L3594 piu 3 staff adsYondonsambuu BuyanbilegThe Mongolian government is seeking to fill several positions at its Project Implementation Unit to support the implementation of an ADB-financed education project. The positions include a Project Assistant, Environmental Specialist, and Cost Estimator. The Project Assistant will provide administrative support, the Environmental Specialist will oversee environmental compliance and monitoring, and the Cost Estimator will review cost estimates and monitor civil works budgets. Qualified candidates with relevant experience and qualifications are encouraged to apply by May 3.
EDUCATION SACTOR MID-TERM DEVELOPMENT PLAN 2021-2030Yondonsambuu BuyanbilegThis document presents Mongolia's Education Sector Mid-Term Development Plan for 2021-2030. The plan was developed by a large team including government, non-government organizations, professionals, academics, and researchers. It establishes strategic development objectives for the education sector in line with Mongolia's Vision 2050 and considers achievements, constraints, and gaps from the past decade. The plan covers pre-primary, primary, secondary, vocational, higher and lifelong education. It identifies priorities, strategies, programs and activities to achieve objectives in areas such as digital technology, human resources, equity, quality, and sustainability over the next 10 years. The implementation and financing of the plan from 2021-2025 is also outlined.