Підсумковий звіт
експерта з моніторингу для проведення виховної роботи з екологічної освіти у літньому дитячому таборі “Зорепад” на території Тернопільської області
Вітенка Ігоря Михайловича
Кімната матері і дитини в Київському обласному будинку дитиниPartnership for Every Child / Партнерство "Кожній дитині" Звіт по виконанню проекту "Створення кімнати матері та дитини при Спеціалізованому обласному будинку дитини в м. Біла Церква - в рамках благодійної пожертви "Юридичної премії року" 2008
Живемо в стилі екоНБУ для дітей Екологічні проблеми стосуються кожного. Тож пропонуємо вам 10 простих порад, як допомагати нашій планеті щодня. Ці поради допоможуть не тільки екології, а й вашому здоров’ю та гаманцю.
markfinleyResumeMarch2016Mark FinleyMark Finley has over 20 years of experience developing databases and software using technologies like SQL Server, Oracle, C#, and .NET. He has extensive experience architecting, analyzing, designing, developing, documenting, testing, deploying, and supporting complex systems. Some of his past roles include data architect at Quintiles, where he built a data warehouse and data integration systems, and senior developer/architect at MF Global, where he developed risk management applications. He is proficient in technologies like SQL Server, Oracle, SSIS, C#, ASP.NET, and Agile methodologies.
ResumeArun KumarArun Kumar has over 6 years of experience in IT with a focus on Oracle PL/SQL, UNIX, and banking domains. He has worked as a team lead for Standard Chartered Bank and Bank of America on various projects involving data loading, reporting, application support, and maintenance. His technical skills include SQL, PL/SQL, shell scripting, Crystal Reports, and he has experience with tools such as TOAD, SQL Developer, and version control systems.
Живемо в стилі екоНБУ для дітей Екологічні проблеми стосуються кожного. Тож пропонуємо вам 10 простих порад, як допомагати нашій планеті щодня. Ці поради допоможуть не тільки екології, а й вашому здоров’ю та гаманцю.
markfinleyResumeMarch2016Mark FinleyMark Finley has over 20 years of experience developing databases and software using technologies like SQL Server, Oracle, C#, and .NET. He has extensive experience architecting, analyzing, designing, developing, documenting, testing, deploying, and supporting complex systems. Some of his past roles include data architect at Quintiles, where he built a data warehouse and data integration systems, and senior developer/architect at MF Global, where he developed risk management applications. He is proficient in technologies like SQL Server, Oracle, SSIS, C#, ASP.NET, and Agile methodologies.
ResumeArun KumarArun Kumar has over 6 years of experience in IT with a focus on Oracle PL/SQL, UNIX, and banking domains. He has worked as a team lead for Standard Chartered Bank and Bank of America on various projects involving data loading, reporting, application support, and maintenance. His technical skills include SQL, PL/SQL, shell scripting, Crystal Reports, and he has experience with tools such as TOAD, SQL Developer, and version control systems.
Arindam Sengupta _ ResumeArindam SenguptaArindam Sengupta has over 17 years of experience in architecting, developing, implementing, and customizing client-server and web-based applications. He has extensive experience with technologies like Hadoop, HDFS, MapReduce, Pig, Hive, HBase, Spark, Java, Oracle, SQL Server, and IBM DB2. Some of his recent projects involve designing Hadoop-based solutions for data ingestion, analytics, and visualization using technologies like Flume, Sqoop, HBase, MapReduce, Spark, and REST services.
Enginevishal singhThis document provides an overview of engine types and components presented by Vishal Singh of Raj Sons Auto Pvt. Ltd. It discusses the basic components and functions of engines, including pistons, connecting rods, crankshafts, and various engine types classified by combustion method, number of strokes, cylinder arrangement, and ignition method. It also summarizes lubrication basics, describing how oil is pulled from the sump through the filter and pump to lubricate engine components before draining back to the sump.
Blogs, Wikis, & Flickr: Oh My!GenealogyMedia.com14 May 2009, "Blogs, Wikis, & Flickr: Oh My!: Sharing and Collaborating on the Modern Web," NGS Family History Conference, Raleigh, NC, session T-249
Building and Maintaining Genealogical WebsitesGenealogyMedia.com17 February 2010, "Building and Maintaining Genealogical Websites." North Carolina Chapter of the Association of Professional Genealogists, Raleigh, NC.
This is an overview of tasks and considerations for creating and managing genealogical websites, both for amateur and professional genealogists.
Heteroscedasticity | EonomicsTransweb Global IncHeteroscedasticity is the condition which refers to the violation of the Homoscedasticity condition of the linear regression model used in econometrics study. In simple words, it can be described as the situation which leads to increase in the variance of the residual terms with the increase in the fitted value of the variable. Copy the link given below and paste it in new browser window to get more information on Heteroscedasticity:- http://www.transtutors.com/homework-help/economics/heteroscedasticity.aspx
Economic Costs | EonomicsTransweb Global IncEconomic Costs refer to the sum of opportunity costs and accounting costs. It is the cost of choosing one economic activity over another. This means when we look at economic costs, it includes all the costs incurred to carry out a particular activity that have to be paid and the opportunity cost or the benefits from the next best alternative which had to be forgone in order to carry out this activity. Copy the link given below and paste it in new browser window to get more information on Economic Costs:- http://www.transtutors.com/homework-help/economics/economics-costs.aspx
Century Partners Kirloskar Oil Engines Ltd Aug 2012Century PartnersKirloskar Oil Engines Ltd. is recommended as a Buy with a target price of Rs. 256 by July 2013, representing potential upside of 65%+. KOEL is a leading manufacturer of engines and generator sets in India. The company has a diverse product portfolio and presence across industries. It is expected to benefit from growth in infrastructure spending and increased power demand in India. At the current market price of Rs. 154, KOEL is undervalued relative to its intrinsic value of Rs. 256 based on a DCF valuation. Risks include a economic slowdown and increased competition. However, the company is well positioned to benefit from growth opportunities in its end markets.
Oracle Forms: Introduction to multiple FormsSekhar BynaThis document discusses how to implement multiple form applications in PowerBuilder. It describes using the OPEN_FORM built-in to call one form from another, sharing data between forms through global variables, and transaction management across multiple concurrently open forms. Forms can exchange data via global variables or parameter lists defined in the database. Navigation between forms is flexible and transactions may span multiple forms as required.
A introduction to Laravel frameworkPhu Luong TrongIn this document, we present about Laravel framework and experiences which is used in Megaads's web app projects.
Oracle Forms : Coding ..Sekhar BynaFlexible coding in forms allows developers to write reusable and maintainable code by avoiding hard-coded object names. This is done through the use of system variables that reference the current cursor object, and built-in functions that get and set object properties and find an object's internal ID at runtime. Object IDs can then be stored in variables and used to reference objects within a code block instead of their names. This makes the code more flexible and generic.
Oracle Forms : Transnational TriggersSekhar BynaThis document discusses transaction processing in Oracle Forms. It describes the post and commit phases, the flow of commit processing, and the different types of commit triggers that can be used. Pre-commit triggers allow checking for errors or setting up locks before changes are made. On-DML triggers replace the default DML statements and are fired for each row. Post-commit triggers run after the transaction is complete. Array DML can be implemented to reduce network traffic by executing multiple DML statements in a single call. The commit status indicates if a record, block, or form has been changed and needs to be committed.
Oracle Forms : Query TriggersSekhar BynaQuery processing in forms involves firing pre-query and post-query triggers. A pre-query trigger fires before a query executes and can be used to check or modify query conditions. A post-query trigger fires for each fetched record and can be used to populate additional items and perform calculations. Where clauses from multiple sources are combined with AND and order by clauses are prioritized.
Phil Bradley - Advanced Internet SearchingvoginipThis document discusses advanced internet searching techniques. It provides an overview of different types of search engines including free text, directory, multi-search, site specific, social media and more. It also covers basic and advanced search techniques that can be used on search engines like Google, Bing and Yahoo. Specific search options for finding images, news, videos and conducting searches on social media sites are also summarized. Contact information is provided at the end for additional resources.
Hardware-Assisted Rootkits & InstrumentationEndgameIncSecurity researchers have limited options when it comes to debuggers and dynamic binary instrumentation tools for ARM-based devices. Hardware-based solutions can be expensive or destructive, while software tools are often restricted to user mode. Presented at REcon 2016, this presentation explores a common but often ignored feature of the ARM debug architecture in search of other options. Digging deeper into this hardware component reveals many interesting use-cases for researchers ranging from debugging and instrumentation to building a novel rootkit.
ResumeMark hargravesThe document provides a summary of Mark Hargraves' work experience in business intelligence. It details several roles he held as a senior BI consultant where he developed ETL processes and data warehouses using SQL Server and the Microsoft BI stack. For each role, he extracted data from various source systems, modeled it using a schema called Spider Schema, and built cubes and reports in SSAS and SSRS. The roles showed his experience in full BI project development and remote work for clients in different industries.
Вода – джерело життя на землі. План урокуgreenpack-ukraineКоординатор проектів ОБСЄ в Україні вдячний українським педагогам за цінні доповнення для навчально-методичного комплексу "Зелений Пакет в Україні", які надсилаються через форму "Запропонуй свій урок".
План уроку надіслала Марчук Ліна Федорівна із НВК м. Нетішин.
Зелений Пакет - Як стати ощадливим користувачем енергії? Прилади вимкнуто.greenpack-ukraineПлан уроку надіслала Трегубенко Наталія Володимирівна із Синельниківського ЗНЗ №6 (м. Синельникове, Дніпропетровська область)
Зелений Пакет - Атмосфера, її склад та будоваgreenpack-ukraineПлан уроку надіслала Капелюшна Людмила Миколаївна із Зяньковецької ЗОШ І-ІІІ ступенів (м. Деражня, Хмельницька область)
Зелений Пакет - Засоби зменшення теплових втратgreenpack-ukraineПлан уроку надіслала Сирота Ліна Вікторівна із Скадовської ЗОШ №3 (м. Скадовськ, Херсонська область)
Зелений пакет - Хліб усьому головаgreenpack-ukraineПлан уроку про хліб надіслала Науменко Алла Володимирівна, вчителька Лозівського навчально-виховного комплексу № 10 "загальноосвітній навчальний заклад - дошкільний навчальний заклад" (м. Лозова, Харківська область).
Зелений пакет. Урок з розв'язання екологічних задачgreenpack-ukraineПлан уроку надіслано Світланою Миколаївною Шпак (Новотроїцьке, Херсонська область) через форму "Запропонуй свій урок!" http://greenpack.in.ua/contacts/addlesson.php
Emotional Intelligence in Yoga philosophyRashmiTiwari72Yoga philosophy emphasizes self-awareness, self-regulation, motivation and empathy, which are key components of emotional intelligence. Yoga practices like chitta-prasadana, kriyayoga and astangayoga help you develop these skills.