Inspire Digital Business English Program Part IIinspire digital
The document summarizes a business English review meeting. It begins with an introduction from the presenter. They then review the purpose and main points of the meeting. In the concluding section, the presenter recaps the key topics and invites any remaining questions before closing the meeting. They thank the participants for their time.
This document provides examples of useful expressions for business English communications, including introductions, making appointments, invitations, asking for help, explanations, and apologies. Expressions are given for introducing people, scheduling meetings at different times, inviting others to events, requesting assistance, clarifying situations, and saying sorry. The document aims to equip readers with polite phrasing for common business interactions and correspondence.
Inspire Digital Business English Program Part IIinspire digital
The document summarizes a business English review meeting. It begins with an introduction from the presenter. They then review the purpose and main points of the meeting. In the concluding section, the presenter recaps the key topics and invites any remaining questions before closing the meeting. They thank the participants for their time.
This document provides examples of useful expressions for business English communications, including introductions, making appointments, invitations, asking for help, explanations, and apologies. Expressions are given for introducing people, scheduling meetings at different times, inviting others to events, requesting assistance, clarifying situations, and saying sorry. The document aims to equip readers with polite phrasing for common business interactions and correspondence.
- The document provides financial information for a company, including assets, liabilities, equity, and income statements for various years.
- Total assets for the company are $15.4 million, with current assets of $5.9 million. Total liabilities are $14.7 million, leaving stockholders' equity of $763,500.
- Net income for the most recent year shown was $1.8 million, with total operating income of $9.5 million.
Documentul a fost conceput
pentru a creste performanta
managerilor din Romania prin
nerepetarea gresililor facute de altii, in momentul in care trebuie sa aleaga o solutie software pentru business -ul pe care il conduc.
This document discusses several creative advertising campaigns including a dog food commercial featuring dogs on a TV channel, a wedding dress made of toilet paper for a contest, an apartment rental sign that falls apart, a billboard that lets hair fall off to advertise shampoo, an intentionally irritating banner ad, a statistic about data value, and a Whirlpool appliance ad focused on customer care.
This document lists several case studies from a creative department, including Tigo-Une's payphone banking service, AirAsia's Chinese character unlock game, an Indian newspaper's redesign, a Chinese travel bureau's secret project, a fortune telling doctor service, KLM airline's customer care tag, and a campaign for adventure travel from an unnamed company.
This document lists the titles of 9 different creative projects or case studies from an unspecified organization. The titles include mobile apps, marketing campaigns, and software projects related to sports, McDonald's, lottery, sex education, Apple's WWDC conference, banking, and haircuts.
The Danish Cancer Society and TrygFonden partnered to launch a campaign called "Help a Dane" that aimed to encourage more Danes to become organ donors. Through emotional videos featuring real people's stories, the campaign highlighted the life-saving impact of organ donation and increased sign-ups to the donor registry by 27% over the following months.