El documento discute la importancia de crear conciencia ambiental debido a que las acciones humanas han contaminado el planeta. Tambi辿n describe varios problemas ambientales globales como la poluci坦n, deforestaci坦n y fuentes de agua contaminadas, as鱈 como los impactos de los residuos s坦lidos como la producci坦n de gases de efecto invernadero. Finalmente, ofrece lineamientos para el manejo integral de residuos s坦lidos urbanos incluyendo su clasificaci坦n, separaci坦n en la fuente y m辿todos de disposici坦n.
O documento apresenta um modelo de canal de interatividade para a televis達o digital brasileira, discutindo a motiva巽達o e objetivos, o modelo proposto e considera巽探es finais.
El documento discute la importancia de crear conciencia ambiental debido a que las acciones humanas han contaminado el planeta. Tambi辿n describe varios problemas ambientales globales como la poluci坦n, deforestaci坦n y fuentes de agua contaminadas, as鱈 como los impactos de los residuos s坦lidos como la producci坦n de gases de efecto invernadero. Finalmente, ofrece lineamientos para el manejo integral de residuos s坦lidos urbanos incluyendo su clasificaci坦n, separaci坦n en la fuente y m辿todos de disposici坦n.
O documento apresenta um modelo de canal de interatividade para a televis達o digital brasileira, discutindo a motiva巽達o e objetivos, o modelo proposto e considera巽探es finais.
Este documento lista y diagrama los principales dispositivos de entrada y salida de una computadora, incluyendo el teclado, mouse, micr坦fono, scanner, l叩piz 坦ptico, lector de c坦digo de barras, joystick, monitor, impresora, altavoces, auricular, plotter, c叩mara web y videoc叩mara.
The document summarizes a study on computing and analyzing the spectra of large network graphs. It discusses computing the spectra of real-world and model networks with thousands to hundreds of thousands of nodes using parallel computing techniques. It presents examples of spectra for networks like the Internet router network, social networks, and preferential attachment models. The study aims to better understand properties like spikes, repeated eigenvalues, and relationships to known power laws from analyzing the spectra of large empirical and model networks.
Este documento resume varias herramientas digitales para la gesti坦n del conocimiento como Prezi, 際際滷Share, Dipity y Tiki-Toki Timelines. Prezi permite presentar texto, im叩genes y figuras en capas y con tama単os y rotaciones variables. 際際滷Share permite compartir presentaciones de PowerPoint. Dipity permite crear l鱈neas de tiempo interactivas. Y Tiki-Toki permite crear l鱈neas de tiempo atractivas visualmente que se pueden compartir en l鱈nea.
The document discusses concurrency and synchronization in distributed computing. It provides an overview of Petr Kuznetsov's research at Telecom ParisTech, which includes algorithms and models for distributed systems. Some key points discussed are:
- Concurrency is important due to multi-core processors and distributed systems being everywhere. However, synchronization between concurrent processes introduces challenges.
- Common synchronization problems include mutual exclusion, readers-writers problems, and producer-consumer problems. Tools for synchronization include semaphores, transactional memory, and non-blocking algorithms.
- Characterizing distributed computing models and determining what problems can be solved in a given model is an important area of research, with implications for distributed system design.
The document discusses weakly supervised learning from video and images using convolutional neural networks. It describes using scripts as weak supervision for learning actions from movies without explicit labeling. Methods are presented for jointly learning actors and actions from scripts, and for action learning with ordering constraints. The use of CNNs for object and action recognition in images is also summarized, including work on training CNNs using only image-level labels without bounding boxes.
This document discusses common C++ bugs and tools to find them. It describes various types of memory access bugs like buffer overflows on the stack, heap, and globals that can lead to crashes or security vulnerabilities. Threading bugs like data races, deadlocks, and race conditions on object destruction are also covered. Other undefined behaviors like initialization order issues, lack of sequence points, and integer overflows are explained. The document provides examples of each type of bug and emphasizes that undefined behavior does not guarantee a predictable result. It concludes with a quiz to find bugs in a code sample and links to additional reading materials.
AddressSanitizer, ThreadSanitizer, and MemorySanitizer are compiler-based tools that detect bugs like buffer overflows, data races, and uninitialized memory reads in C/C++ programs. AddressSanitizer instruments loads and stores to detect out-of-bounds memory accesses. ThreadSanitizer intercepts synchronization calls to detect data races between threads. MemorySanitizer tracks initialized and uninitialized memory using shadow memory to find uses of uninitialized values. The tools have found thousands of bugs with low overhead. Future work includes supporting more platforms and languages and detecting additional bug classes.
This document discusses common C++ bugs and tools to find them. It describes various types of memory access bugs like buffer overflows on the stack, heap, and globals that can lead to crashes or security vulnerabilities. Threading bugs like data races, deadlocks, and race conditions on object destruction are also covered. Other undefined behaviors like initialization order issues, lack of sequence points, and integer overflows are explained. The document provides examples of each type of bug and quizzes the reader to find bugs in a code sample. It recommends resources for further reading on debugging techniques and thread sanitizers that can detect races and data races.
This document provides examples and snippets of code for MapReduce, Pig, Hive, Spark, Shark, and Disco frameworks. It also includes two sections of references for related papers and Disco documentation. The examples demonstrate basic MapReduce jobs with drivers, mappers, and reducers in Java, Pig and Hive queries, Spark and Shark table operations, and a Disco MapReduce job.
2. 亠从亳于仆亠 亳仗: 仗亠亟于舒亳亠仍仆亠 亰舒仄亠舒仆亳
丱仂亳仄 于 了 仂仗亠亟亠仍亳 仗亳从亳, 亟亠亠于 亳 仗.
亟亠: 仗亠亟亰舒亟舒仆仆亶 从仂仆亠从
0 I : , PAIR : , INJL : + , INJR : +
丐仂亞亟舒 从仂仆从仂 仗亳从舒
NIL : + ??? (= List)
CONS e l INJR (PAIR e l)
CONS e l : ??? + List (= List)
仄亠亠仄 亠从亳于仆仂亠 舒于仆亠仆亳亠 仆舒 亳仗:
List + List
List 袖留. + 留
3. 亠从亳于仆亠 亳仗: 亳亠仄舒 了袖
舒亟舒 仂仆仂亠仆亳亠 从于亳于舒仍亠仆仆仂亳 仄亠亢亟 亳仗舒仄亳
仍亳 M : 亳 , 仂 M : , 亳 仆舒仂弍仂仂.
舒仗亳仄亠, 亠从亳于仆亶 亳仗 0 0 0
x : 0 x : 0 0
x : 0 x x : 0
了x : 0. x x : 0 0
了x : 0. x x : 0
(了x : 0. x x) (了x : 0. x x) : 0
(仗仂亟仂亟亳 亟仍 亳仗亳亰舒亳亳 仍ミ頴笑覚 亠仄舒 M )
仗亠舒仂 袖 亟仍 从仂仆亳仂于舒仆亳: 0 袖留. 留 留
4. C亳亠仄舒 了袖: 仂仄舒仍仆仂亳
丐亠仄: ::= V | | 了V.
丐亳仗: T ::= V | T T | 袖V. T
仍 T 仂仗亠亟亠仍ム 亟亠亠于仂 亳仗舒 T ():
T (留) = 留
T ( ) =
T () T ()
T (袖留. 留) =
T (袖留. 袖硫1. . . . 袖硫n. 留) =
T (袖留. ) = T ([留 := 袖留. ])
亅从于亳于舒仍亠仆仆仂: T () = T ()
9. C亳亠仄舒 了袖: 亳仗亳亰亳亠仄 Y-从仂仄弍亳仆舒仂
舒仄仂亳仄 仗仂亳亰于仂仍仆亶 .
袖留. 留 , 仂亞亟舒 亳
Y 了f. (了x. f (x x))(了x. f (x x)) : ( )
x: x:
x: xx :
f : , x : f (x x) :
f : 了x. f (x x) :
f : 了x. f (x x) :
f : (了x. f (x x))(了x. f (x x)) :
了f. (了x. f (x x))(了x. f (x x)) : ( )
仂从舒亢亳亠, 仂 于 了袖 于亠仆仂 (了x. x x)(了x. x x) :
10. C亳亠仄舒 了袖: 亠亟从亳 弍亠从舒 亳 SN
丐亠仂亠仄舒 仂 亠亟从亳亳 弍亠从舒
M 硫 N. 丐仂亞亟舒
了袖 M : 了袖 N :
仂从仂仍从 于 亳亠仄亠 亳仗亳亰亳亠仄 于亠 亠仄 SN 仆亠 亳仄亠亠
11. C亳亠仄舒 了袖: 仗仂弍仍亠仄 舒亰亠亳仄仂亳
丐 M : ?
舒亰亠亳仄舒. (弌仍亠亟亠 亳亰 舒亰亠亳仄仂亳 T () = T ())
弌丐 M : ?
丐亳于亳舒仍仆仂 舒亰亠亳仄舒: 从舒亢亟亶 亠仄 亳仄亠亠 亳仗.
丐 ? :
丐亳于亳舒仍仆仂 舒亰亠亳仄舒: 于亠 亳仗 仆舒亠仍亠仆.
12. 丐亳仗-仗亠亠亠亠仆亳
亟亠: 舒亰亠亳 亠仄 亳仄亠 亟于舒 亳仗舒 亳 仂亟仆仂于亠仄亠仆仆仂:
亅仂 仗仂仂亢亟舒亠 仗亠亳舒仍仆亶 (ad hoc) 仗仂仍亳仄仂亳亰仄, 于
仂仍亳亳亠 仂 仗舒舒仄亠亳亠从仂亞仂 仗仂仍亳仄仂亳亰仄舒 了2.
舒 仄仆仂亢亠于亠 亳仗仂于 亰舒亟舒ム 仗亠亟仗仂磲仂从:
仍亳 M : 亳 , 仂 M : .
舒仗亳仄亠, x : 亳 , 仂从亟舒 x : .
13. 弌亳亠仄舒 了: 仂仄舒仍仆仂亳
丐亳仗: T ::= | V | TT | T T
仗亠亟亠仍亠仆亳亠 仂仆仂亠仆亳 磦仍磳 仗仂亟亳仗仂仄
(trans) ,
(glb) ,
( )
( )
( ) ( ) ( )
() ,
仂亢仆仂 于于亠亳 从于亳于舒仍亠仆仆仂:
23. 亳亠舒舒 (1)
LCWT 亞仍. 4
Henk Barendregt, Lambda calculi with types,
Handbook of logic in computer science (vol. 2), Oxford University
Press, 1993
TAPL 亞仍. 20,21
Benjamin C. Pierce, Types and Programming Languages, MIT
Press, 2002
24. 亳亠舒舒 (2)
ATTAPL 亞仍. 2
Benjamin C. Pierce, editor.
Advanced Topics in Types and Programming Languages, MIT,