Power BI 工具於傳染病應用 (Power BI Platform for Communicable Diseases)Jian-Kai Wang
以 Open Data 為對象透過 Power BI 分析傳染病疫情,並以此為主軸介紹 Power BI 服務及其分析流程。使用資料為歷年健保門診類流感就診人次與健保門診及住院就診人次統計-腸病毒。
包含 : Power BI 概念與架構, 使用 Power BI 存取雲端數據, 使用 Power BI 建置資料模型, 開發視覺化互動性分析報表, 與使用行動裝置存取 Power BI。
日期 : 2016/06/02
Use Power BI platform to analyze open data for communicable diseases. Furthermore, introduce Power BI platform and its analyzing concept. The data demonstrated includes (1) out-patient clinicis for influenza, (2) out-patient clinicis for entrovirus.
The content includes (1) the architecture and analyzing concept, (2) access to web/local data, (3) construct data model, (4) develop interactive dashboard, and (5) access the Power BI service by mobile devices.
Date : 06/02/2016
Introduce Microsoft's Generative AI application tools and provide examples of their use in the medical field. The presentation is given by Raymond Tsai, a Principal Technical Program Manager of Azure HPC & AI Engineering group.
The product release plan outlines the company's planned releases of hardware and software products over the next few quarters. It includes the scheduled release of new workstation hardware and software, edge hardware and software, AI edge devices, vision and IoT kits, tools, and new Alpha workstation models. The plan provides a quarterly roadmap for introducing new products from Q3 to Q2 the following year.
Power BI 工具於傳染病應用 (Power BI Platform for Communicable Diseases)Jian-Kai Wang
以 Open Data 為對象透過 Power BI 分析傳染病疫情,並以此為主軸介紹 Power BI 服務及其分析流程。使用資料為歷年健保門診類流感就診人次與健保門診及住院就診人次統計-腸病毒。
包含 : Power BI 概念與架構, 使用 Power BI 存取雲端數據, 使用 Power BI 建置資料模型, 開發視覺化互動性分析報表, 與使用行動裝置存取 Power BI。
日期 : 2016/06/02
Use Power BI platform to analyze open data for communicable diseases. Furthermore, introduce Power BI platform and its analyzing concept. The data demonstrated includes (1) out-patient clinicis for influenza, (2) out-patient clinicis for entrovirus.
The content includes (1) the architecture and analyzing concept, (2) access to web/local data, (3) construct data model, (4) develop interactive dashboard, and (5) access the Power BI service by mobile devices.
Date : 06/02/2016
Introduce Microsoft's Generative AI application tools and provide examples of their use in the medical field. The presentation is given by Raymond Tsai, a Principal Technical Program Manager of Azure HPC & AI Engineering group.
The product release plan outlines the company's planned releases of hardware and software products over the next few quarters. It includes the scheduled release of new workstation hardware and software, edge hardware and software, AI edge devices, vision and IoT kits, tools, and new Alpha workstation models. The plan provides a quarterly roadmap for introducing new products from Q3 to Q2 the following year.
This document discusses using an M48X MCU and Jetson Nano for a home automation project. The M48X MCU controls lights and other devices via UART commands from a Jetson Nano or PC. Example commands are given to turn lights on/off, change colors, and start automated light shows or routines. Additional commands allow controlling videos, music and messages played on the Jetson Nano through the M48X MCU.
This document describes the design of an autonomous guided vehicle (AGV) system. It outlines the main components including the order system, dispatcher, universal clock, AGVs, broker, grid map database. It then describes the functions of various components like the naive dispatcher, path planner using A* algorithm, discrete time simulation with the universal clock, AGV main flow, grid map GUI, and traffic control strategies to handle conflicts between AGVs.
The document discusses microservices and provides definitions, examples, and considerations around this architectural style. It defines microservices as small, independent processes communicating via APIs to compose complex applications. It notes microservices allow for increased modularity, independence, and scalability compared to traditional monolithic architectures. The document also shares perspectives from experts on microservices and examples of companies using this approach.
20160217 - Overview of Vortex Intelligent Data Sharing PlatformJamie (Taka) Wang
Vortex Intelligent is an intelligent data sharing platform that provides several product suites including Vortex OpenSplice, Vortex Starter Kit, and Vortex Device. Vortex OpenSplice is a DDS library that implements DDS 1.2 and DDSI 2.1 standards. It has both free and paid versions. Vortex Starter Kit and Vortex Device target different developer types. Additional products like Vortex Insight, Vortex Cafe, Vortex Web provide visualization, Java DDS library, and JavaScript DDS library capabilities. Vortex also includes options for cloud, fog, and gateway integration.
This document discusses strategies for IoT development. It proposes three levels of architecture - short, mid, and long term - to develop an IoT kernel and services. It also examines Advantech's IoT products and architectures, including their WebAccess SCADA system and WISE-Cloud platform. Challenges in IoT solutions are identified around connectivity, costs, reliability and time to market. Two proof-of-concept projects are proposed using edge cloud services and Modbus TCP.
This document discusses microservices architecture and how Docker has changed application development. It covers:
- The rise of microservices architecture which breaks applications into independently deployable small services.
- How Docker brings development and operations teams closer together through standardized deployment of services.
- How Docker provides consistency for continuous integration testing by allowing identical environments.
- How Docker enables collaboration through sharing of pre-built application containers.
This document summarizes the design of a proactive service. The key aspects covered include:
1. The service uses microservices architecture with services like modbusd, psmb-srv, and azure-srv. It follows design principles of pluggable packages, test-driven development, and API-first design.
2. Configuration is handled through environment variables, JSON/YAML files, or a remote configuration server. Services discover each other through Consul.
3. Logging is done through a structured logger that supports files, color console output, and JSON format. It follows a singleton pattern.
This case study document discusses GoStation, an electric vehicle battery swapping system. It provides an overview of GoStation's business model, stakeholders, proposed solution involving battery reservation and exchange, technical infrastructure, system architecture, and deployment diagrams. The document contains analysis of GoStation's problem statement, solution sketches, use cases, mockups, diagrams and comparisons to other systems like Youbike.