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Speaking to Diverse Audiences
May 20, 2015
Eric E. Sterling
Why are you speaking?
 Invited to make a presentation  solo
 Panel presentation
 Pitch prospective allies
 Press Conference
 Responding to a Reporter
 Meet with Official
 Town Hall Meeting
 Educate general audience
 Rotary & Business
 Community, Parent, Neighborhood group
 Pitch prospective allies
 Press Conference
 Respond to news
Preliminary Preparation- Inquiry
 KEY -- Contact the organizer
 What are the hosts objectives?
 What is the venue like? Speaking from podium or
at a table or desk.
 What else is happening?
 How large is the audience? Sitting or standing?
 What is the make-up of the audience?
 How much time will you have?
Speaking to a Class
What is the teachers goal?
How does it fit in the syllabus?
How entertaining should you be?
How much background will students have?
Can you suggest any relevant readings  articles
or book chapter?
 How large a panel?
 Who are your allies on the panel?
 Communicate with panelists to pick/assign key
points to avoid duplication.
 What can you specially contribute?
 How much time will you likely have?
 Role of moderator.
 Will audience ask questions (make speeches) or
moderator read from cards?
 Decide what literature to bring.
Literature (a.k.a. collateral)
 Always bring a handout with contact
 You want supportive audience members to
contact you and join your chapter.
 Find help to design your literature.
 Dont crowd the literature with text.
 Have people proofread the literature.
 Avoid typos! They confirm stoner stereotypes.
Basic Speaking Rules
 Dress appropriately. You can never be
overdressed. Be sure that clothing is clean and
pressed. You are a representative.
 Avoid being a stoner clich辿.
 Stand erect.
 Vary your pace, volume and tone.
 Dont speak too fast.
 Make sure that you are being heard!
 Pause when there are distractions.
 Be respectful of opponent.
 Find common ground with opponent.
 Debate with U.S. Rep. Bob Barr.
 Former U.S. Attorney; Clinton prosecutor in
Senate Impeachment trial.
 I quoted his views on privacy.
 Like the attorney for a defendant, you want
the jury to like you, it rubs off on your
Building a Coalition
 Need a clear coalition objective.
 State legislation:
 Reduce penalties
 Medical Marijuana
 Marijuana Legalization
 Municipal enforcement policy
 Local zoning rules for dispensaries, grow facilities
 Campus enforcement policy
Coalition Allies
 Coalition politics are often HARD.
 Challenge of decision-making process.
 Challenge of leadership.
 Identifying spokespersons.
 Let the best speakers be spokespersons.
 Be willing to find workable compromises.
Recruiting Allies
 Need to brainstorm potential allies.
 How are the concerns of potential allies
addressed by the objectives of the coalition?
 Speak to their concerns.
 Allies DO NOT have to belong to the coalition.
 Dont challenge or question the courage or
good faith of those who do not openly
support you.
Press Conference
 Reserved for a news event or news makers. It has
to be worthwhile. Hard to get press!
 A bill is introduced.
 A report or study is issued.
 An opportunity for reporters to ask questions.
 Careful consideration of location  convenient to
press(!) or highly visible or symbolic.
 Brief remarks! Craft & highlight one key quote.
 A photo op. Think of the photos and background.
Responding to a Reporter
 Recognize the reporter is probably on deadline.
 Quickly, if not sooner, acknowledge call to find
out what the reporter is seeking comment on.
 Ask report for the question she wants answered.
 Dont comment on the first call.
 Ask if you can call back in 5 minutes.
 Do you need to do a little research first?
 Compose your response: What is your message?
 Statement should command attention, is strong
and brief, and to the point.
 A successful rally has a significantly large
audience that has come out to express a common
 What is the size audience you need to mobilize to
create the sense that the rally is significant?
 A rally is NOT judged by the quality of the
 If you cant build a large audience, then dont
have a rally  do something else.
 Rallies take a lot of time and energy. Is it worth
Rally Speech
 High energy. Not a lecture.
 Key simple facts or stories are powerful.
 Draw strong conclusions.
 Make strong statements.
 Engage the audience to participate by:
 Call and Response
Alternatives to a Rally
 Vigil  acceptable activity for a small group.
 Teach-In  acceptable for lower key protest.
 Phone banking  calls to legislators.
 Fund raising event
 Smaller protest  picket line, chanting.
 Tabling and leaf-letting.
 Show a movie.
Choosing an official to target
 Relevant decision maker  right jurisdiction.
 Top priority, the undecided!
 Dont put lots of time trying to convince those
who support you or strongly oppose you.
 Praise those who support you.
 Let those who oppose you know that you
respectfully disagree with their position  try
to identify the common ground, e.g. saving tax
dollars, using resources efficiently.
Meeting With Officials
 Your own representatives are always a priority.
 With your local officials, you are building relationships!
 Plan carefully.
 Be respectful of their demanding schedule.
 You have very limited time: plan for 5 to 10 minutes.
 Plan very focused message.
 Research the official:
 Prior statements and positions
 Committee assignments
 Background that you can connect with
 Research tools Politics in America, websites
 Prepare a one or two page handout to leave behind.
Planning for the Meeting
 Generally limit pitch to one issue or one ask.
 Prepare a few key arguments.
 If a delegation, pick members carefully for
connection to member (constituent) or to the
issue (relevance).
 Have a lead spokesperson.
At the meeting
 Everyone introduces himself or herself briefly.
 But only one, two or three persons actually
 Ideal person is one who is directly affected,
e.g. a patient, someone arrested, etc.
 Have most articulate member of delegation be
lead speaker.
 Be sure to allow time for questions.
At the meeting
 Have someone take careful notes of the
questions and comments.
 If you are not certain of the answer to any
question, admit you are uncertain and
promise to get the answer.
 Never guess or B.S. an answer.
 Dont be disappointed or cynical if you dont
get agreement or commitment.
After the meeting
 Follow up, thanking for meeting and
answering any questions.
 Report result of meeting to national office.
 If your representative, continue the
 Continue to send relevant documentation to ask.
 Attend public events, but dont be obnoxious!
 If Rep. votes right, PRAISE in LTEs, etc.
Town Hall Meeting
 Representative may speak to community.
 Find out if you need to sign up to speak.
 Time is often very constrained  1 or 2 min.
 If a campaign, have all your supporters wear a
common button or T-shirt.
 Be respectful of all other constituents.
 Dont take up too much of the time!
 Dont have multiple speakers repeat each other.
 Congress  by invitation only, but you can submit a
written statement for the record. If submitted in
advance, may be reviewed by staff and shared with
Members. Have copies at table for press.
 When legislature is in session, find folks who are
keeping track of schedule. Notice is often poor!
 State and local  usually anyone who comes in an hour
before and signs up can speak briefly.
 If possible, prepare written statement in advance.
 Minimum number of copies needs to be submitted
some time in advance (find out), plus copies for press.
Preparing Testimony
 Get advice from folks who have done it before
and who know the the legislative body.
 Consult with allies (professional lobbyists,
ACLU, NAACP, League of Women Voters,
Progressive Democrats, engaged libertarians
public health advocates) about issues that are
relevant and in play.
 How can you add value? What can you can
uniquely contribute?
Your 3 minutes
 Self introduction, include any special
connection (e.g., you live in Chairs district)
 Brief praise if possible: Passage of bill last
year; leadership on issue, thanks for holding
the hearing.
 Essence of your support or opposition that is
tied to the values of those members you are
trying to win over!
 Stop when your time is up! Dont be rude.
Build a data base of supporters
 Follow up testimony with outreach to
 Encourage them to make short, respectful
calls to THEIR legislator to co-sponsor, or vote
yes or no.
 Write a short(!) phone script. One key point.
 (Or offer a menu of points but urge to select
the favorite for the phone call)
Stay Positive
 Change takes a long time.
 Stay committed.
 Dont burn out.
 Take care of yourself.
 Make friends.
 Have fun.
 Find the party in your heart.

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2015 ppt norml may 20 2015

  • 1. Speaking to Diverse Audiences NORML LOBBY DAY May 20, 2015 Eric E. Sterling
  • 2. Why are you speaking? Invited to make a presentation solo Panel presentation Debate Pitch prospective allies Press Conference Responding to a Reporter Rally Meet with Official Town Hall Meeting Testimony
  • 3. Contexts Educate general audience Rotary & Business School Church Community, Parent, Neighborhood group Pitch prospective allies Press Conference Respond to news Rally Testimony
  • 4. Preliminary Preparation- Inquiry KEY -- Contact the organizer What are the hosts objectives? What is the venue like? Speaking from podium or at a table or desk. What else is happening? How large is the audience? Sitting or standing? What is the make-up of the audience? How much time will you have?
  • 5. Speaking to a Class What is the teachers goal? How does it fit in the syllabus? How entertaining should you be? How much background will students have? Can you suggest any relevant readings articles or book chapter?
  • 6. Panel How large a panel? Who are your allies on the panel? Communicate with panelists to pick/assign key points to avoid duplication. What can you specially contribute? How much time will you likely have? Role of moderator. Will audience ask questions (make speeches) or moderator read from cards? Decide what literature to bring.
  • 7. Literature (a.k.a. collateral) Always bring a handout with contact information. You want supportive audience members to contact you and join your chapter. Find help to design your literature. Dont crowd the literature with text. Have people proofread the literature. Avoid typos! They confirm stoner stereotypes.
  • 8. Basic Speaking Rules Dress appropriately. You can never be overdressed. Be sure that clothing is clean and pressed. You are a representative. Avoid being a stoner clich辿. Stand erect. Breathe. Vary your pace, volume and tone. Dont speak too fast. Make sure that you are being heard! Pause when there are distractions.
  • 9. Debate Be respectful of opponent. Find common ground with opponent. Debate with U.S. Rep. Bob Barr. Former U.S. Attorney; Clinton prosecutor in Senate Impeachment trial. I quoted his views on privacy. Like the attorney for a defendant, you want the jury to like you, it rubs off on your cause.
  • 10. Building a Coalition Need a clear coalition objective. State legislation: Reduce penalties Decriminalization Medical Marijuana Marijuana Legalization Municipal enforcement policy Local zoning rules for dispensaries, grow facilities Campus enforcement policy
  • 11. Coalition Allies Coalition politics are often HARD. Challenge of decision-making process. Challenge of leadership. Identifying spokespersons. Let the best speakers be spokespersons. Be willing to find workable compromises.
  • 12. Recruiting Allies Need to brainstorm potential allies. How are the concerns of potential allies addressed by the objectives of the coalition? Speak to their concerns. Allies DO NOT have to belong to the coalition. Dont challenge or question the courage or good faith of those who do not openly support you.
  • 13. Press Conference Reserved for a news event or news makers. It has to be worthwhile. Hard to get press! A bill is introduced. A report or study is issued. An opportunity for reporters to ask questions. Careful consideration of location convenient to press(!) or highly visible or symbolic. Brief remarks! Craft & highlight one key quote. A photo op. Think of the photos and background.
  • 14. Responding to a Reporter Recognize the reporter is probably on deadline. Quickly, if not sooner, acknowledge call to find out what the reporter is seeking comment on. Ask report for the question she wants answered. Dont comment on the first call. Ask if you can call back in 5 minutes. Do you need to do a little research first? Compose your response: What is your message? Statement should command attention, is strong and brief, and to the point.
  • 15. Rally A successful rally has a significantly large audience that has come out to express a common opinion. What is the size audience you need to mobilize to create the sense that the rally is significant? A rally is NOT judged by the quality of the speeches. If you cant build a large audience, then dont have a rally do something else. Rallies take a lot of time and energy. Is it worth it?
  • 16. Rally Speech High energy. Not a lecture. Key simple facts or stories are powerful. Draw strong conclusions. Make strong statements. Engage the audience to participate by: Applauding Cheering Call and Response
  • 17. Alternatives to a Rally Vigil acceptable activity for a small group. Teach-In acceptable for lower key protest. Phone banking calls to legislators. Fund raising event Smaller protest picket line, chanting. Tabling and leaf-letting. Show a movie.
  • 18. Choosing an official to target Relevant decision maker right jurisdiction. Top priority, the undecided! Dont put lots of time trying to convince those who support you or strongly oppose you. Praise those who support you. Let those who oppose you know that you respectfully disagree with their position try to identify the common ground, e.g. saving tax dollars, using resources efficiently.
  • 19. Meeting With Officials Your own representatives are always a priority. With your local officials, you are building relationships! Plan carefully. Be respectful of their demanding schedule. You have very limited time: plan for 5 to 10 minutes. Plan very focused message. Research the official: Prior statements and positions Committee assignments Background that you can connect with Research tools Politics in America, websites Prepare a one or two page handout to leave behind.
  • 20. Planning for the Meeting Generally limit pitch to one issue or one ask. Prepare a few key arguments. If a delegation, pick members carefully for connection to member (constituent) or to the issue (relevance). Have a lead spokesperson.
  • 21. At the meeting Everyone introduces himself or herself briefly. But only one, two or three persons actually speaks. Ideal person is one who is directly affected, e.g. a patient, someone arrested, etc. Have most articulate member of delegation be lead speaker. Be sure to allow time for questions.
  • 22. At the meeting Have someone take careful notes of the questions and comments. If you are not certain of the answer to any question, admit you are uncertain and promise to get the answer. Never guess or B.S. an answer. Dont be disappointed or cynical if you dont get agreement or commitment.
  • 23. After the meeting Follow up, thanking for meeting and answering any questions. Report result of meeting to national office. If your representative, continue the relationship: Continue to send relevant documentation to ask. Attend public events, but dont be obnoxious! If Rep. votes right, PRAISE in LTEs, etc.
  • 24. Town Hall Meeting Representative may speak to community. Find out if you need to sign up to speak. Time is often very constrained 1 or 2 min. If a campaign, have all your supporters wear a common button or T-shirt. Be respectful of all other constituents. Dont take up too much of the time! Dont have multiple speakers repeat each other.
  • 25. Testimony Congress by invitation only, but you can submit a written statement for the record. If submitted in advance, may be reviewed by staff and shared with Members. Have copies at table for press. When legislature is in session, find folks who are keeping track of schedule. Notice is often poor! State and local usually anyone who comes in an hour before and signs up can speak briefly. If possible, prepare written statement in advance. Minimum number of copies needs to be submitted some time in advance (find out), plus copies for press.
  • 26. Preparing Testimony Get advice from folks who have done it before and who know the the legislative body. Consult with allies (professional lobbyists, ACLU, NAACP, League of Women Voters, Progressive Democrats, engaged libertarians public health advocates) about issues that are relevant and in play. How can you add value? What can you can uniquely contribute?
  • 27. Your 3 minutes Self introduction, include any special connection (e.g., you live in Chairs district) Brief praise if possible: Passage of bill last year; leadership on issue, thanks for holding the hearing. Essence of your support or opposition that is tied to the values of those members you are trying to win over! Stop when your time is up! Dont be rude.
  • 28. Build a data base of supporters Follow up testimony with outreach to supporters. Encourage them to make short, respectful calls to THEIR legislator to co-sponsor, or vote yes or no. Write a short(!) phone script. One key point. (Or offer a menu of points but urge to select the favorite for the phone call)
  • 29. Stay Positive Change takes a long time. Stay committed. Dont burn out. Take care of yourself. Make friends. Have fun. Find the party in your heart.