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William Hanson       605 Pettis Avenue, Mountain View, CA, 94041
                     p: 650.224.6124, e: wrhanson@gmail.com

                 Senior level position as either Mechanical Engineering Manager or Lead Engineer developing
Objective:       electromechanical consumer / medical products utilizing a strong track record of engineering, industrial
                 design, component sourcing, supplier liaison, high volume manufacturing, and product marketing support.

                   Extensive experience in the development and project management of high volume consumer products,
Summary:           small precision mechanisms, and electromechanical devices.
                   Rapid adaptation of technology with a broad design background resulting in clever solutions, quick to
                   market schedules, and cost effective products.
                   Strong communication skills used for effective team leadership, timely status reports, product
                   specifications, support to marketing and sales efforts, as well as liaison to clients, suppliers and end-users.
                   Relevant skills include: Plastic part (mold) design, electronic (PCBA) packaging, sheet metal enclosures,
                   high tolerance machined components, rapid prototype development, and DFA / DFM techniques.
                   CAE/CAD skills include: SolidWorks, PDMWorks, AutoCAD, some Pro-E, and Agile, Adobe Illustrator &
                   Photoshop, MS Office Suite (Word, Excel, Power-Point, & Project).
                   Offshore Sourcing: Production tooling and component sourcing, review, and qualification.

                 PRINCIPAL ENGINEER / DESIGNER - Self Employed Consultant.
Experience:      GearHead Product Development, Mountain View, CA, (2001-present).
                 Present Client List:
                 Zip Innovations: Mechanical Engineering and CAD modeling, (iPad & iPhone accessories).
                 Past Client List:
                 IntelliDx: Mechanical Engineering and CAD modeling, (Automated blood glucose monitoring system).
                 Inter-4: Mechanical Engineering and CAD modeling, (Ruggedized PDA and battery pack).
                 Calabasas Creek Research: Mechanical Engineering and CAD modeling, (Microwave phase shifter).
                 Pound-Star: Conceptual layout, prototype development, (Palm OS based telephone products).
                 Parametric Support Services 2: Conceptual layout, (Heart valve surgical tool, Bluetooth headset).
                 Bell Sports: Offshore vendor sourcing / new product ideation, (Bicycle computers and training devices).
                 Praxis Design: Mechanical packaging and component sourcing, (Vehicular global positioning system).

                 STAFF PRODUCT DESIGN ENGINEER - Product Design Group.
                 PACIFIC BIOSCIENCES, Menlo Park, CA, (2008-2011).
                 Initially brought in as a consultant, my role was quickly expanded eventually leading to a permanent position
                 in charge of developing the SMRT Cell 8Pac. This position included directing both internal and external
                 resources in the specification development, conceptual mockups, proof of concept testing, prototype tool
                 development and eventually the specification and bring up of a multi-cavity high volume production tool. In
                 addition to the definition and design of the 8Pac, additional support was provided to all consumables
                 packaging (product box and shippers) label design and the associated testing. All products met or exceeded
                 specifications and schedules. Progress completion was communicated to upper management through timely
                 progress and test reports. In addition to the consumables projects, additional responsibilities included
                 support in the overall architecture (conceptual layout) of the PacBio RS DNA sequencing instrument and
                 detailed design tasks for the consumable loader drawer and sequencing chip tray.

                 SENIOR MECHANICAL ENGINEER - Mechanical Engineering Group.
                 DESIGN TO MARKET (D2M), Mountain View, CA, (2006-2008).
                 Lead the mechanical effort in the development of an LCoS rear projection television. In a nine-month period,
                 our team completed the design of the electronics base and light box, supported the build of the first
                 functional prototypes, and successfully delivered a completed design to our offshore tooling partners.
                 Personal contribution included the overall mechanical architecture of the base and cabinet, Parametric CAD
                 modeling to identify the cabinet optical path, detail plastic part and sheet metal design as well as full support
                 of the PCBA including both thermal and EMI considerations. Since the completion of the TV project, my
                 efforts were utilized on several projects ranging from 3D stereovision glasses, high volume disposable
                 medical products and a number of industrial / utility projects.

                 SENIOR MECHANICAL ENGINEER - Engineering Development Group.
                 ZIRCON CORPORATION, Campbell, CA, (2003-2006).
                 Mechanical Team Lead in the development of a modular laser layout system. Responsible components
                 included an auto-leveling base, manual-adjustable base, adjustable support bracket, fixed support bracket
                 and layout jam-pole. First conceptual prototypes (auto-base and support bracket) completed within two
                 weeks of project start. All proof of concept bread boards, prototypes and marketing units completed in-
                 house using components fabricated in-house and SLA / machined components from local prototype facilities.
                 Managed two in-house engineers and two external design firms in the completion of the system. System
                 successfully transferred to manufacturing (Ensenada, Mexico) through a series of P1 builds. The
                 LaserVision Qube System received Popular Mechanics "Best of Show" award at the National Hardware
William Hanson
                        SENIOR MECHANICAL ENGINEER - Advanced Development Group, (formally Palm Labs).
  Experience:   cont.
                        PALM, INC., Santa Clara, CA, (2000-2001).
                        Worked with senior management and marketing to define future Palm organizers. This effort included the
                        analysis of preliminary designs to develop appropriate system architecture and make recommendations to
                        supporting departments. Complete support of all prototype activity, including laboratory experiments to study
                        new components and materials, non-functional form factor appearance models for marketing support,
                        functional phase 1 working units, as well as pre-production builds. Supported the purchasing managers for
                        the sourcing and verification of components, including LCD displays, batteries (including Lithium-Ion
                        polymer), molded plastics, formed metal, shielding methods (EMI coatings and sheet metal cans), printed
                        board assemblies, switches, connectors and audio devices. Contributed to over 25 patents, 15 currently
                        granted. This ranged from LCD display technology, expansion peripherals and conceptual usage models.
                        Contributing member of the SD Association mechanical task group. Support engineer to Palms PluggedIn
                        program for 3 party development of expansion devices and peripherals.

                        SENIOR PRODUCT DESIGN ENGINEER - Hardware Engineering Group.
                        HANDSPRING INC., Mountain View, CA, (1999-2000).
                        Technical Lead in the development of the Visor Edge PDA. Overall coordination of both internal and
                        external development teams including industrial design, mechanical engineering, electrical engineering
                        integration and support for software development. and product compliance for consumer electronics. Close
                        working relationship with senior management and marketing to insure project tracked to the MRD and PRD
                        as well as the definition of follow-on products. Managed technical issues for the in-house staff as well as
                        contract industrial design and engineering teams. Coordinated all prototype development including proof of
                        concept fixtures and models including SLA parts, limited volume proto-cast models (RPM techniques) and
                        soft-tooled assemblies.

                        ENGINEERING MANAGER - Mechanical Engineering Group.
                        ECLIPSE INTERNATIONAL INC., Mountain View, CA, (1997-1999)
                        Primary responsibilities were to prepare and support the company through the transformation from a service
                        industry to that of a product based business. This included the development of project plans (MRP support &
                        PRD generation), identification of internal and external resources, preparation of staff work assignments,
                        involvement in project bids, including interfacing with the customer for the program definition, and system
                        level architecture of the product. Initial NRE contracts included board level products and software solutions
                        placed both in the vertical and horizontal markets. Products ranged from warehouse inventory devices,
                        handheld diagnostic tools, to Windows CE sub-notebooks. Management responsibilities included internal
                        product development, monitoring of progress through internal design reviews, performing required
                        engineering and design tasks, and the tracking and adjustments of project schedules and budgets.

                        LEAD MECHANICAL ENGINEER - Surveying and Mapping Systems.
                        TRIMBLE NAVIGATION LIMITED, Sunnyvale, CA, (1995-1997).
                        Lead Mechanical Design Engineer in the development an optical survey instrument (Theodolite) to
                        supplement Trimbles GPS solutions. Duties included conceptual design, detail part development, the
                        direction of the day-to-day activities and the design reviews of the mechanical product team. Responsibilities
                        included primary interface to contractual industrial designers, engineers, and prototype machinists for the
                        development and fabrication of experimental models and validation of concepts. Patent(s) submitted for a
                        Two speed continuous tangent screw that can disengage from a mating gear Trimble ID #A516.

                        PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT ENGINEER - Strategic Product Unit.
                        SPECIALIZED BICYCLE COMPONENTS, Morgan Hill, CA, (1992-1995).
                        Product Engineer, in-charge of proprietary electromechanical devices, (bicycle lights and computers).
                        Products successfully brought to market include the Air-Wave helmet, the Rib-Cage water bottle cage,
                        LED safety flashers, and various PreView and ProView headlights. Bicycle projects included the
                        Globe City bike, and the FSR suspension retrofit.

                        ENGINEERING MANAGER - Team Machina (contract design & engineering).
                        MACHINA Inc., San Francisco, CA, (1991-1992).

                        SENIOR R&D ENGINEER - Advanced Mechanisms and Robotics Technology Unit.
                        SPACE SYSTEMS / LORAL, Palo Alto, CA, (1989-1991).

                        PROJECT ENGINEER - Mechanical Engineering Group.
                        VARIAN ASSOCIATES, - Palo Alto, CA, (1984-1989).

                        CALIFORNIA POLYTECHNIC STATE UNIVERSITY, San Luis Obispo, CA.
   Education:           Bachelor of Science, (Mechanical Engineering) 1984.
                        SAN JOSE STATE UNIVERSITY, San Jose, CA.
                        Partial coursework completed towards Master of Fine Arts, (Industrial Design) 1991

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  • 1. William Hanson 605 Pettis Avenue, Mountain View, CA, 94041 p: 650.224.6124, e: wrhanson@gmail.com Senior level position as either Mechanical Engineering Manager or Lead Engineer developing Objective: electromechanical consumer / medical products utilizing a strong track record of engineering, industrial design, component sourcing, supplier liaison, high volume manufacturing, and product marketing support. Extensive experience in the development and project management of high volume consumer products, Summary: small precision mechanisms, and electromechanical devices. Rapid adaptation of technology with a broad design background resulting in clever solutions, quick to market schedules, and cost effective products. Strong communication skills used for effective team leadership, timely status reports, product specifications, support to marketing and sales efforts, as well as liaison to clients, suppliers and end-users. Relevant skills include: Plastic part (mold) design, electronic (PCBA) packaging, sheet metal enclosures, high tolerance machined components, rapid prototype development, and DFA / DFM techniques. CAE/CAD skills include: SolidWorks, PDMWorks, AutoCAD, some Pro-E, and Agile, Adobe Illustrator & Photoshop, MS Office Suite (Word, Excel, Power-Point, & Project). Offshore Sourcing: Production tooling and component sourcing, review, and qualification. PRINCIPAL ENGINEER / DESIGNER - Self Employed Consultant. Experience: GearHead Product Development, Mountain View, CA, (2001-present). Present Client List: Zip Innovations: Mechanical Engineering and CAD modeling, (iPad & iPhone accessories). Past Client List: IntelliDx: Mechanical Engineering and CAD modeling, (Automated blood glucose monitoring system). Inter-4: Mechanical Engineering and CAD modeling, (Ruggedized PDA and battery pack). Calabasas Creek Research: Mechanical Engineering and CAD modeling, (Microwave phase shifter). Pound-Star: Conceptual layout, prototype development, (Palm OS based telephone products). 速 Parametric Support Services 2: Conceptual layout, (Heart valve surgical tool, Bluetooth headset). Bell Sports: Offshore vendor sourcing / new product ideation, (Bicycle computers and training devices). Praxis Design: Mechanical packaging and component sourcing, (Vehicular global positioning system). STAFF PRODUCT DESIGN ENGINEER - Product Design Group. PACIFIC BIOSCIENCES, Menlo Park, CA, (2008-2011). Initially brought in as a consultant, my role was quickly expanded eventually leading to a permanent position in charge of developing the SMRT Cell 8Pac. This position included directing both internal and external resources in the specification development, conceptual mockups, proof of concept testing, prototype tool development and eventually the specification and bring up of a multi-cavity high volume production tool. In addition to the definition and design of the 8Pac, additional support was provided to all consumables packaging (product box and shippers) label design and the associated testing. All products met or exceeded specifications and schedules. Progress completion was communicated to upper management through timely progress and test reports. In addition to the consumables projects, additional responsibilities included support in the overall architecture (conceptual layout) of the PacBio RS DNA sequencing instrument and detailed design tasks for the consumable loader drawer and sequencing chip tray. SENIOR MECHANICAL ENGINEER - Mechanical Engineering Group. DESIGN TO MARKET (D2M), Mountain View, CA, (2006-2008). Lead the mechanical effort in the development of an LCoS rear projection television. In a nine-month period, our team completed the design of the electronics base and light box, supported the build of the first functional prototypes, and successfully delivered a completed design to our offshore tooling partners. Personal contribution included the overall mechanical architecture of the base and cabinet, Parametric CAD modeling to identify the cabinet optical path, detail plastic part and sheet metal design as well as full support of the PCBA including both thermal and EMI considerations. Since the completion of the TV project, my efforts were utilized on several projects ranging from 3D stereovision glasses, high volume disposable medical products and a number of industrial / utility projects. SENIOR MECHANICAL ENGINEER - Engineering Development Group. ZIRCON CORPORATION, Campbell, CA, (2003-2006). Mechanical Team Lead in the development of a modular laser layout system. Responsible components included an auto-leveling base, manual-adjustable base, adjustable support bracket, fixed support bracket and layout jam-pole. First conceptual prototypes (auto-base and support bracket) completed within two weeks of project start. All proof of concept bread boards, prototypes and marketing units completed in- house using components fabricated in-house and SLA / machined components from local prototype facilities. Managed two in-house engineers and two external design firms in the completion of the system. System successfully transferred to manufacturing (Ensenada, Mexico) through a series of P1 builds. The LaserVision Qube System received Popular Mechanics "Best of Show" award at the National Hardware Show.
  • 2. William Hanson SENIOR MECHANICAL ENGINEER - Advanced Development Group, (formally Palm Labs). Experience: cont. PALM, INC., Santa Clara, CA, (2000-2001). Worked with senior management and marketing to define future Palm organizers. This effort included the analysis of preliminary designs to develop appropriate system architecture and make recommendations to supporting departments. Complete support of all prototype activity, including laboratory experiments to study new components and materials, non-functional form factor appearance models for marketing support, functional phase 1 working units, as well as pre-production builds. Supported the purchasing managers for the sourcing and verification of components, including LCD displays, batteries (including Lithium-Ion polymer), molded plastics, formed metal, shielding methods (EMI coatings and sheet metal cans), printed board assemblies, switches, connectors and audio devices. Contributed to over 25 patents, 15 currently granted. This ranged from LCD display technology, expansion peripherals and conceptual usage models. Contributing member of the SD Association mechanical task group. Support engineer to Palms PluggedIn rd program for 3 party development of expansion devices and peripherals. SENIOR PRODUCT DESIGN ENGINEER - Hardware Engineering Group. HANDSPRING INC., Mountain View, CA, (1999-2000). Technical Lead in the development of the Visor Edge PDA. Overall coordination of both internal and external development teams including industrial design, mechanical engineering, electrical engineering integration and support for software development. and product compliance for consumer electronics. Close working relationship with senior management and marketing to insure project tracked to the MRD and PRD as well as the definition of follow-on products. Managed technical issues for the in-house staff as well as contract industrial design and engineering teams. Coordinated all prototype development including proof of concept fixtures and models including SLA parts, limited volume proto-cast models (RPM techniques) and soft-tooled assemblies. ENGINEERING MANAGER - Mechanical Engineering Group. ECLIPSE INTERNATIONAL INC., Mountain View, CA, (1997-1999) Primary responsibilities were to prepare and support the company through the transformation from a service industry to that of a product based business. This included the development of project plans (MRP support & PRD generation), identification of internal and external resources, preparation of staff work assignments, involvement in project bids, including interfacing with the customer for the program definition, and system level architecture of the product. Initial NRE contracts included board level products and software solutions placed both in the vertical and horizontal markets. Products ranged from warehouse inventory devices, handheld diagnostic tools, to Windows CE sub-notebooks. Management responsibilities included internal product development, monitoring of progress through internal design reviews, performing required engineering and design tasks, and the tracking and adjustments of project schedules and budgets. LEAD MECHANICAL ENGINEER - Surveying and Mapping Systems. TRIMBLE NAVIGATION LIMITED, Sunnyvale, CA, (1995-1997). Lead Mechanical Design Engineer in the development an optical survey instrument (Theodolite) to supplement Trimbles GPS solutions. Duties included conceptual design, detail part development, the direction of the day-to-day activities and the design reviews of the mechanical product team. Responsibilities included primary interface to contractual industrial designers, engineers, and prototype machinists for the development and fabrication of experimental models and validation of concepts. Patent(s) submitted for a Two speed continuous tangent screw that can disengage from a mating gear Trimble ID #A516. PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT ENGINEER - Strategic Product Unit. SPECIALIZED BICYCLE COMPONENTS, Morgan Hill, CA, (1992-1995). Product Engineer, in-charge of proprietary electromechanical devices, (bicycle lights and computers). Products successfully brought to market include the Air-Wave helmet, the Rib-Cage water bottle cage, LED safety flashers, and various PreView and ProView headlights. Bicycle projects included the Globe City bike, and the FSR suspension retrofit. ENGINEERING MANAGER - Team Machina (contract design & engineering). MACHINA Inc., San Francisco, CA, (1991-1992). SENIOR R&D ENGINEER - Advanced Mechanisms and Robotics Technology Unit. SPACE SYSTEMS / LORAL, Palo Alto, CA, (1989-1991). PROJECT ENGINEER - Mechanical Engineering Group. VARIAN ASSOCIATES, - Palo Alto, CA, (1984-1989). CALIFORNIA POLYTECHNIC STATE UNIVERSITY, San Luis Obispo, CA. Education: Bachelor of Science, (Mechanical Engineering) 1984. SAN JOSE STATE UNIVERSITY, San Jose, CA. Partial coursework completed towards Master of Fine Arts, (Industrial Design) 1991