This document summarizes the story of Jabez from 1 Chronicles 4:9-10. It describes how Jabez was respected among his brothers despite being given a name meaning "pain" by his mother during childbirth. The document then recounts that Jabez prayed to God, asking Him to bless and enlarge his territory, protect him from harm and suffering. God granted all that Jabez requested. The rest of the document reflects on knowing and understanding God's omnipotence, omnipresence, omniscience and His desire to bless believers.
The WISE model outlines 4 areas of focus:
Wisdom on how to live, Influence and significance, Spirituality and connection with God, Edification and connection with people and environment.
The document also discusses 8 blessings from the Beatitudes in Matthew and living a life of reconciliation by being at peace with God, oneself, family/friends, work, and the earth, as outlined in 2 Corinthians.
The WISE model outlines 4 areas of focus:
Wisdom on how to live, Influence and significance, Spirituality and connection with God, Edification and connection with people and environment.
The document also discusses 8 blessings from the Beatitudes in Matthew and living a life of reconciliation by being at peace with God, oneself, family/friends, work, and the earth, as outlined in 2 Corinthians.
3. 你是誰 ? (Who are you ?)
? 是世上的光和鹽 (Light and Salt)
? 生活的必需品 (Necessities)
? 條件是放對位置 , 發揮作用 (Make use of it)
光的本質和作用 (Light’s nature and function):
(1)除去黑暗 , 照明 (Lighting, get rid of darkness)
(2)賦與能量 , 生命力 (Giving power and life)
鹽的本質和作用 (Salt’s nature and function) :
(1) 有味道 , 調味 (Taste)
(2) 消毒 , 防腐 , 殺菌 (Preserve, kill diseases)
4. 甚麼是職場服事 ?
What is marketplace ministry ?
? 用神的方式經營 (Doing business in God’s
? 把神國的價值觀影響你所屬的圈子 , 並帶
來長久的轉變 (Carry the Kingdom values to
your sphere of influence and bring lasting
? 感染其他人都這樣做 (Influence others to do
the same)
5. 職場服事 的四個重要範疇
Four key areas of marketplace ministry
? 天國的心態 (Kingdom’s mind-set)
? 品格 / 人的素質 (Character/ People’s
? 以人為本 (People oriented)
? 有效用和效率 (Effective and efficient)
6. 天國的心態 (Kingdom’s mind-set)
(1)神比金錢重要 (God > Money)
? 快樂的捐獻者 (A happy giver)
? 聰明的投資者 (A wise investor)
(2) 明白權柄與順服 (Knowing principle of authority
and submission)
(3)了解忠心的重要 (Knowing the importance of
品格 / 人的素質 (Character/ People’s quality)
(4)誠信 (Integrity)
(5)以確信 ( 信念 ) 帶領 (By faith, led with conviction)
7. 以人為本 (People oriented)
(6)甘心服事 (Servant-hood / Willing to serve )
(7)情緒穩定 (Stable, excellent EQ)
(8)尋求雙贏 / 團隊合作 (Seek for win-win
solutions, teamwork)
有效用和效率 (Effective and efficient)
(9)有常識及判斷力 (common sense, practical,
(10)有組織 , 會計劃及合理的彈性 (Organized,
well planned with suitable flexibility)