Closed-Form Solutions For Optimum Rotor in Hover and ClimbWilliam Luer
This document presents closed-form solutions for the optimum rotor loading in hover and climb based on Glauert's momentum theory approximations.
The key results are:
1) Glauert's variational approach leads to a quartic equation for the optimum loading in climb. While this has no simple closed-form solution, the document derives an excellent approximation solution in closed form.
2) For hover, the equation reduces to a cubic with a known closed-form solution.
3) Wake contraction behavior is also derived in closed form for the Betz and Glauert loadings, allowing induced velocities to be calculated throughout the rotor disk and wake.
4) Numerical results show the approximation achie
This document discusses inequalities and their properties. It defines variables, ranges, and intervals. An interval is the set of real numbers between two numbers a and b. The document explains open intervals as (a,b), closed intervals as [a,b], and half-open/half-closed intervals as (a,b] and [a,b). It also provides properties for solving inequalities, such as if a > b and c > 0, then ac > bc. Examples are given to demonstrate solving simple inequalities like 3x - 2 < 5.
This short document contains photo credits from four different photographers and encourages the reader to create their own presentation on 狠狠撸Share. It lists photo credits to foto1897, fusky, wdroops, and Defence Images and suggests that the reader can get started making their own Haiku Deck presentation on 狠狠撸Share.
This document provides an overview of Colorado's fiscal education network toolkit. It discusses Colorado's structural budget challenges, including growing demand for services like education, healthcare and transportation that outpaces limited revenue growth. It outlines options like reducing services, changing the tax code, and doing nothing. The goal of the network is to engage nonprofits to have productive community conversations about fiscal issues and help voters make informed choices through discussing values and considering long-term impacts.
This document provides background information on the leadership styles and political environments of President Ronald Reagan and Speaker of the House Tip O'Neill in the 1980s, as well as President Barack Obama and Speaker John Boehner currently. It discusses the differing leadership traits and approaches of Reagan/O'Neill and Obama/Boehner, and how they employed vision, compromise and bipartisanship to address challenges like economic crises and wars. The document also provides biographical details on Reagan and O'Neill to contextualize their leadership philosophies and policy goals.
1) Kolokotronis Olive Groves produces high quality olive oil using organic and biodynamic farming methods including extensive use of zeolite and active microorganisms.
2) Their cultivation techniques aim to recreate the environment and quality of olive oil produced in ancient times prior to industrial agriculture.
3) Their olive oil is bottled in limited production, numbered bottles and contains high levels of antioxidants providing various health benefits.
By focusing the flow of water, our patented turbines harness over three times the power of freestanding turbines. On 10-year Power Purchase Agreements paying ?0.25 per kWh in Scotland, we generate substantial profits capturing the mighty power of the sea.
This case concerns whether Colorado's system of public school finance is rationally related to providing a "thorough and uniform" system of public education as mandated by the state constitution. The plaintiffs, several school districts, claim the funding is inadequate and irrational. The court will determine if the finance system identifies educational standards and costs, and funds schools accordingly, or if it is unconstitutional. The document outlines the plaintiffs' claims, the relevant constitutional standards, and factors the court will consider in its analysis.
By focusing the flow of water currents, our Venturi turbines capture over 3 times the power of a freestanding turbine. We plan to deploy in the waters of the United Kingdom.
El documento resume la historia e infraestructura de Internet. Explica que ARPANET fue la precursora de Internet y surgió en 1969 como una red de paquetes desarrollada por el Departamento de Defensa de EE.UU. También describe los protocolos TCP/IP, las direcciones IP, el sistema de nombres de dominio DNS y servicios populares como correo electrónico y la World Wide Web.
Bhupendra Modi is a software developer with over 3.5 years of experience developing web applications using technologies like PHP, Zend Framework, MySQL, and AWS. He has worked on projects including an e-commerce comparison site, a CRM application, and an ERP system. He is seeking a position that allows him to fully utilize his skills in PHP development, database management, and cloud technologies.
This document is a cover letter and resume for a sales/engineering internship applicant named Chris Daniels. The 3 sentence summary is:
Chris Daniels is a chemical engineering student at RPI who has experience with improv comedy and service fraternity leadership. As an intern at Mack, Chris supported program managers by developing product quotes and pricing files, coordinating manufacturing tasks like tooling and sampling, and providing engineering support on older programs. Chris believes the internship was mutually beneficial, providing manufacturing knowledge and skills for themselves while supporting Mack's program managers and customer service.