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2012 alt seminar
Austin Michael Noguchi Lantz
?Music will be played throughout the presentation. If you don’t
like it or find it distracting please move away from the CD player.
?My Japanese is not very good and so I used Google translate a
lot so the Japanese is a little strange. 日本語書くことは低いです。そ
して、GOOGLE 使えました、それから この日本語ちょうと変と思います。
? Colorado, USA.
? 28 years old
? Board member of JALT Sendai
? B.A. in Mass communications
? 3 years as an ALT
? I hold 7 certifications in TEFL, EFL
? I will be returning to university to pursue my
M.A. In Education
Do you remember what it was like to learn English? How
about Japanese? Did you learn by drilling over and over
without really using the language? Did you read the same
article many times over that you memorized it? Did you truly
understand what you were reading?? Or did you learn a little
at a time and use it in real life situations?
Education and learning use many different styles; kinesthetic, auditory,
spatial, visual, etc. The key to being an efficient educator is being able to
address all of these styles, not to mention all of the different levels within
a class, as much as possible. However, addressing all of the different
styles of learning requires many teaching methods. It has been my
mission to try and address all of the styles of the students I teach in my 3
years of teaching. With the help of JALT Sendai and teachers I have
learned many techniques; the best and worst, of which I will share with
Good communication between the teachers and students is a cornerstone
of good education. If there is good communication between the teacher
and the students, where the students feel safe coming to their teachers,
they will feel comfortable during their education. This is something that
Japanese schools far exceed most American schools. Just as teachers
know their students by name it is important to know their learning styles
and levels too. Addressing all of the styles of learning through various
activities including, group activities, interviews, games even teaching
under a cherry tree in April; will make students curious and want to learn
However keeping students interested in
learning is hard when they are asleep. One
way to keep the students involved in class
and cognitively thinking is to use music in
class. Marc Hegelsen of Miyagi Gakuin as
well as teachers in Sendai, Furukawa &
Tomiya have used background music in
their classes. It has been proven that music
with around 60 beats per minute seems to
have a stimulating effect on students, as
well as teachers. This stimulation leads to
better understanding and learning within
院のMarc Hegelsen と 仙台、古川·富谷の先生は、クラスに音楽を使用しています。
Marc Hegelsen
Miyagi Gakuin
Understanding comes from trying. If you give a baby
a toy and show them what to do they will play with it
but they will not understand. However if you let the
baby discover what to do on their own they will
remember what to do and the experience will be
personal, making it easier to commit to memory.
Self-Efficient teaching or teaching without teaching; is a concept developed
from Professor Charles Adamson at Miyagi Gakuin & Tohoku Gakuin. This is a
very useful and effective technique that has worked for me in the past. The
theory behind self-efficient teaching is that students learn more if they
discover meaning on their own. A self-efficent teacher lets the student find out
the answers to a question on their own only stopping a class to keep students
on track or check answers with students. The research behind self-efficient
teaching supports the method very well. Not only does this technique build
interest, but self-confidence and knowledge faster than drilling. Self-
Efficiency teaching has been put to an extreme in third world countries like
India where it has been proven effective even with little or no teacher
英語のCharles Adamsonからです。これは、とても便利技術ですが、時々私はT1ク
Charles Adamson PHD.
Miyagi Gakuin & Tohoku Gakuin
Self-efficient teaching is a great tool used all over the world
with great results. Results of self-efficient teaching from
the slums of India to the poorest regions of China and
Korea have had reported amazing success. What is the
difference between third world students and Japanese
students… Curiosity and motivation.
Get out of
the way and let
the kids play!!!!
Motivation is driven by many factors including self-esteem, confidence, the use
of prizes, etc. Curiosity is also a contributing factor to motivation that affects
students. David Paul, founder of ETJ and textbook author, is a master teacher
of the suspense teaching style. Suspense teaching is a teaching technique that
has proven very successful in all level classrooms, kindergarten to university. A
suspense teacher keeps students guessing what is going to happen next in class.
This is a great method to keep the students awake, thinking and involved in
class. This method also personalizes learning in class making it easier to
commit learning to memory.
David Paul (UK)
*David English School
*ELT Founder
Memories can be good and bad. As a teacher it is your
responsibility to be ready for class. While there are some
teachers who can “wing it” and still come up with a stellar class,
most teachers have to, or should, take the time to prepare for
class. Teachers should plan and practice the lesson with the
teachers who will be attending the class, even if just by e-mail
or faxes. Good communication between teachers is vital to a
good class.
ができているあなたの責任です。 "翼に"と、まだ恒星のクラスを考え
However with 4 or 5 teachers in one classroom, communication can break
down very easily leading to frustration for the teachers and students
creating a bad outlook on the subject and class. Not only does bad
communication lead to frustration but bad note taking can too. Too many
overly complicated notebooks can make the most experienced student
weary of class. Carrying 3 or 4 notebooks for one class is cumbersome and
confusing for the students. Too many teachers in class and overly
complicated notebooks can have a devastating effect on students outlook
on class and the subjects they are learning.
で最も経験豊かな学生が疲れすることができます。 1クラスに3または4のノートパ
In the end teaching is about the relationship between student and teacher
and the ability to convey meaningful information in a useful way to the
student. Communication, interest and wonder have lead students to excel
in classes while over-crowding, bad communication and frustration have
lead others to fail. Put your-self in the shoes of your students. Do you
remember what it was like for you, can you imagine how it is for them
now? Think back to the past, observe the present and try to use the good
and bad to lead your students to success.
?Stretching and exercise in class
?Circulation and movement in class
?Motivation & interest
?Good reading VS Drilling
?Meaning VS Repeating
?Copyright materials VS original materials
Join us at JALT to learn more!
Contact me:

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cardiom??????????????????????yopathy .pdf
第57回計測自動制御学会北海道支部講演会 特別講演 システムインテグレーションとロボットミドルウェア
第57回計測自動制御学会北海道支部講演会 特別講演 システムインテグレーションとロボットミドルウェア第57回計測自動制御学会北海道支部講演会 特別講演 システムインテグレーションとロボットミドルウェア
第57回計測自動制御学会北海道支部講演会 特別講演 システムインテグレーションとロボットミドルウェア
タワーマンション効果 ?高所からの眺望が、人の心理状態に及ぼす影響を探るRCTs
タワーマンション効果 ?高所からの眺望が、人の心理状態に及ぼす影響を探るRCTsタワーマンション効果 ?高所からの眺望が、人の心理状態に及ぼす影響を探るRCTs
タワーマンション効果 ?高所からの眺望が、人の心理状態に及ぼす影響を探るRCTs
それ、マルハラかも。 ~メッセージ上の句点による暗黙的ハラスメント の実在性についてのサーベイ実験
それ、マルハラかも。 ~メッセージ上の句点による暗黙的ハラスメント の実在性についてのサーベイ実験それ、マルハラかも。 ~メッセージ上の句点による暗黙的ハラスメント の実在性についてのサーベイ実験
それ、マルハラかも。 ~メッセージ上の句点による暗黙的ハラスメント の実在性についてのサーベイ実験

2012 alt seminar

  • 3. ?Music will be played throughout the presentation. If you don’t like it or find it distracting please move away from the CD player. この手出中に音楽使えます。もし好きじゃないし困らせるならば、違う机を 座ってください。 ?My Japanese is not very good and so I used Google translate a lot so the Japanese is a little strange. 日本語書くことは低いです。そ して、GOOGLE 使えました、それから この日本語ちょうと変と思います。
  • 5. ? Colorado, USA. ? 28 years old ? Board member of JALT Sendai ? B.A. in Mass communications ? 3 years as an ALT ? I hold 7 certifications in TEFL, EFL education ? I will be returning to university to pursue my M.A. In Education Background
  • 6. Do you remember what it was like to learn English? How about Japanese? Did you learn by drilling over and over without really using the language? Did you read the same article many times over that you memorized it? Did you truly understand what you were reading?? Or did you learn a little at a time and use it in real life situations? あなたは英語を勉強することがどのようなものだったか覚えていま すか?日本語はどのように勉強しましたか?あなたは言語を使わ ないで何度も何度も同じ文章を読んだり、書いたりすることによって 言語を学びましたか?あなたは、同じ記事をあなたがそれを覚えら れるくらい何度も読みましたか?あなたは本当にあなたが読んでい た内容が理解できましたか?もしくは、一度に少しを学び、実際の 生活状況でそれを使用しましたか?
  • 7. Education and learning use many different styles; kinesthetic, auditory, spatial, visual, etc. The key to being an efficient educator is being able to address all of these styles, not to mention all of the different levels within a class, as much as possible. However, addressing all of the different styles of learning requires many teaching methods. It has been my mission to try and address all of the styles of the students I teach in my 3 years of teaching. With the help of JALT Sendai and teachers I have learned many techniques; the best and worst, of which I will share with you. 教育と学習は、運動感覚、聴覚、空間的、視覚などの多くの異なるスタイルを使 用しています。有能な教育者になるためには、運動感覚、聴覚、空間的、視覚な どの異なる方法にできるだけ取り組むことが必要です。しかしながら、これらのす べてのことに取り組むためにはたくさんの指導法が必要とされます。私がALTと して指導してきた3年間、運動感覚、聴覚、空間的、視覚などの異なる方法を使 うこと、そして生徒たちの様式のすべてに対処することが常に私の課題でした。 JALT仙台のメンバーや先生方の助けを借りて、私は多くの技術を学びました。1 番よかったものと1番悪かったものをみなさんと共有したいと思います。
  • 8. Good communication between the teachers and students is a cornerstone of good education. If there is good communication between the teacher and the students, where the students feel safe coming to their teachers, they will feel comfortable during their education. This is something that Japanese schools far exceed most American schools. Just as teachers know their students by name it is important to know their learning styles and levels too. Addressing all of the styles of learning through various activities including, group activities, interviews, games even teaching under a cherry tree in April; will make students curious and want to learn more. 教師と生徒の間の良好なコミュニケーションは良い教育の基礎となるものです。 教師と生徒の間に良好なコミュニケーションがあれば、生徒たちは自分たちの教 師のところに来て、質問したりすることに不安な気持ちを抱くことなく、安心して学 習できるでしょう。教師と生徒の間に良好なコミュニケーションがあるというこの点 で日本の学校はアメリカの学校よりも圧倒的に勝っています。教師は生徒たちの 名前を覚えるのと同じように、個々の学習スタイルやレベルを知ることも重要です。 グループ活動やインタビュー、4月に桜の木の下でゲームをすることを通してす べての指導法に取り組むことは、生徒たちに好奇心を持たせ、もっと勉強したい と思わせることができるでしょう。
  • 9. However keeping students interested in learning is hard when they are asleep. One way to keep the students involved in class and cognitively thinking is to use music in class. Marc Hegelsen of Miyagi Gakuin as well as teachers in Sendai, Furukawa & Tomiya have used background music in their classes. It has been proven that music with around 60 beats per minute seems to have a stimulating effect on students, as well as teachers. This stimulation leads to better understanding and learning within classes. けど、もし生徒はクラス中ならば生徒の学びの乗り気レベル上げることは難しいです ね。生徒たちの乗り気し学びことは1突のテクニックはクラス中音楽使います。宮城学 院のMarc Hegelsen と 仙台、古川·富谷の先生は、クラスに音楽を使用しています。 調査は60ベィト拍と音楽は、学生だけでなく、先生も刺激をする。この刺激は、クラス 中学びことし理解こと開けてます。
  • 11. Understanding comes from trying. If you give a baby a toy and show them what to do they will play with it but they will not understand. However if you let the baby discover what to do on their own they will remember what to do and the experience will be personal, making it easier to commit to memory. することからは理解は来ます。もし赤ちゃんにおもちゃあ げる、そして使うこと教えってならばただ遊びってきます けど理解しない。でも赤ちゃんが自分で何をすべきかを 経験は(一個人)そして思えやすい。
  • 12. Self-Efficient teaching or teaching without teaching; is a concept developed from Professor Charles Adamson at Miyagi Gakuin & Tohoku Gakuin. This is a very useful and effective technique that has worked for me in the past. The theory behind self-efficient teaching is that students learn more if they discover meaning on their own. A self-efficent teacher lets the student find out the answers to a question on their own only stopping a class to keep students on track or check answers with students. The research behind self-efficient teaching supports the method very well. Not only does this technique build interest, but self-confidence and knowledge faster than drilling. Self- Efficiency teaching has been put to an extreme in third world countries like India where it has been proven effective even with little or no teacher interaction. 自分手際スタイル別名はおしえらないはおしえることは、宮城学院し東北学院大学の 英語のCharles Adamsonからです。これは、とても便利技術ですが、時々私はT1ク ラスの中に使えました。自分手際スタイルの学説は。自分手際スタイル先生は教えて ない、学生は自分答えを確認するためにするんですけど、答えを確認ことし敬遠をす る。自分手際スタイルの研究はとてもいいです。この技術は、自信と知識をより速く掘 削より関心を構築するが、だけでなく。それがあってもほとんど、あるいはまったく教師 の相互作用に効果的であることが証明されている場所の自己効率の教えは、インドの ような第三世界の国々で極端に置かれている。
  • 13. Charles Adamson PHD. Miyagi Gakuin & Tohoku Gakuin
  • 14. Self-efficient teaching is a great tool used all over the world with great results. Results of self-efficient teaching from the slums of India to the poorest regions of China and Korea have had reported amazing success. What is the difference between third world students and Japanese students… Curiosity and motivation. セルフ効率的な教えは、素晴らしい結果と世界中使用する優れ たツールです。インドのスラム街から中国や韓国の貧しい地域へ の自己効率的な教育の結果は驚くべき成功を報告してきました。 第三世界の留学生と日本人学生の間に.好奇心とモチベーショ ンの違いは何ですか。 Get out of the way and let the kids play!!!!
  • 15. Motivation is driven by many factors including self-esteem, confidence, the use of prizes, etc. Curiosity is also a contributing factor to motivation that affects students. David Paul, founder of ETJ and textbook author, is a master teacher of the suspense teaching style. Suspense teaching is a teaching technique that has proven very successful in all level classrooms, kindergarten to university. A suspense teacher keeps students guessing what is going to happen next in class. This is a great method to keep the students awake, thinking and involved in class. This method also personalizes learning in class making it easier to commit learning to memory. 動機は自尊心、自信を含む多くの要因によって駆動され、賞品の使用は、L2教室にお ける等学生の自己イメージは非常に壊れやすいので、注意して処理する必要がありま す。好奇心は、学生に影響を与える動機に寄与する要因である。デビッド·ポール、 ETJと教科書の著者の創始者は、サスペンスの教育スタイルのマスター教師です。サス ペンスの教育はすべてのレベルの教室、大学に幼稚園で非常に成功を収めている教 育手法である。サスペンスの先生がクラスの中で次に何が起こるために何が起こってい るかを推測する学生を保持しています。これは考え、目を覚まし学生を維持するための 素晴らしい方法であり、クラスに関与している。また、このメソッドは、それが容易にメモリ への学習にコミットする意思のクラスで学習パーソナライズ
  • 16. David Paul (UK) *David English School *ELT Founder
  • 17. Memories can be good and bad. As a teacher it is your responsibility to be ready for class. While there are some teachers who can “wing it” and still come up with a stellar class, most teachers have to, or should, take the time to prepare for class. Teachers should plan and practice the lesson with the teachers who will be attending the class, even if just by e-mail or faxes. Good communication between teachers is vital to a good class. 思い出には良い面と悪いことができます。教師として、クラスの準備 ができているあなたの責任です。 "翼に"と、まだ恒星のクラスを考え 出すことができるいくつかの教師がありますが、ほとんどの教師がす る必要がある、または、クラスのために準備する時間を取る必要があ ります。教師が計画し、練習クラスに参加される先生とレッスンを、た とえわずか電子メールまたはファックスで。べきである教師間の良好 なコミュニケーションが良いクラスに不可欠です。
  • 18. However with 4 or 5 teachers in one classroom, communication can break down very easily leading to frustration for the teachers and students creating a bad outlook on the subject and class. Not only does bad communication lead to frustration but bad note taking can too. Too many overly complicated notebooks can make the most experienced student weary of class. Carrying 3 or 4 notebooks for one class is cumbersome and confusing for the students. Too many teachers in class and overly complicated notebooks can have a devastating effect on students outlook on class and the subjects they are learning. しかし、片方の教室で4または5の先生と、通信は非常に簡単に被写体とクラスの 不良の見通しを作成して教師と学生のためのフラストレーションにつながる打破 することができます。だけでなく、悪い通信もできますを取ってフラストレーション が悪いノートにつながるん。あまりにも多く、過度に複雑なノートPCは、クラスの中 で最も経験豊かな学生が疲れすることができます。 1クラスに3または4のノートパ ソコンを運ぶことは面倒な学生のために混乱しています。これら二つの問題は、 クラスの数が多すぎる教師と過度に複雑なノートPCは、クラス、彼らは学んでいる 科目の学生の見通しに壊滅的な影響を与えることができます。
  • 19. In the end teaching is about the relationship between student and teacher and the ability to convey meaningful information in a useful way to the student. Communication, interest and wonder have lead students to excel in classes while over-crowding, bad communication and frustration have lead others to fail. Put your-self in the shoes of your students. Do you remember what it was like for you, can you imagine how it is for them now? Think back to the past, observe the present and try to use the good and bad to lead your students to success. 最後の授業で学生と教師と生徒に有用な方法で有意義な情報を伝える能力との 関係についてです。オーバー混雑、悪いコミュニケーションとフラストレーションが 失敗し、リード他を持っていながら、コミュニケーション、興味と不思議クラッセで Excelへの鉛の学生を持っています。生徒の靴であなたの自己を置きます。あな たはそれがあなたのためのようなものだったか覚えていない、それは今彼らのた めにどのように想像できますか?過去に戻って考えると成功へのあなたの学生を リードして良い面と悪い面を使用して現在のtryを観察します。
  • 20. ?Stretching and exercise in class ?Circulation and movement in class ?Desks ?Motivation & interest ?Good reading VS Drilling ?Meaning VS Repeating ?Copyright materials VS original materials あとは Join us at JALT to learn more!