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Missouri Baptist Foundation
2014 Annual Report
Missouri Baptist Foundation
2014 Annual Report
MBF staff drove the 1,600miles round trip from Jefferson
City to Leadville, CO., to visit
with my family and I. There are
no bounds on MBF staffdedication and kindness. Those
who go the extra distanceduring the most difficult times
are the ones you can always
count on. They are a trueblessing to all.
Bill Jansen
Friend of MBF
The Foundation staff has shaped
and molded my way of thinking
regarding giving. Staff expertise
in Stewardship coupled with their
heart for Christ through giving
and missions has challenged me
to be generous. Thank you,
Missouri Baptist Foundation!
President, Harvesters
We have found Missouri Baptist
Foundation to be very responsive
to our needs and have found its
returns to be more than
competitive with other similar
organizations. Its mission and
our mission are complementary
in that it helps provide much
needed financial resources so we
can better serve children, youth,
and families.
Russell Martin
Missouri Baptist Children’s Home
One of the great blessings I receive in my work at the Foundation is
to see the many expressions of gratitude and thanks for what we do.
Many times it is “thanks” given for money distributed, but it can also
be for an act of service, or for an encouraging word.
The backdrop to our annual report this year is lined with many
notes and expressions of appreciation from our clients. As you
read through these statements, take a moment to reflect on ways the
Foundation may have blessed you over this past year. I hope there
are several things that come to mind.
A few months ago I received a stack of “thank you” cards ad-
dressed to one of our deceased donors. The seminary scholarship
recipients who sent in the cards had no idea that this individual was
no longer with us, but they were sent to us anyway. As I read through the cards, I was reminded
of the individual who was generous in his giving, and I tried to reflect on what he would have
thought had he been given the opportunity to read these cards with me. I’m sure there would
have been a great sense of satisfaction, and a humble heart recognizing that God blessed him
financially so that he, in turn, could be a blessing to others.
I wish you could experience with me all the good work that is going on through the work of the
Foundation. It is truly humbling, inspiring, and motivating to see such committed servants of
God. It can be seen in the Foundation staff, through the many donors, and through the ministries
we see fulfill their mission and purpose of caring for, educating, and discipling those they serve.
Paul wrote to the Thessalonians, “How can we thank God enough for you in return for all the joy
we have in the presence of our God because of you?” (1 Thessalonians 3:9 NIV) It is easy for me
to understand and recognize the gratitude Paul was expressing. I can confidently say, that every
day the Foundation staff is reminded of the many friends and partners we have in ministry.
Of course, no annual report is complete without taking a moment to reflect on the investment
performance and other financial statistics. The good news is that we have had another great year
of growth. Total assets of the Foundation rose to $158 million, which was nearly a $5.8 million in-
crease over last year. Our stock fund gained 9.7%, and our Balanced Fund and Diversified Fund
had returns of 8.1% and 9.1%, respectively. The distributions, from both principal and income,
totaled $11.9 million. So as you can see, we have made a significant impact in funding and sup-
porting numerous ministries!
The staff and trustees are working hard on your behalf. We believe there are numerous ways we
can assist you and the ministries you love. Please keep us in your prayers as we seek to serve the
Lord, and we welcome the opportunity to continue partnering with you in your ministry and mis-
sion focus.
We remember Paul’s words, “How can we thank God enough for you. . .”, so thank you again for
allowing us to serve you and for giving us the opportunity to assist you in service of our King!
Thank you so much for all you did for us putting our
Solar Electric System together. We are now living in our
new home here in the Amdu tribe in Western Papua New
Guinea. The Solar Electric System is working well and
we are very grateful to all of you for the work you did for
us in making sure it was all in the boxes! We are start-
ing our ministry in this new tribe in good working order
thanks to all of you. We are pretty far from any towns
and all of our things arrive by air. There is no oth-
er option for us. Not having to fly fuel in to power
our houses is a very helpful thing, especially as we
look forward to the years of ministry here. Thanks
again goes to all of you for your faithful service
there. We over here are grateful. You are a part
of the history of this work going forward for God's
Name here in Amdu.
The Lord has truly blessed Sports
Crusaders with your partnership
and genuine friendship. Your
Godly wisdom, consistent
authenticity, and servant hearted
leadership has helped our board
and staff make decisions that
glorify our Lord and expand the
Kingdom. We are appreciative for
the 21 years of ministry support
and partnership.
Cynthia Walker
Sports Crusaders Staff
New Tribes Missionaries
West Papua New Guniea
Endowments - 378 Gift Annuities - 229
Agency/Custodial - 236 Various Trusts - 75
Donor Advised Funds - 33 Other - 23
Note: Figures above are in millions
Growth in Assets
Type of Accounts
*August 2014
Income Fund Balanced Fund Diversified Fund
Bond Fund Stock Fund
2014 2013 3 YR 5 YR
Benevolent Homes $2.93 Million Foreign Missions $662,583
Individuals $1.18 Million Cooperative Program $176,331
Other $786,061 Higher Education $534,978
Churches $428,638
Pool Performance
Income Distribution
Statements of Financial Position
Missouri Baptist Foundation . 400 East High Street, Suite 500 . Jefferson City, MO . 65101

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  • 1. Missouri Baptist Foundation 2014 Annual Report Missouri Baptist Foundation 2014 Annual Report
  • 2. MBF staff drove the 1,600miles round trip from Jefferson City to Leadville, CO., to visit with my family and I. There are no bounds on MBF staffdedication and kindness. Those who go the extra distanceduring the most difficult times are the ones you can always count on. They are a trueblessing to all. Bill Jansen Friend of MBF The Foundation staff has shaped and molded my way of thinking regarding giving. Staff expertise in Stewardship coupled with their heart for Christ through giving and missions has challenged me to be generous. Thank you, Missouri Baptist Foundation! Kim Quinn President, Harvesters We have found Missouri Baptist Foundation to be very responsive to our needs and have found its returns to be more than competitive with other similar organizations. Its mission and our mission are complementary in that it helps provide much needed financial resources so we can better serve children, youth, and families. Russell Martin Missouri Baptist Children’s Home
  • 3. One of the great blessings I receive in my work at the Foundation is to see the many expressions of gratitude and thanks for what we do. Many times it is “thanks” given for money distributed, but it can also be for an act of service, or for an encouraging word. The backdrop to our annual report this year is lined with many notes and expressions of appreciation from our clients. As you read through these statements, take a moment to reflect on ways the Foundation may have blessed you over this past year. I hope there are several things that come to mind. A few months ago I received a stack of “thank you” cards ad- dressed to one of our deceased donors. The seminary scholarship recipients who sent in the cards had no idea that this individual was no longer with us, but they were sent to us anyway. As I read through the cards, I was reminded of the individual who was generous in his giving, and I tried to reflect on what he would have thought had he been given the opportunity to read these cards with me. I’m sure there would have been a great sense of satisfaction, and a humble heart recognizing that God blessed him financially so that he, in turn, could be a blessing to others. I wish you could experience with me all the good work that is going on through the work of the Foundation. It is truly humbling, inspiring, and motivating to see such committed servants of God. It can be seen in the Foundation staff, through the many donors, and through the ministries we see fulfill their mission and purpose of caring for, educating, and discipling those they serve. Paul wrote to the Thessalonians, “How can we thank God enough for you in return for all the joy we have in the presence of our God because of you?” (1 Thessalonians 3:9 NIV) It is easy for me to understand and recognize the gratitude Paul was expressing. I can confidently say, that every day the Foundation staff is reminded of the many friends and partners we have in ministry. Of course, no annual report is complete without taking a moment to reflect on the investment performance and other financial statistics. The good news is that we have had another great year of growth. Total assets of the Foundation rose to $158 million, which was nearly a $5.8 million in- crease over last year. Our stock fund gained 9.7%, and our Balanced Fund and Diversified Fund had returns of 8.1% and 9.1%, respectively. The distributions, from both principal and income, totaled $11.9 million. So as you can see, we have made a significant impact in funding and sup- porting numerous ministries! The staff and trustees are working hard on your behalf. We believe there are numerous ways we can assist you and the ministries you love. Please keep us in your prayers as we seek to serve the Lord, and we welcome the opportunity to continue partnering with you in your ministry and mis- sion focus. We remember Paul’s words, “How can we thank God enough for you. . .”, so thank you again for allowing us to serve you and for giving us the opportunity to assist you in service of our King!
  • 4. Thank you so much for all you did for us putting our Solar Electric System together. We are now living in our new home here in the Amdu tribe in Western Papua New Guinea. The Solar Electric System is working well and we are very grateful to all of you for the work you did for us in making sure it was all in the boxes! We are start- ing our ministry in this new tribe in good working order thanks to all of you. We are pretty far from any towns and all of our things arrive by air. There is no oth- er option for us. Not having to fly fuel in to power our houses is a very helpful thing, especially as we look forward to the years of ministry here. Thanks again goes to all of you for your faithful service there. We over here are grateful. You are a part of the history of this work going forward for God's Name here in Amdu. The Lord has truly blessed Sports Crusaders with your partnership and genuine friendship. Your Godly wisdom, consistent authenticity, and servant hearted leadership has helped our board and staff make decisions that glorify our Lord and expand the Kingdom. We are appreciative for the 21 years of ministry support and partnership. Cynthia Walker Sports Crusaders Staff New Tribes Missionaries West Papua New Guniea
  • 5. Endowments - 378 Gift Annuities - 229 Agency/Custodial - 236 Various Trusts - 75 Donor Advised Funds - 33 Other - 23 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 $142.7 $132.7 $143.9 $152.3 $158.0 Note: Figures above are in millions Growth in Assets Type of Accounts
  • 6. *August 2014 -5 0 5 10 15 20 25 Income Fund Balanced Fund Diversified Fund Bond Fund Stock Fund 2014 2013 3 YR 5 YR Benevolent Homes $2.93 Million Foreign Missions $662,583 Individuals $1.18 Million Cooperative Program $176,331 Other $786,061 Higher Education $534,978 Churches $428,638 Pool Performance Income Distribution 2012
  • 8. Missouri Baptist Foundation . 400 East High Street, Suite 500 . Jefferson City, MO . 65101