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Developing Leaders.
Preparing Businesses.
Spring 2012
DidYou Know?
 Up to 42% of a typical managers time is spent dealing with conflict.
 Turnover costs for an employee is between 75% and 150% of the
annual salary.
 Companies in the United Kingdom and United States are losing
an estimated $37 billion annually as a result of employee
 Engaged employees  employees who trust their leadership, feel
valued and have a connection with their employer  drive higher
customer satisfaction and boost the bottom line.
No one ever said management was easy, but having the right knowledge and
strategies in your toolbox certainly help. The ability to manage conflict, negotiate and
make decisions is critical in todays workplace. Many organizations have identified
these as core competencies for managers and individual contributors at all levels.
Teams and organizations stagnate or fail when poor decisions are made or conflict
remains unsolved. Conflict and differing points of view are not necessarily bad; as
long as they are resolved effectively, it can lead to personal and professional growth.
This certificate program offered by the University of Northern Iowas Executive
Development Center will equip you with the knowledge, tools and experience to
tackle those difficult and uncomfortable tasks managers face every day. In only
four months, you will learn and practice techniques, strategies, and methodologies
that will develop your confidence and prepare you to resolve issues like:
 confronting performance problems and other sensitive issues
 mediating disputes between coworkers
 uncovering and extracting the necessary information to make
ethical and sound decisions
 presenting persuasive communication to higher management
 negotiating better deals with vendors and customers
management excellence2012 10/13/11 8:30 AM Page 1
March 21, 2012 8:30 a.m.  4:00 p.m.
Instructor: TBD
Something is wrong. But you cant put your
finger on it. What if you could learn how to
diagnose your own businesss problems
and determine solutions that will work?
In this class you will:
 Practice implementing tools to identify
existing weaknesses in your business,
their root causes, their negative impact
and the process for turning weaknesses
into strengths.
 Learn to create and empower teams
that will implement the diagnostic and
prescriptive process.
 Develop the art of active listening and
the use of powerful questions to elicit the
answers and progress you need.
 Outline an implementation plan with
measurable objectives, timelines, and
March 28 and
April 11, 2012 8:30 a.m.  4:00 p.m.
Instructor: Terri Lasswell, Ed.D. (certified
Fierce Conversations facilitator)
Success occurs one conversation at a
time. Businesses are losing billions of
dollars every year because communication
is ineffective, misunderstood and misinter-
preted. This failure is measured by absen-
teeism, turnover, unproductive time and
grievance filings.
Four conversation models will be
examined and practiced:
1. Team conversations
2. Coaching conversations
3. Delegation conversations
4. Confrontation conversations
During class, you will:
 Identify practices that are holding
you back from open and meaningful
 Gain the capacity to connect with your
colleagues and customers at a deeper
 Engage in active dialogue sessions that
interrogate reality, provoke learning,
tackle tough challenges, and enrich
WHEN: Classes begin January 25 and conclude on May 2, 2012. Classes are
scheduled approximately every other Wednesday from 8:30 a.m.  4:00 p.m.
WHERE: Classes will be conducted in UNIs Business and Community
Services building on campus.
HOW TO ENROLL:  Telephone: 319-273-5851
 Email: execdev@UNI.edu
COST: Tuition is $2998 per person which includes all training materials,
lunches, refreshments and UNI parking privilege. In addition, businesses
can enroll a second person at a further discounted price of only $1,998.
Limit one $1,998 price enrollment per business. Tuition for nonprofit
employees is $1,998.
PAYMENT: We request full payment prior to the second class. We accept
checks and credit card payments. If you are enrolling two people, please
call our office directly, 319-273-5851.
ENROLLMENT DEADLINE: Learning with and from your peers is a vital feature
of this program; therefore class size is limited to 20 participants. Be sure
to reserve your seat early. Enrollment deadline is January 18, 2012.
FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE: Many businesses offer tuition reimbursement.
Ask your Human Resources manager or department about this employee
benefit. Also, some businesses are eligible for Iowa Jobs Training
Programs 260e or 260f. Visit the FAQ section on our website to learn
more at www.bcs.uni.edu/execdev.
Our classes are designed on a 40/60 learning model.
Forty percent of the class time is devoted to ideas,
concepts and theories (the what and why)
and sixty percent to skill practice and imple-
mentation strategies (the when and how).
January 25, 2012 8:30 a.m.  10:00 a.m.
Facilitator: Kim Recker, M.A.
An overview of the program and an introduction
of participants will be provided along with
program policies and guidelines.
January 25, 2012 10:00 a.m.  4:00 p.m.
Instructor: Dewitt Jones, Ph.D.
Accountability is a hot buzz word in recent
years. But what does that really mean and how
do you make it stick? In this class you will:
 Investigate if and how your organization
reinforces employees behavior by not only
rewarding good performance, but also bad
actions. In addition, explore if and how your
organization punishes employees for doing
the right thing.
 Be introduced to methods and tools you can
use to create recognition and accountability
February 8, 2012 8:30 a.m.  4:00 p.m.
Instructor: Amy Campbell, M.A.
Just like a crime scene, gathering the right evidence
requires paying attention to the entire story and
environment which will lead to the right solutions.
In this participatory session, hone your communi-
cation skills and strategies by learning how to:
 Determine the most effective communication
style for a given situation.
 Distinguish between good and great communi-
cation and practice diagnosing how to improve
communication messages.
 Practice investigation techniques (e.g., asking
the right questions of the right people at the
right time) to uncover more information.
 Analyze business situations and determine what
data is needed to make a better decision and
define a solution(s).
February 22, 2012 8:30 a.m.  4:00 p.m.
Instructor: Vickie Robinson, Ed.D.
Theres a lot involved when building and maintain-
ing a highly functional team that is efficient and
effective. Building a Power Team requires a
great leader  someone who can bring a group of
diverse individuals together who respect and learn
from one another and can achieve uncommon
 Determine the key characteristics that are
needed within the team to develop a Power
 Engage in team building exercises that bring
a team together.
 Identify times and situations when its best to
engage the entire team and when its better
to allow individual team members to work on
their own.
 Discuss techniques that can be used to handle
the negative team members.
 Identify ways to maintain a high level of team
March 7, 2012 8:30 a.m.  4:00 p.m.
Instructor: Sheri Vohs, M.A.
Most everyone believes they are ethical. Making
the right decision is easy when the situation is
straightforward. But we know thats not how the
real world is. Many times you are faced with
dilemmas that are unchartered and stretch your
ethics. In this session, you will:
 Explore how your ethics and morals were
defined. What constitutes good, bad, right or
wrong? What part does self-interest or the
interest of others play in making moral decisions
and judgments? What theories of conduct are
valid or invalid and why?
 Review and discuss case studies that highlight
the ethical choices businesses make in the
marketplace. Examine how business ethics
affect a companys financial integrity and
bottom line.
 Practice making decisions when situations
are grayer than black and white.
 The role of team behaviors and dynamics,
power and corruption, office politics and the
ethical roles and responsibilities of managers
to employees will be discussed.
 Apply a ten-step decision making model to
real ethical issues.
April 25, 2012 8:30 a.m.  4:00 p.m.
Instructor: Micheal Thompson, M.P.A.
As a manager, you must learn to make your case
through the art of give and take  negotiation.
You must effectively communicate with your
direct reports, office colleagues, vendors and
customers. This class will prepare you to be a
better communicator and negotiator. You will:
 Examine the key elements of effective persuasive
communication messages.
 Become skilled at constructing messages and
presentations that are persuasive and have more
 Determine what questions must be answered for
the other party to understand your point of view.
 Critique communication and suggest alternative
ways to state and deliver the message (e.g.,
verbal and nonverbal) to make it more effective.
 Acquire a repertoire of negotiating skills used
in gaining approval.
 Prepare and engage in a persuasive discussion
and/or debate.
May 2, 2012 8:30 a.m.  11:00 a.m.
How many times have you heard, If I only
knew then what I know now? Well, heres your
chance! Learn from a panel of successful, local
leaders about their past successes and chal-
lenges. Apply your newly refined communica-
tion skills to gain insight into their past profes-
sional experience and business wisdom. You
will be charged with interviewing the leaders,
giving you the opportunity to ask for career
advice, business solutions and suggestions.
July 21, 2011 11:00 a.m.  12:00 p.m
Anyone who has at least two years of work experience
managing people will benefit from this program.
Anyone can attend our programs regardless of
whether they have attended college.
This program gave me some very useful tools to take back
to the work place. If you want to become a more effective
manager, this program will help.
- 2010 GRADUATE -

The key to successful
is influence
not authority.

As a new manager, so much of this
program will be immediately applicable.
I think what I have learned will help me be
a more effective leader by demonstrating
and expecting accountability,
developing better relationships, and having
all the necessary conversations
to move the business forward.
- 2010 GRADUATE -
management excellence2012 10/13/11 8:30 AM Page 2

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2012 MECP FINAL Brochure

  • 1. ManagementExcellence Developing Leaders. Preparing Businesses. Spring 2012 BCS32 CedarFalls,IA50614-0120 Phone:(319)273-5851 Email:execdev@UNI.edu Website:www.bcs.uni.edu/execdev Leadersarentborn, theyaremade.Andthey aremadejustlikeanythingelse, throughhardwork. Thatsthepricewehavetopay toachievethatgoal oranygoal. -VINCELOMBARDI- DidYou Know? Up to 42% of a typical managers time is spent dealing with conflict. Turnover costs for an employee is between 75% and 150% of the annual salary. Companies in the United Kingdom and United States are losing an estimated $37 billion annually as a result of employee misunderstandings. Engaged employees employees who trust their leadership, feel valued and have a connection with their employer drive higher customer satisfaction and boost the bottom line. No one ever said management was easy, but having the right knowledge and strategies in your toolbox certainly help. The ability to manage conflict, negotiate and make decisions is critical in todays workplace. Many organizations have identified these as core competencies for managers and individual contributors at all levels. Teams and organizations stagnate or fail when poor decisions are made or conflict remains unsolved. Conflict and differing points of view are not necessarily bad; as long as they are resolved effectively, it can lead to personal and professional growth. This certificate program offered by the University of Northern Iowas Executive Development Center will equip you with the knowledge, tools and experience to tackle those difficult and uncomfortable tasks managers face every day. In only four months, you will learn and practice techniques, strategies, and methodologies that will develop your confidence and prepare you to resolve issues like: confronting performance problems and other sensitive issues mediating disputes between coworkers uncovering and extracting the necessary information to make ethical and sound decisions presenting persuasive communication to higher management negotiating better deals with vendors and customers Management Excellence CertificateProgram Spring2012 UNIAlumni Members Receivea 10% Discount management excellence2012 10/13/11 8:30 AM Page 1
  • 2. March 21, 2012 8:30 a.m. 4:00 p.m. BUSINESS DIAGNOSTICS Instructor: TBD Something is wrong. But you cant put your finger on it. What if you could learn how to diagnose your own businesss problems and determine solutions that will work? In this class you will: Practice implementing tools to identify existing weaknesses in your business, their root causes, their negative impact and the process for turning weaknesses into strengths. Learn to create and empower teams that will implement the diagnostic and prescriptive process. Develop the art of active listening and the use of powerful questions to elicit the answers and progress you need. Outline an implementation plan with measurable objectives, timelines, and accountability. March 28 and April 11, 2012 8:30 a.m. 4:00 p.m. FIERCE CONVERSATIONS Instructor: Terri Lasswell, Ed.D. (certified Fierce Conversations facilitator) Success occurs one conversation at a time. Businesses are losing billions of dollars every year because communication is ineffective, misunderstood and misinter- preted. This failure is measured by absen- teeism, turnover, unproductive time and grievance filings. Four conversation models will be examined and practiced: 1. Team conversations 2. Coaching conversations 3. Delegation conversations 4. Confrontation conversations During class, you will: Identify practices that are holding you back from open and meaningful conversations. Gain the capacity to connect with your colleagues and customers at a deeper level. Engage in active dialogue sessions that interrogate reality, provoke learning, tackle tough challenges, and enrich relationships. Who Should Attend? WHEN: Classes begin January 25 and conclude on May 2, 2012. Classes are scheduled approximately every other Wednesday from 8:30 a.m. 4:00 p.m. WHERE: Classes will be conducted in UNIs Business and Community Services building on campus. HOW TO ENROLL: Telephone: 319-273-5851 Email: execdev@UNI.edu COST: Tuition is $2998 per person which includes all training materials, lunches, refreshments and UNI parking privilege. In addition, businesses can enroll a second person at a further discounted price of only $1,998. Limit one $1,998 price enrollment per business. Tuition for nonprofit employees is $1,998. PAYMENT: We request full payment prior to the second class. We accept checks and credit card payments. If you are enrolling two people, please call our office directly, 319-273-5851. ENROLLMENT DEADLINE: Learning with and from your peers is a vital feature of this program; therefore class size is limited to 20 participants. Be sure to reserve your seat early. Enrollment deadline is January 18, 2012. FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE: Many businesses offer tuition reimbursement. Ask your Human Resources manager or department about this employee benefit. Also, some businesses are eligible for Iowa Jobs Training Programs 260e or 260f. Visit the FAQ section on our website to learn more at www.bcs.uni.edu/execdev. 40/60 LearningPrinciple Our classes are designed on a 40/60 learning model. Forty percent of the class time is devoted to ideas, concepts and theories (the what and why) and sixty percent to skill practice and imple- mentation strategies (the when and how). January 25, 2012 8:30 a.m. 10:00 a.m. PROGRAM OVERVIEW Facilitator: Kim Recker, M.A. An overview of the program and an introduction of participants will be provided along with program policies and guidelines. January 25, 2012 10:00 a.m. 4:00 p.m. ACCOUNTABILITY Instructor: Dewitt Jones, Ph.D. Accountability is a hot buzz word in recent years. But what does that really mean and how do you make it stick? In this class you will: Investigate if and how your organization reinforces employees behavior by not only rewarding good performance, but also bad actions. In addition, explore if and how your organization punishes employees for doing the right thing. Be introduced to methods and tools you can use to create recognition and accountability results. February 8, 2012 8:30 a.m. 4:00 p.m. CSSI COMMUNICATION SKILLS AND STRATEGIES INVESTIGATED Instructor: Amy Campbell, M.A. Just like a crime scene, gathering the right evidence requires paying attention to the entire story and environment which will lead to the right solutions. In this participatory session, hone your communi- cation skills and strategies by learning how to: Determine the most effective communication style for a given situation. Distinguish between good and great communi- cation and practice diagnosing how to improve communication messages. Practice investigation techniques (e.g., asking the right questions of the right people at the right time) to uncover more information. Analyze business situations and determine what data is needed to make a better decision and define a solution(s). February 22, 2012 8:30 a.m. 4:00 p.m. BUILDING POWER TEAMS Instructor: Vickie Robinson, Ed.D. Theres a lot involved when building and maintain- ing a highly functional team that is efficient and effective. Building a Power Team requires a great leader someone who can bring a group of diverse individuals together who respect and learn from one another and can achieve uncommon results. Determine the key characteristics that are needed within the team to develop a Power Team. Engage in team building exercises that bring a team together. Identify times and situations when its best to engage the entire team and when its better to allow individual team members to work on their own. Discuss techniques that can be used to handle the negative team members. Identify ways to maintain a high level of team synergy. March 7, 2012 8:30 a.m. 4:00 p.m. RIGHT OR WRONG? ETHICAL CHOICES AND DECISION MAKING Instructor: Sheri Vohs, M.A. Most everyone believes they are ethical. Making the right decision is easy when the situation is straightforward. But we know thats not how the real world is. Many times you are faced with dilemmas that are unchartered and stretch your ethics. In this session, you will: Explore how your ethics and morals were defined. What constitutes good, bad, right or wrong? What part does self-interest or the interest of others play in making moral decisions and judgments? What theories of conduct are valid or invalid and why? Review and discuss case studies that highlight the ethical choices businesses make in the marketplace. Examine how business ethics affect a companys financial integrity and bottom line. Practice making decisions when situations are grayer than black and white. The role of team behaviors and dynamics, power and corruption, office politics and the ethical roles and responsibilities of managers to employees will be discussed. Apply a ten-step decision making model to real ethical issues. April 25, 2012 8:30 a.m. 4:00 p.m. THE ART OF MAKING YOUR CASE THROUGH EFFECTIVE NEGOTIATION AND PERSUASION Instructor: Micheal Thompson, M.P.A. As a manager, you must learn to make your case through the art of give and take negotiation. You must effectively communicate with your direct reports, office colleagues, vendors and customers. This class will prepare you to be a better communicator and negotiator. You will: Examine the key elements of effective persuasive communication messages. Become skilled at constructing messages and presentations that are persuasive and have more impact. Determine what questions must be answered for the other party to understand your point of view. Critique communication and suggest alternative ways to state and deliver the message (e.g., verbal and nonverbal) to make it more effective. Acquire a repertoire of negotiating skills used in gaining approval. Prepare and engage in a persuasive discussion and/or debate. May 2, 2012 8:30 a.m. 11:00 a.m. LESSONS LEARNED BY LEADERS How many times have you heard, If I only knew then what I know now? Well, heres your chance! Learn from a panel of successful, local leaders about their past successes and chal- lenges. Apply your newly refined communica- tion skills to gain insight into their past profes- sional experience and business wisdom. You will be charged with interviewing the leaders, giving you the opportunity to ask for career advice, business solutions and suggestions. July 21, 2011 11:00 a.m. 12:00 p.m GRADUATION Anyone who has at least two years of work experience managing people will benefit from this program. Anyone can attend our programs regardless of whether they have attended college. This program gave me some very useful tools to take back to the work place. If you want to become a more effective manager, this program will help. - 2010 GRADUATE - The key to successful leadershiptoday is influence not authority. - KENNETH BLANCHARD - As a new manager, so much of this program will be immediately applicable. I think what I have learned will help me be a more effective leader by demonstrating and expecting accountability, developing better relationships, and having all the necessary conversations to move the business forward. - 2010 GRADUATE - management excellence2012 10/13/11 8:30 AM Page 2