This proposal is for a 1 hour and 50 minute symposium at the 2013 APA convention discussing resilience and compassion fatigue. The symposium will explore resilience skills and approaches that can help with compassion fatigue and posttraumatic stress. It will feature presentations by Drs. Charles and Kathy Figley on compassion fatigue and regeneration, Dr. Stanley Krippner on nightmares from combat, and Dr. Louis Hoffman on existential issues in trauma treatment. The symposium aims to discuss building resilience capabilities in practitioners and clients to counteract trauma.
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2013 apa symposium sat at 10am
1. 2013 APA Symposium Proposal (#sym13773)
1. Type: Symposium
2. Title: Developing Resilience: Compassion Fatigue and Regeneration
Trauma, psychotherapy/treatment-methods
3. Brief Description: Resilience skills can counteract the negative effects of
primary and secondary trauma. This symposium will explore who person
resiliency skills and approaches that can help with compassion fatigue and
posttraumatic stress.
4. Div 56 sponsor with Div 32 (Humanistic Psychology) as co-sponsoring div.v
5. Other: International Psychology
6. Length: 1hr 50 min
7. Submitter: Ilene A. Serlin, PhDat Union Street Health Associates, 2084 Union
St. SFO 94123
8. (1)Charles R. Figley and Kathy R. Figley, Compassion Fatigue and
(2)Stanley C. Krippner, Haunted by Combat; Nightmares and Existential
Shattering (Saybrook Graduate School, SFO)
(3) Louis Hoffman, Existential Issues in Trauma: Assessment and Treatment
Possible Agenda:
10AM Dr. Serlin Introduces the Symposium and brief remarks
1010-1040AMDr C &Dr K Figley Compassion Fatigue and Regeneration
A. Overview and Definitions
B. Capacities of Resilience that can be developed pre-adversity
C. Experiences as a couple working in the field for many years and observing
regeneration in ourselves, each other, and others.
1040 Dr. Krippner presentation
1110 Dr. Hoffman presentation
1140 Discussion and Q&A
1150 End of Session
A. A. Definitions
2. B. B. Components of CF Resilience
Interpersonally capable [insert Rutgers June presentation with a 30
minute limit]
Behaviorally capable
Physically capable
Emotionally capable
Self-care ability
C. Application to Practitioners
1. Building capabilities in self and other practitioners
2. Apply approach to appropriate clients
D. Conclusion
With the trip and the APA presentation, the most relevant focus of
my/our contribution is applying the neuroscience of fear to medical
and mental health. Compassion fatigue is a form of traumatization
that is facilitated through our empathic senses. Fear, experienced
either directly through our own sense of protection or indirectly
through our empathic response to others, is the same and only the
intensity affects stress levels.
Most of the content will focus on skill building to develop resilience
muscle to counteract the impact of fear and discussing the primary
and secondary fear-related stress management to enhance
resilience. Also I would like to discuss my recently ( in the year prior
to APA convention in Aug 2013 ) published books.
My heart goes out to all my dear friends in Israel who ave done so
much for New Orleans, this region and throughout the world.
Tell me the word count for the abstract.