2016.09.10 System Center User Group Japan 及15指茶氏のセッションY創です。サンプルコ`ドは GitHub で巷_します。
PowerShell DSC の古勣┐さらいと PowerShell DSC for Linux の旋喘圭隈、さらに Azure Automation DSC を聞喘した Aure VM の撹についておしました。PowerShell Core for Linux についてもgにまとめています。
PowerShell 5.0 JEA (Just Enough Administration) First StepKazuki Takai
SCUGJ (System Center User Group Japan) #14 LT のY創です。
Windows Server 2016 / PowerShell 5.0 (Windows Management Framework 5.0) でエンハンスされている JEA について古勣をh苧するとともに、gな撹圭隈についてごB初します。
The document is a presentation by Tobias Schneider on hacking JavaScript. Some key points:
- JavaScript is small, fast, widely misunderstood and very flexible. Its constraints can boost creativity.
- Many modern JavaScript features like AJAX, Canvas, and cross-domain requests originated from hacks to work around limitations that were later standardized.
- To start hacking JavaScript, one should know its limits, explore the browser's capabilities, use unconventional tools for the job, and think beyond normal constraints. Nonsense code can reveal new possibilities.
The document summarizes upcoming improvements and enhancements in MySQL 5.5 related to scalability and performance. Key points include:
1) Semi-synchronous replication, the Performance Schema, SIGNAL/RESIGNAL, and additional partitioning options to improve data integrity and monitoring.
2) Major InnoDB improvements including a faster memory allocator, improved change buffering, prefetching and flushing techniques, and additional background threads to increase scalability.
3) Methods to control resource usage like I/O capacity, purge scheduling, and flushing for better performance under varying workloads.
PowerShell 5.0 JEA (Just Enough Administration) First StepKazuki Takai
SCUGJ (System Center User Group Japan) #14 LT のY創です。
Windows Server 2016 / PowerShell 5.0 (Windows Management Framework 5.0) でエンハンスされている JEA について古勣をh苧するとともに、gな撹圭隈についてごB初します。
The document is a presentation by Tobias Schneider on hacking JavaScript. Some key points:
- JavaScript is small, fast, widely misunderstood and very flexible. Its constraints can boost creativity.
- Many modern JavaScript features like AJAX, Canvas, and cross-domain requests originated from hacks to work around limitations that were later standardized.
- To start hacking JavaScript, one should know its limits, explore the browser's capabilities, use unconventional tools for the job, and think beyond normal constraints. Nonsense code can reveal new possibilities.
The document summarizes upcoming improvements and enhancements in MySQL 5.5 related to scalability and performance. Key points include:
1) Semi-synchronous replication, the Performance Schema, SIGNAL/RESIGNAL, and additional partitioning options to improve data integrity and monitoring.
2) Major InnoDB improvements including a faster memory allocator, improved change buffering, prefetching and flushing techniques, and additional background threads to increase scalability.
3) Methods to control resource usage like I/O capacity, purge scheduling, and flushing for better performance under varying workloads.
1) Dennis Lembree has been involved in web accessibility for over 15 years. He created Web Axe, a popular podcast and blog, and Accessible Twitter, an accessible version of Twitter.
2) He has a background in communications and got his start in web accessibility out of a belief in equality and fairness for people with disabilities.
3) Over his career, he has lived in several states and worked for various companies, and along the way learned about web accessibility through on-the-job training and personal projects.
Succeeding with Functional-first Programming in Enterprisedsyme
This document provides an overview of how functional-first programming languages like F# can help teams developing analytical components in finance. It notes that the recurring business problems for such teams are time to market, efficiency, correctness, and managing complexity. Functional-first languages help address these problems by enabling simple, correct, and robust code. They also allow for rapid integration of components through strong interoperability. Additionally, their strong typing helps maintain efficiency while empowering developers to tackle more complex problems. The document provides several examples of successful uses of F# in finance, insurance, biotech, advertising, and other domains to illustrate how it helps solve problems faster and more robustly.
This document provides information about connecting to and working with Microsoft SQL Server databases from PHP applications running on Linux or Windows Azure. It includes code samples for connecting to SQL databases and performing operations like inserts and selects. It also lists several URLs for Microsoft SQL Server drivers and documentation.
IoT Devices Compliant with JC-STAR Using Linux as a Container OSTomohiro Saneyoshi
Security requirements for IoT devices are becoming more defined, as seen with the EU Cyber Resilience Act and Japan¨s JC-STAR.
It's common for IoT devices to run Linux as their operating system. However, adopting general-purpose Linux distributions like Ubuntu or Debian, or Yocto-based Linux, presents certain difficulties. This article outlines those difficulties.
It also, it highlights the security benefits of using a Linux-based container OS and explains how to adopt it with JC-STAR, using the "Armadillo Base OS" as an example.
Feb.25.2025@JAWS-UG IoT
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