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Professional Development
      for BCE staff
            A site with:-
     a Framework of 16 Processes
     a Resources Catalogue and
          a diagnostic tool

What do we mean by Business and
               Community Engagement?
            Strategic management of relationships with
            partners & clients & the associated services

 Institutional strategic areas                                       Services
Knowledge exchange/transfer                              CPD, Workforce Development,
Employer engagement                                      Consultancy, Collaborative
Public/community                                         research, Public lectures,
engagement                                               events & festivals, Innovations
Lifelong learning                                        Licensing, Community-based
                                                         learning, new businesses
                      Highly multi-skilled, versatile workforce
                      Innovative, sustainable business economy
                      Cohesive, inclusive society
                      Efficient, dynamic, sustainable organisations
Covering engagement with

    Employers  Businesses
    Regions  Public Sector
 Communities  General Public
       Individual learners


The Changing Landscape
Tough economic climate
Comprehensive Spending Review
Massive re-organisations
Redundancies /job insecurity
Increasing demands
Need to be more professional
The Framework can be used for:
   Annual Reviews
   Practitioner professional development
   Strategic planning
   Helping others understand BCE roles
   Improving recognition of BCE
Courses, consultancy, e-learning, journals, books communities..

               Professional Attributes
Aggregated common attributes needed to perform a Process
   Knowledge                   Skills               Behaviours
  For a Process             For a Process           For a Process

                     The Processes of BCE
   The steps which need to be taken to achieve BCE objectives

                     The Landscape of BCE
 Areas of BCE contribution; project examples; partnership types

            The Purpose Aims and Drivers of BCE
    What inspires and underpins BCE  what are its directions
20121203 draft bce presentation
20121203 draft bce presentation
20121203 draft bce presentation
20121203 draft bce presentation
20121203 draft bce presentation
20121203 draft bce presentation
20121203 draft bce presentation
20121203 draft bce presentation
20121203 draft bce presentation
20121203 draft bce presentation
20121203 draft bce presentation
20121203 draft bce presentation
20121203 draft bce presentation
20121203 draft bce presentation
20121203 draft bce presentation
20121203 draft bce presentation
20121203 draft bce presentation
20121203 draft bce presentation

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20121203 draft bce presentation

  • 1. Professional Development for BCE staff A site with:- a Framework of 16 Processes a Resources Catalogue and a diagnostic tool www.netskills.ac.uk/bcecpd2
  • 2. What do we mean by Business and Community Engagement? Strategic management of relationships with partners & clients & the associated services Institutional strategic areas Services Knowledge exchange/transfer CPD, Workforce Development, Employer engagement Consultancy, Collaborative Public/community research, Public lectures, engagement events & festivals, Innovations Lifelong learning Licensing, Community-based learning, new businesses Benefits Highly multi-skilled, versatile workforce Innovative, sustainable business economy Cohesive, inclusive society Efficient, dynamic, sustainable organisations 2
  • 3. Covering engagement with Employers Businesses Regions Public Sector Communities General Public Individual learners 3
  • 4. WHY? The Changing Landscape Tough economic climate Comprehensive Spending Review Massive re-organisations Redundancies /job insecurity Increasing demands Need to be more professional 4
  • 5. The Framework can be used for: Recruitment Annual Reviews Practitioner professional development Strategic planning Helping others understand BCE roles Improving recognition of BCE 5
  • 6. Resources Courses, consultancy, e-learning, journals, books communities.. Professional Attributes Aggregated common attributes needed to perform a Process Knowledge Skills Behaviours For a Process For a Process For a Process The Processes of BCE The steps which need to be taken to achieve BCE objectives The Landscape of BCE Areas of BCE contribution; project examples; partnership types The Purpose Aims and Drivers of BCE What inspires and underpins BCE what are its directions

Editor's Notes

  • #3: Business and Community Engagement includes k nowledge transfer/exchange, Employer Engagement, Public Engagement, Lifelong Learning
  • #5: Why? Need to Engage3 - the Engagement Imperative UK research innovation gap Impact of UK research and education Translation across disciplines & boundaries Client/partner-focus Service driven, problem-solving ......Requires a demanding skill set Opportunities for sector and for UK PLC
  • #6: 27 different organisations have been involved in developing the Framework . . Practitioners, institutions, professional bodies, funders and policy makers across the BCE sector