O documento discute tópicos relacionados à urbaniza??o no Brasil, como a faveliza??o, polui??o dos rios, exclus?o social e segrega??o espacial nas cidades. A urbaniza??o rápida transformou o Brasil de país rural em país predominantemente urbano no século 20, trazendo problemas como falta de infraestrutura e desigualdades sociais.
La exploración neurológica en la infancia temprana es fundamental para evaluar el desarrollo psicomotor normal y detectar posibles retrasos o disfunciones. El documento describe las etapas clave del desarrollo postural, visual, auditivo y del lenguaje que un ni?o alcanza, así como variaciones consideradas normales. Además, provee tablas con percentiles que guían la evaluación del lenguaje receptivo y expresivo.
El documento describe las 8 etapas del proceso de dise?o y modelado 3D de una copa. La primera etapa involucra escoger una de cuatro opciones para visualizar el objeto. Las siguientes etapas incluyen dibujar un lado de la copa con la herramienta de mano alzada, darle forma a la copa con la herramienta NURBS Tomo, mejorar el moldeado con hyperNURBS, y agregar textura y color con una nueva capa de material. El proceso culmina con la imagen final de la copa dise?ada en 3
El documento describe diferentes tipos de drogas, incluyendo sus clasificaciones, métodos de consumo y efectos. Se mencionan drogas como el LCD, anfetaminas, alcohol, marihuana, cocaína, heroína, esteroides, hongos y metanfetaminas. También se describen las consecuencias que pueden tener estas drogas en el cuerpo como alteraciones en la comunicación neuronal, aumento de la presión sanguínea y el riesgo de derrame cerebral o paro cardíaco. Finalmente, se mencionan algunas causas comunes para el consumo
Stacy Trostler is a licensed social worker and psychotherapist based in Beachwood, Ohio who has over 30 years of experience providing counseling. She has worked in both inpatient and outpatient clinical settings treating issues such as chronic illness, grief, loss, addiction, and mental health concerns. Currently, she maintains a private practice focusing on women's health issues and also provides stress reduction techniques such as EMDR and Reiki.
10 things Taiwan does better than anywhere elseRoy Chung
With 23 million people crammed onto an island that covers just more than 36,000 square kilometers, Taiwan ranks among the 20 most densely populated places in the world.
Although the industrious island has built a global reputation for cheap electronics, this is one Asian tiger that offers far more than stickers on the backs of calculators.
Economically there's little it has left to prove, but Taiwanese people remain a proud and determined bunch.
Here are 10 things they do better than anyone else.
The document provides information about Maersk's Triple-E class container ships. The Triple-E class ships have a capacity of 18,000 twenty-foot equivalent units (TEU) and measure 400 meters in length. They are powered by twin 32 megawatt engines and have a draft of 14.5 meters. The first Triple-E ship, the Maersk McKinney Moller, was delivered in July 2013 and ten ships in the class are currently being built, with delivery dates scheduled through June 2014.
10 things Taiwan does better than anywhere elseRoy Chung
With 23 million people crammed onto an island that covers just more than 36,000 square kilometers, Taiwan ranks among the 20 most densely populated places in the world.
Although the industrious island has built a global reputation for cheap electronics, this is one Asian tiger that offers far more than stickers on the backs of calculators.
Economically there's little it has left to prove, but Taiwanese people remain a proud and determined bunch.
Here are 10 things they do better than anyone else.
The document provides information about Maersk's Triple-E class container ships. The Triple-E class ships have a capacity of 18,000 twenty-foot equivalent units (TEU) and measure 400 meters in length. They are powered by twin 32 megawatt engines and have a draft of 14.5 meters. The first Triple-E ship, the Maersk McKinney Moller, was delivered in July 2013 and ten ships in the class are currently being built, with delivery dates scheduled through June 2014.