Networked Interactive Media Codec Algorithm
Kostas E. Psannis1 and Yutaka Ishibashi 2
1Department of Technology Management University of Macedonia, Thessaloniki 540 06, Greece
2Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Nagoya Institute of Technology, Nagoya 466-8555, Japan
This document discusses deduplication, including what it is, different types of deduplication, where it occurs in the data storage process, advantages and disadvantages, expected storage reductions, and results from an experimental home deduplication. It defines deduplication as eliminating duplicate data and notes that while the basic premise is the same between vendors, implementations can vary. The document also provides examples of storage reductions seen in case studies and an experiment showing significant space savings from deduplicating personal files and software downloads.
This document presents a methodology for modeling and controlling nonlinear dynamical systems with nonsmooth elements like sign functions. It proposes approximating the sign function to obtain a smooth model that can be optimally linearized. A digital controller design approach is introduced to compensate for input delays, with prediction-based redesign allowing prolonged control periods and reduced control signals. Examples applying these methods to a DC motor model are provided. Future work is suggested to select appropriate linear control designs, verify controllers in simulations and experiments, and extend the delay compensation approach to nonsmooth systems.
1) The document discusses using an autocorrelation function (ACF) filter on burst image sequences to reduce noise in CMOS image sensors and achieve high quality imaging.
2) It explains that the ACF calculates correlation values based on pixel values sampled over time to distinguish random noise from true signals. Noise pixels will have lower ACF values while true signals have higher values near 1.
3) The algorithm judges each pixel, applying a leveling filter only to pixels below thresholds for value and ACF. This reduces random noise without impacting bright pixels and resolution. Results show noise reduction while maintaining detail.
1. The document describes a multivariable PID controller developed for the lateral motion of aircraft using a CESSNA-182 aircraft model.
2. Simulations of P, PI, PD, and PID controllers were performed and results showed the PID controller provided the fastest response time with no steady state error.
3. The PID controller balances proportional, integral, and derivative terms to provide improved stability over other controller types for the lateral aircraft dynamics.
The document proposes an ontology-based approach for satellite image retrieval that involves three main modules: 1) region extraction from satellite images and ontological modeling to describe sensors, scenes, and spatial relations; 2) merging of incomplete ontological models using a probabilistic method to manage uncertainty; and 3) a semantic retrieval strategy based on similarity measures between merged ontological models and image descriptions to retrieve similar images. The approach aims to improve retrieval quality, describe image semantic content, manage uncertainty, and provide an automatic solution for efficient satellite image retrieval.
The document discusses an asset-based community development (ABCD) approach used in Delfshaven, Netherlands. Some key points:
- Over 56% of housing is owned by a single organization, impacting development initiatives. ABCD focuses on underutilized physical and social assets instead of deficiencies.
- Social assets include talents and skills of residents that can contribute to community if supported. ABCD listens to residents and documents all qualities, not just obvious ones.
- ABCD supports small, resident-led projects like computer centers, theaters, bike repair shops, and shelters that contribute to the community and build residents' confidence. The approach is creative, modest, and supports what residents can achieve themselves.
The document discusses 10 basic human needs that must be satisfied in a just society according to Sarvodaya: clean environment, adequate water supply, clothing, nutritious food, shelter, healthcare, communication, fuel/lighting, education, and cultural/spiritual engagement. It then explains that each of these needs corresponds to its own industry sector, such as environmental, water management, textiles, etc. The document advocates for tie-ups, collaborations, and contracts between these industry sectors to make better use of resources and reduce costs. Working together across sectors could provide full utilization of resources, reduce spending, and ensure access to services, technology, and benefits.
This document contains a resume for Shafeeq Moolakkadath from Dubai, UAE. The resume outlines his objective of seeking a suitable position to utilize his qualifications. It provides details of his work history including roles as an assistant accountant and accountant/cashier/document controller. His job profile includes tasks such as receiving and preparing invoices, goods receipt and verification, handling payments and petty cash, dispatch coordination, and client relations. The resume also lists his education, computer skills in programs like Tally and MS Office, languages spoken, and personal details.
With the continued popularity of ¡®growing your own¡¯, allotment waiting lists remain high and unable to meet demand, this short documentary explores how NGOs in three cities, Manchester, Sheffield and New York, are tackling the challenge of providing growing space for urban residents to grow food.
Everyday Growing Futures (13 minutes, 2013) is directed and produced by Caroline Ward and Erinma Ochu and commissioned as part of the Everyday Growing Cultures project ( This project is partly concerned with identifying citizen-led solutions to the current allotment waitlist crisis and is funded by the Communities and Culture Network+.
This document provides information about various technology tools and resources available at Hayah Academy. It lists the ICT toolbox which includes software, networks, email, and various educational platforms. Contact information is provided for the Service Desk, Edline, Atlas, and Google Apps administrators who can assist with accessing and using these tools. The key message is that ICT is a full toolbox and the right combination of tools should be used to achieve desired classroom results.
Om langer zelfstandig thuis te wonen is meer nodig dan levensloopbestendige woningen. Ook zorg en voorzieningen in de buurt zijn essentieel. Hoe kunnen woonservicewijken, wijkcentra en woningaanpassingen hieraan bijdragen?
Marja Comajta-Nieman van gemeente Heerhugowaard en Monique ter Berg van woningcorporatie Woonwaard vertellen over de successen en valkuilen bij woonservicewijken en multifunctionele accommodaties De Horst en de Mediaan in Heerhugowaard. Zij delen de ervaringen met het opplussen van woningen en vertellen over de inzet van integrale wijkteams.
Networked Interactive Media Codec Algorithm
Kostas E. Psannis1 and Yutaka Ishibashi 2
1Department of Technology Management University of Macedonia, Thessaloniki 540 06, Greece
2Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Nagoya Institute of Technology, Nagoya 466-8555, Japan
This document discusses deduplication, including what it is, different types of deduplication, where it occurs in the data storage process, advantages and disadvantages, expected storage reductions, and results from an experimental home deduplication. It defines deduplication as eliminating duplicate data and notes that while the basic premise is the same between vendors, implementations can vary. The document also provides examples of storage reductions seen in case studies and an experiment showing significant space savings from deduplicating personal files and software downloads.
This document presents a methodology for modeling and controlling nonlinear dynamical systems with nonsmooth elements like sign functions. It proposes approximating the sign function to obtain a smooth model that can be optimally linearized. A digital controller design approach is introduced to compensate for input delays, with prediction-based redesign allowing prolonged control periods and reduced control signals. Examples applying these methods to a DC motor model are provided. Future work is suggested to select appropriate linear control designs, verify controllers in simulations and experiments, and extend the delay compensation approach to nonsmooth systems.
1) The document discusses using an autocorrelation function (ACF) filter on burst image sequences to reduce noise in CMOS image sensors and achieve high quality imaging.
2) It explains that the ACF calculates correlation values based on pixel values sampled over time to distinguish random noise from true signals. Noise pixels will have lower ACF values while true signals have higher values near 1.
3) The algorithm judges each pixel, applying a leveling filter only to pixels below thresholds for value and ACF. This reduces random noise without impacting bright pixels and resolution. Results show noise reduction while maintaining detail.
1. The document describes a multivariable PID controller developed for the lateral motion of aircraft using a CESSNA-182 aircraft model.
2. Simulations of P, PI, PD, and PID controllers were performed and results showed the PID controller provided the fastest response time with no steady state error.
3. The PID controller balances proportional, integral, and derivative terms to provide improved stability over other controller types for the lateral aircraft dynamics.
The document proposes an ontology-based approach for satellite image retrieval that involves three main modules: 1) region extraction from satellite images and ontological modeling to describe sensors, scenes, and spatial relations; 2) merging of incomplete ontological models using a probabilistic method to manage uncertainty; and 3) a semantic retrieval strategy based on similarity measures between merged ontological models and image descriptions to retrieve similar images. The approach aims to improve retrieval quality, describe image semantic content, manage uncertainty, and provide an automatic solution for efficient satellite image retrieval.
The document discusses an asset-based community development (ABCD) approach used in Delfshaven, Netherlands. Some key points:
- Over 56% of housing is owned by a single organization, impacting development initiatives. ABCD focuses on underutilized physical and social assets instead of deficiencies.
- Social assets include talents and skills of residents that can contribute to community if supported. ABCD listens to residents and documents all qualities, not just obvious ones.
- ABCD supports small, resident-led projects like computer centers, theaters, bike repair shops, and shelters that contribute to the community and build residents' confidence. The approach is creative, modest, and supports what residents can achieve themselves.
The document discusses 10 basic human needs that must be satisfied in a just society according to Sarvodaya: clean environment, adequate water supply, clothing, nutritious food, shelter, healthcare, communication, fuel/lighting, education, and cultural/spiritual engagement. It then explains that each of these needs corresponds to its own industry sector, such as environmental, water management, textiles, etc. The document advocates for tie-ups, collaborations, and contracts between these industry sectors to make better use of resources and reduce costs. Working together across sectors could provide full utilization of resources, reduce spending, and ensure access to services, technology, and benefits.
This document contains a resume for Shafeeq Moolakkadath from Dubai, UAE. The resume outlines his objective of seeking a suitable position to utilize his qualifications. It provides details of his work history including roles as an assistant accountant and accountant/cashier/document controller. His job profile includes tasks such as receiving and preparing invoices, goods receipt and verification, handling payments and petty cash, dispatch coordination, and client relations. The resume also lists his education, computer skills in programs like Tally and MS Office, languages spoken, and personal details.
With the continued popularity of ¡®growing your own¡¯, allotment waiting lists remain high and unable to meet demand, this short documentary explores how NGOs in three cities, Manchester, Sheffield and New York, are tackling the challenge of providing growing space for urban residents to grow food.
Everyday Growing Futures (13 minutes, 2013) is directed and produced by Caroline Ward and Erinma Ochu and commissioned as part of the Everyday Growing Cultures project ( This project is partly concerned with identifying citizen-led solutions to the current allotment waitlist crisis and is funded by the Communities and Culture Network+.
This document provides information about various technology tools and resources available at Hayah Academy. It lists the ICT toolbox which includes software, networks, email, and various educational platforms. Contact information is provided for the Service Desk, Edline, Atlas, and Google Apps administrators who can assist with accessing and using these tools. The key message is that ICT is a full toolbox and the right combination of tools should be used to achieve desired classroom results.
Om langer zelfstandig thuis te wonen is meer nodig dan levensloopbestendige woningen. Ook zorg en voorzieningen in de buurt zijn essentieel. Hoe kunnen woonservicewijken, wijkcentra en woningaanpassingen hieraan bijdragen?
Marja Comajta-Nieman van gemeente Heerhugowaard en Monique ter Berg van woningcorporatie Woonwaard vertellen over de successen en valkuilen bij woonservicewijken en multifunctionele accommodaties De Horst en de Mediaan in Heerhugowaard. Zij delen de ervaringen met het opplussen van woningen en vertellen over de inzet van integrale wijkteams.
220108 Presentatie 1 T. Dijk, Vi Va! Zorggroeptomjutten
2010 10-verantwoordingsdag-om-1
1. Verenigde eigenaren aan het roer Adoptiewijk Schepenbuurt-Noord Oud-Mathenesse Anthonie Mulli¨¦ 28 oktober 2010
2. 1.037 1.476 1.149 1.422 617 1.427 De analyse Oud Mathenesse, rustige en prettige woonwijk 7.134 Aantal inwoners in 2007 6,7 % Aandeel huurders Woonbron in 2007
3. Ge?soleerde ligging, De analyse Oud Mathenesse, rustige en prettige woonwijk (splendid?) Isolation¡
4. Ge?soleerde ligging, goedkope particuliere woningvoorraad, De analyse Oud Mathenesse, rustige en prettige woonwijk (splendid?) Isolation¡ aantrekkelijk voor ouderen en voor jonge starter
5. Ge?soleerde ligging, goedkope particuliere woningvoorraad, in V.v.E.¡¯s in portieketageflats (Noord) en in V.v.E.¡¯s in portiekwoningen (Zuid) De analyse Oud Mathenesse, rustige en prettige woonwijk (splendid?) Isolation¡ aantrekkelijk voor ouderen en voor jonge starter eigen Woningbezit zonder deugdelijk vastgoedbeheer (vastgelopen V.v.E.¡¯s)
6. De analyse Oud Mathenesse, rustige en prettige woonwijk Alle scores vallen in de categorie ¡®veilig¡¯, behalve ¡®overlast¡¯ (categorie ¡®aandacht¡¯) Oud-Mathenesse
7. De analyse Oud Mathenesse, rustige en prettige woonwijk 2008 (5,3) 2009 (5,2) 2010 (5,2) Ondanks de economische crisis gaat het op de meeste cijfers die onderdeel uitmaken van de sociale index goed
8. De analyse Oud Mathenesse, rustige en prettige woonwijk V ertrekpunt en laatste O ntwikkeling van enkele vastgoedcijfers V O V O
9. De analyse Oud Mathenesse, rustige en prettige woonwijk V ertrekpunt en laatste O ntwikkeling van enkele uitkeringsgegevens V O V O
10. De analyse Oud Mathenesse, rustige en prettige woonwijk V ertrekpunt en laatste O ntwikkeling van enkele verhuisbewegingen V O V O
11. De analyse Oud Mathenesse, rustige en prettige woonwijk V ertrekpunt en laatste O ntwikkeling van enkele overlastgegevens V O V O
12. De Kernwaarden die bewoners noemen Nabij Vertrouwd Rustig Accepteren Toegankelijk De analyse Oud Mathenesse, rustige en prettige woonwijk
13. De Leefstijl Oud-Mathenesse in ¡®splendid isolation (?)¡¯ (¡.) Menselijke veiligheid om je heen is belangrijker dan veiligheid van een muur De analyse Oud Mathenesse, rustige en prettige woonwijk Vriendelijkheid is belangrijk, fatsoenlijke gezinnen, het type is niet belangrijk Mag best op elkaar letten, maar niet teveel alsjeblieft
14. Adoptiewijk Speldenprik met Toezicht Gebouwen 1.037 1.476 1.149 1.422 617 1.427 De aanpak in 2 projectgebieden eerste inzet concentreren
15. ontwikkeling sociaal- maatschappelijk perspectief doelgroepenbeleid De aanpak Oud Mathenesse, rustige en prettige woonwijk programma sociaal Hulpverlening en zorg Sociale Cohesie, Participatie en Recreatie % huishoudens schulden ¨C snelle hulp % meldingen huiselijk geweld % overlastklachten (o.a. V.v.E.¡¯s) % participatie (o.a. V.v.E.¡¯s) ( ) onderzoek huisbezoeken
16. Sluitende aanpak van alle betrokkenen op bestrijden onveiligheid Ondersteun bewoners en ondersteun V.v.E.¡¯s die Zelf hun regels kunnen en Willen handhaven De aanpak Oud Mathenesse, rustige en prettige woonwijk programma veilig ( ) Versterk bewonersinzet met buurtconci?rge 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 OM / WT 5,5 5,6 6,1 6,5 7,4 7,3 7,9 7,4 7,3 Veilig
17. Sterk ondernemersnetwerk Inzet COiD Relatie met Schiedam Ruimte voor starters Sociale ori?ntatie A sset B ased C ommunity D evelopment De aanpak Oud Mathenesse, rustige en prettige woonwijk programma economie Verhuur bedrijfsruimtes per dagdeel
18. De aanpak Oud Mathenesse, rustige en prettige woonwijk programma economie Verhuur bedrijfsruimtes per dagdeel
19. De aanpak Oud Mathenesse, rustige en prettige woonwijk programma economie Sociale ori?ntatie A sset B ased C ommunity D evelopment Extra faciliteiten voor sociale initiatieven en ondernemers coaching voor vrouwen coaching voor startende ondernemers
20. Investeer in verhuurde woningen En versterk de inzet Door V.v.E.¡¯s De aanpak Oud Mathenesse, rustige en prettige woonwijk programma duurzaamheid
21. Gerichte communicatie In nieuwsbrieven, op Websites enzovoorts Vertel elkaar dat je niet de enige bent die gelooft in de kracht van Oud-Mathenesse en Het Witte Dorp De aanpak Oud Mathenesse, rustige en prettige woonwijk programma communicatie/PR
22. Verwerk een aantal standaard onderzoeken / metingen Koppel naar project sturing en naar wijkbewoners De aanpak Oud Mathenesse, rustige en prettige woonwijk Resultaatmeting, draagvlak en projectmanagement
23. vastgoed / V.v.E.¡¯s (semi-) openbare ruimte De aanpak Oud Mathenesse, rustige en prettige woonwijk programma fysiek
24. Technische conditie prima Technische conditie goed Technische conditie redelijk Technische conditie zwak Technische conditie slecht check Techniek check Enthousiasme/ draagvlak check Organisatie check Financi?n check Vermogen tot verbinden Koop je als wooncorporatie in elke V.v.E. in en verbeter de prestaties programma fysiek
25. Aandeel appartementsrechten in V.v.E.¡¯s waar de corporatie minstens ¨¦¨¦n appartementsrecht bezit 2007-04 16% appt. 2008-02 34% appt. 2008-04 75% appt. 2009-02 86% appt. 2009-04 89% appt. 0% bdr. 0% bdr. 48% bdr. 48% bdr. 48% bdr. 2010-02 93% woonappartementen. 48% bedrijfsruimtes in de wijk programma fysiek
26. Storting in het fonds voor Planmatig Onderhoud (2007 ¨C € 5,00) Kosten voor reparaties en contractonderhoud (2007 ¨C € 22,00) Servicekosten, schoonmaak e.d. (2007 ¨C € 16,00) Bankkosten, inhuur beheerkantoor e.d. (2007 ¨C € 0,00) Alle V.v.E.-verzekeringen (2007 ¨C € 7,00) jaar budget 2007 voor planmatig onderhoud per appartement € 60,00 per wijk ¨¤ 600 appartementen € 36.000 Een voorbeeld - V.v.E. in 2007; Elke maand € 50,00 bijdrage¡ programma fysiek
27. Storting in het fonds Planmatig Onderhoud (2009 ¨C € 144,00) Kosten voor reparaties en contractonderhoud (2009 ¨C € 16,00) Servicekosten, schoonmaak e.d. (2009 ¨C € 16,00) Bankkosten, inhuur beheerkantoor e.d. (2009 ¨C € 12,00) Alle V.v.E.-verzekeringen (2009 ¨C € 7,00) jaar budget 2009 voor planmatig onderhoud per appartement was € 60 is nu € 1.728 per wijk ¨¤ 600 appartementen was € 36.000 is nu € 1.036.800 Nieuwe situatie - V.v.E. in 2009; Elke maand € 195,00 bijdrage¡ programma fysiek
28. De spelregels voor de corporatie (1): Gedraag je als ¡°gewoon een eigenaar¡± en zoek met overtuiging de rol van vriendelijke buurman/vrouw Ben direct en eerlijk ¨C als iets pijnlijk is, is het pijnlijk Lever een gratis bouwkundige inspectie en MJOP programma fysiek
29. De spelregels voor de corporatie (2): Leg uit waarom je als eigenaar graag wil sparen voor planmatig onderhoud Haal goed de problemen op die andere eigenaren aangeven en regel dat er zo veel mogelijk worden opgelost Schuldenproblematiek springt het eerst in het oog, maar let ook op overlastproblematiek en op sociale problematiek programma fysiek
30. Storting in het fonds Planmatig Onderhoud (2009 ¨C € 144,00) Kosten voor reparaties en contractonderhoud (2009 ¨C € 16,00) Servicekosten, schoonmaak e.d. (2009 ¨C € 16,00) Bankkosten, inhuur beheerkantoor e.d. (2009 ¨C € 12,00) Alle V.v.E.-verzekeringen (2009 ¨C € 7,00) Support (1) voor V.v.E.¡¯s die sparen: Een nieuw portiek cadeau door gemeente en Woonbron programma fysiek
31. Storting in het fonds Planmatig Onderhoud (2009 ¨C € 144,00) Kosten voor reparaties en contractonderhoud (2009 ¨C € 16,00) Servicekosten, schoonmaak e.d. (2009 ¨C € 16,00) Bankkosten, inhuur beheerkantoor e.d. (2009 ¨C € 12,00) Alle V.v.E.-verzekeringen (2009 ¨C € 7,00) Support (2): De gemeente en Woonbron betalen 55% van de investeringen die de V.v.E. in de eerste drie jaar inplant ZONDER de te doen gebruikelijke eisen en ZONDER de gebruikelijke controleprocedures daarop (wel met controle uiteraard) programma fysiek
32. Van elke vraag willen we leren a m u l l i e @ w o o n b r o n . n l De aanpak Oud Mathenesse, rustige en prettige woonwijk Resultaatmeting, draagvlak en projectmanagement Linkedin-groep ¡®de Zaak Mathenesse¡¯