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Professor John Middleton,
Vice President, GNAPH
Immediate Past President, ASPHER
GPHW73-ASPHERs Core Curriculum Programme
(CCP): what are the needs for teaching the role of
public health in preventing and responding to
armed conflict?
Prevention, Recovery, Rehabilitation
GPHW73-ASPHERs Core Curriculum Programme (CCP): what are the needs for teaching the role of public health
in preventing and responding to armed conflict? Prevention, Recovery, Rehabilitation Middletonj april12th 2024
GPHW73-ASPHERs Core Curriculum Programme (CCP): what are the needs for teaching the role of public health
in preventing and responding to armed conflict? Prevention, Recovery, Rehabilitation Middletonj april12th 2024
Sexual health
Mental health
Physical health
Weight and exercise
Increased risks of poor outcomes in adults with high levels of Adverse Childhood Experiences
Mental health
Substance use
Sexual health
Physical health
Weight and exercise
Bellis et al, In Press, 2022
Child maltreatment, neglect, domestic violence, family mental ill health, separation
GPHW73-ASPHERs Core Curriculum Programme (CCP): what are the needs for teaching the role of public health
in preventing and responding to armed conflict? Prevention, Recovery, Rehabilitation Middletonj april12th 2024
The role of physicians and other
health workers in the preservation
and promotion of peace is the most
significant factor for the attainment of
health for all.
World Health Assembly, Resolution
34.38, 1981
An acceptable level of health for all the people of
the world by the year 2000 can be attained
through a fuller and better use of the worlds
resources, a considerable part of which is now
spend on armaments and military conflicts. A
genuine policy of independence, peace, d辿tente,
and disarmament could and should release
additional resources that could well be devoted
to peaceful aims and in particular to the
acceleration of social and economic development
of which primary health care, as an essential
part, should be allotted its proper share.
Alma Ata Declaration, Article 10 1978
World Health Organisation
The epidemiology of violence
Evidence-based violence prevention: a life course
Asset based community development
Primary, secondary &tertiary prevention role of the
public health community as primary preventers of
violent conflict, through healthy public policies and
tackling major social inequalities in health; and as early
reactors, mitigaters and responders to violence.
New public mental health approaches
A role for public health in conflict resolution with aid
agencies, political scientists, theologians and
international lawyers
A role for public health educational bodies
A leadership and partnership role for public health
Areas of action for the public health
community in preventing violence
Global & local violence-epidemiology and evidence
J, Sidel V.
Terrorism &
health. In
and Sage,
Global deaths from interpersonal and collective violence,
2005 and 2015
2005 2015
Collective violence
Bellis, M.
A.et al.
NHS and
Dept. of
Source: GBD 2015 Mortality
and Causes of Death
Collaborators, 2016
GPHW73-ASPHERs Core Curriculum Programme (CCP): what are the needs for teaching the role of public health
in preventing and responding to armed conflict? Prevention, Recovery, Rehabilitation Middletonj april12th 2024
Roman General Vegetius, 5C AD
Sun Tzu The Art of War, 2500BC.
The supreme art of war is to subdue the enemy without fighting.
Public Health and militarism: Professor John Middleton November 30th 2022
The cause of war is the
preparation for war
The cost of liberty is less than
the price of repression
William Edward Burqhardt Du
The military industrial
Eisenhower, 1961
Only an alert and
knowledgeable citizenry can
compel the proper meshing of
the huge industrial and
military machinery of defense
with our peaceful methods
and goals, so that security
and liberty may prosper
GPHW73-ASPHERs Core Curriculum Programme (CCP): what are the needs for teaching the role of public health
in preventing and responding to armed conflict? Prevention, Recovery, Rehabilitation Middletonj april12th 2024
20240412 middletonj ASPHER  war curriculum.pptx
Sun Tzu The Art of War, 2500BC.
The supreme art of war is to subdue the enemy without fighting.
Public Health and militarism: Professor John Middleton November 30th 2022
In times of war, prepare for peace
GPHW73-ASPHERs Core Curriculum Programme (CCP): what are the needs for teaching the role of public health
in preventing and responding to armed conflict? Prevention, Recovery, Rehabilitation Middletonj april12th 2024
Winning the
GPHW73-ASPHERs Core Curriculum Programme (CCP): what are the needs for teaching the role of public health
in preventing and responding to armed conflict? Prevention, Recovery, Rehabilitation Middletonj april12th 2024
Winning the peace
Health diplomacy
Health as a bridge for peace
Moral rearmament France-
Germany 1946-50
GPHW73-ASPHERs Core Curriculum Programme (CCP): what are the needs for teaching the role of public health
in preventing and responding to armed conflict? Prevention, Recovery, Rehabilitation Middletonj april12th 2024
Strong actions by women, Northern Ireland, Kenya, and
France-Germany 1946-50; especially needed in police forces
and peace-keeping forces
Truth and reconciliation South Africa, Rwanda
UN Peacekeeping : Namibia, Bosnia-Hercegovina, East Timor
GPHW73-ASPHERs Core Curriculum Programme (CCP): what are the needs for teaching the role of public health
in preventing and responding to armed conflict? Prevention, Recovery, Rehabilitation Middletonj april12th 2024
Thank you
John Middleton

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  • 1. Professor John Middleton, Vice President, GNAPH Immediate Past President, ASPHER GPHW73-ASPHERs Core Curriculum Programme (CCP): what are the needs for teaching the role of public health in preventing and responding to armed conflict? Prevention, Recovery, Rehabilitation
  • 2. GPHW73-ASPHERs Core Curriculum Programme (CCP): what are the needs for teaching the role of public health in preventing and responding to armed conflict? Prevention, Recovery, Rehabilitation Middletonj april12th 2024
  • 3. GPHW73-ASPHERs Core Curriculum Programme (CCP): what are the needs for teaching the role of public health in preventing and responding to armed conflict? Prevention, Recovery, Rehabilitation Middletonj april12th 2024
  • 4. Violence Sexual health Mental health Physical health Weight and exercise Increased risks of poor outcomes in adults with high levels of Adverse Childhood Experiences Mental health Violence Substance use Sexual health Physical health Weight and exercise Bellis et al, In Press, 2022 Child maltreatment, neglect, domestic violence, family mental ill health, separation
  • 5. GPHW73-ASPHERs Core Curriculum Programme (CCP): what are the needs for teaching the role of public health in preventing and responding to armed conflict? Prevention, Recovery, Rehabilitation Middletonj april12th 2024 The role of physicians and other health workers in the preservation and promotion of peace is the most significant factor for the attainment of health for all. World Health Assembly, Resolution 34.38, 1981
  • 6. An acceptable level of health for all the people of the world by the year 2000 can be attained through a fuller and better use of the worlds resources, a considerable part of which is now spend on armaments and military conflicts. A genuine policy of independence, peace, d辿tente, and disarmament could and should release additional resources that could well be devoted to peaceful aims and in particular to the acceleration of social and economic development of which primary health care, as an essential part, should be allotted its proper share. Alma Ata Declaration, Article 10 1978 World Health Organisation
  • 7. The epidemiology of violence Evidence-based violence prevention: a life course approach Asset based community development Primary, secondary &tertiary prevention role of the public health community as primary preventers of violent conflict, through healthy public policies and tackling major social inequalities in health; and as early reactors, mitigaters and responders to violence. New public mental health approaches A role for public health in conflict resolution with aid agencies, political scientists, theologians and international lawyers A role for public health educational bodies A leadership and partnership role for public health www.fph.org.uk/uploads/Violence%20report.pdf Areas of action for the public health community in preventing violence
  • 8. Global & local violence-epidemiology and evidence www.euro.who.int/violenceinjury www.who.int/violence_injury www.who.int/gender 鏝Middleton J, Sidel V. Terrorism & public health. In Promoting Public Health. Open University and Sage, 2007 Global deaths from interpersonal and collective violence, 2005 and 2015 0 100000 200000 300000 400000 500000 600000 2005 2015 Number of deaths Collective violence Bellis, M. A.et al. London: NHS and Dept. of Health, 2012駈 Source: GBD 2015 Mortality and Causes of Death Collaborators, 2016
  • 9. GPHW73-ASPHERs Core Curriculum Programme (CCP): what are the needs for teaching the role of public health in preventing and responding to armed conflict? Prevention, Recovery, Rehabilitation Middletonj april12th 2024
  • 10. Roman General Vegetius, 5C AD Sun Tzu The Art of War, 2500BC. The supreme art of war is to subdue the enemy without fighting. Public Health and militarism: Professor John Middleton November 30th 2022 IF YOU WANT PEACE, PREPARE FOR WAR
  • 11. The cause of war is the preparation for war The cost of liberty is less than the price of repression William Edward Burqhardt Du Bois
  • 12. The military industrial complex Eisenhower, 1961 Only an alert and knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial and military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods and goals, so that security and liberty may prosper together.
  • 13. GPHW73-ASPHERs Core Curriculum Programme (CCP): what are the needs for teaching the role of public health in preventing and responding to armed conflict? Prevention, Recovery, Rehabilitation Middletonj april12th 2024
  • 15. Sun Tzu The Art of War, 2500BC. The supreme art of war is to subdue the enemy without fighting. Public Health and militarism: Professor John Middleton November 30th 2022 IF YOU WANT PEACE, PREPARE FOR WAR. In times of war, prepare for peace
  • 16. GPHW73-ASPHERs Core Curriculum Programme (CCP): what are the needs for teaching the role of public health in preventing and responding to armed conflict? Prevention, Recovery, Rehabilitation Middletonj april12th 2024 Winning the peace
  • 17. GPHW73-ASPHERs Core Curriculum Programme (CCP): what are the needs for teaching the role of public health in preventing and responding to armed conflict? Prevention, Recovery, Rehabilitation Middletonj april12th 2024 Winning the peace Health diplomacy Health as a bridge for peace Moral rearmament France- Germany 1946-50
  • 18. GPHW73-ASPHERs Core Curriculum Programme (CCP): what are the needs for teaching the role of public health in preventing and responding to armed conflict? Prevention, Recovery, Rehabilitation Middletonj april12th 2024 Strong actions by women, Northern Ireland, Kenya, and France-Germany 1946-50; especially needed in police forces and peace-keeping forces Truth and reconciliation South Africa, Rwanda UN Peacekeeping : Namibia, Bosnia-Hercegovina, East Timor
  • 19. GPHW73-ASPHERs Core Curriculum Programme (CCP): what are the needs for teaching the role of public health in preventing and responding to armed conflict? Prevention, Recovery, Rehabilitation Middletonj april12th 2024 Thank you John Middleton johnmiddleton@phonecoop.coop