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Family Collage
The Griswold Family Christmas
       By: Heath Cormier
Why the Griswolds?

  Its about that time of year and I feel like the Griswolds are
  certainly one of the most unique families in all of television.
They keep you rolling on the 鍖oor laughing, but they also show
 how dysfunctional a family can be. In the end they also show
  how a family can overcome stress and become closer in the
Clark Griswold

Clark Griswold is the obvious leader and bread winner in the
family. Although some of his ideas arent the best ones, the
family never argues against him. The family actually spent the
  entire day out in the middle of the woods looking for the
                  perfect christmas tree.
Ellen Griswold

  Ellen Griswold is the peace-keeper of the family. She
knows that some of Clarks decisions arent the best, but she
    sticks by him. (EX. tree in the middle of the woods.)
Audrey Griswold

  Audrey Griswold is the eldest of two
children of Clark and Ellen Griswold. She
always 鍖nd a way to add in a sharp remark
         or something sarcastic.
Russ Griswold

Russ Griswold is the youngest in the family.
He never argues with his dad but always likes
to question his dads actions. Russ is Clarks
helper when it comes to putting up the lights
               on the house.
Marital/Partnership Maintenance

    They seem like they know how to maintain their
  relationship even when it feels like the sky is falling.
They arent the lovy-dovy couple but seems like they
 know how to get along even if Clark drags Ellen deep
into the woods looking for a christmas tree. Con鍖rming
messages are the cornerstone of relational maintenance
Family Roles and Types
As I explained earlier, Clark is the bread-winner of the family. He has a high-paying job and we
  never know what Ellen has for a job. Clark is the dominant leader of the family. Ellen is the
 peace-keeper of the family. She assures everything will be okay even if they spend all day
long in the woods looking for a tree. Audrey is the provoker because she always has a smart
 remark to everything and she hates her younger brother. Russ is the quiet and modest son.

   Within families, roles are established, grown into, grown through, discussed, negotiated,
                          worked on, and accepted or rejected (150).
Family stress

The holidays became a very stressful time for the Griswold family. First
their huge family decides to visit for Christmas making Clark and Ellen
 very tense. Eddie who is Clarks cousin shows up unexpectedly to the
house with his whole family. (left) It takes Clark almost two whole nights
 to 鍖nally get his Christmas lights working on the house.(right) Plus a
 squirrel 鍖nds its way into their Christmas tree and everybody freaks
  out. (middle) Major unforeseen events alter development patterns

It seems like this family is always 鍖ghting and arguing, but when
 it comes down to it all they prove a different story. Clark and
  Ellen do a great job of keeping the in-laws from killing each
                               other at the house.
Throughout the lifespan, the everyday interactions among family members have the potential
                    to have a tremendous impact on individuals (308).

   Families comprise people who have a shared history and a shared future. They
encompass the entire emotional system of at least three, and frequently now four or
     even 鍖ve, generations held together by blood, legal, and or/historical ties.
Relationships with partners, siblings, and other family members go through transitions
      as they move along the life cycle . -Betty Carter and Monica McGlodrick
              The Griswolds clearly showed how crazy a family can be.
              They also showed how much adversity and stress can be
              overcome and make the family bond even stronger. At the
                  end of the movie the family does come together.
Works cited





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Griswold family christmas

  • 1. Family Collage The Griswold Family Christmas By: Heath Cormier
  • 2. Why the Griswolds? Its about that time of year and I feel like the Griswolds are certainly one of the most unique families in all of television. They keep you rolling on the 鍖oor laughing, but they also show how dysfunctional a family can be. In the end they also show how a family can overcome stress and become closer in the process.
  • 3. Clark Griswold Clark Griswold is the obvious leader and bread winner in the family. Although some of his ideas arent the best ones, the family never argues against him. The family actually spent the entire day out in the middle of the woods looking for the perfect christmas tree.
  • 4. Ellen Griswold Ellen Griswold is the peace-keeper of the family. She knows that some of Clarks decisions arent the best, but she sticks by him. (EX. tree in the middle of the woods.)
  • 5. Audrey Griswold Audrey Griswold is the eldest of two children of Clark and Ellen Griswold. She always 鍖nd a way to add in a sharp remark or something sarcastic.
  • 6. Russ Griswold Russ Griswold is the youngest in the family. He never argues with his dad but always likes to question his dads actions. Russ is Clarks helper when it comes to putting up the lights on the house.
  • 7. Marital/Partnership Maintenance They seem like they know how to maintain their relationship even when it feels like the sky is falling. They arent the lovy-dovy couple but seems like they know how to get along even if Clark drags Ellen deep into the woods looking for a christmas tree. Con鍖rming messages are the cornerstone of relational maintenance (112).
  • 8. Family Roles and Types As I explained earlier, Clark is the bread-winner of the family. He has a high-paying job and we never know what Ellen has for a job. Clark is the dominant leader of the family. Ellen is the peace-keeper of the family. She assures everything will be okay even if they spend all day long in the woods looking for a tree. Audrey is the provoker because she always has a smart remark to everything and she hates her younger brother. Russ is the quiet and modest son. Within families, roles are established, grown into, grown through, discussed, negotiated, worked on, and accepted or rejected (150).
  • 9. Family stress The holidays became a very stressful time for the Griswold family. First their huge family decides to visit for Christmas making Clark and Ellen very tense. Eddie who is Clarks cousin shows up unexpectedly to the house with his whole family. (left) It takes Clark almost two whole nights to 鍖nally get his Christmas lights working on the house.(right) Plus a squirrel 鍖nds its way into their Christmas tree and everybody freaks out. (middle) Major unforeseen events alter development patterns (241).
  • 10. Cohesion It seems like this family is always 鍖ghting and arguing, but when it comes down to it all they prove a different story. Clark and Ellen do a great job of keeping the in-laws from killing each other at the house. Throughout the lifespan, the everyday interactions among family members have the potential to have a tremendous impact on individuals (308).
  • 11. Conclusion Families comprise people who have a shared history and a shared future. They encompass the entire emotional system of at least three, and frequently now four or even 鍖ve, generations held together by blood, legal, and or/historical ties. Relationships with partners, siblings, and other family members go through transitions as they move along the life cycle . -Betty Carter and Monica McGlodrick The Griswolds clearly showed how crazy a family can be. They also showed how much adversity and stress can be overcome and make the family bond even stronger. At the end of the movie the family does come together.
  • 12. Works cited http://www.onepagewonder.com/christmas_vacation.htm http://theawesome80s.net/?p=465 http://www.clarkgriswoldcollection.com/index.php/clark-w-griswold/ http://hellogiggles.com/everything-i-need-to-know-i-learned-from-christmas-vacation http://tailgate365.com/2011/12/the-top-10-christmas-鍖lms-from-ebenezer-scrooge-to-clark- griswold/