CakePHP is a popular PHP framework in Japan that allows for rapid application development. It improves developer productivity and maintainability by automatically handling common programming tasks. Both novice and expert PHP developers can benefit from CakePHP's features. The number of CakePHP users and conferences in Japan has grown significantly in recent years.
O documento descreve o Mahara, uma aplica??o web e solu??o de portfólio eletr?nico gratuita e de código aberto. O Mahara oferece ferramentas como repositório de arquivos, editor de currículo, cria??o de grupos e interface com o Moodle para que usuários demonstrem seus aprendizados. Ele requer hardware modesto e software como Linux, Apache, PostgreSQL e PHP para ser instalado.
Testing your app with Selenium on Travis CIYusuke Ando
This document discusses using Selenium on Travis CI for testing web applications. It provides an overview of Travis CI, explaining that it allows running tests on multiple versions and operating systems in parallel. It then discusses how to set up Selenium testing on Travis CI, including installing dependencies like Firefox, Xvfb, and Java, and running Selenium tests via PHPUnit. It concludes by asking if developers really want to maintain their own testing infrastructure instead of using Travis CI.
46. Controllerへのアクションの追加(抜粋)???
class PostsController extends AppController {
function delete($id) {
$this->flash('The post with id: '.$id.' has been deleted.', '/posts');
} メッセージを表示後に /postsへ移動する
/posts/delete 時の処理を追加