This document discusses key questions to ask about electronic components, focusing on resistors and capacitors. For resistors, reasonable parameter values include resistances from 0.1Ω to 10MΩ, power ratings up to 1W, and tolerances of \5% for carbon film and \1% for metal film. Resistors have parasitic inductance and capacitance that affect behavior at high frequencies. Capacitors can store energy in an electric field according to the relationship between current, voltage, and capacitance.
The document provides tips for drawing human bodies, including proportions, head, arms, hands, torso, legs, and feet. It notes that proportions are key, with hands keeping position and bodies counted in heads. Body parts must be balanced, even when dancing. The head details include ears lining up with eyebrows and the nose being the size of the eyes. When drawing arms, the elbow takes the shape of a diamond. Hands can be referenced by looking at one's own. Torso drawings differ for males and females. Legs have curves, with the middle bottom slightly shorter than the top. Feet can be drawn as a circle and triangle. Exceptions are made for cartoons and anime styles.
This document outlines potential digital strategies for an international trade and investment organization to engage businesses online and leverage social media. It discusses 4 main strategies: 1) Building brand reputation through social media engagement. 2) Increasing mobile access. 3) Effectively engaging businesses online through platforms like LinkedIn and blogs. 4) Promoting open government and transparency through sharing information online. The organization aims to increase its brand profile, make connections with businesses, and take advantage of digital opportunities through a thoughtful social media presence.
Yn 2016 komt de nije digitale metoade Frysk foar it p? beskikber. Yn dizze workshop jouwe wy in oersjoch fan de ferskillende learlinen d┷r¨t skoallen aanst ┣t kieze kinne. Wy litte foarbylden sjen fan hoe¨t mei help fan ICT in passend learmiddelenoanbod gearstald wurde kin, ?fhinklik fan it ferlet fan skoallen en de taaldoelen foar it (fak) Frysk.
This document provides an overview and objectives for the COMD 6361 class. It introduces students to the library's resources including over 2 million volumes, 250 databases, and 36 study rooms. Services covered include remote access, interlibrary loans, and free printing. It defines peer-reviewed articles and distinguishes between primary, secondary, and tertiary sources. Search strategies are discussed such as developing search terms and using Boolean logic. Recommended databases for topics like stuttering and deer management are provided.
This document discusses the topic of hydraulic fracturing (fracking) and provides arguments for and against its use. It summarizes that fracking involves injecting fluid into shale rocks at high pressure to extract oil and gas, but produces large amounts of wastewater. While it can increase energy production, there are concerns about potential environmental and health impacts. The document examines various energy alternatives but concludes that while renewable energy sources like solar and wind can help, oil demand may be difficult to replace as global supply declines.
Prof. David Coggon: Environmental health hazardsonthewight
The document discusses several chemical and physical hazards in the environment including pesticide use, Minamata disease, the Bhopal disaster, and mobile phone use. It defines hazard and risk, and explains how risks are quantified and assessed using epidemiological studies despite uncertainties. The precautionary principle is described as it relates to environmental regulation.
ValueFirst is an established enterprise mobility solutions company that provides end-to-end business communication solutions like SMS, voice, USSD, and WAP. It has a presence in India and several other countries. ValueFirst offers enterprise messaging solutions, voice solutions, mobile applications, mobile marketing, M-commerce, and operator/consumer value-added services to meet various business communication needs.
Mutual exclusion is required when multiple threads or processes access shared resources concurrently to prevent race conditions. Critical regions define sections of code where shared resources are accessed exclusively by one thread at a time. Semaphores and monitors provide synchronization mechanisms for processes to coordinate access to shared resources and critical regions in a way that prevents race conditions and ensures progress.
The document discusses the basis and development of music-related English terms. It notes that many Italian musical terms originated in Italy as the center of music and religion, and birthplace of opera. It also discusses English becoming a global lingua franca, and the etymological origins and processes of generalization, specialization, meaning transfer, and addition that have influenced musical English vocabulary over time and across cultures. The conclusion is that musical English words have developed through syntax, morphology and other changes influenced by historical and cultural contexts.
The Influence of perceptual Attack times in
Networked Music performance
Pilot Study conducted at CCRMA, Stanford University (2011)
44th AES conference (2011 - San Diego)
The document discusses plans to restructure districts in Manresa, Spain into science quarters. It aims to diversify the local economy away from sectors hit by the crisis towards high value sectors like materials technology and health. Key projects include developing the Central Park Technological Park and a Knowledge-University Campus. The plan also seeks to strengthen the entrepreneurship ecosystem and promote the city to attract investment.
The document provides instructions for University of Houston Libraries staff on using the Interlibrary Loan (ILL) system. It explains that ILL allows UH students, faculty, and staff to borrow materials not available in UH libraries, receive scanned articles, and send UH materials to other libraries. It gives steps for checking ILL items in and out using the ILLiad WebCirculation system and what to do if error messages appear.
Feedback speelt een belangrijke rol in het leren van studenten. Maar goede feedback geven kost tijd. In onderwijs waar studenten vooral leren voor een toets op het einde, vergeten ze het geleerde veel sneller dan wanneer er actief met de stof gewerkt en veel herhaald wordt. Het goed inzetten van feedback wordt ook wel formatief handelen genoemd. Daar gaat het om het inzetten van feedback in het leerproces om het leren van studenten bij te kunnen sturen. Als docent handel je voortdurend met het oog op de te bereiken leerdoelen. De feedbackvraag is dan ook telkens: waar staan we ten opzichte van het leerdoel??
Het assessment als toetsvorm groeit in populariteit nu we gaan werken met leeruitkomsten. Maar een assessment (vaak in combinatie met een portfolio)?kan best lastig zijn. De tijd is vaak beperkt, en soms?is het een groepsassessment. Op welke manier waarborg je dan de validiteit (heeft de individuele student de doelen behaald) en de betrouwbaarheid (is mijn beoordeling gelijk aan die van mijn collega)??
In deze sessie bespreken we wanneer je het assessment kunt inzetten (en wanneer niet). We kijken naar de ervaringen van ervaren assessoren binnen het domein Techniek. We gaan in op de do¨s en don¨ts, en bespreken de valkuilen. Aan het einde delen we de pas ontwikkelde assessment-checklist in de vorm van een hand-out.?
De workshop wordt verzorgd door Evelyn Spanjer (docent HBO-ICT), Wim de Boer (Onderwijskundige) en Lydia van de Streek (Didactisch coach).
Innovation through Educational Design Researchwimdboer
This document discusses using an educational design research approach to develop flexible teaching and learning that keeps students motivated with positive results. It describes testing a hybrid classroom model during COVID that had 30 students attending class in person and 30 attending online. Evaluations found online students felt less involved, so guidelines were developed for teachers. When lower first year results occurred, further research identified issues for online first year students around sense of belonging and experience. New policies stopped the hybrid model for first years and focused on meaningful on-campus activities and accountability to improve results. The research contributed to solutions, design principles and professional development.
This document summarizes a workshop on using instructional videos in the classroom for teaching agriculture. It discusses the benefits of using videos, such as increasing student motivation and helping students understand complex topics. Examples are provided of different types of agricultural videos that could be used, such as demonstrations, simulations, and student-generated videos. Ways videos could be incorporated into the classroom are outlined, including flipping the classroom where videos are viewed outside of class. Guidance is offered on selecting appropriate videos and engaging students through activities after viewing videos.
This document outlines potential digital strategies for an international trade and investment organization to engage businesses online and leverage social media. It discusses 4 main strategies: 1) Building brand reputation through social media engagement. 2) Increasing mobile access. 3) Effectively engaging businesses online through platforms like LinkedIn and blogs. 4) Promoting open government and transparency through sharing information online. The organization aims to increase its brand profile, make connections with businesses, and take advantage of digital opportunities through a thoughtful social media presence.
Yn 2016 komt de nije digitale metoade Frysk foar it p? beskikber. Yn dizze workshop jouwe wy in oersjoch fan de ferskillende learlinen d┷r¨t skoallen aanst ┣t kieze kinne. Wy litte foarbylden sjen fan hoe¨t mei help fan ICT in passend learmiddelenoanbod gearstald wurde kin, ?fhinklik fan it ferlet fan skoallen en de taaldoelen foar it (fak) Frysk.
This document provides an overview and objectives for the COMD 6361 class. It introduces students to the library's resources including over 2 million volumes, 250 databases, and 36 study rooms. Services covered include remote access, interlibrary loans, and free printing. It defines peer-reviewed articles and distinguishes between primary, secondary, and tertiary sources. Search strategies are discussed such as developing search terms and using Boolean logic. Recommended databases for topics like stuttering and deer management are provided.
This document discusses the topic of hydraulic fracturing (fracking) and provides arguments for and against its use. It summarizes that fracking involves injecting fluid into shale rocks at high pressure to extract oil and gas, but produces large amounts of wastewater. While it can increase energy production, there are concerns about potential environmental and health impacts. The document examines various energy alternatives but concludes that while renewable energy sources like solar and wind can help, oil demand may be difficult to replace as global supply declines.
Prof. David Coggon: Environmental health hazardsonthewight
The document discusses several chemical and physical hazards in the environment including pesticide use, Minamata disease, the Bhopal disaster, and mobile phone use. It defines hazard and risk, and explains how risks are quantified and assessed using epidemiological studies despite uncertainties. The precautionary principle is described as it relates to environmental regulation.
ValueFirst is an established enterprise mobility solutions company that provides end-to-end business communication solutions like SMS, voice, USSD, and WAP. It has a presence in India and several other countries. ValueFirst offers enterprise messaging solutions, voice solutions, mobile applications, mobile marketing, M-commerce, and operator/consumer value-added services to meet various business communication needs.
Mutual exclusion is required when multiple threads or processes access shared resources concurrently to prevent race conditions. Critical regions define sections of code where shared resources are accessed exclusively by one thread at a time. Semaphores and monitors provide synchronization mechanisms for processes to coordinate access to shared resources and critical regions in a way that prevents race conditions and ensures progress.
The document discusses the basis and development of music-related English terms. It notes that many Italian musical terms originated in Italy as the center of music and religion, and birthplace of opera. It also discusses English becoming a global lingua franca, and the etymological origins and processes of generalization, specialization, meaning transfer, and addition that have influenced musical English vocabulary over time and across cultures. The conclusion is that musical English words have developed through syntax, morphology and other changes influenced by historical and cultural contexts.
The Influence of perceptual Attack times in
Networked Music performance
Pilot Study conducted at CCRMA, Stanford University (2011)
44th AES conference (2011 - San Diego)
The document discusses plans to restructure districts in Manresa, Spain into science quarters. It aims to diversify the local economy away from sectors hit by the crisis towards high value sectors like materials technology and health. Key projects include developing the Central Park Technological Park and a Knowledge-University Campus. The plan also seeks to strengthen the entrepreneurship ecosystem and promote the city to attract investment.
The document provides instructions for University of Houston Libraries staff on using the Interlibrary Loan (ILL) system. It explains that ILL allows UH students, faculty, and staff to borrow materials not available in UH libraries, receive scanned articles, and send UH materials to other libraries. It gives steps for checking ILL items in and out using the ILLiad WebCirculation system and what to do if error messages appear.
Feedback speelt een belangrijke rol in het leren van studenten. Maar goede feedback geven kost tijd. In onderwijs waar studenten vooral leren voor een toets op het einde, vergeten ze het geleerde veel sneller dan wanneer er actief met de stof gewerkt en veel herhaald wordt. Het goed inzetten van feedback wordt ook wel formatief handelen genoemd. Daar gaat het om het inzetten van feedback in het leerproces om het leren van studenten bij te kunnen sturen. Als docent handel je voortdurend met het oog op de te bereiken leerdoelen. De feedbackvraag is dan ook telkens: waar staan we ten opzichte van het leerdoel??
Het assessment als toetsvorm groeit in populariteit nu we gaan werken met leeruitkomsten. Maar een assessment (vaak in combinatie met een portfolio)?kan best lastig zijn. De tijd is vaak beperkt, en soms?is het een groepsassessment. Op welke manier waarborg je dan de validiteit (heeft de individuele student de doelen behaald) en de betrouwbaarheid (is mijn beoordeling gelijk aan die van mijn collega)??
In deze sessie bespreken we wanneer je het assessment kunt inzetten (en wanneer niet). We kijken naar de ervaringen van ervaren assessoren binnen het domein Techniek. We gaan in op de do¨s en don¨ts, en bespreken de valkuilen. Aan het einde delen we de pas ontwikkelde assessment-checklist in de vorm van een hand-out.?
De workshop wordt verzorgd door Evelyn Spanjer (docent HBO-ICT), Wim de Boer (Onderwijskundige) en Lydia van de Streek (Didactisch coach).
Innovation through Educational Design Researchwimdboer
This document discusses using an educational design research approach to develop flexible teaching and learning that keeps students motivated with positive results. It describes testing a hybrid classroom model during COVID that had 30 students attending class in person and 30 attending online. Evaluations found online students felt less involved, so guidelines were developed for teachers. When lower first year results occurred, further research identified issues for online first year students around sense of belonging and experience. New policies stopped the hybrid model for first years and focused on meaningful on-campus activities and accountability to improve results. The research contributed to solutions, design principles and professional development.
This document summarizes a workshop on using instructional videos in the classroom for teaching agriculture. It discusses the benefits of using videos, such as increasing student motivation and helping students understand complex topics. Examples are provided of different types of agricultural videos that could be used, such as demonstrations, simulations, and student-generated videos. Ways videos could be incorporated into the classroom are outlined, including flipping the classroom where videos are viewed outside of class. Guidance is offered on selecting appropriate videos and engaging students through activities after viewing videos.
Workshop 2 - De nije metoade Frysk yn prim┷r ?nderwiis? (PO)
Wim de Boer
Yn 2016 komt de nije digitale metoade Frysk foar it p? beskikber. Yn dizze workshop jouwe wy in oersjoch fan de ferskillende learlinen d┷r¨t skoallen aanst ┣t kieze kinne. Wy litte foarbylden sjen fan hoe¨t mei help fan ICT in passend learmiddelenoanbod gearstald wurde kin, ?fhinklik fan it ferlet fan skoallen en de taaldoelen foar it (fak) Frysk.
Kongres: Meartalich ?nderwiis, in stap foar┣t?
22 april 2015, Drachten
Calidad educativa: qu└ es y c┏mo mejorarlo?wimdboer
Seminario sobre Sistemas de Calidad y Evaluaci┏n Educativa
Publicado?25 junio, 2012?|?Por?pmontalvan
La Corporaci┏n Ecuatoriana para la Calidad de la Educaci┏n, impartir│ un seminario a los representantes de las instituciones quienes la conforma, sobre Sistemas de Calidad y Evaluaci┏n Educativa, con el objetivo de establecer la importancia en definir est│ndares de calidad en el │mbito educativo,? determinar los elementos que constituyen los procesos de gesti┏n escolar y su interrelaci┏n con la autoevaluaci┏n institucional, e identificar la? aplicabilidad? de los est│ndares de aprendizaje? en el proceso evaluativo y la mejora continua.
Wim De Boer, Coordinador de Asociaci┏n de Cooperaci┏n al Desarrollo y Asistencia T└cnica de Flandes (B└lgica/Holanda), ser│ uno de los capacitadores,? quien expondr│ sobre Los Conceptos de Calidad Educativa, La Descentralizaci┏n la Autonom┴a en la Escuela, el ?Plan Educativo Institucional (PEI), entre otros temas.
Fecha:?Mi└rcoles 27 de junio de 2012
Hora:?Desde las 09:00 hasta las 16:00
Lugar:?Colegio Americano de Guayaquil (Av. Juan Tanca Marengo Km 6.5)
dr. Wim de Boer, VVOB - Ecuador
Seminario: ^Redefinici┏n del rol del psic┏logo educativo en las instituciones educativas ecuatorianas ̄
26 y 27 de abril, Quito, Ecuador
Este documento describe la educaci┏n intercultural en Holanda. Resume que (1) Holanda tiene una sociedad multicultural debido a la inmigraci┏n, con m│s del 19% de la poblaci┏n teniendo or┴genes no occidentales. (2) El sistema educativo holand└s enfrenta desaf┴os para conectar con los estudiantes de diversos or┴genes culturales y ense?arles a lidiar con la diversidad. (3) Se han implementado varias pol┴ticas y programas para promover la integraci┏n cultural y el respeto entre los estudiantes de diferentes trasfond
Visiones de Calidad y ejemplos de Holanda en educaci┏n superiorwimdboer
Titulo: Calidad en la educaci┏n
Wim Boer
La Calidad en la educaci┏n es importante. La pregunta es: ?qu└ es la calidad? Otra pregunta es entonces: ?c┏mo tratar con ella de una forma en que la educaci┏n mejore? ?Cu│les son los sistemas que miden la educaci┏n de acuerdo a ciertos est│ndares determinados, que tambi└n realizan seguimiento de estos hallazgos y mejoran aspectos que deben o pueden ser mejorados. Estos son el qu└ y el c┏mo. En esta presentaci┏n algunas ideas acerca de las definiciones sobre calidad se discutir│n y los ejemplos ser│n presentados. Luego tendremos ejemplos y experiencias de los sistemas de control interno y externo de la calidad de la educaci┏n superior en Holanda ser│n discutidos.
Dr. Wim Boer ( actual director del Programa Escuelas Gestoras del Cambio y representante de la Asociaci┏n Flamenca de Cooperaci┏n al Desarrollo y Asistencia T└cnica/VVOB (Cooperaci┏n del Reino de B└lgica) en Ecuador, desde mayo de este a?o. Trabaj┏ por 3,5 a?os (2006 a 2010) como asesor senior e investigador en el │rea de Tecnolog┴a Educativa en el Instituto Holand└s para el Desarrollo Curricular (Netherlands Institute for Curriculum Development: Coordin┏ el centro de investigaci┏n sobre recursos educativos. Este centro es un proyecto financiado principalmente por el gobierno holand└s para proporcionar asesor┴a independiente y profesional, como tambi└n apoyo a la innovaci┏n curricular, su desarrollo y aplicaci┏n. Fue durante dos a?os, el director del Centro de Educaci┏n a Distancia de la Universidad Cat┏lica de Mozambique ( Comenz┏ su carrera en la Facultad de Educaci┏n de la Universidad de Twente ( en los Pa┴ses Bajos, donde desarroll┏ e implement┏ el curso TeleTop sistema de gesti┏n (v└ase Para obtener m│s informaci┏n, consulte
Flexibiliteit als uitgangspunt voor een nieuwe taalmethode: ICT als meerwaardewimdboer
De inzet van ICT neemt toe in het po. Kennisnet (2013) geeft aan dat 75% van de lokalen een digitaal schoolbord hebben, ongeveer 30% van de leermiddelen zijn digitaal. Werken met oefenprogramma¨s en zoeken op internet wordt veel genoemd, maar werken met games, simulaties en learning analytics staat nog in de kinderschoenen. De belofte van ICT is er al jaren, maar om te komen tot nieuwe didactische mogelijkheden die een meerwaarde vormen blijkt nog niet zo eenvoudig. ICT zou een toolbox moeten zijn (Dede, 2008) en zou de docent moeten helpen in de toenemende vraag naar onderwijs op maat. Het uitgangspunt voor een nieuwe methode Fries is flexibiliteit. Leraren moeten bij onderwijs op maat keuzes kunnen maken t.a.v. de didactiek, inhoud en organisatie van leren. Het leren van taal kan ^taditioneel ̄, maar ook door projecten waar taal wordt gebruikt. Op basis van wat leraren willen, wordt door middel van een ontwerp-onderzoek (Reeves, 2011) samengewerkt tussen o.a. de uitgever, lerarenopleidingen, onderwijsbegeleiders en taalco?rdinatoren in Frysl?n. Het netwerk van taalco?rdinatoren speelt een belangrijke rol in de formatieve evaluaties die bijdragen aan de relevantie en bruikbaarheid van deze nieuwe methode. ICT kan op deze manier ingezet worden om tot meerwaarde te komen.
Balancing the amount of typical cultural themes in language learning material...wimdboer
Balancing the amount of typical cultural themes in language learning materials
Frysl?n is a province in the north of the Netherlands where the two official languages are spoken: Dutch and Frisian. Of the 620,000 inhabitants of Frysl?n about 55% consider Frisian as their mother tongue. Frisian language is an obligatory part of the curriculum in primary education and in early secondary education. Af?k is the publisher of educational materials for Frisian language learning in education. They provide coherent packages of subject-related paper based learning materials, but also a digital learning environment. Looking at theme¨s within these materials, it is clear that typical cultural themes of the Frisian culture - such as typical sports, the history and the environment - take an important role. On the other hand many themes within the educational materials do not have that specific emphasize on the Frisian culture. In this session the presenters will argue pros and conns of using typical cultural themes for language learning. The dilemma between conserving and passing thru culture versus the use of language that is focused on present and future will be the focus of debate. There will be room for discussion as the presenters are curious about how other regions deal with this and how a balance could be found.
Drs. Willy van der Meer is a language specialist and working as a project coordinator on secondary and adult education within Af?k. Dr. Wim de Boer is an educational specialist and working as a project coordinator on primary and secondary education within Af?k, see
Panel ^Formaci┏n inicial y continua de docentes: hacia la construcci┏n de pe...wimdboer
^Perfiles y curr┴culos para una nueva formaci┏n docente ̄
Quito, Ecuador, 5, 6 y 7 de Octubre de 2011
- The document discusses developments in educational resources and curriculum in the Netherlands based on a research study.
- It finds that while textbooks are still widely used, there are differences in usage between subjects, genders, and levels of experience. More flexible digital materials are used more for "21st century learning".
- Teachers spend most of their time searching for and using paper-based materials. Digital materials are used more for creative/vocational subjects or when the focus is on self-directed learning.
- Factors like availability, adaptability, costs, and alignment with curriculum goals are most important to teachers when selecting flexible learning materials.
Labelling digital learning materials so that teachers can find themwimdboer
The document discusses labeling and categorizing digital learning materials to help teachers more easily find and use them. It proposes using the IEEE Learning Object Metadata standard to catalog materials in databases according to fields like title, description, subject, and intended user. Research with teachers found they spend time searching for additional materials and would use a site with a complete overview of available materials categorized by standard metadata. Open questions remain around publisher participation and the quality and usefulness of metadata for teachers.
Use, Possibilities and Future of Course Management Systems in Secondary Educa...wimdboer
1. The document discusses the use, possibilities, and future of course management systems (CMS or VLEs) in secondary education.
2. It finds that VLEs are used more often as additional or optional tools rather than central instruments, and satisfaction is generally high among teachers who use VLEs frequently.
3. Key factors that influence VLE use and satisfaction include school policy, support for teachers, the technology environment, and teacher experience with information and communication technologies.
ICT is commonly used in Dutch schools, with nearly all schools having computers and internet access. Teachers spend 4-8 hours per week using computers for teaching, while students spend 3-6 hours per week on schoolwork using computers. Virtual learning environments and smartboards are examples of ICT tools used, with over 70% of secondary schools having a virtual learning environment and over 50% of primary schools having smartboards. Effective use of ICT in schools depends on factors like teacher competency, school policy and support, and the learning environment.
3. Wat is it referinsjeramt Frysk?
? Beskriuwingen fan de kwaliteiten fan
learlingen op it m┷d fan kennis, ynsjoch en
? Fiif nivo¨s: A1
oant en mei C1
? Utgongspunt: Europees Referentiekader voor
Moderne Vreemde Talen, it ERK
10. ? Nivobeskriuwingen ┣twurke yn `ik kin-bewearingen¨
? Foar m?nlinge en skriftlike taalbehearsking:
C Harkjen
C Sprekken
C L┷zen
C Skriuwen
C Hawwen fan petearen
? Utwurke troch:
C Wat moatst kinne?
C Yn hokker konteksten?
C Foar hokker doelen?
C Hoe goed moatst it kinne?
13. It rrF yn de klasse...
? It nivo fan taalbehearsking fan it Frysk sichtber
meitsje foar learling en learaar
? Mooglikheden ta selsbeoardieling en
? Mooglikheid om te differinsjearjen
14. It rrF yn de skoalle ...
? Foar taalko?rdinator en team in helpmiddel by
it taalbelied
? Mooglikheid om prestaasjes te fergelykjen
? Realisearje fan trochrinnende learlinen
? Ek nei fuortset ?nderwiis ...
15. En fierder foar...
? Skoalbestjoeren: ?ntwikkeljen belied en
rapportaazjes oer opbringsten
? Oplieders: paadwizer foar it kurrikulum Frysk,
ek yn relaasje ta oare talen
? Ynspeksje: in ramt om nei alle domeinen en
?ntwikkeling fan taalfeardigens te sjen
? Untwikkelders/┣tjouwers: in ramt foar
gearhingjend kurrikulum (metoaden en
18. ? Christina Post, dosint en taalko?rdinator
De Gearing, Ie
? Trienke Grooters-Bouma, ?fdielingslieder
Bogerman, Wommels
? Albert Walsweer, NHL
Editor's Notes
#2: Groters, dir lokaasje Wommels f?
T. Grooters-Bouma (
T. Grooters-Bouma (t) 0515-331531 locatieleider van Bogerman-Wommels
?Dit is har titelatuer:
Met vriendelijke groet,
Trienke Grooters-Bouma
Afdelingsleider Bogerman Wommels
0515 C 331531
06 - 20084993
#14: Yn de klasse kin it rrF it nivo fan taalbehearsking fan it Frysk sichtber meitsje foar learling en learaar. Learlingen kinne
- eventueel mei ienf?ldige ┣twurkings fan it ramt - sjen wat se al kinne en ek wat se dwaan moatte om in heger behearskingsnivo
te heljen. It jout harren mooglikheden ta selsbeoardieling en selsplanning. It jout leararen in ramt by it jaan fan
feedback en stipe oan in learling. It jout ek de mooglikheid om te differinsjearjen: learlingen kinne oan dyselde aspekten
fan taal wurkje d┷r¨t se (mear) training by nedich hawwe.
#15: Yn de skoalle is it rrF foar de taalko?rdinator en it team in helpmiddel by it fieren fan taalbelied. Sy kinne harren (taal)
?nderwiis yn it Frysk ?fstimme op de taaleftergr?n en de taalfeardigens yn it Frysk fan harren learlingen. It jout ek de
mooglikheid om de prestaasjes fan learlingen te fergelykjen, ?nderinoar en mei dy fan oare klassen.
Troch de nivobeskriuwingen fan A1 oant en mei C1 kinne trochrinnende learlinen realisearre wurde fan prim┷r ?nderwiis
nei fuortset ?nderwiis (en fierder). By de waarme oerdracht fan learlingen fan de basisskoalle nei de skoalle foar fuortset
?nderwiis kin aardich yn detail trochj?n wurde hokker nivo oft de learling op de ?nderskate (sub)feardichheden hat, sadat
de learaar Frysk d┷r yn it f.?. op fierder bouwe kin.