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       Canadas orriigiinall sourrce fforr Prrocess Excellllence
       Canada s o g na sou ce o P ocess Exce ence

                                      Open Enrollment
                                    Certification Programs

                                                 e-Zsigma (Canada) Inc.
                                   One Dundas St W, suite 2500, Toronto
"The Black Belt Lean Six Sigma Program through EZ-Sigma
                                                             far exceeded my expectations. The first two on-line
                                                             sessions allowed for complete flexibility at home and the
                                                             final two in-class sessions and practical application
                                                             project rounded out the whole program perfectly. I
                                                             strongly recommend this program for anyone ready to
                                                             take their leadership in process continuous improvement
                                                             to a whole new level within 6 months. EZ-Sigma certainly
                                                             made the learning easy to apply and their affiliation with
                                                             Toronto universities acts as further evidence of their
                                                             quality content and credibility."

                                                             John Marton, P.Eng, M.B.A., LSSBB

In comparison to past generations, businesses today are competing in a very uncertain economy. This has
led to a resurgence of companies focusing on the cost of production and not simply the amount of

The only way for organizations to stay ahead of the competition is to improve the customer experience by
becoming more efficient, productive and effective while delivering a higher quality product or service at a
lower cost. This is why organizations all across North America are turning to e-Zsigma.

We have helped service and I/T companies, governments, healthcare institutions and financial organizations
turn their focus to internal efficiencies while at the same time becoming more in tune with the Voice of their

Business professionals are also feeling the impact of increased competition and pressure to continually
deliver results in less time with less resources. E-Zsigma will give you the skills to become better change
agents, coaches and process improvement leaders. Skills which will give you the edge to elevate your career.

e-Zsigma and its team of senior advisors and trainers have been assisting and coaching business leaders and
professionals through the world of strategy and continuous improvement for over a decade.

Become a leader in Continuous Improvement by enrolling this fall with Canadas original source for Lean &
Six Sigma Certification programs.

                                                                                               e-Zsigma (Canada) Inc.
                                                                                 One Dundas St W, suite 2500, Toronto
e-Zsigma makes things simple...

                                        E-ZSIGMA HAS THE RIGHT SOLUTION FOR YOU.
We will help you to choose the path which best suites your objectives whether that is Lean, Six Sigma
                                                              or a combination of Lean & Six Sigma.

 All programs are also customized for your industry so you can rest assured that you will be receiving
               the most relevant and applicable information for your organization and your professional

You will also benefit from seasoned facilitators who bring real-life examples to the classroom because
                                                                        they practice what they preach.

                                      LEAN Certification
             What a sense of
      accomplishment now that
      all the requirements have
       been fulfilled. It's been a
       long journey and at time
        challenging to stay the
      course but I must say that
          Lean Six Sigma has
                                       Champion         SIX SIGMA Certification
      changed the way I look at
      the world of health care.
      It is encouraging to know
      that Lean in particular is       Lean White
                                                                        LEAN SIX SIGMA Certification
          becoming more of a                            Six Sigma
        household term here in                          Green Belt
          Alberta health care,
        especially in the area of
         system improvement.           Lean Yellow       Six Sigma
                                          Belt           Black Belt
           Adele Royer, Alberta
                                                                           Lean Six Sigma              Lean Six Sigma
       Health, Certified Lean Six
                Sigma Black Belt                         Six Sigma           Green Belt                  Black Belt
                                       Lean Green        Black Belt
                                          Belt           Upgrade

                                                                                                        e-Zsigma (Canada) Inc.
                                                                                          One Dundas St W, suite 2500, Toronto
the blended experience
   All blended programs include Personalized Training Plans (PTP) specific for your elearning component
   which is delivered through the e-Zsigma Quality Campus, In-class training, Webinars, Software
   license for Process MA and Certification.
                                                                        IN-CLASS TRAINING
    PERSONALIZED TRAINING PLAN                                          You will have in-class training which will be held

    Your PTP will include modules selected from the e-                  at the Toronto Board of Trade in Toronto ON.
    Zsigma Quality Campus Lean and/or Six Sigma                         This training will occur at specific intervals in
    curriculum outlining the DMAIC and/or Lean                          your program to discuss and expand upon
    methodology. Your plan will also include required                   topics in the Measure, Analyze, Improve and

    readings and articles as well as assignments to                     Control phases and well as topics from your
    reinforce the application of key tools and                          Lean training.    Your final day of in-class
    concepts.                                                           training will focus on project closure, sustaining
                                                                        your results and innovation.

There will be webinars included in your training
program; a welcome & introduction webinar                                   CERTIFICATION
and the remaining webinars will discuss tools                               Your certification includes two (2) components
from your training program. These webinars                                  after the completion of your training;
will be hosted by a Master Black Belt.
                                                                            One requirement for Certification is the
                                                                            completion of one (1) Lean Six Sigma
                                                                            Continuous Improvement project or one (1)
                                                                            Lean Event. Please refer to the e-Zsigma
                                                                            Certification Outline Guide for specific details
                          AWARDING OF CERTIFICATION                         regarding the qualifications of Projects vs
                          Having successfully completed the                 Events.
                          preceding four (4) components of your
                          learning plan, you will be awarded your           The second requirement is the writing of
                          Certification. A framed certificate will be       Certification Exam. The pass mark for this
                          couriered to your address of choice               examination is 70%. The exam is "open book"
                                                                            and you can access all the materials and tools
                          within two weeks of you receiving
                                                                            that you would normally have access to when
                          confirmation that you have successfully           leading Lean and/or Six Sigma projects.
                          achieved certification.

                                                                                                      e-Zsigma (Canada) Inc.
                                                                                        One Dundas St W, suite 2500, Toronto
choosing the right program for you
e-Zsigma puts your needs first. We are happy to assist you in selecting the
program that will best suit both your needs and the needs of your organization.

           Understands the Lean philosophy and how to routinely apply this to their job and area of responsibility
                  Explain and promote Lean principles and concepts of value
                   Identify the eight sources of process waste
                   Recognize the importance of mapping Value Streams
                   Select and prioritize Lean improvement projects and events
                   Sponsor and support successful project teams

                   Understand and apply Lean principles and concepts of value
                   Identify the eight sources of process waste in their work area
                   Recognize their role in contributing to a Lean Value Stream
                   Better organize their workspace using 5S and other Lean techniques
                   Write effective problem statements
                   Be a productive participant in Lean (Kaizen) events

           Understands the Lean philosophy and can identify process improvement opportunities. In addition to all of the elements
           described in the White program, a Lean Yellow can also;
                  Assist Champions in identifying Lean improvement opportunities
                  Facilitate small rapid improvement events (ex. Kaizen, 5S)
                   Employ basic quality tools including process flow maps, cause & effect diagrams and Pareto charts
                   Use Failure Mode and Effect Analysis (FMEA) as part of assessing and reducing process risk
                   Apply a broader set of Lean tools and techniques to improve process effectiveness

           Understands and can apply Lean principles, tools and techniques to identify and remove any non valueadded activities in
           your everyday operational and service processes. In addition to the Lean White Belt and Yellow Belt body of knowledge, a
           Lean Green Belt can;
                   Assist Champions and managers in the development and execution of departmental quality improvement
                   Use the Hoshin model and X-Matrix for planning and managing quality strategies
                   Employ a broad set of basic quality and Lean tools and techniques to banish process waste & improve process flow
                   Plan and lead/facilitate a broad range of Lean improvement events and projects
                   Design and implement process control and management systems
                   Be capable of assuming a Lean subject-matter expert (SME) and quality leadership role

                                                                                                           e-Zsigma (Canada) Inc.
                                                                                             One Dundas St W, suite 2500, Toronto
Is a partially trained SS individual who applies their knowledge to projects in their job function with Black Belts as Mentors.
         Explain the Six Sigma approach and how process variation impacts process excellence
         Understand the importance of capturing and aligning with the voice of the customer (VOC)
         Describe the DMAIC as well as other key concepts and terms that are part of the Six Sigma methodology
         Understands and can construct basic Six Sigma charts

Is a fully trained Six Sigma expert who leads improvement teams, works projects, and mentors trainees. In addition to the
functions of a Green Belt a Six Sigma Black Belt also;
         Accept and validate and coordinate project mandate
         Can applying the Six Sigma DMAIC project methodology
         Train project team members
                                                                                       six sigma
        Provide analytical summaries and interpretations to project team
        Assist Champions in identification of projects and preparation of appropriate project mandates
        Ensure project completion and projects are successfully transferred to process owners
        Coach and mentor Yellow Belts, Green Belts & Lean Masters
        Provide feedback to senior management on project progress and results

A Six Sigma Black Belt Upgrade candidate is an individual who has already completed their Green Belt training and wishes
to upgrade their skills to that of a Black Belt.

                           Is a partially trained LSS individual who applies their knowledge to projects in their job function with Black Belts as Mentors
                                   Assists their Champion in screening potential Lean Six Sigma projects
                                   Defines and leads small, local optimization projects that dont a require Lean Six Sigma Black Belt resource
                                   Assists with ongoing process-mapping and process performance assessments (base-lining)
                                   Assists Six Sigma Black Belts on larger improvement strategies (process base-lining, benchmarking, etc)

                                                                                          lean six sigma
                           Is a fully trained Lean Six Sigma expert who leads improvement teams, works projects, and mentors trainees
                                     Accept and validate and coordinate project mandate
                                   Applying the Lean Six Sigma Breakaway project methodology
                                   Train project team members
                                   Provide analytical summaries and interpretations to project team
                                   Assist Champions in identification of projects and preparation of appropriate project mandates
                                   Ensure project completion and projects are successfully transferred to process owners
                                   Coach and mentor Yellow Belts, Green Belts & Lean Masters
                                   Provide feedback to senior management on project progress and results
                                   Every year a select few Black Belt are sponsored and mentored to achieve Master Black Belt status

                                                                                                                          e-Zsigma (Canada) Inc.
                                                                                                            One Dundas St W, suite 2500, Toronto
join the hundreds of successful e-Zsigma Alumni

            At e-Zsigma we have been working with individuals and organizations
            in their Continuous Improvement initiatives for over a decade.

                                                                                                I was very impressed in the
            We measure our success not only through new student enrollment and                  knowledge possessed by the
            participant satisfaction but more importantly through the outcome of                instructors. They were very
                                                                                                well educated and experienced
            the learning of our Alumni in terms of Lean and Six Sigma                           in many different areas of
                                                                                                business. One of the most
            implementation and achievement at the workplace.                                    beneficial and interesting
                                                                                                courses I have taken to date.

            Each student that completed one of our courses not only gains from the
                                                                                                        Quality Representative
            experience and knowledge of the instructors but also from the                            Siemens Business Services
            experience and knowledge of their classmates.

Financial services            Healthcare
Hospitals                     Manufacturing
Municipalities                Federal Governments
Provincial Governments        Energy
Mining                        Insurance
Telecommunications            Information Technology
Life Sciences                 Food & Agriculture
Retail & Wholesale            Education
Transportation                Real Estate
Construction Services         Oil & Gas

                                                                                                   e-Zsigma (Canada) Inc.
                                                                                     One Dundas St W, suite 2500, Toronto
program dates... LEAN

                                                                               Lean Champion Certification
                                                                               $695 + HST
                                                                               eLearning: September 14, 2012
                                                                               In Class Training: October 1, 2012

                     As a recent student of the                                Lean White Belt Certification
               e-zsigma Lean Green Belt, I found the
              program to be fast paced, exciting and                           $695 + HST
             interactive. The teaching was excellent,                          eLearning: September 14, 2012
              keeping topics relevant to my industry,                          In Class Training: October 1, 2012
               healthcare. Sharing ideas with others
                and listening to their problems and
                plans was very enlightening. As the                            Lean Yellow Belt Certification
            program was drawing to a close, I found                            $2250 + HST
               the abundance of ideas and plans for
            future initiatives to be very motivational                         eLearning: September 14, 2012
               and readily applicable to a variety of                          In Class Training: October 1  3, 2012
                       home grown projects.

             I am looking forward to initiating some
                                                                               Lean Green Belt Certification
              projects that are noticeably in need of                          $3150 + HST
                          improvement.                                         eLearning: September 14, 2012
                                                                               In Class Training: Session 1: October 1  3, 2012
            As well, the support both through e-mail
             and on line has allowed easy access to                                              Session 2: October 29  30, 2012
                        on-going training.

                                   Wenda Lalande
                                Technical Specialist
                    Diagnostic Imaging Department
                       L&A County General Hospital

"I have been able to leverage the Lean Six Sigma skills that I learned through e-Zsigma (Canada) Inc. to improve many aspects of the services my
   department provides to clients. I would recommend this program for anyone interested in continuous improvement, whether in a service or
                                                              production environment."

                                                  Director, Corporate Contract Services, TELUS

                                                                                                                          e-Zsigma (Canada) Inc.
                                                                                                            One Dundas St W, suite 2500, Toronto
program dates... SIX SIGMA
Six Sigma Green Belt Certification
$2950 + HST
eLearning: September 14, 2012
In Class Training: Session 1: October 4, 2012                                           The course outline and training provided by e-
                  Session 2: October 31  November 1, 2012                              Zsigma for the Black Belt is very well designed
                                                                                        and the delivery and course material is very
                                                                                        informative. Also, the support provided the e-
Six Sigma Black Belt Certification                                                      Zsigma instructors and office team is excellent.
$3950 + HST                                                                             The    e-Zsigma      personnel      are    very
eLearning: September 14, 2012
                                                                                                                           Ed Valentine
In Class Training: Session 1: October 4, 2012                                                                 Process Consultant, CIBC
                  Session 2: October 31  November 1, 2012
                   Session 3: November 26  28, 2012

Six Sigma Black Belt Upgrade Certification
$3475 + HST
eLearning: October 15, 2012
In Class Training: November 26  28, 2012

                     program dates... LEAN SIX SIGMA

                                                             Lean Six Sigma Green Belt Certification
                                                             $4950 + HST
                                                             eLearning: September 14, 2012
                                                             In Class Training: Session 1: October 1  4, 2012
                                                                               Session 2: October 29  November 1, 2012

                                                             Lean Six Sigma Black Belt Certification
                                                             $6950 + HST
                                                             eLearning: September 14, 2012
                                                             In Class Training: Session 1: October 1  4, 2012
                                                                               Session 2: October 29  November 1, 2012
                                                                               Session 3: November 26  28, 2012

                                                                                                          e-Zsigma (Canada) Inc.
                                                                                            One Dundas St W, suite 2500, Toronto
begin your journey today!

              You have three ways to contact us for further information;

                                Website: www.e-zsigma.com
                            Phone: 416.593.8026 or 416.737.1729
                              Email: ljamischak@e-zsigma.com

We look forward to joining you on your Continuous Improvement journey!

     We invite you to join our group on Linkedin for more information on Lean & Six Sigma
                              Canadian Society of Quality

                                                                                  e-Zsigma (Canada) Inc.
                                                                    One Dundas St W, suite 2500, Toronto
Program Registration Form
                              Fall/Winter 2012 Certification Programs
Phone: 416.593.8026 or 416.737.1729
Email: ljamischak@e-zsigma.com
Post: One Dundas St W, suite 2500, Toronto ON M5G 1Z3, Canada

Select Desired Certification Program:
                   Program Name                               1 Registrant                     3 + Registrants (15% discount)
          Lean Champion                                      $695 + HST                        $590.75 + HST per person
          Lean White Belt                                    $695 + HST                        $590.75 + HST per person
          Lean Yellow Belt                                   $2250 + HST                       $1912.50 + HST per person
          Lean Green Belt                                    $3150 + HST                       $2677.50 + HST per person
          Six Sigma Green Belt                               $2950 + HST                       $2507.50 + HST per person
          Six Sigma Black Belt                               $3950 + HST                       $3357.50 + HST per person
          Black Belt Upgrade                                 $3475 + HST                       $2953.75 + HST per person
          Lean Six Sigma Green Belt                          $4950 + HST                       $4207.50 + HST per person
          Lean Six Sigma Black Belt                          $6950 + HST                       $5907.50 + HST per person

Step 1: Registration Information
Organization: _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Full Name of Registrant (s):                                         Desired Program: Complete if multiple courses selected

                 Title:                                              Email:                                      Phone:
Registrant 1                                                                                                      (   )
Registrant 2                                                                                                      (   )
Registrant 3                                                                                                      (   )
Registrant 4                                                                                                      (   )

Step 2: Payment Information
Billing Address: _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
City:_______________________________________________ Province / State: _____________________________ Country: _________________________
Invoice Contact Name and Phone: _________________________________________________________________________________________________
Method of Payment (cheque / MC / VISA / AMEX / EFT): __________________________________________________________________________
Cheques to be made payable to e-Zsigma (Canada) Inc. and mailed to One Dundas St W, suite 2500, Toronto ON, M5G 1Z3

Registration Fee: $__________________________________ + Tax: $ ___________________________ = Total Due: $____________________________
Card Number: ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Expiry Date: _______________________________________________________ Security Number: ______________________________________________
                                                                                                            e-Zsigma (Canada) Inc.
                                                                                              One Dundas St W, suite 2500, Toronto
Cardholder: _______________________________________________________ Signature: ______________________________________________________

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2012 Fall Operational Excellence Brochure

  • 1. focus on excellence Canadas orriigiinall sourrce fforr Prrocess Excellllence Canada s o g na sou ce o P ocess Exce ence 2012 Open Enrollment Certification Programs 1 e-Zsigma (Canada) Inc. One Dundas St W, suite 2500, Toronto www.e-zsigma.com
  • 2. "The Black Belt Lean Six Sigma Program through EZ-Sigma far exceeded my expectations. The first two on-line sessions allowed for complete flexibility at home and the final two in-class sessions and practical application project rounded out the whole program perfectly. I strongly recommend this program for anyone ready to take their leadership in process continuous improvement to a whole new level within 6 months. EZ-Sigma certainly made the learning easy to apply and their affiliation with Toronto universities acts as further evidence of their quality content and credibility." John Marton, P.Eng, M.B.A., LSSBB In comparison to past generations, businesses today are competing in a very uncertain economy. This has led to a resurgence of companies focusing on the cost of production and not simply the amount of production. The only way for organizations to stay ahead of the competition is to improve the customer experience by becoming more efficient, productive and effective while delivering a higher quality product or service at a lower cost. This is why organizations all across North America are turning to e-Zsigma. We have helped service and I/T companies, governments, healthcare institutions and financial organizations turn their focus to internal efficiencies while at the same time becoming more in tune with the Voice of their Customers. Business professionals are also feeling the impact of increased competition and pressure to continually deliver results in less time with less resources. E-Zsigma will give you the skills to become better change agents, coaches and process improvement leaders. Skills which will give you the edge to elevate your career. e-Zsigma and its team of senior advisors and trainers have been assisting and coaching business leaders and professionals through the world of strategy and continuous improvement for over a decade. Become a leader in Continuous Improvement by enrolling this fall with Canadas original source for Lean & Six Sigma Certification programs. 2 e-Zsigma (Canada) Inc. One Dundas St W, suite 2500, Toronto www.e-zsigma.com
  • 3. e-Zsigma makes things simple... E-ZSIGMA HAS THE RIGHT SOLUTION FOR YOU. We will help you to choose the path which best suites your objectives whether that is Lean, Six Sigma or a combination of Lean & Six Sigma. All programs are also customized for your industry so you can rest assured that you will be receiving the most relevant and applicable information for your organization and your professional development. You will also benefit from seasoned facilitators who bring real-life examples to the classroom because they practice what they preach. LEAN Certification What a sense of accomplishment now that all the requirements have been fulfilled. It's been a long journey and at time challenging to stay the course but I must say that Lean Six Sigma has Lean Champion SIX SIGMA Certification changed the way I look at the world of health care. It is encouraging to know that Lean in particular is Lean White Belt LEAN SIX SIGMA Certification becoming more of a Six Sigma household term here in Green Belt Alberta health care, especially in the area of system improvement. Lean Yellow Six Sigma Belt Black Belt Adele Royer, Alberta Lean Six Sigma Lean Six Sigma Health, Certified Lean Six Sigma Black Belt Six Sigma Green Belt Black Belt Lean Green Black Belt Belt Upgrade 3 e-Zsigma (Canada) Inc. One Dundas St W, suite 2500, Toronto www.e-zsigma.com
  • 4. the blended experience All blended programs include Personalized Training Plans (PTP) specific for your elearning component which is delivered through the e-Zsigma Quality Campus, In-class training, Webinars, Software license for Process MA and Certification. IN-CLASS TRAINING PERSONALIZED TRAINING PLAN You will have in-class training which will be held Your PTP will include modules selected from the e- at the Toronto Board of Trade in Toronto ON. Zsigma Quality Campus Lean and/or Six Sigma This training will occur at specific intervals in curriculum outlining the DMAIC and/or Lean your program to discuss and expand upon methodology. Your plan will also include required topics in the Measure, Analyze, Improve and readings and articles as well as assignments to Control phases and well as topics from your reinforce the application of key tools and Lean training. Your final day of in-class concepts. training will focus on project closure, sustaining your results and innovation. WEBINARS There will be webinars included in your training program; a welcome & introduction webinar CERTIFICATION and the remaining webinars will discuss tools Your certification includes two (2) components from your training program. These webinars after the completion of your training; will be hosted by a Master Black Belt. One requirement for Certification is the completion of one (1) Lean Six Sigma Continuous Improvement project or one (1) Lean Event. Please refer to the e-Zsigma Certification Outline Guide for specific details AWARDING OF CERTIFICATION regarding the qualifications of Projects vs Having successfully completed the Events. preceding four (4) components of your learning plan, you will be awarded your The second requirement is the writing of Certification. A framed certificate will be Certification Exam. The pass mark for this couriered to your address of choice examination is 70%. The exam is "open book" and you can access all the materials and tools within two weeks of you receiving that you would normally have access to when confirmation that you have successfully leading Lean and/or Six Sigma projects. achieved certification. 4 e-Zsigma (Canada) Inc. One Dundas St W, suite 2500, Toronto www.e-zsigma.com
  • 5. choosing the right program for you e-Zsigma puts your needs first. We are happy to assist you in selecting the program that will best suit both your needs and the needs of your organization. LEAN CHAMPION CERTIFICATION Understands the Lean philosophy and how to routinely apply this to their job and area of responsibility Explain and promote Lean principles and concepts of value Identify the eight sources of process waste Recognize the importance of mapping Value Streams Select and prioritize Lean improvement projects and events Sponsor and support successful project teams LEAN WHITE BELT CERTIFICATION Understand and apply Lean principles and concepts of value lean Identify the eight sources of process waste in their work area Recognize their role in contributing to a Lean Value Stream Better organize their workspace using 5S and other Lean techniques Write effective problem statements Be a productive participant in Lean (Kaizen) events LEAN YELLOW BELT CERTIFICATION Understands the Lean philosophy and can identify process improvement opportunities. In addition to all of the elements described in the White program, a Lean Yellow can also; Assist Champions in identifying Lean improvement opportunities Facilitate small rapid improvement events (ex. Kaizen, 5S) Employ basic quality tools including process flow maps, cause & effect diagrams and Pareto charts Use Failure Mode and Effect Analysis (FMEA) as part of assessing and reducing process risk Apply a broader set of Lean tools and techniques to improve process effectiveness LEAN GREEN BELT CERTIFICATION Understands and can apply Lean principles, tools and techniques to identify and remove any non valueadded activities in your everyday operational and service processes. In addition to the Lean White Belt and Yellow Belt body of knowledge, a Lean Green Belt can; Assist Champions and managers in the development and execution of departmental quality improvement strategies Use the Hoshin model and X-Matrix for planning and managing quality strategies Employ a broad set of basic quality and Lean tools and techniques to banish process waste & improve process flow Plan and lead/facilitate a broad range of Lean improvement events and projects Design and implement process control and management systems Be capable of assuming a Lean subject-matter expert (SME) and quality leadership role 5 e-Zsigma (Canada) Inc. One Dundas St W, suite 2500, Toronto www.e-zsigma.com
  • 6. SIX SIGMA GREEN BELT CERTIFICATION Is a partially trained SS individual who applies their knowledge to projects in their job function with Black Belts as Mentors. Explain the Six Sigma approach and how process variation impacts process excellence Understand the importance of capturing and aligning with the voice of the customer (VOC) Describe the DMAIC as well as other key concepts and terms that are part of the Six Sigma methodology Understands and can construct basic Six Sigma charts SIX SIGMA BLACK BELT CERTIFICATION Is a fully trained Six Sigma expert who leads improvement teams, works projects, and mentors trainees. In addition to the functions of a Green Belt a Six Sigma Black Belt also; Accept and validate and coordinate project mandate Can applying the Six Sigma DMAIC project methodology Train project team members six sigma Provide analytical summaries and interpretations to project team Assist Champions in identification of projects and preparation of appropriate project mandates Ensure project completion and projects are successfully transferred to process owners Coach and mentor Yellow Belts, Green Belts & Lean Masters Provide feedback to senior management on project progress and results SIX SIGMA BLACK BELT UPGRADE CERTIFICATION A Six Sigma Black Belt Upgrade candidate is an individual who has already completed their Green Belt training and wishes to upgrade their skills to that of a Black Belt. LEAN SIX SIGMA GREEN BELT CERTIFICATION Is a partially trained LSS individual who applies their knowledge to projects in their job function with Black Belts as Mentors Assists their Champion in screening potential Lean Six Sigma projects Defines and leads small, local optimization projects that dont a require Lean Six Sigma Black Belt resource Assists with ongoing process-mapping and process performance assessments (base-lining) Assists Six Sigma Black Belts on larger improvement strategies (process base-lining, benchmarking, etc) LEAN SIX SIGMA BLACK BELT CERTIFICATION lean six sigma Is a fully trained Lean Six Sigma expert who leads improvement teams, works projects, and mentors trainees Accept and validate and coordinate project mandate Applying the Lean Six Sigma Breakaway project methodology Train project team members Provide analytical summaries and interpretations to project team Assist Champions in identification of projects and preparation of appropriate project mandates Ensure project completion and projects are successfully transferred to process owners Coach and mentor Yellow Belts, Green Belts & Lean Masters Provide feedback to senior management on project progress and results Every year a select few Black Belt are sponsored and mentored to achieve Master Black Belt status 6 e-Zsigma (Canada) Inc. One Dundas St W, suite 2500, Toronto www.e-zsigma.com
  • 7. join the hundreds of successful e-Zsigma Alumni At e-Zsigma we have been working with individuals and organizations in their Continuous Improvement initiatives for over a decade. I was very impressed in the We measure our success not only through new student enrollment and knowledge possessed by the participant satisfaction but more importantly through the outcome of instructors. They were very well educated and experienced the learning of our Alumni in terms of Lean and Six Sigma in many different areas of business. One of the most implementation and achievement at the workplace. beneficial and interesting courses I have taken to date. Each student that completed one of our courses not only gains from the Quality Representative experience and knowledge of the instructors but also from the Siemens Business Services experience and knowledge of their classmates. E-ZSIGMA ALUMNI COME FROM A WIDE RANGE OF INDUSTRIES; Financial services Healthcare Hospitals Manufacturing Municipalities Federal Governments Provincial Governments Energy Mining Insurance Telecommunications Information Technology Life Sciences Food & Agriculture Retail & Wholesale Education Transportation Real Estate Construction Services Oil & Gas 7 e-Zsigma (Canada) Inc. One Dundas St W, suite 2500, Toronto www.e-zsigma.com
  • 8. program dates... LEAN Lean Champion Certification $695 + HST eLearning: September 14, 2012 In Class Training: October 1, 2012 As a recent student of the Lean White Belt Certification e-zsigma Lean Green Belt, I found the program to be fast paced, exciting and $695 + HST interactive. The teaching was excellent, eLearning: September 14, 2012 keeping topics relevant to my industry, In Class Training: October 1, 2012 healthcare. Sharing ideas with others and listening to their problems and plans was very enlightening. As the Lean Yellow Belt Certification program was drawing to a close, I found $2250 + HST the abundance of ideas and plans for future initiatives to be very motivational eLearning: September 14, 2012 and readily applicable to a variety of In Class Training: October 1 3, 2012 home grown projects. I am looking forward to initiating some Lean Green Belt Certification projects that are noticeably in need of $3150 + HST improvement. eLearning: September 14, 2012 In Class Training: Session 1: October 1 3, 2012 As well, the support both through e-mail and on line has allowed easy access to Session 2: October 29 30, 2012 on-going training. Wenda Lalande Technical Specialist Diagnostic Imaging Department L&A County General Hospital "I have been able to leverage the Lean Six Sigma skills that I learned through e-Zsigma (Canada) Inc. to improve many aspects of the services my department provides to clients. I would recommend this program for anyone interested in continuous improvement, whether in a service or production environment." Director, Corporate Contract Services, TELUS 8 e-Zsigma (Canada) Inc. One Dundas St W, suite 2500, Toronto www.e-zsigma.com
  • 9. program dates... SIX SIGMA Six Sigma Green Belt Certification $2950 + HST eLearning: September 14, 2012 In Class Training: Session 1: October 4, 2012 The course outline and training provided by e- Session 2: October 31 November 1, 2012 Zsigma for the Black Belt is very well designed and the delivery and course material is very informative. Also, the support provided the e- Six Sigma Black Belt Certification Zsigma instructors and office team is excellent. $3950 + HST The e-Zsigma personnel are very approachable. eLearning: September 14, 2012 Ed Valentine In Class Training: Session 1: October 4, 2012 Process Consultant, CIBC Session 2: October 31 November 1, 2012 Session 3: November 26 28, 2012 Six Sigma Black Belt Upgrade Certification $3475 + HST eLearning: October 15, 2012 In Class Training: November 26 28, 2012 program dates... LEAN SIX SIGMA Lean Six Sigma Green Belt Certification $4950 + HST eLearning: September 14, 2012 In Class Training: Session 1: October 1 4, 2012 Session 2: October 29 November 1, 2012 Lean Six Sigma Black Belt Certification $6950 + HST eLearning: September 14, 2012 In Class Training: Session 1: October 1 4, 2012 Session 2: October 29 November 1, 2012 Session 3: November 26 28, 2012 9 e-Zsigma (Canada) Inc. One Dundas St W, suite 2500, Toronto www.e-zsigma.com
  • 10. begin your journey today! You have three ways to contact us for further information; Website: www.e-zsigma.com Phone: 416.593.8026 or 416.737.1729 Email: ljamischak@e-zsigma.com We look forward to joining you on your Continuous Improvement journey! We invite you to join our group on Linkedin for more information on Lean & Six Sigma Canadian Society of Quality 10 e-Zsigma (Canada) Inc. One Dundas St W, suite 2500, Toronto www.e-zsigma.com
  • 11. Program Registration Form Fall/Winter 2012 Certification Programs Phone: 416.593.8026 or 416.737.1729 Email: ljamischak@e-zsigma.com Post: One Dundas St W, suite 2500, Toronto ON M5G 1Z3, Canada Select Desired Certification Program: Program Name 1 Registrant 3 + Registrants (15% discount) Lean Champion $695 + HST $590.75 + HST per person Lean White Belt $695 + HST $590.75 + HST per person Lean Yellow Belt $2250 + HST $1912.50 + HST per person Lean Green Belt $3150 + HST $2677.50 + HST per person Six Sigma Green Belt $2950 + HST $2507.50 + HST per person Six Sigma Black Belt $3950 + HST $3357.50 + HST per person Black Belt Upgrade $3475 + HST $2953.75 + HST per person Lean Six Sigma Green Belt $4950 + HST $4207.50 + HST per person Lean Six Sigma Black Belt $6950 + HST $5907.50 + HST per person Step 1: Registration Information Organization: _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Full Name of Registrant (s): Desired Program: Complete if multiple courses selected 1. 2. 3. 4. Title: Email: Phone: Registrant 1 ( ) Registrant 2 ( ) Registrant 3 ( ) Registrant 4 ( ) Step 2: Payment Information Billing Address: _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ City:_______________________________________________ Province / State: _____________________________ Country: _________________________ Invoice Contact Name and Phone: _________________________________________________________________________________________________ Method of Payment (cheque / MC / VISA / AMEX / EFT): __________________________________________________________________________ Cheques to be made payable to e-Zsigma (Canada) Inc. and mailed to One Dundas St W, suite 2500, Toronto ON, M5G 1Z3 Registration Fee: $__________________________________ + Tax: $ ___________________________ = Total Due: $____________________________ Card Number: ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 11 Expiry Date: _______________________________________________________ Security Number: ______________________________________________ e-Zsigma (Canada) Inc. One Dundas St W, suite 2500, Toronto Cardholder: _______________________________________________________ Signature: ______________________________________________________ www.e-zsigma.com