Architecture@future ii 2014Kumar SnehansuThe document discusses the adaptive reuse of buildings for new purposes while retaining historic features. It provides the Tate Modern in London as an example of a successful adaptive reuse project, having converted the Bankside Power Station into a gallery for modern art. The adaptive reuse of the former Orsay railway station in Paris into the Musée d'Orsay museum is also discussed. Adaptive reuse can provide environmental benefits by retaining a building's embodied energy and reducing the need for new construction. It also yields social benefits by engaging communities and preserving heritage buildings.
Rust and Lasers: The 3D Preservation of a National Treasure by Dr. Lori WaltersMelissa TiffanyDesigned by noted 20th Century American architect Philip Johnson, the New York State Pavilion in Flushing Meadows-Corona Park, Queens, NY was recently listed as a “National Treasure” by the National Trust for Historic Preservation. With the pavilion’s fate undecided, a canning team from the University of Central Florida, with support from non-profit CyArk, set out to digitally preserve the iconic structures. Dr. Lori Walters and Ross Davison will showcase the challenges surrounding the capture of
the pavilion’s height, unique configuration and deterioration.
Renson a juco presentation 2ynzo31This document appears to be a quiz from Cuyambay Elementary School covering topics in science, math, art, and personal education. The quiz contains questions asking if a butterfly is an insect, if 12 is divisible by 3, to color with the appropriate color, and to identify the most handsome image.
Susan G Komen MadisonAccess Community Health CentersAccess is using their
grant money to fund
the Breast Cancer
Prevention Services for
Low-Income Women in Dane County
project. Access is working to increase the
number of low-income women who are
receiving recommended mammogram
screenings through the use of a quality
improvement process, increased case
management and outreach services, and
patient incentives.
“Low income women are in a
greater risk category for health disparities
because they may not get the early
detection services they need, such as
detecting breast cancer through a mammogram,”
explains Quall.
Mean, Median, Mode: Measures of Central Tendency Jan NahThere are three common measures of central tendency: mean, median, and mode. The mean is the average value found by dividing the sum of all values by the total number of values. The median is the middle value when values are arranged from lowest to highest. The mode is the value that occurs most frequently. Each measure provides a single number to represent the central or typical value in a data set.
Ape thumb deformity to publishMogali VishwanadhamThe document discusses the anatomy and function of the median nerve and the importance of an opposable thumb for humans. It then focuses on median nerve injuries that cause paralysis of the thenar muscles and inability to oppose the thumb. Various tendon transfer techniques are described to restore thumb opposition, including the Bunnell opponensplasty using the palmaris longus tendon. Post-operative immobilization of the thumb and wrist is recommended to allow healing after opponensplasty surgery.
Solid organ injuries following abdominal traumaAymen Ahmad KhanThe liver is the second most commonly injured solid organ in abdominal trauma, after the spleen. It can be injured through direct blunt force impact or shearing forces from rapid deceleration. Signs and symptoms may include right upper quadrant pain or tenderness, as well as hypotension in more severe cases. Diagnosis is often made through physical exam, blood work, ultrasound, CT scan, or diagnostic laparoscopy/laparotomy. Most mild liver injuries can be managed non-operatively with bed rest and monitoring for bleeding, while more severe injuries sometimes require surgery.
Celestial illusionsDebbie HynemanCelestial Illusions is a traveling planetarium that offers immersive star shows and educational events. It aims to partner with clubs, DJs, and event planners by providing promotional materials and hosting star parties. The planetarium features multiple viewing levels and art displays. Owners and DJs can run their own shows or have Celestial Illusions run them. It seeks to bring new customers to partner venues and enhance events without competing for existing customers.
AP is under pressure. Are you behind?TradeshiftOver the next two years, AP organizations will likely reduce paper invoices, automate processes, and contribute more strategic value. This will involve largely automating the AP process, significantly declining paper invoices, reducing manual tasks and increasing strategic activities. The required skill set within AP will change as involvement in working capital optimization increases and the AP and procurement partnership strengthens.
What if - shev silversteinDavid DeubelbeissSpent a lot of time on this. Really cool gif photos that move. EFL 2.0 members get additional resources, audio version / video.
Initial Sintering Mechanism of Mesocarbon Microbeadsguestdc9119The document analyzes the initial sintering mechanisms of mesocarbon microbeads through various experiments. It finds that sample shrinkage is primarily due to increasing theoretical density caused by crystallographic transformation during heating. The β-resin helps maintain particle cohesion during sintering. Sample porosity remains largely unaffected by the sintering process. Thermogravimetric analysis and heating schedule experiments help understand mass change and shrinkage over time and temperature.
Architecture@future ii 2014Kumar SnehansuThe document discusses the adaptive reuse of buildings for new purposes while retaining historic features. It provides the Tate Modern in London as an example of a successful adaptive reuse project, having converted the Bankside Power Station into a gallery for modern art. The adaptive reuse of the former Orsay railway station in Paris into the Musée d'Orsay museum is also discussed. Adaptive reuse can provide environmental benefits by retaining a building's embodied energy and reducing the need for new construction. It also yields social benefits by engaging communities and preserving heritage buildings.
Rust and Lasers: The 3D Preservation of a National Treasure by Dr. Lori WaltersMelissa TiffanyDesigned by noted 20th Century American architect Philip Johnson, the New York State Pavilion in Flushing Meadows-Corona Park, Queens, NY was recently listed as a “National Treasure” by the National Trust for Historic Preservation. With the pavilion’s fate undecided, a canning team from the University of Central Florida, with support from non-profit CyArk, set out to digitally preserve the iconic structures. Dr. Lori Walters and Ross Davison will showcase the challenges surrounding the capture of
the pavilion’s height, unique configuration and deterioration.
Renson a juco presentation 2ynzo31This document appears to be a quiz from Cuyambay Elementary School covering topics in science, math, art, and personal education. The quiz contains questions asking if a butterfly is an insect, if 12 is divisible by 3, to color with the appropriate color, and to identify the most handsome image.
Susan G Komen MadisonAccess Community Health CentersAccess is using their
grant money to fund
the Breast Cancer
Prevention Services for
Low-Income Women in Dane County
project. Access is working to increase the
number of low-income women who are
receiving recommended mammogram
screenings through the use of a quality
improvement process, increased case
management and outreach services, and
patient incentives.
“Low income women are in a
greater risk category for health disparities
because they may not get the early
detection services they need, such as
detecting breast cancer through a mammogram,”
explains Quall.
Mean, Median, Mode: Measures of Central Tendency Jan NahThere are three common measures of central tendency: mean, median, and mode. The mean is the average value found by dividing the sum of all values by the total number of values. The median is the middle value when values are arranged from lowest to highest. The mode is the value that occurs most frequently. Each measure provides a single number to represent the central or typical value in a data set.
Ape thumb deformity to publishMogali VishwanadhamThe document discusses the anatomy and function of the median nerve and the importance of an opposable thumb for humans. It then focuses on median nerve injuries that cause paralysis of the thenar muscles and inability to oppose the thumb. Various tendon transfer techniques are described to restore thumb opposition, including the Bunnell opponensplasty using the palmaris longus tendon. Post-operative immobilization of the thumb and wrist is recommended to allow healing after opponensplasty surgery.
Solid organ injuries following abdominal traumaAymen Ahmad KhanThe liver is the second most commonly injured solid organ in abdominal trauma, after the spleen. It can be injured through direct blunt force impact or shearing forces from rapid deceleration. Signs and symptoms may include right upper quadrant pain or tenderness, as well as hypotension in more severe cases. Diagnosis is often made through physical exam, blood work, ultrasound, CT scan, or diagnostic laparoscopy/laparotomy. Most mild liver injuries can be managed non-operatively with bed rest and monitoring for bleeding, while more severe injuries sometimes require surgery.
Celestial illusionsDebbie HynemanCelestial Illusions is a traveling planetarium that offers immersive star shows and educational events. It aims to partner with clubs, DJs, and event planners by providing promotional materials and hosting star parties. The planetarium features multiple viewing levels and art displays. Owners and DJs can run their own shows or have Celestial Illusions run them. It seeks to bring new customers to partner venues and enhance events without competing for existing customers.
AP is under pressure. Are you behind?TradeshiftOver the next two years, AP organizations will likely reduce paper invoices, automate processes, and contribute more strategic value. This will involve largely automating the AP process, significantly declining paper invoices, reducing manual tasks and increasing strategic activities. The required skill set within AP will change as involvement in working capital optimization increases and the AP and procurement partnership strengthens.
What if - shev silversteinDavid DeubelbeissSpent a lot of time on this. Really cool gif photos that move. EFL 2.0 members get additional resources, audio version / video.
Initial Sintering Mechanism of Mesocarbon Microbeadsguestdc9119The document analyzes the initial sintering mechanisms of mesocarbon microbeads through various experiments. It finds that sample shrinkage is primarily due to increasing theoretical density caused by crystallographic transformation during heating. The β-resin helps maintain particle cohesion during sintering. Sample porosity remains largely unaffected by the sintering process. Thermogravimetric analysis and heating schedule experiments help understand mass change and shrinkage over time and temperature.
1. Vietnam Mission Magazine Vol. 2012-12
Vietnam International Seminary
베트남 국제신학교·신학대학원
신학 사역 목적 교육 목표
1. 목회자 공인 자격 부여. 1. 신학적 기초 소양과 인성을 갖춘 목회자.
2. 신학 교수 자원 양성. 2. 목회 사역지에서 가르치는 목회자.
3. 전국 도시 신학교 설립. 3. 목회 사역지역에 신학교를 세우는 목회자.
4. 베트남 기독교계 리더 양성. 4. 베트남 기독교계의 리더가 되는 목회자.
5. 선교 동원 및 선교지도자 양성. 5. 교회 부흥을 사모하며 선교하는 교회 목회자.
2013년 베트남 국제신학대학 세미나 일정
1월 14-17일 호치민 캠퍼스 (석.박사 과정)
3월 26-29일 하노이 캠퍼스 (흐몽족 신학교 및 석사과정)
4월 2-5일 한국 캠퍼스 (워싱턴 국제신학대학)
5월 13-16일 호치민 캠퍼스 (석.박사 과정)
28-31일 하노이 캠퍼스 (흐몽족 신학교 및 석사과정)
6월 10-14일 호치민 캠퍼스 (석.박사 과정)
7월 23-26일 하노이 캠퍼스 (흐몽족 신학교 및 석사과정)
9월 24-27일 하노이 캠퍼스 (흐몽족 신학교 및 석사과정)
10월 8-11일 한국 캠퍼스 (워싱턴 국제신학대학)
11월 26-29일 하노이 캠퍼스 (흐몽족 신학교 및 석사과정)
Vietnam Global Mission Association
베트남 세계선교협의회
Mission Training Center 선교훈련원
설립 목적 이사회 조직
1. 선교사 선발, 훈련 및 파송 현지 목회자 및 성도 14 인
2. 베트남 지역교회의 선교 동역 한인 성도 2 인, 선교사 1 인
3. 현지교회 성도의 선교 동원 (현지 한인교회 4 교회 예정)
2013년 베트남 세계선교 센터 선교 세미나 일정
1월 15-18일 호치민 선교센터 선교사 양성 훈련, 정기이사회
3월 26-29일 호치민, 하노이 선교센터 선교 세미나
5월 28-31일 호치민, 하노이 선교 세미나, 정기이사회
7월 23-26일 호치민, 하노이 선교 세미나
9월 24-27일 호치민, 하노이 선교 세미나, 정기이사회
11월 26-29일 호치민, 하노이 선교 세미나, 정기 이사회
2. Multi-cultural Family Center
다문화 가족센터 대구은행 508-10-6791786 임상원
설립 목적 3대 사역
1. 다문화 가정의 가족문제 상담 지원 다문화 가정 사회적 기업 개발 (전퉁물품 매장)
2. 다문화 가정의 경제적 지원 다문화 가정 지원 (한글교육, 요리교실, 육아)
3. 다문화 가정의 돌봄과 복음전도 다문화 가정 돌봄 (상담, 부모 결연, 쉼터)
사회 선교는 이렇게...
한인교회 최초로 미국 장로교 교단에서 수여하는 ‘사회 봉사상’을 수상한,
세계 디아스포라 한인교회들이 주목하는 다인종 지역사회 봉사 이론 및 실제가
담겨 있는 사회선교 참고서가 출판되었다.
급변하는 다인종(문화) 사회에서 사역의 지평을 넓힐 수 있는 통찰력 있는
목회 지침서이다. 교회가 지역사회에서 없어서는 안 될 중심적인 역할을
감당하여 온, 선교의 전략과 전술의 목회 현장이론 및 실제를 폭넓게 다루고 있다.
이주여성 위기대응 노트
이주여성은 결혼, 노동, 유학, 기타 이유로 한국 사회에 체류하고 있지만 언어
소통이 되지 않고, 한국 제도에 대한 이해가 부족하여 다양한 위기 상황과 어
려움을 겪고 있다. 이에 2012 여성가족부 여성단체협력사업 ‘이주여성의 사
회안전망 로드맵 만들기’ 차원에서 이주여성을 위한 <위기 대응 노트>를 발
간하였다. 이 노트에는 이주여성이 꼭 알아야 하는, 초기 한국 생활에 필요한
내용부터 가정폭력, 성폭력, 성매매 등 폭력 피해를 당했을 때 대처하는 방법,
생활에서 직접 겪을 수 있는 위기 상황에 대응하고 도움을 요청하는 방법까지
구체적으로 설명하고 있다. 또 한국어 외에 6개 다국어로 번역되어 이주여성
의 이해를 돕고 있다.
- 초기 한국생활 : 외국인이 알아야 할 기본 제도 (해피 스타트 프로그램)
- 가정폭력 대응법 : 도움받을 수 있는 기관, 일상적인 가정폭력 대처하기
- 성폭력 대응법 : 성폭력에 대한 인식개선, 가해자에게 대응하기
- 성매매 대응법 : 구직할 때 업종별 주의사항, 구인정보 분별하기
- 위기상황 대응법 : 이혼, 질병, 건강, 가출 등 다양한 상황에서 대처하는 방법
특히 자료에 대한 활용도를 높이기 위해 이주여성 자조모임 리더들이 위기대응노트 활용에 대한 기본
교육을 수료하고 강사로 활동하고 있다. 이주여성 리더 강사는 10여명 규모로, 소규모 이주여성 당사자
모임을 찾아가 실질적인 교육과 함께 노트를 제공하고 있다.
오직 하나님의 옳게 여기심을 입어 복음 전할 부탁을 받았으니 우리가 이와 같이 말함은 사람을
기쁘게 하려 함이 아니요 오직 우리 마음을 감찰하시는 하나님을 기쁘시게 하려 함이라.(살전2:4)
Thomas S. Won Lim (Th.D / D.Miss)
Founder of Vietnam International Seminary & Global Mission Center