This document provides provisional classifications for a sailing race between Denia and St. Antoni Portmany that took place on March 28, 2013. It lists 5 participants along with their boat name and type, skipper, home club, speed-made-good in miles per hour, finish time, and final classification. The winner was the boat FERTIBERIA, skippered by Jesus Pintos Ager, with a finish time of 20 hours, 32 minutes and 15 seconds.
Este documento resume una regata de yates que tuvo lugar del 8 al 9 de abril de 2004 entre Denia e Ibiza. Participaron 5 yates clasificados en la categorÃa Delta. El yate Bambou Yachting llegó en primer lugar empleando 20 horas y 17 minutos, seguido por Es Doble D'un Bahia que llegó en segundo lugar empleando 2 horas más. Dos yates no pudieron finalizar la regata.
This document provides provisional classifications for a sailing race between Denia and St. Antoni Portmany that took place on March 28, 2013. It lists 5 participants along with their boat name and type, skipper, home club, speed-made-good in miles per hour, finish time, and final classification. The winner was the boat FERTIBERIA, skippered by Jesus Pintos Ager, with a finish time of 20 hours, 32 minutes and 15 seconds.
Este documento resume una regata de yates que tuvo lugar del 8 al 9 de abril de 2004 entre Denia e Ibiza. Participaron 5 yates clasificados en la categorÃa Delta. El yate Bambou Yachting llegó en primer lugar empleando 20 horas y 17 minutos, seguido por Es Doble D'un Bahia que llegó en segundo lugar empleando 2 horas más. Dos yates no pudieron finalizar la regata.
Este documento presenta los resultados de la Ruta de la Sal 2016 Versión Norte, una regata de 140 millas náuticas que comenzó a las 10:00 pm. Incluye los tiempos de llegada de los 32 barcos participantes, ordenados de menor a mayor, asà como sus nombres, patrones y otros detalles.
1. This document contains the results of the 2015 Ruta de la Sal sailing race from Ibiza to Denia, Spain, including placement, boat name, owner/captain, boat model, club, rating, time of arrival, calculated time, and points/penalties.
2. The start time of the race was 2:00:00 PM and it was over 117 miles. Boats included models like Dufour 40, First 50, Bavaria 49, Elan 434, and Oceanis 523.
3. The first boat to finish was ESP7469 in a time of 13:50:47 and 644.1 calculated points. The last boat listed was RETB
Este documento proporciona los resultados de la primera prueba de la Regata de la Sal de 2014, incluyendo el nombre del barco, el club, el tiempo real y ajustado, y la posición de llegada para los primeros 10 barcos y aquellos que no terminaron la carrera. La salida fue a las 14:00 horas y el sistema de cálculo utilizado fue Alfa2G.
This document provides a provisional classification for a 117 mile sailing race between Denia and St. Antoni Portmany held on March 28, 2013. It lists 67 participants by their code, boat name, captain, boat model, home club, speed-made-good in miles, finish time, percentage of finish time compared to estimated time, actual sailing time, and estimated sailing time. The winner was boat I269 "CAFÉ DEL MAR" captained by Juan Carlos Sanchis, with a finish time of 8:03:27 after 20 hours and 8 minutes of sailing.
This document summarizes a sailing race from Denia to Ibiza that took place on April 10, 2004 and included 16 yachts. It lists each yacht's name, type, captain's name, home club, rating, finish time, percentage of actual time to estimated time, classification, and result. The top three finishers were Rocinante III in first place, Imaginarte in second, and Itaca IX in third.
1. This document appears to be the results of the 2015 Ruta de la Sal sailing race along the eastern route. It lists the finishing positions, boats, skippers, clubs, models, ratings, times, and points for the top 12 finishers.
2. The winner was ESP8400 LLEVANT BLAU skippered by Jose A. Vices Sivera of the R.C.N. Valencia in a Dufour 40, finishing at 14:05:26 with 638.5 points.
3. The slowest finisher listed was PROV091 VIRAMAR, taking 45:38:32 to complete the course and finishing 12th with 7
This document summarizes the results of a yacht race from Barcelona to Ibiza. It lists 17 boats that finished the 156 mile race, providing their registration number, type of boat, captain's name, home club, time of completion rating and final classification. Several boats did not finish the race or were disqualified. The boat "QUATTORDICI GRAND SOLEI" skippered by Roberto Porta finished first with a completion time of 15 hours and 58 minutes.
Este documento presenta las clasificaciones provisionales de una regata de vela que tuvo lugar entre Barcelona y St. Antoni Portmany el 28 y 29 de marzo de 2013. Solo un barco, el SEACAT SEGUNDO, completó la regata de 140 millas navegando durante 13 horas y 42 minutos. Los otros dos barcos inscritos, MAKTUB y JIBARO LOCO, no salieron a competir.
Este documento proporciona los resultados de la Ruta de la Sal 2015 Versión Norte. Presenta la posición, nombre del yate, armador/patron, modelo, club y puntaje de 6 embarcaciones que participaron en la prueba. El yate ITA16400 llamado SAMADHI llegó en primer lugar con un tiempo real de 26 horas 42 minutos 31 segundos.
The document provides a provisional classification for a sailing race between Denia and St. Antoni Portmany held on March 28, 2013. It lists the top 6 finishers including their boat name, skipper, boat model, home club, speed-made-good in miles, finish time and calculated time on course. The winner was PLIS PLAY skippered by Vicente Garcia on a SWAN 80, finishing in 22 hours and 41 minutes.
This document summarizes the results of a yacht race from Barcelona to Ibiza that took place on April 13, 2006. It lists 10 participating yachts by name, owner, club affiliation, rating, arrival time, time elapsed, and final classification. The yacht C1 Galvana, owned by Hermanos Pella and affiliated with RCN Barcelona, finished first with a time of 06:58:52 hours elapsed. The yacht C16 Altamar Udando 40, owned by Javier Ramos and affiliated with RCMB, finished second with a time of 12:16:29 hours elapsed. The yacht CG 137 Mich Aquavit, owned by Juan Torres as an independent, finished
Este resumen describe una regata de yates que tuvo lugar del 8 al 9 de abril de 2004 entre Denia e Ibiza. Participaron 17 yates clasificados como Bravo. Solamente 2 yates lograron completar la ruta, mientras que el resto no pudo finalizar la regata.
This document provides details of a yacht race from Barcelona to Ibiza including the date, total number of yachts participating, classification level, distance, departure time, arrival times of each yacht, identification information for each yacht such as name, model and owner, and their ranking in the race. The top three finishers were the Concordia, Pineta Tercero, and Clem. Several yachts did not finish or start the race.
This document summarizes the results of the 2015 Ruta de la Sal sailing race from Ibiza to Mallorca. It lists the boat name, owner/captain, club, rating, time of arrival, and points for the top 17 finishers. The winner was the boat ITA14694 which completed the 140 mile course in 10 hours and 25 minutes.
This document summarizes the results of the XXIII Regata Ruta de la Tramuntana sailing race. It lists the position, sail number, yacht name, owner/captain, model, club, rating, arrival time, calculated time, and points for the top finishing boats. The first place finisher was Fortuna owned by Umberto Cozzi from Club Vela Palamos sailing a Sun Odyssey 34.2.
Este documento proporciona los resultados preliminares de la 23a Regata Ruta de la Tramuntana. Trasgo de Daniel Christian Coronel MartÃnez del Club MarÃtim Port Ginesta ganó la primera prueba de 58 millas con un tiempo real de 19 horas, 45 minutos y 33 segundos. Argus Dos de Mario Estengre Ginesta del Club Náutico El BalÃs fue segundo a 1 hora y 8 minutos. Mektoube de Bullbay Invest SL del Club Náutico El BalÃs fue tercero a 1 hora, 18 minutos y 23 segundos.
This document summarizes the results of the 23rd Regata Ruta de la Tramuntana sailing race. It lists the position, sail number, boat name, skipper/owner, model, club, rating, time of arrival, calculated time, and points for each finisher. The first place finisher was DON T ASK skippered by Alberto Fucale of Club Fregoneses Independiente with a time of 15 hours, 40 minutes, and 42 seconds.
This document provides the results of the 23rd Ruta de la Tramuntana regatta. It lists the position, sail number, boat name, skipper/owner, club, rating, finish time, and points for 15 boats that completed the race. Several other boats did not finish or start the race. The 58 mile race started at 6:00 PM with calculations based on the TODAS time system.
Este documento proporciona una lista de 23 embarcaciones que participaron en la ruta de la Tramuntana de 2016. Incluye el número de vela, paÃs, patrón, modelo de embarcación y club de cada participante. Además, clasifica las embarcaciones en diferentes categorÃas (A, B, I, etc.) y proporciona la puntuación SPM_M de cada una.
Este documento proporciona una lista de inscritos para la regata La Ruta de la Tramuntana. En total hay 23 embarcaciones inscritas con un total de 122 tripulantes. Las embarcaciones están identificadas por su nombre, número, paÃs de origen, tipo y longitud de embarcación, matrÃcula y club al que pertenecen.
This document contains a list of 25 boats registered to participate in the XIX Bahia de Pollença sailing regatta. It provides the boat name, sail number, owner/skipper, club affiliation, boat model, rating/handicap and other performance data for each entry in the competition across multiple classes and groups.
Este documento proporciona una lista de 26 embarcaciones participantes en la Regata BahÃa de Pollença - Trofeo Alfonso Echegaray de 2016, incluyendo el número, nombre de la embarcación, patrón, tipo de embarcación, club y puntos de cada una.
Este documento proporciona una lista de 24 embarcaciones inscritas en la BahÃa de Pollença con sus respectivos nombres, paÃses, tipos de barco, números de matrÃcula e información sobre los clubes a los que pertenecen. Además, indica que el número total de tripulantes de estas 24 embarcaciones es de 120 personas.
The document provides results from the 2016 Regata del Delta sailing race held between Club NÃ utic L'Ampolla-Sant Carles Marina. The results include the boat name, sail number, owner/skipper, boat model, club, rating, finish time, corrected time, and points for the top 7 finishers who completed the 22 mile race. Elias II finished first with a time of 6:32:48, followed by Rebeca I in second and Palu in third.
This document summarizes the results of the 2016 DELTA REGATA sailing race held from PORT GINESTA to SANT CARLES MARINA. It lists the finishing position, sail number, boat name, skipper/owner, boat model, club, rating, finish time, corrected time, and penalty points for each participant. The top finishing boat was the DON'T ASK, skippered by ALBERTO FUCALE on a FIRST 50, with a corrected finishing time of 15:18:31.
Este documento proporciona una lista de 8 embarcaciones inscritas en la Regata del Delta Versión Este, incluyendo el nombre de cada barco, su paÃs, clase, número de matrÃcula y club al que pertenece. En total hay 24 tripulantes registrados para competir en el evento.
El documento proporciona una lista de 18 embarcaciones inscritas en la Regata del Delta Versión Norte, incluyendo el nombre del barco, paÃs, tipo de barco, matrÃcula y club al que pertenece cada uno. En total hay 71 tripulantes registrados para competir en el evento.
Este documento proporciona una lista de 8 embarcaciones inscritas en la Regata del Delta Versión Este, incluyendo el nombre de cada barco, su paÃs, clase, número de matrÃcula y club al que pertenece. En total hay 24 tripulantes registrados para competir en el evento.
El documento proporciona una lista de 18 embarcaciones inscritas en la Regata del Delta Versión Norte, incluyendo el nombre del barco, paÃs, tipo de barco, matrÃcula y club al que pertenece cada uno. En total hay 71 tripulantes registrados para competir en el evento.
1. 25/03/2008 9:17
Millas 156,0
Fecha 20/03/2008
Salida 20/03/08 07:20:00
N.Vela Embarcación Serie Patrón Club SPM Llegada % T. real T.comp. Cl.
C 097 ESP 7298 GALAXIE - FUNDACIO JOVES NAV. BALEARS ONE OFF 70 Raimón Martinez C de Mar 566,9 21/03/08 15:22:58 01/ 08:02:58 00/ 07:29:02 1
CG 009 ESP 3300 ALTAMAR UDONDO 40 Javier Ramos RCM Barcelona 684,5 21/03/08 21:56:30 01/ 14:36:30 00/ 08:56:48 2
C 093 ESP 9493 CAPITAN III ONE OFF 48' Miquel Brito Independiente 627,6 21/03/08 20:09:12 01/ 12:49:12 00/ 09:37:26 3
C 044 FRA 6615 BUSCOTRIPULANTES.COM SPARKMANN & STEPHENS 38 Luis Fernandez-Cotero CM Port Olimpic 698,1 22/03/08 03:54:06 01/ 20:34:06 00/ 14:19:02 4
C 023 ESP 9468 BORDERLINE SWAN 43 Ramón Masats M. Palamos 650,7 DNF DNF 5
C 098 ESP 6235 JASOL PUMA 34 Antonio Vicente Jimenez CM Port Ginesta 701,6 DNF DNF 5
Version Norte
Barcelona - Ibiza