МЕНЕЖМЕНТ ГЭЖ ЮУ ВЭ?Byambadalai LkhaajavThis document defines management and outlines its key functions and levels. Management is the organization and coordination of business activities to achieve objectives. The basic management tasks are marketing and innovation. Modern management originated from 16th century studies of business failures. There are six core management functions: forecasting, planning, organizing, commanding, coordinating, and controlling. Some common management professions include marketing, finance, production, human resources, mining, and telecommunications management. Management levels consist of top-level managers who oversee the entire organization, middle managers who are accountable for departments, and first-level managers who direct employees and ensure tasks are completed.
04.09.2014, Aлтны салбарын өнөөгийн байдал, цаашдын зорилт, T. Ганболд The Business Council of MongoliaMонголын алт үйлдвэрлэгчдийн холбооны удирдах зөвлөлийн дарга T. Ганболд
Concept of MarketingBala Ayyalu GurunathanThe document discusses different marketing concepts, including the production concept, product concept, and modern marketing concept. The production concept focuses on efficient production and mass distribution to achieve low costs. The product concept concentrates on building and selling high-quality products. Modern marketing integrates different functions like sales, advertising, and customer service to most effectively create and deliver customer value.
Berlin Tech Community: Current VC PerspectiveCiaran OLearyThe document discusses Berlin's growing reputation and potential as a technology startup hub to rival Silicon Valley. Some key points made include:
- Berlin has seen rapid growth in new startups in recent years, reaching 1500 since 2008 and 500 just in the previous year.
- International venture capital investment in Berlin has also increased significantly.
- While Berlin shows potential, it is still early and many startups will fail. The tech ecosystem also still needs more experienced talent and larger exits to attract more capital.
Marketing conceptsRobin GulatiThis document discusses key concepts in marketing. It defines marketing as an integrated process through which companies build relationships and create value for customers. The document outlines core concepts like understanding customer needs and targeting specific market segments. It also describes how the focus of marketing has evolved from production and selling to a customer-centric approach centered on creating value and satisfaction. Marketing is defined as being vital to organizational success by anticipating customer wants and delivering superior value compared to competitors.
2013.02.21 Монгол улсын нүүрсний салбарын өнөөгийн байдал, хөгжлийн чиг ханд...The Business Council of MongoliaМонголын Уул Уурхайн Яамны сайд Д. Ганхуяг
How To Make That One Thing Go ViralUpworthyEveryone wants to know how to make that one thing go viral. Especially bosses. Here's the answer. So now maybe they will stop asking you. See the Upworthy version of this here: http://www.upworthy.com/how-to-make-that-one-thing-go-viral-just-kidding?c=slideshare
Mastering the Buy-In Conversation on Content Marketing: The Essential Starter...Content Marketing InstituteWhen it's time for that conversation to get buy-in on your content marketing ideas and initiatives, how do you proceed? Do you have all of the resources you need? The research and support to justify your programs? We're here to help. Download our "Mastering the Buy-In Conversation on Content Marketing: The Essential Starter Kit" now to help you. We've done the legwork so you can focus on your content marketing. Good luck, and let us know how else we can help.
Startup/Digital Marketing 2.0: Growth Hacking Thru UXSoon-Aik Chiew100 slides = 2 years of daily reading + project experiments + midnight webinar + online/offline courses. This slide is designed for complete beginners to gain an overview and learn more about Digital Marketing / Growth Hacking in the shortest time. And also for marketers to be more user-centric.
МЕНЕЖМЕНТ ГЭЖ ЮУ ВЭ?Byambadalai LkhaajavThis document defines management and outlines its key functions and levels. Management is the organization and coordination of business activities to achieve objectives. The basic management tasks are marketing and innovation. Modern management originated from 16th century studies of business failures. There are six core management functions: forecasting, planning, organizing, commanding, coordinating, and controlling. Some common management professions include marketing, finance, production, human resources, mining, and telecommunications management. Management levels consist of top-level managers who oversee the entire organization, middle managers who are accountable for departments, and first-level managers who direct employees and ensure tasks are completed.
04.09.2014, Aлтны салбарын өнөөгийн байдал, цаашдын зорилт, T. Ганболд The Business Council of MongoliaMонголын алт үйлдвэрлэгчдийн холбооны удирдах зөвлөлийн дарга T. Ганболд
Concept of MarketingBala Ayyalu GurunathanThe document discusses different marketing concepts, including the production concept, product concept, and modern marketing concept. The production concept focuses on efficient production and mass distribution to achieve low costs. The product concept concentrates on building and selling high-quality products. Modern marketing integrates different functions like sales, advertising, and customer service to most effectively create and deliver customer value.
Berlin Tech Community: Current VC PerspectiveCiaran OLearyThe document discusses Berlin's growing reputation and potential as a technology startup hub to rival Silicon Valley. Some key points made include:
- Berlin has seen rapid growth in new startups in recent years, reaching 1500 since 2008 and 500 just in the previous year.
- International venture capital investment in Berlin has also increased significantly.
- While Berlin shows potential, it is still early and many startups will fail. The tech ecosystem also still needs more experienced talent and larger exits to attract more capital.
Marketing conceptsRobin GulatiThis document discusses key concepts in marketing. It defines marketing as an integrated process through which companies build relationships and create value for customers. The document outlines core concepts like understanding customer needs and targeting specific market segments. It also describes how the focus of marketing has evolved from production and selling to a customer-centric approach centered on creating value and satisfaction. Marketing is defined as being vital to organizational success by anticipating customer wants and delivering superior value compared to competitors.
2013.02.21 Монгол улсын нүүрсний салбарын өнөөгийн байдал, хөгжлийн чиг ханд...The Business Council of MongoliaМонголын Уул Уурхайн Яамны сайд Д. Ганхуяг
How To Make That One Thing Go ViralUpworthyEveryone wants to know how to make that one thing go viral. Especially bosses. Here's the answer. So now maybe they will stop asking you. See the Upworthy version of this here: http://www.upworthy.com/how-to-make-that-one-thing-go-viral-just-kidding?c=slideshare
Mastering the Buy-In Conversation on Content Marketing: The Essential Starter...Content Marketing InstituteWhen it's time for that conversation to get buy-in on your content marketing ideas and initiatives, how do you proceed? Do you have all of the resources you need? The research and support to justify your programs? We're here to help. Download our "Mastering the Buy-In Conversation on Content Marketing: The Essential Starter Kit" now to help you. We've done the legwork so you can focus on your content marketing. Good luck, and let us know how else we can help.
Startup/Digital Marketing 2.0: Growth Hacking Thru UXSoon-Aik Chiew100 slides = 2 years of daily reading + project experiments + midnight webinar + online/offline courses. This slide is designed for complete beginners to gain an overview and learn more about Digital Marketing / Growth Hacking in the shortest time. And also for marketers to be more user-centric.
Engaging on air pollution and children in MongoliaThe Business Council of MongoliaThis document discusses air pollution in Mongolia and its effects on children. It notes that children in Ulaanbaatar have significantly lower lung function and higher rates of respiratory diseases compared to rural children due to air pollution. Long-term exposure can also lead to chronic diseases later in life. It aims to reduce children's exposure to air pollution through various measures like improved construction, monitoring, and raising awareness. UNICEF seeks to partner with companies to take a coordinated approach to addressing this issue through initiatives such as providing air purifiers, electric heaters, and monitoring devices to kindergartens and clinics, while improving public awareness of air pollution's health impacts.
Eewg meeting summary 2017.09.15The Business Council of MongoliaThe Business Council of Mongolia held a meeting of its Energy and Environment Working Group on September 14, 2017 to discuss progress and plans on reducing air pollution and improving energy efficiency in Mongolia. Representatives from the Ministry of Environment and Tourism, Public Health Institute of Mongolia, and UNICEF provided updates on current initiatives and challenges. Key discussion points included the lack of information on funding for the National Program on Pollution Reduction, UNICEF's approach to crowd-funding and implementation, and indoor pollution assessment research. The group agreed to involve more permanent government members to provide policy guidance on future pollution reduction efforts.
Agenda, Sep 11, 2017The Business Council of MongoliaThe document summarizes the agenda and key details of the Business Council of Mongolia's September monthly meeting. The meeting was scheduled for September 11, 2017 from 4:45 PM to 7:30 PM at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Ulaanbaatar. The agenda included opening remarks, legislative working group updates, panel discussions on Mongolia's economic cooperation with Russia and China and proposed constitutional amendments, and a reception. The document also provides information on the Invest Mongolia working group and upcoming working group meetings.
State and property registration public service law draft lawsThe Business Council of MongoliaThe document summarizes proposed revisions to three Mongolian laws:
1) The draft revised law on state registration aims to improve transparency while protecting personal privacy. It allows for electronic access and sharing of property information between registration and cadastral databases.
2) The draft revised law on registration of property rights integrates land and property registration and allows professionals to assist with applications. It provides more detailed first-time registration procedures.
3) The draft revised law on public service defines public service and government organizations. It establishes public oversight of government performance and requires customer satisfaction surveys.
Proposed Amendments to the Banking Law and the Law on the Central BankThe Business Council of MongoliaThe document summarizes proposed amendments to Mongolia's Banking Law and Law on the Central Bank. Key proposed changes to the Banking Law include improving governance requirements for banks, introducing early intervention measures, improving bank resolution processes, and shifting supervision from compliance-based to risk-based. Proposed changes to the Law on the Central Bank include clarifying the Bank's powers and functions, and promoting its operational independence. The amendments aim to ensure financial stability and reduce bank risks in line with international standards.
2ND ANNUAL BCM SUMMIT NOTESThe Business Council of MongoliaThe 2nd Annual BCM Summit focused on regional connectivity in Asia. Over 250 individuals attended, including Chairman B. Byambasaikhan and Prime Minister J. Erdenebat. Panel discussions covered topics like regional economic integration, infrastructure needs, and ESG performance. Speakers emphasized that regional integration is important for Mongolia's development as an 80% landlocked country. Governments can support by promoting information sharing, building infrastructure, streamlining processes, and creating favorable trade policies. The China-Mongolia-Russia economic corridor was highlighted as a key initiative, with 32 projects planned, including railways. Completing infrastructure links was seen as important for unlocking opportunities and reducing Mongolia's high logistics costs.
BCM 2nd Annual BCM SummitThe Business Council of MongoliaThe 2nd Annual BCM Summit focused on regional connectivity in Asia. Over 250 attendees heard from government and business leaders about opportunities for regional economic integration through infrastructure projects. Key points included Mongolia's aims to diversify its economy and improve transport infrastructure through initiatives like the Belt and Road Initiative and Russia-Mongolia-China Economic Corridor. Speakers discussed the need for political consensus, a favorable business environment, and creative financing mechanisms to realize over $26 trillion in infrastructure investment needs across Asia.
Presentation by Declan Magee, ADB Senior Country Economist for Mongolia: “Ove...The Business Council of MongoliaPresentation by Declan Magee, ADB Senior Country Economist for Mongolia: “Overcoming Asia’s Infrastructure Needs” (report)
Presentation by Shigeki (Sean) Miwa, Director, Executive Vice President, Soft...The Business Council of MongoliaPresentation by Shigeki (Sean) Miwa, Director, Executive Vice President, SoftBank Group: “Northeast Asia Power System Interconnection
Presentation by Benoit Ribesse, CEO of Engie Mongolia, on “Future Summit Tren...The Business Council of MongoliaPresentation by Benoit Ribesse, CEO of Engie Mongolia, on “Future Summit Trends: Environment, Social and Governance (ESG) performance
New members, 15 May2017The Business Council of MongoliaSeven new members joined the organization in May 2017, including Airlink Mongolia, AGMARCO LLC, CRM, Glogex, HR Mind Solutions, Promotion Craft, and Mongol News LLC. Airlink Mongolia is a ticketing services provider established in 2001 with 5 branches and 62 employees. AGMARCO LLC is a wholesale food supplier operating since 2006 with nearly 20 employees and over 1,500 corporate customers. CRM LLC is a distributor of spirits and wine operating for over 14 years with a portfolio of over 20 premium brands.
Regional Economic DevelopmentThe Business Council of MongoliaThe document discusses the economic outlook for Asia and the Pacific region. It notes that near-term growth remains strong but faces significant downside risks from factors like tighter global financial conditions. In the medium-term, growth faces challenges from trends like population aging and slow productivity growth. The document recommends policies to reinforce growth, address risks, and boost productivity in order to deal with upcoming demographic changes.
BCM update on May Monthly MeetingThe Business Council of MongoliaThe monthly BCM meeting update provided information on:
1. A 3-day training on collaborative action against corruption that engaged 60 public and private representatives to identify corruption causes and stakeholders' roles.
2. Feedback received from policymakers on BCM members' concerns regarding tax increases and the investment banking draft law.
3. Upcoming events including the BCM Summit, Innovation Summit, and Malaysia-Mongolia investors forum.
Innovation: Case studies and how can we collaborateThe Business Council of MongoliaThis document discusses innovation and provides examples from ABN Amro bank in the Netherlands. It notes that ABN Amro has an innovation center that generates 100 new ideas per week through a process involving prototyping, testing, and customer feedback. The document also addresses challenges for large corporations in fostering innovation, noting they can be too slow, complex, and lack excitement, posing career risks. It includes quotes on the importance of failure for learning and innovation, and insanity of repeating mistakes without change.
Draft Law on Investment Banking, PresentationThe Business Council of MongoliaThe document summarizes a draft law on investment banking in Mongolia. The key points are:
- The law would allow foreign banks to operate in Mongolia without a full banking license by limiting their activities to corporate banking.
- Investment banks would be licensed and regulated to carry out specific banking activities related to financing large projects, such as long-term loans over $40 million.
- Investment banks would need a minimum capital of $200 million, and loans must be over $40 million, to be licensed by the Bank of Mongolia and Financial Regulatory Committee.
Introduction to the Draft Mining LawThe Business Council of MongoliaThe document provides an overview of the current mining legislation in Mongolia and summarizes the key aspects of a new Draft Mining Law. The current legislation includes several laws that regulate various aspects of mining but leave some issues unaddressed. The Draft Law aims to address these issues by regulating the full mining lifecycle, improving transparency, and harmonizing with other relevant laws. It introduces changes like additional licensing requirements, a classification system for mines, stricter closure processes, and allowing license area mergers. However, critics argue it has unclear drafting and duplication of other laws.