports clean technologies for developing countries. They are testing a new solar-powered water pump called "SUnPulse Water" that can pump 20,000 liters of water per day from a depth of 30 meters and costs only 0.03 per kiloliter to operate. The pump is currently undergoing testing at a test site.
1. Karl was dancing in class which surprised and annoyed Tina, who said a bad word and hit Karl, making his head explode and face turn red.
2. The teacher came and told Karl and Tina to say sorry, and Karl apologized and went outside to play.
3. They had a fight because Karl's dancing had bothered Tina, but then they became normal friends who never fought or played with each other.
Undaunted: How Credit Unions Can Thrive in the New Financial Services Environ...NAFCU Services Corporation
The credit union industry is being reshaped by numerous outside forces and challenges. How can we thrive? In order to answer that question, the 2011 Deluxe Collaborative focused their research on understanding what consumers think and feel about their financial institution, regulations, products and process. The researchers discovered that in order to survive- and thrive- organizations need to challenge five things. Learn those five things you should be thinking about and learn to thrive! More info at:
socializacion de pruebas fisica aplicadasCarlos Mendez
Este documento presenta un análisis de las variables físicas del suelo y su aplicación al estudio de problemas ambientales en la cuenca del Río Chinchiná. Describe las características de los suelos en la cuenca y los procesos erosivos identificados. También incluye detalles sobre pruebas de campo realizadas para evaluar variables como infiltración, conductividad hidráulica y textura. El objetivo final es proponer un manejo integral y sostenible del suelo y recurso hídrico en la cuenca.
This document contains daily affirmations for success in business and personal life. It includes affirmations about owning more projects, living with passion and belief, being a success in all endeavors, having enough money, achieving goals and dreams, being confident, communicating well, being wealthy and using wealth wisely, having resources to fulfill dreams, enjoying making money, being a powerful creator, having certainty about income, being an organized business person, deserving abundance, accomplishing financial goals with ease, having freedom over time, being inquisitive and creative, being committed and passionate, having energy for goals, having a masterpiece business, attracting helpful people, and having great joy and abundance.
The technology action plan outlines several professional development activities for teachers including training on using the CCAP online curriculum, teaching ethical internet research skills, and achieving application-level education through technology. It also provides an evaluation plan to assess the success of these activities. Data from CCAP, reports on technology integrity, and STaR chart reports will be collected and compared over time. The goal is to see incremental improvements in student learning and increased appropriate technology use in the classroom.
Looking for IRA and retirement plan training? Learn from Ascensus' professional IRA and retirement plan trainers. Mix and match online and instructor-led delivery formats for a better learning experience!
For more information:
The document is a shot list for a short film titled "Wrecked" by Hannah Butters. It describes 68 shots across 4 scenes. The scenes show: 1) Mary getting ready and leaving her bedroom, 2) Mary cleaning the kitchen while watching over Ruth, 3) Mary and Ruth meeting with a social worker, and 4) Mary and Ruth visiting the beach, leaving flowers and throwing a message in a bottle into the sea.
The document provides 5 tips for website optimization: 1) Be goal-focused and ask key questions to test goals. 2) Make the site user-friendly and easy to use. 3) Invite people to engage with the site instead of just browsing. 4) Frequently ask "why" and "what" to improve content and graphics. 5) Drive traffic to the site creatively without wasting time or money. It also quotes Avinash Kaushik saying social media is like teen sex in that everyone wants to do it but isn't sure how and is surprised it's not better.
In this webinar, you will learn about four key mortgage metrics. You will also be able to benchmark your credit union’s performance comparative to other credit unions, and learn ways to improve your credit union’s mortgage lending program and ultimately your credit union’s bottom line. For more info:
How Has the Recent NCUA Rule Affected Board Liability (Credit Union Conferenc...NAFCU Services Corporation
From the 2011 NAFCU Annual Conference, presented by Patrick Touhey, SVP, Allied Solutions.
The financial climate and recent regulatory changes from NCUA have affected the liability of credit union boards. Learn the details of this new regulation and what the potential is for an increase in lawsuits in the future. Should directors increase their D&O insurance limits? What kinds of suits are being filed against credit union boards? Find out the important questions all boards should be asking.
More information at
The Importance of Technology in Educationmarc_ritteman
The document argues that embracing technology in schools can improve student performance and prepare them for the future. It provides several examples and statistics showing that when used effectively alongside teaching, technology can boost standardized test scores, increase the use of higher-order thinking skills, and better prepare students for technology-focused careers. However, it cautions that technology is only a tool and must be implemented properly through proven teaching methods and ongoing professional development for teachers.
The Natural Innovation Foundation supports clean technologies for developing countries. They are testing a new solar-powered water pump called "SUnPulse Water" that can pump 20,000 liters of water per day from a depth of 30 meters and costs only 0.03 per kiloliter to operate. The pump is currently undergoing testing at a test site.
Shared Service Management - Service Manager Dag 2013Jordi Recasens
In de praktijk zien we HR, FM en ICT-afdelingen wel samenkomen, maar niet samenwerken. Dit is nodig wanneer u gezamenlijk uw dienstverlening verder wilt gaan verbeteren. Aan de hand van een uit de praktijk ontstaan groeimodel vertelt Jordi Recasens welke stappen nodig zijn om te komen tot Shared Service Management. Zo komt u tot een effectieve samenwerking binnen de dienstverlening, waarbij de kracht van de afdelingen wordt gebundeld. Gepresenteerd door: Jordi Recasens tijdens de Service Manager Dag, 2013
Google Adwords para Iniciantes @ HUB EscolaFilip Pelgrims
Apresenta??o da palestra Google Adwords para Iniciantes no Festival do HUB Escola em Curitiba.
PDF from Prezi.
The Natural Innovation Foundation supports clean technologies for developing countries. They are testing a new solar-powered water pump called "SUnPulse Water" that can pump 20,000 liters of water per day from a depth of 30 meters and costs only 0.03 per kiloliter to operate. The pump is currently undergoing testing at a test site.
1. Karl was dancing in class which surprised and annoyed Tina, who said a bad word and hit Karl, making his head explode and face turn red.
2. The teacher came and told Karl and Tina to say sorry, and Karl apologized and went outside to play.
3. They had a fight because Karl's dancing had bothered Tina, but then they became normal friends who never fought or played with each other.
Undaunted: How Credit Unions Can Thrive in the New Financial Services Environ...NAFCU Services Corporation
The credit union industry is being reshaped by numerous outside forces and challenges. How can we thrive? In order to answer that question, the 2011 Deluxe Collaborative focused their research on understanding what consumers think and feel about their financial institution, regulations, products and process. The researchers discovered that in order to survive- and thrive- organizations need to challenge five things. Learn those five things you should be thinking about and learn to thrive! More info at:
socializacion de pruebas fisica aplicadasCarlos Mendez
Este documento presenta un análisis de las variables físicas del suelo y su aplicación al estudio de problemas ambientales en la cuenca del Río Chinchiná. Describe las características de los suelos en la cuenca y los procesos erosivos identificados. También incluye detalles sobre pruebas de campo realizadas para evaluar variables como infiltración, conductividad hidráulica y textura. El objetivo final es proponer un manejo integral y sostenible del suelo y recurso hídrico en la cuenca.
This document contains daily affirmations for success in business and personal life. It includes affirmations about owning more projects, living with passion and belief, being a success in all endeavors, having enough money, achieving goals and dreams, being confident, communicating well, being wealthy and using wealth wisely, having resources to fulfill dreams, enjoying making money, being a powerful creator, having certainty about income, being an organized business person, deserving abundance, accomplishing financial goals with ease, having freedom over time, being inquisitive and creative, being committed and passionate, having energy for goals, having a masterpiece business, attracting helpful people, and having great joy and abundance.
The technology action plan outlines several professional development activities for teachers including training on using the CCAP online curriculum, teaching ethical internet research skills, and achieving application-level education through technology. It also provides an evaluation plan to assess the success of these activities. Data from CCAP, reports on technology integrity, and STaR chart reports will be collected and compared over time. The goal is to see incremental improvements in student learning and increased appropriate technology use in the classroom.
Looking for IRA and retirement plan training? Learn from Ascensus' professional IRA and retirement plan trainers. Mix and match online and instructor-led delivery formats for a better learning experience!
For more information:
The document is a shot list for a short film titled "Wrecked" by Hannah Butters. It describes 68 shots across 4 scenes. The scenes show: 1) Mary getting ready and leaving her bedroom, 2) Mary cleaning the kitchen while watching over Ruth, 3) Mary and Ruth meeting with a social worker, and 4) Mary and Ruth visiting the beach, leaving flowers and throwing a message in a bottle into the sea.
The document provides 5 tips for website optimization: 1) Be goal-focused and ask key questions to test goals. 2) Make the site user-friendly and easy to use. 3) Invite people to engage with the site instead of just browsing. 4) Frequently ask "why" and "what" to improve content and graphics. 5) Drive traffic to the site creatively without wasting time or money. It also quotes Avinash Kaushik saying social media is like teen sex in that everyone wants to do it but isn't sure how and is surprised it's not better.
7. Early Access 及早通知獲得協助 Early CPR 及早施行心肺復甦术 Early Defibrillation 及早施行心臟電擊去顫治療 Early ACLS 及早施行高級心臟救命術 4 分鐘內執行基本心肺復甦术 8 分鐘內執行高級心臟救命術 生命之鍊 Chain of Survival
8. Early Prevention 注重預防傷害 Early CPR 及早施行 CPR Early EMS Activation 及早通知獲得協助 Early ACLS 及早施行高級心肺復甦术 兒童急救生命之鍊 Chain of Survival 注意預防傷害 較少需要立即電擊 先救再叫
9. ABC 開吹壓 A Airway 開 啟呼吸道 B Breathing 吹 氣維持呼吸 C Circulation 壓 胸維持循環 CPR 提供全身細胞氧氣
10. 心肺復甦术口訣 叫 評估意識 叫 119 求救 開 A 打開呼吸道 吹 B 吹氣維持呼吸 壓 C 壓胸維持循環 電 D 自動電擊器電擊 叫叫 A B C D
11. 心肺復甦术之操作者 一般民眾 Lay rescuers 專業救護人員 Health care providers