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Kathleen M. Lynch, RID, NCIDQ, LEED ID+C
Las Vegas, NV
www.linkedin.com/in/LynchKathleenM/ 404.234.6597
12+ years of experience managing 41 up to $500 M real estate construction projects for leading corporate / gaming /
hospitality / education clients. 9+ years of partnering with celebrity architects on up to $8 B iconic, high-end & historic
renovation & construction projects. 12+ years of driving design & construction teams of up to 100 to deliver projects
up to 33% ahead of time for 70% of typical costs.
Project Delivery Interior Design Construction Project Management Renovation Interior Design FF&E Design and
Specifications Executive Presentation Design Team Management Client Development and Engagement Staff
Development AutoCad 2016 Revit Photoshop Design / Illustrator
GENSLER, Las Vegas, NV 2004  Present
Senior Associate 2012 - Present
Spearheading 41 up to $500M corporate & hospitality real estate projects end-to-end from: development of
construction docs to permits & approvals from owners & banks. Directed 6 regional leaders over team of 900.
Southwest Regional Client Relationship Leader 2013 - 2016
 Drove Year One generation of 23 new accounts from 100 Targeted Relationships
 Facilitated establishment of 5 new strong relationships when devised new strategies on approaching network of
Brand Design regionally & developed individual office growth plans.
 Gained implementation approval when presented case study to 6 select members of Board of Directors
Education & Training
 Designed Client Relationship Competencies educational program for 3 levels of experience: 0-5, 5-10 & 10-15 yrs
 Developed 9 new client leaders & 1 brand new client relationship after intensive 1-year Mastery program
with detailed selection process
 ~ 450 staff / 50% of entire region completed program
 Inspired 6 digital marketing videos, launching at end of 2016
Studio Director 2012 - 2016
 Empowered 20-member studio team to present & celebrate work successes / accomplishments during 12 yearly
studio meetings.
 Led 15 yearly PDP, Profession Development Planning sessions bi-yearly
Selected Projects
W Hotel (Starwood) 2015  2016
Project Manager Interior and Architect of Record
Transformed historic renovation property into Hotel within a Hotel (W within SLS) in new client partnership for
existing client Stockbridge (SLS) with Starwood (W) to gain national and international exposure via brand integration.
 Project opening on time in 13 months (33% early) & expected to achieve higher revenue than targets despite of
synergies of neighboring properties at north end of Las Vegas Strip.
 Delivered with design details for 20% less than designers intent after devised new strategic approach
 Added 12,000 sq ft rooftop pool in 16 months.
 Client testimonial: As long as Kathleen is on the job, we are good.
 Integrated owners representatives in new relationship and stewarded long-term relationship
 Developed new trusted adviser relationship with owners rep (Grand Canyon consulting)
 Managed internal architectural team of 10, 4 interior designers & 6 consultant groups
 Kept project on track & provided economy of scale to ownership by gaining trust of sq ft interior design
team to make decisions on ground in real time on their behalf
Kathleen M. Lynch Senior Construction PM Page 2 of 3
Knoll (Western Office) 2015
Project Manager Interior Designer
Drove $75K Interior design of 2.2M SF high-end community space project for International furniture brand (Knoll)
establishing new presence in Las Vegas market.
 Delivered for ~ 50% of cost design & delivery of flexible & functional workspace, library, showroom, lounge,
community learning center & client testing site
 With 10 events held in 1st 12 months, exceeded clients engagement with community & exposure to Las Vegas
market objectives, earning praise of Regional Director client
 Established new mutual trusted advisor partnerships: Contractor / Client, Client / Design Team & Contractor /
Client / Designer
SLS Hotel and Casino, Sahara Renovation 2011  2014
Renovation Manager
Led $200 M renovation of 2.2M SF Sahara, 1 of last (non-imploded) vintage (est. 1952) stomping grounds for RatPack,
owned by Sammy Boy Entertainment partners (sbe).
 Won $400M in added funding after demonstrating $1M / day ROI on newly-built swimming pool
 Expanded by $50 M Bank investment capital post-2008
 Developed 21 luxury interiors in 8 months via collaboration with Phillip Starck and team (Paris)
 Design team produced 100% of permit / fabrication drawings from hand-drawn sketches of 30 % of
concept drawings in Design Development (DD) & Construction Document Phases process
 Directed $300 M construction budget across 21 zone packages / 5 venues to deliver public launch on time & with
70% of typical budget and resources
 Recruited, structured & managed team of 20 design pros: designers, architects, interior designers &
interns. Top 2 leaders hired by client
 Managed > 20 subcontractors by bringing alive design by painting spatial vision with words
 Submitted permit in 180 days & gained approval with cooperation of building jurisdiction
MGM City Center Veer Towers 2007 - 2010
Promoted to Executive Architect (2008) directing $4.5 M Veer Tower Residence development project for MGM City
Center, covering total of 18 M SF over 67 Acres, largest privately-funded U.S. construction project on-going. MGM
sold asset for $120 M.
 Launched Las Vegas highest-priced ($1000 K / SF) residential tower in 1 year, completing 5 % under budget
 Collaborated with ownership reps team of 8 / > 12 project consultants to unify focus on cost savings
 Partnered w/internal team of 8 & owner reps team of 8.
 30% of residential units closed Immediately following the completion of construction
 Property (2016) at > 90% occupancy, driving buyouts of rental units from global HNW buyers
 Construction project continued when most projects abandoned post-2008. Retained U.S. team
 Trained China factory team of ~200 (6 Execs) on premium quality American Institute of
Woodworking(AIW) standards & protocols & processes
 Led on -time & within budget construction of 2 architecturally iconic towers leaning at 4.5 degrees each with 670
unique units, designed by world-renown architect, Helmet Jahn
 Delivered Level 5 quality turnover of 670 units for HNW buyers, exceeding Quality target of Level 4
 Collaborated side-by-side with Black Cape architects hand-selected by Helmet Jahn
Beau Rivage, New Orleans 2005  2007
AOR & Interior Designer
Selected to join privately-funded $8 B MGM project, firms largest, recovering flooded-out disaster area after
hurricane Katrina. Directed worlds largest casino construction atop floating barge, including High Limit Gaming &
high-end Asian Restaurant.
Kathleen M. Lynch Senior Construction PM Page 3 of 3
 Delivered project in 50% of time required for typical disaster relief renovation reopening with all renovations
completed 1-year-to-day as storm Insurance parameters required
 Hired > 25 / 100% of staff from local neighborhood, renewing community hope.
 Team enjoys tight-knit respect & camaraderie > 10 years later since sharing of living quarters.
 Partnered with well-respected construction manager
 Delivered quality of excellence by teaching trades-workers craftsman work
 Developed immediate communication tools for construction integration by collaborating with team.
Home Depot 2004- 2007
AOR + Interior Designer
Established client relationship & grew account still contracting (2016) for collection of > $100 K interior renovations.
 Offset $700 K in new building expense for client by trimming master plan & leading staff / team reorganization
 Sourced 70% of renovation materials from clients store
 Developed & led succession transition to new client relationship holder
 Launched Hurricane command center
Own Your Day (OYD) 2012 -2016
Developer and co-owner of Fashion accessory start up.
 Featured in gift bag at Emmy Awards (2015) after fabricated new product, Fassy, scarf clip.
 Developed website with sales channel,
 Developed custom fonts and branding
Southern Nevada Board of Directors, Rebuilding Together 2014-2016
Personally led 3 project teams of 30 volunteers each to complete / renovate 3 homes in need of exterior repairs.
 Completed work for 70% of cost by leveraging in-kind work
 Enhanced completion with sourcing & management of 5 Contractor partners
Bachelor of Science in Interior Design, Magma Cum Laude 2003
 Won Most Creative Project for Thesis on Renovation of Mix Use Buildings: Hotels, Food / Beverage & Residential
 University of Oregon Eugene, National Student Exchange Program, Fall 2001
 Southwest Top 20 Under 40, ENR Engineering News Record (Jan 15)
 Forum's Emerging Leaders: Hotels, Real 'Estate Forum (Nov 14)
 Tomorrows Leaders (Nov 14, Jan 15)
 Interests: Cooking, Pilates, Hiking, Connecting peoples purpose and passion

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  • 1. Kathleen M. Lynch, RID, NCIDQ, LEED ID+C Las Vegas, NV www.linkedin.com/in/LynchKathleenM/ 404.234.6597 klynch009@gmail.com SENIOR CONSTRUCTION PROJECT MANAGER 12+ years of experience managing 41 up to $500 M real estate construction projects for leading corporate / gaming / hospitality / education clients. 9+ years of partnering with celebrity architects on up to $8 B iconic, high-end & historic renovation & construction projects. 12+ years of driving design & construction teams of up to 100 to deliver projects up to 33% ahead of time for 70% of typical costs. Project Delivery Interior Design Construction Project Management Renovation Interior Design FF&E Design and Specifications Executive Presentation Design Team Management Client Development and Engagement Staff Development AutoCad 2016 Revit Photoshop Design / Illustrator WORK EXPERIENCE GENSLER, Las Vegas, NV 2004 Present Senior Associate 2012 - Present Spearheading 41 up to $500M corporate & hospitality real estate projects end-to-end from: development of construction docs to permits & approvals from owners & banks. Directed 6 regional leaders over team of 900. Southwest Regional Client Relationship Leader 2013 - 2016 Drove Year One generation of 23 new accounts from 100 Targeted Relationships Facilitated establishment of 5 new strong relationships when devised new strategies on approaching network of Brand Design regionally & developed individual office growth plans. Gained implementation approval when presented case study to 6 select members of Board of Directors Education & Training Designed Client Relationship Competencies educational program for 3 levels of experience: 0-5, 5-10 & 10-15 yrs Developed 9 new client leaders & 1 brand new client relationship after intensive 1-year Mastery program with detailed selection process ~ 450 staff / 50% of entire region completed program Inspired 6 digital marketing videos, launching at end of 2016 Studio Director 2012 - 2016 Empowered 20-member studio team to present & celebrate work successes / accomplishments during 12 yearly studio meetings. Led 15 yearly PDP, Profession Development Planning sessions bi-yearly Selected Projects W Hotel (Starwood) 2015 2016 Project Manager Interior and Architect of Record Transformed historic renovation property into Hotel within a Hotel (W within SLS) in new client partnership for existing client Stockbridge (SLS) with Starwood (W) to gain national and international exposure via brand integration. Project opening on time in 13 months (33% early) & expected to achieve higher revenue than targets despite of synergies of neighboring properties at north end of Las Vegas Strip. Delivered with design details for 20% less than designers intent after devised new strategic approach Added 12,000 sq ft rooftop pool in 16 months. Client testimonial: As long as Kathleen is on the job, we are good. Integrated owners representatives in new relationship and stewarded long-term relationship Developed new trusted adviser relationship with owners rep (Grand Canyon consulting) Managed internal architectural team of 10, 4 interior designers & 6 consultant groups Kept project on track & provided economy of scale to ownership by gaining trust of sq ft interior design team to make decisions on ground in real time on their behalf
  • 2. Kathleen M. Lynch Senior Construction PM Page 2 of 3 Knoll (Western Office) 2015 Project Manager Interior Designer Drove $75K Interior design of 2.2M SF high-end community space project for International furniture brand (Knoll) establishing new presence in Las Vegas market. Delivered for ~ 50% of cost design & delivery of flexible & functional workspace, library, showroom, lounge, community learning center & client testing site With 10 events held in 1st 12 months, exceeded clients engagement with community & exposure to Las Vegas market objectives, earning praise of Regional Director client Established new mutual trusted advisor partnerships: Contractor / Client, Client / Design Team & Contractor / Client / Designer SLS Hotel and Casino, Sahara Renovation 2011 2014 Renovation Manager Led $200 M renovation of 2.2M SF Sahara, 1 of last (non-imploded) vintage (est. 1952) stomping grounds for RatPack, owned by Sammy Boy Entertainment partners (sbe). Won $400M in added funding after demonstrating $1M / day ROI on newly-built swimming pool Expanded by $50 M Bank investment capital post-2008 Developed 21 luxury interiors in 8 months via collaboration with Phillip Starck and team (Paris) Design team produced 100% of permit / fabrication drawings from hand-drawn sketches of 30 % of concept drawings in Design Development (DD) & Construction Document Phases process Directed $300 M construction budget across 21 zone packages / 5 venues to deliver public launch on time & with 70% of typical budget and resources Recruited, structured & managed team of 20 design pros: designers, architects, interior designers & interns. Top 2 leaders hired by client Managed > 20 subcontractors by bringing alive design by painting spatial vision with words Submitted permit in 180 days & gained approval with cooperation of building jurisdiction MGM City Center Veer Towers 2007 - 2010 Promoted to Executive Architect (2008) directing $4.5 M Veer Tower Residence development project for MGM City Center, covering total of 18 M SF over 67 Acres, largest privately-funded U.S. construction project on-going. MGM sold asset for $120 M. Launched Las Vegas highest-priced ($1000 K / SF) residential tower in 1 year, completing 5 % under budget Collaborated with ownership reps team of 8 / > 12 project consultants to unify focus on cost savings Partnered w/internal team of 8 & owner reps team of 8. 30% of residential units closed Immediately following the completion of construction Property (2016) at > 90% occupancy, driving buyouts of rental units from global HNW buyers Construction project continued when most projects abandoned post-2008. Retained U.S. team Trained China factory team of ~200 (6 Execs) on premium quality American Institute of Woodworking(AIW) standards & protocols & processes Led on -time & within budget construction of 2 architecturally iconic towers leaning at 4.5 degrees each with 670 unique units, designed by world-renown architect, Helmet Jahn Delivered Level 5 quality turnover of 670 units for HNW buyers, exceeding Quality target of Level 4 Collaborated side-by-side with Black Cape architects hand-selected by Helmet Jahn Beau Rivage, New Orleans 2005 2007 AOR & Interior Designer Selected to join privately-funded $8 B MGM project, firms largest, recovering flooded-out disaster area after hurricane Katrina. Directed worlds largest casino construction atop floating barge, including High Limit Gaming & high-end Asian Restaurant.
  • 3. Kathleen M. Lynch Senior Construction PM Page 3 of 3 Delivered project in 50% of time required for typical disaster relief renovation reopening with all renovations completed 1-year-to-day as storm Insurance parameters required Hired > 25 / 100% of staff from local neighborhood, renewing community hope. Team enjoys tight-knit respect & camaraderie > 10 years later since sharing of living quarters. Partnered with well-respected construction manager Delivered quality of excellence by teaching trades-workers craftsman work Developed immediate communication tools for construction integration by collaborating with team. Home Depot 2004- 2007 AOR + Interior Designer Established client relationship & grew account still contracting (2016) for collection of > $100 K interior renovations. Offset $700 K in new building expense for client by trimming master plan & leading staff / team reorganization Sourced 70% of renovation materials from clients store Developed & led succession transition to new client relationship holder Launched Hurricane command center THOMPSON VENTULETT, STAINBACK & ASSOCIATES (TVS), Atlanta, GA 2001 Intern ENTREPRENEURIAL EXPERIENCE Own Your Day (OYD) 2012 -2016 Developer and co-owner of Fashion accessory start up. Featured in gift bag at Emmy Awards (2015) after fabricated new product, Fassy, scarf clip. Developed website with sales channel, Developed custom fonts and branding COMMUNITY EXPERIENCE Southern Nevada Board of Directors, Rebuilding Together 2014-2016 Personally led 3 project teams of 30 volunteers each to complete / renovate 3 homes in need of exterior repairs. Completed work for 70% of cost by leveraging in-kind work Enhanced completion with sourcing & management of 5 Contractor partners EDUCATION UNIVERSITY OF TENNESSEE Knoxville, TN Bachelor of Science in Interior Design, Magma Cum Laude 2003 Won Most Creative Project for Thesis on Renovation of Mix Use Buildings: Hotels, Food / Beverage & Residential University of Oregon Eugene, National Student Exchange Program, Fall 2001 AWARDS Southwest Top 20 Under 40, ENR Engineering News Record (Jan 15) Forum's Emerging Leaders: Hotels, Real 'Estate Forum (Nov 14) Tomorrows Leaders (Nov 14, Jan 15) ADDITIONAL Interests: Cooking, Pilates, Hiking, Connecting peoples purpose and passion