Budgetproof Marketing & Websites | HBCU Media Week 2015Jeanne FrazerHBCUgrow's Jeanne Frazer and Andrea Ferguson spoke at AARP National HBCU Media Week at Hampton University in July 2015. Their presentation covered ways to get your story told in the media and through your website without breaking the bank.
Interests inspector / Felipe Álvarezg0vsummit2014Speaker:
Luis Felipe Álvarez Burgos: Civic software developer based in Santiago, Chile working in Ciudadano Inteligente. Fundación Ciudadano Inteligente creates and develops technological tools which empower citizens in transparency, accountability and collective participation, both in Chile and Latin America.
Abstract: Ciudadano Inteligente (FCI) is an NGO based in Chile that aims to bridge the information gaps between the latin american people, also promotes laws and regulations to promote transparency and accountability in the government. In this sense FCI conducted a research called Interests Inspector (2011), that was intended to transparent the relation between the declarations of assets of Congress and the legislative work. The intention of it was to inhibit congressmen to benefit themselves and not the public good, specially considering that the chilean system doesn't provide an oversight entity for this kind of conflict.
Ciber buyin o ciber acosomaicolidon29El documento define el ciberacoso o ciberbullying como el acoso a través de medios tecnológicos como mensajes, redes sociales y correo electrónico con el objetivo de minar la autoestima de la víctima. Explica diferentes formas de ciberacoso como mensajes amenazantes, robo de identidad, publicación de información personal y amenazas. También menciona donde se puede denunciar un caso de ciberacoso.
01 aula1Marcelo Domingos NetoMontagem e Manutenção de Computadores, Técnico em Montagem e Manutenção de Computadores, Computador,
How To Recover Lost Postage Postal Advocate Inc.Different ways to recover lost postage from dormant accounts and create visibility across the enterprise. Here are the topics that will be covered:
1. What is dormant postage?
2. Why do funds get lost?
3. How do we get our information?
4. Where does the money go?
5. How much money is out there?
6. How to search for your money?
7. What can be done to avoid this in the future?
8. How can Postal Advocate help?
9. What are other areas of postage and equipment savings?
10. Summary
School of lifeJamile CoelhoO documento discute a importância de ensinar "a arte de viver" nas escolas. O autor defende que a educação atual não ensina habilidades essenciais para a vida como construir relacionamentos, lidar com problemas familiares e escolher uma carreira. Ele fundou a The School of Life para preencher essa lacuna, oferecendo cursos sobre trabalho, amor, família, diversão e política. O autor também defende que as escolas deveriam ensinar empatia e oferecer conversas com estranhos e experiências de diferentes formas de vida.
Power sector in india.Oracle India Pvt. LtdIndia has the fifth largest electricity generation capacity in the world, with a target of 1000kwh. However, the current transmission capacity is only 15% of total generation capacity. Transmission and distribution losses are high at 33%. Several challenges are impeding progress in bridging India's power deficit, including project delays, equipment and fuel shortages, land acquisition issues, and manpower shortages. Effective project management strategies are needed to address challenges across project strategy, cost management, procurement, controls, scheduling and more. It is evident that India's power deficit is a major roadblock to economic development, making it critical to undertake large generation, transmission and distribution projects.
Mecanismos 10informatica01Este documento describe diferentes tipos de mecanismos, incluyendo mecanismos de transmisión circular y lineal, mecanismos de transformación de movimiento circular a rectilíneo y viceversa, y mecanismos de acoplamiento. Los mecanismos son componentes clave de las máquinas que transmiten y transforman movimientos de varias formas mediante el uso de engranes, poleas, cadenas y otros elementos.
Pavel Golubev (Appodeal), White Nights 2015 White Nights ConferenceThe document discusses various techniques for maximizing revenue from mobile app advertising, including using decoy bids to get higher prices from advertisers, pacing auctions to utilize daily budgets, and collecting first-party user data to sell directly to brands. It then promotes a monetization platform called Appodeal that automates many of these processes and forces ad networks to compete for the best rates.
Hosted Lync by ZertiaZertiaEl documento describe los servicios Cloudnow! Lync de Zertia Telecomunicaciones. Ofrece tres escenarios para Lync: Lync Hosted by Zertia, CallLync by Zertia y Lync Project by Zertia. Compara sus soluciones con Microsoft 365 y otros proveedores, destacando su gestión extremo a extremo, conectividad independiente, disponibilidad de DDI's geográficos, monitorización y soporte en español.
What is Network Address Translation (NAT)Amit Kumar , Jaipur EngineersNetwork Address Translation (NAT) allows a single device like a router to act as an agent between a private network and the public internet using a single public IP address. This conserves limited public IP addresses as only the NAT device needs a public IP, while an entire private network can use private IP addresses. NAT works by translating the private IP address and port of devices in the private network to the public IP address and unique port of the NAT device when communicating with the public internet, and vice versa for incoming traffic. This allows all private network devices to access the internet through the single public IP address of the NAT device.
Negociar con los socios Aramis RodriguezMuchos de los emprendedores que inician un negocio, lo primero que hacen es un acuerdo con los socios con el fin de establecer, desde el inicio, la distribución de la propiedad que tendrá cada uno. A la incertidumbre inherente al nacimiento del nuevo negocio (e.g modelo de negocio desconocido, mercado y ventas inciertas, tecnologías a usar, etc.) se le añade una nueva fuente de dudas: ¿cómo será la relación entre los fundadores?
Convenio multilateral - IMPUESTO SOBRE LOS INGRESOS BRUTOSSantiago LLamasEl documento trata sobre el impuesto a los ingresos brutos y el Convenio Multilateral. Explica que el impuesto a los ingresos brutos es un tributo indirecto, general, real, proporcional, plurifásico y acumulativo que grava las actividades económicas realizadas en una jurisdicción. También describe la evolución, naturaleza y objetivo del Convenio Multilateral, el cual busca evitar la doble imposición que se produce cuando una actividad se desarrolla en más de una jurisdicción. Finalmente, resume los distintos reg
How to write any high school essaydomyessayukWriting a high school essays involves having an understanding of what the writer is thinking about. The writer should know how to express himself in words and then break the essay into three parts, The introduction, the discussion and the conclusion highlighting the thesis statement in the essay.
How To Recover Lost Postage Postal Advocate Inc.Different ways to recover lost postage from dormant accounts and create visibility across the enterprise. Here are the topics that will be covered:
1. What is dormant postage?
2. Why do funds get lost?
3. How do we get our information?
4. Where does the money go?
5. How much money is out there?
6. How to search for your money?
7. What can be done to avoid this in the future?
8. How can Postal Advocate help?
9. What are other areas of postage and equipment savings?
10. Summary
School of lifeJamile CoelhoO documento discute a importância de ensinar "a arte de viver" nas escolas. O autor defende que a educação atual não ensina habilidades essenciais para a vida como construir relacionamentos, lidar com problemas familiares e escolher uma carreira. Ele fundou a The School of Life para preencher essa lacuna, oferecendo cursos sobre trabalho, amor, família, diversão e política. O autor também defende que as escolas deveriam ensinar empatia e oferecer conversas com estranhos e experiências de diferentes formas de vida.
Power sector in india.Oracle India Pvt. LtdIndia has the fifth largest electricity generation capacity in the world, with a target of 1000kwh. However, the current transmission capacity is only 15% of total generation capacity. Transmission and distribution losses are high at 33%. Several challenges are impeding progress in bridging India's power deficit, including project delays, equipment and fuel shortages, land acquisition issues, and manpower shortages. Effective project management strategies are needed to address challenges across project strategy, cost management, procurement, controls, scheduling and more. It is evident that India's power deficit is a major roadblock to economic development, making it critical to undertake large generation, transmission and distribution projects.
Mecanismos 10informatica01Este documento describe diferentes tipos de mecanismos, incluyendo mecanismos de transmisión circular y lineal, mecanismos de transformación de movimiento circular a rectilíneo y viceversa, y mecanismos de acoplamiento. Los mecanismos son componentes clave de las máquinas que transmiten y transforman movimientos de varias formas mediante el uso de engranes, poleas, cadenas y otros elementos.
Pavel Golubev (Appodeal), White Nights 2015 White Nights ConferenceThe document discusses various techniques for maximizing revenue from mobile app advertising, including using decoy bids to get higher prices from advertisers, pacing auctions to utilize daily budgets, and collecting first-party user data to sell directly to brands. It then promotes a monetization platform called Appodeal that automates many of these processes and forces ad networks to compete for the best rates.
Hosted Lync by ZertiaZertiaEl documento describe los servicios Cloudnow! Lync de Zertia Telecomunicaciones. Ofrece tres escenarios para Lync: Lync Hosted by Zertia, CallLync by Zertia y Lync Project by Zertia. Compara sus soluciones con Microsoft 365 y otros proveedores, destacando su gestión extremo a extremo, conectividad independiente, disponibilidad de DDI's geográficos, monitorización y soporte en español.
What is Network Address Translation (NAT)Amit Kumar , Jaipur EngineersNetwork Address Translation (NAT) allows a single device like a router to act as an agent between a private network and the public internet using a single public IP address. This conserves limited public IP addresses as only the NAT device needs a public IP, while an entire private network can use private IP addresses. NAT works by translating the private IP address and port of devices in the private network to the public IP address and unique port of the NAT device when communicating with the public internet, and vice versa for incoming traffic. This allows all private network devices to access the internet through the single public IP address of the NAT device.
Negociar con los socios Aramis RodriguezMuchos de los emprendedores que inician un negocio, lo primero que hacen es un acuerdo con los socios con el fin de establecer, desde el inicio, la distribución de la propiedad que tendrá cada uno. A la incertidumbre inherente al nacimiento del nuevo negocio (e.g modelo de negocio desconocido, mercado y ventas inciertas, tecnologías a usar, etc.) se le añade una nueva fuente de dudas: ¿cómo será la relación entre los fundadores?
Convenio multilateral - IMPUESTO SOBRE LOS INGRESOS BRUTOSSantiago LLamasEl documento trata sobre el impuesto a los ingresos brutos y el Convenio Multilateral. Explica que el impuesto a los ingresos brutos es un tributo indirecto, general, real, proporcional, plurifásico y acumulativo que grava las actividades económicas realizadas en una jurisdicción. También describe la evolución, naturaleza y objetivo del Convenio Multilateral, el cual busca evitar la doble imposición que se produce cuando una actividad se desarrolla en más de una jurisdicción. Finalmente, resume los distintos reg
How to write any high school essaydomyessayukWriting a high school essays involves having an understanding of what the writer is thinking about. The writer should know how to express himself in words and then break the essay into three parts, The introduction, the discussion and the conclusion highlighting the thesis statement in the essay.
2015-11-01 - Case e Stili - focus parquetFiemme3000This Italian magazine article profiles the Fiemme 3000 ski resort located in northern Italy. The article provides details about the resort's ski slopes and facilities, noting that it caters to intermediate skiers and has 27,000 annual visitors. It concludes by recommending Fiemme 3000 as an ideal ski destination for those seeking a more low-key experience compared to larger Italian resorts.
2015-10-01 - Ville GiardiniFiemme3000This article discusses the Fiemme 3000 ski resort located in Italy. The article provides details about the resort across multiple pages, including its location in the country of Italy, readership and circulation statistics. Reproduction or distribution of the article's content is prohibited.
2015-10-08 - La RepubblicaFiemme3000This 3-page Italian newspaper article discusses the Fiemme 3000 ski resort located in northern Italy. The article provides details about the resort's facilities, including ski lifts and slopes, as well as an overview of upcoming events planned for the winter season. It also mentions the resort's goal of attracting more international visitors through new marketing initiatives.
2015-10-01 - DomusFiemme3000This Italian magazine article discusses Fiemme 3000, a ski resort located in the Dolomites mountain range in northern Italy. The article provides details about the resort's ski slopes, lifts, and amenities for visitors. It aims to inform readers about recreational options available at Fiemme 3000 during the winter season.
1. La Repubblica Affari & Finanza
Paese: it
Pagina: 29
Readership: 2836000
Diffusione: 316583
Tipo media: Supplemento
Autore: Bettina Bush
13 Luglio 2015 - 150713
This article is intended for personal and internal information only. Reproduction or distribution is prohibited.
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La Repubblica Affari & Finanza
13 Luglio 2015 - 150713
Paese: it
Tipo media:Supplemento
Autore: Bettina Bush
L idea di Marco Felicetti,
Amministratore dlFiem-
me 3000,è nata dalterritorio,la
bellaVal diFiemme,famosa per
i suoi boschi e il suo legno, per
sfidare le tendenze che si erano
affermate neiSettanta conla ce-
ramica: «Erano gli anni della
grande crescita della piastrella
-spiega Felicetti-iproduttori
tradizionalidellegnoerano pre-
occupati e reagivano facendo
parquetsimile allaceramica per
combattere }a crisi del settore.
Serviva tanta colla etanta verni-
ce; io ho pensato di percorrere
lore vero dellegno,non solo co-
me prodotto naturale,maanche
biocompatibile,tornando poi ai
grandi formati, valorizzarido le
caratteristiche naturali del le-
gno. Ho avuto ragione perché
adessosonole piastrellecheimi-
reilsimbolo delleforeste,fonda
mentalinell'ecosistema delpia-
bro della natura,fatto da un ric-
co alfabeto dilinee,nodi,ondu-
lazioni, parole di un racconto
senza fine che cambia e si com-
a due soci ho fondato Fiernme
3000. Pavimenti in legno bio-
turale di grande affidabilità,che
do, che noi proteggiamo solo
con sostanze naturali, estratte
dalle piante stesse, migliori di
qualsiasi vernice, per durare
sae getta,perché migliora men-
Scelte giuste confermate dai
numeri dell'azienda che nel
ro e che esporta 1120%,con l'o-
biettivo diarrivare entro il 2018
al 40%, puntando soprattutto
su Svizzera,Austria,Germania,
Russia,Paesi Arabi,Usa: «Il so-
gno è di vendere presto anche
in Cina-sottolinea Felicetti-
a Dubai sta avendo successo la
nostra filosofia che punta sul
biocompatibile e si comincia a
vedere il nostro legno vicino al
marmo.Essendo la nostra una
piccola azienda, avevamo due
possibilità: esser convenienti
oppure particolari. Abbiamo
scelto la seconda, realizzando
grandi formati, colorazioni ac-
curate,seguendola ifiosofia del
fatto su misura. Attualmente
siamo presentiin una cinquan-
tina di punti vendita in Italia,
con personaleformato attenta-
mente,pertrasmettereil valore
del nostroprodotto».
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This article is intended for personal and internal information only. Reproduction or distribution is prohibited.
Fiemme 3000