【宇沢弘文没后5年追悼シンポジウム ALL ABOUT UZAWA】
私はプログラム2「 宇沢が考えた経済学とはなにか 」に登壇します。宇沢先生の最後の弟子で『宇沢弘文の数学』を上梓した小島寛之さん、『資本主義と闘った男』の著者である佐々木実さんとご一緒させて頂きます。
2020年11月に登壇したInnovative City Forumの分科会【B2】「価値観の変容」(藤沢久美、村上由美子、佐藤純一の三氏と共演)で使用したスライド資料です。収録動画がYouTubeに公開されています。ご参考ください:
2021年12月にオンライン登壇したピーチコーポレーション「Peach Women’s Business School」のスライド資料(一部を編集)になります。休憩をはさみながら、3時間にわたって受講生の皆さんと講義&ディスカッションを行いました。
【宇沢弘文没后5年追悼シンポジウム ALL ABOUT UZAWA】
私はプログラム2「 宇沢が考えた経済学とはなにか 」に登壇します。宇沢先生の最後の弟子で『宇沢弘文の数学』を上梓した小島寛之さん、『資本主義と闘った男』の著者である佐々木実さんとご一緒させて頂きます。
2020年11月に登壇したInnovative City Forumの分科会【B2】「価値観の変容」(藤沢久美、村上由美子、佐藤純一の三氏と共演)で使用したスライド資料です。収録動画がYouTubeに公開されています。ご参考ください:
2021年12月にオンライン登壇したピーチコーポレーション「Peach Women’s Business School」のスライド資料(一部を編集)になります。休憩をはさみながら、3時間にわたって受講生の皆さんと講義&ディスカッションを行いました。
【梗概 Summary】
In order to promote the regional development of Shinshiro City by linkage among existing facilities, local industry and tourists, I proposed a model of sixth industrialization starting from accommodation facilities as a "seminar student" in Nishida Laboratory, Tokyo Tech.
(English Title: "The Creative Sixth Industrialization driven by youth in Shinchiro City, Aichi Prefecture")
【基本情報 Info】
公共政策フォーラム2018 in しんしろ
2018年11月24日?11月25日 / 新城文化会館
Public Policy Studies Forum 2018 (Public Policy Studies Association Japan)
Optimization Approach to Nash Euilibria with Applications to InterchangeabilityYosuke YASUDA
This document presents an optimization approach to characterizing Nash equilibria in games. It shows that the set of Nash equilibria is identical to the set of solutions that minimize an objective function defined over strategy profiles. This allows the equilibrium problem to be framed as an optimization problem. The approach provides a unified way to derive existing results on interchangeability of equilibria in zero-sum and supermodular games, by relating the properties of the objective function to the structure of the optimal solution set.
17. 信用と成長のジレンマ [3]
? If the global pie stayed the same size, there
was no margin for credit. Credit is the
difference between today’s pie and
tomorrow’s pie. If the pie stays the same,
why extend credit?
? People seldom wanted to extend much credit
because they didn’t trust that the future
would be better than the present.
? Business looked like a zero-sum game.
2019年5月 17安田洋祐|大阪大学
18. ? You could cut the pie in many different ways,
but it never got bigger.
? That’s why many cultures concluded that
making bundles of money was sinful.
? It was lose-lose.
– Because credit was limited, people had troubled
financing new businesses.
– Because there were few new businesses, the
economy did not grow.
– Because it did not grow, people assumed it never
? The expectation of stagnation fulfilled itself.
2019年5月 18安田洋祐|大阪大学
20. 再投資と資本主義 [3]
? All this depends, however, on the rich using
their profits to open new factories and hire
new employees, rather than wasting them on
non-productive activities.
? A crucial part of the modern capitalist
economy was the emergence of a new ethic,
according to which profits ought to be
reinvested in production.
? That’s why capitalism is called “capitalism”.
2019年5月 20安田洋祐|大阪大学
31. “お金”の力 [3]
? Money isn’t a material reality – it is a
psychological construct.
? Money is a system of mutual trust, and not
just any system of mutual trust: money is the
most universal and most efficient system of
mutual trust ever devised.
? What created this trust was a very complex
and long-term network of political, social and
economic relations.
2019年5月 31安田洋祐|大阪大学
32. ? Whereas religion asks us to believe in
something, money asks us to believe that
other people believe in something.
? Money is the only trust system created by
humans that can bridge almost any cultural
gap, and that does not discriminate on the
basis of religion, gender, race, age or sexual
? Thanks to money, even people who don’t
know each other and don’t trust each other
can nevertheless cooperate effectively.
2019年5月 32安田洋祐|大阪大学
34. “お金”のダークサイド [3]
? When everything is convertible (with money),
and when trust depends on anonymous coins
and cowry shells, it corrodes local traditions,
intimate relations and human values,
replacing them with the cold laws of supply
and demand.
? Money has always tried to break through
these barriers, like water seeping through
cracks in a dam.
2019年5月 34安田洋祐|大阪大学
35. ? For although money builds universal trust
between strangers, this trust is invested not
in humans, communities or sacred values, but
in money itself.
? As money brings down the dams of
community, religion and state, the world is in
danger of becoming one big and rather
heartless marketplaces.
? People rely on money to facilitate
cooperation with strangers, but they’re
afraid it will corrupt human values and
intimate relations.
2019年5月 35安田洋祐|大阪大学
40. 富と資本の違い [3]
? Capitalism distinguishes “capital” from mere
– Capital consists of money, goods and resources
that are invested in production.
– Wealth, on the other hand, is buried in the
ground or wasted on unproductive activities.
? In the modern era, the nobility has been
overtaken by new elite whose members are
true believers in the capitalist creed.
2019年5月 40安田洋祐|大阪大学