Prova di esame di progettazione d'interni eseguito da Iwona kaczmarek durante il corso d'interior design di 300 h svolto presso NAD Nuova Accademia del Design
Presentazione progetto per esame corso Interior Design I in NAD Nuova Accademia del Design.Il progetto 竪 cpmpleto di sezioni in 2D, prospetti assonometrici, rendering e preventivo
Presentazione progetto per esame corso Interior Design I in NAD Nuova Accademia del Design.Il progetto 竪 cpmpleto di sezioni in 2D, prospetti assonometrici, rendering e preventivo
This 3-page Italian newspaper article discusses the Fiemme 3000 ski resort located in northern Italy. The article provides details about the resort's facilities, including ski lifts and slopes, as well as an overview of upcoming events planned for the winter season. It also mentions the resort's goal of attracting more international visitors through new marketing initiatives.
This Italian magazine article discusses Fiemme 3000, a ski resort located in the Dolomites mountain range in northern Italy. The article provides details about the resort's ski slopes, lifts, and amenities for visitors. It aims to inform readers about recreational options available at Fiemme 3000 during the winter season.
Disegno di un tessuto in lana..
Una carta da parati..
Una finitura per il settore del mobile.
Una tessitura proveniente dalle Highland, di origini molto antiche e non datate,
David selection,the first collection of objects and furnitures by n.o.w. edition, conceived and designed by n.o.w. lab milano / Pietro Gaeta studio, propose a selection of products made in limited editions: furniture, lamps, accessories, surfaces. Point of reference and inspiration: David by Michelangelo. A contemporary, hedonist David, expression of beauty, strength and vigor, a warrior, an artist, a poet.
2015-11-01 - Case e Stili - focus parquetFiemme3000
This Italian magazine article profiles the Fiemme 3000 ski resort located in northern Italy. The article provides details about the resort's ski slopes and facilities, noting that it caters to intermediate skiers and has 27,000 annual visitors. It concludes by recommending Fiemme 3000 as an ideal ski destination for those seeking a more low-key experience compared to larger Italian resorts.
This article discusses the Fiemme 3000 ski resort located in Italy. The article provides details about the resort across multiple pages, including its location in the country of Italy, readership and circulation statistics. Reproduction or distribution of the article's content is prohibited.
This 20-page article from a specialized Italian print publication discusses the company Starpool and its pool and spa designs without any named author. It is marked as being for internal use only and prohibits reproduction or distribution of its contents across 10 pages of text.
1. VERO Casa (ITA)
Paese: it
Pagina: 83
Readership: 484000
Diffusione: 300000
Tipo media: Periodici
Autore: n.d.
01 Agosto 2015 - 50008
This article is intended for personal and internal information only. Reproduction or distribution is prohibited.
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01 Agosto 2015 - 50008
Paese: it
Tipo media: Periodici
Autore: n.d.
Nuove piastrelle perl'interno el'esterno
Fa venire in mente le ardesie del Nord America,la nuova linea di piastrelle
in gres porcellato firmata Ceramica del Conca. L'elevatissimo potenziale
tecnologico lo rende un prodotto di grande impatto emotivo capace di valoriz-
zare sia l'ambiente interno sia quello esterno,forte di un esclusivo imprinting
naturale.Le tre interpretazioni cromatiche di questo gres porcellanato a tutta
massa soddisfano anche la creativit pi湛 fervida. disponibile anche in versio-
ne da Due centimetri(20 mm)NatDue per la posa a secco e per la posa soprae-
levata con appositi supporti.Ceramica del Conca.
Con le nuove 12essenze,le pro-
poste biocompatibili di Fiem-
me 3000 arrivano a 100.Sono tutti
roveri dalle lavorazioni e dai toni
diversissimi:9 nuovi legni entrano
nella serie"Boschi di Fiemme"(Ro-
mantico, Raccolto, Ricco, Radioso,
sce di nuova essenza,V嘆lto,mentre
nasce "Fior Fiore di Fiemme",una
nuova collezione limitata compo-
sta da due legni rigorosamente la-
vorati a mano, Fior di Racconto e
Fior di Romanzo. Fiemme 3000.
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This article is intended for personal and internal information only. Reproduction or distribution is prohibited.
Fiemme 3000
2. This article is intended for personal and internal information only. Reproduction or distribution is prohibited.
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This article is intended for personal and internal information only. Reproduction or distribution is prohibited.
Fiemme 3000