El documento contiene una serie de mensajes de felicitación navide?a y de a?o nuevo con frases de buenos deseos. Los mensajes tratan sobre temas como la amistad, los sue?os, la felicidad y el amor. Algunos incluyen citas famosas sobre estos temas. El objetivo general es desear una feliz navidad y un próspero a?o nuevo a quien reciba los mensajes.
El documento contiene una serie de mensajes de felicitación navide?a y de a?o nuevo con frases de buenos deseos. Los mensajes tratan sobre temas como la amistad, los sue?os, la felicidad y el amor. Algunos incluyen citas famosas sobre estos temas. El objetivo general es desear una feliz navidad y un próspero a?o nuevo a quien reciba los mensajes.
Ben Sana Geldim Mevlana...
Ben Sana geldim, Mevlana...
Sevdi?imi, umudumu kaybettim,
A?k?m?, sevgimi kaybettim,
Ac?lar i?inde geldim…
Ben sana geldim, Mevlana...
Allah’?m sen büyüksün,
Diyerek fatihalar okuyarak
Yemye?il nur ?????na geldim…
Ben sana geldim, Mevlana...
Alabildi?ince uzanan ?u sevdamla,
G?nül yollar?ndan akan g?z ya?lar?mla.
Can’?mla her ?eyimle geldim..
Ben sana geldim, Mevlana...
Kalpten temizlendim, huzura geldim
Delicesini O'nu seven yüre?imle
?mrümün sonbahar?nda geldim..
Ben sana geldim, Mevlana...
Her ?eyim, bu Can’da senin,
Sen bilirsin Mevlana
Sana ko?arak geldim..
Can Ak?n
can ak?n mr akin ?air poet dichter poeta поет с?в?? bardd digter ποιητ?? poète 诗人詩人 poetry ?er poesie 詩歌 詩 poésie poesía photograph fotografie fotografische bild 相片 foto ???? foto?raf ?????????? ????? ????????? microsoft powerpoint slayt slideshows slide 維基百科 自由的百科全書 youtube video turkey türkei turquie turchia turquia exhibition ausstellung mostra exposición Mevl?n? Celaleddin-i Rumi M?vlana C?lal?ddini Rumi Mevlana D?elaludin Rumi Jalal al-Din Muhammad Rumi Jalal ad-Din Rumi Dschalal ad-Din Muhammad Rumi Dschalal ad-Din Muhammad Rumi Jalal ad-Din Muhammad Rumi Jalāl-ad-Dīn Rūmī Yalal ad-Din Muhammad Rumi ?alal-ed-din Mohammad Rumi Jalal Ud Din Rumi Gialal al-Din Rumi Celaledd?n R?m? Dzsalál ad-Dín Rúmí Jalaluddin Muhammad Rumi Jalal ad-Din Rumi D?alal ad-Din Rumi D?alaluddin Rumi D?alal ad-Din Balchi Maulana Rumi Mevlana Jalal al-Din Muhammad Rumi Mawlānā Jalāl ad-Dīn Muhammad Rūmī Mowlana Jalal ad-Din Muhammad Balkhi Rumi D?aláluddín Rúmí D?álál ad-Dín Rúmí Muhammad D?aláluddín Chodávendegár Mauláná Chodávendegár Djalalu'd-Din Rumi Jalal al-din Rumi eller Jal?ludd?n Mohammad-i Balkh? Jelaleddin Rumy
This document discusses the use of ICT in education from the perspective of European Schoolnet (EUN). It covers three strands of EUN's activities: knowledge building and exchange on ICT policies and practices, school networking and services, and interoperability and content exchange. Personalized learning using ICT is discussed, including how it allows for differentiation and engages students. Mobile learning is also addressed, including both the disruptive potential of mobile devices in schools as well as their ability to extend learning beyond the classroom.
Bella searches an old house for her missing sister Lucey and encounters magical objects like a clock named Tic-Toc and a teapot named Lilly. She finds Lucey locked in a jail cell by a ghost named Tom, who agrees to release Lucey if Bella stays instead. Over the following weeks, Bella and Tom fall in love and Tom transforms into a human, allowing Bella and Tom to get married and live happily ever after.
This document provides an overview of the pantheon and mythology of Vepo, a world of water. It describes the god Dimiourgia who created Vepo through his tears. It then outlines the other major gods including Thalassa, god of the sea; Thanatos, ruler of the underworld; and Epouranios, god of the heavens. It recounts the creation story of Vepo and a great flood sent by Thalassa to submerge the land. Finally, it describes the afterlife realms of Ouranios and Hupokató, reserved for the worthy and unworthy dead respectively.
The document provides information on various crafts and cuisine from the Extremadura region of Spain. It discusses the high quality pottery from Salvatierra de los Barros and metal handcrafts. It also mentions prominent leather crafts in Cáceres and basketry in Ba?os de Montemayor. Recipes are provided for traditional dishes like gazpacho, migas, and some typical meats, cheeses, and desserts featuring local ingredients.
This document discusses biblical trivia about the shortest, longest, and center chapters and verses in the Bible. It notes that the center chapter is Psalm 118, with the center verse being Psalm 118:8. The center verse states "It is better to trust in the LORD than to put confidence in man." The document encourages readers to pray for others and have faith during difficult times.