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A Healthy State ?
Geopolitical threats to safety and health
Professor John Middleton
Honorary Professor of Public Health, Wolverhampton University UK,
Immediate Past President, Association Schools of Public Health in the European Region
Vice President, Global Network for Academic Public Health
Political and societal constraints?
Policing for public order and control?
Policing for public protection, and
community safety
A Healthy State? John Middleton LEPH European Conference, Umea, Sweden, May 2023
Political and societal constraints?
National politics shape policing and public health
Geopolitics affects all administrations, policing and
public heath services
A Healthy State? John Middleton LEPH European Conference, Umea, Sweden, May 2023
Political and societal constraints?
National politics shapes policing and public health: extremes of
authoritarian or democratic ?
A Healthy State? John Middleton LEPH European Conference, Umea, Sweden, May 2023
A Healthy State? John Middleton LEPH European Conference, Umea, Sweden, May 2023
Political and societal constraints?
National politics shapes policing and public health:
A Healthy State? John Middleton LEPH European Conference, Umea, Sweden, May 2023
Political and societal constraints?
National politics shapes policing and public health:
A Healthy State? John Middleton LEPH European Conference, Umea, Sweden, May 2023
Political and societal constraints?
National politics shapes policing and public health:
A Healthy State? John Middleton LEPH European Conference, Umea, Sweden, May 2023
Political and societal constraints?
National politics shapes policing and public health:
A Healthy State? John Middleton LEPH European Conference, Umea, Sweden, May 2023
Political and societal constraints?
National politics shapes policing and public health:
Political and societal constraints?
Geopolitics affects all administrations, policing and public heath services
4 main aspects to my presentation today:
Neoliberalism: creating the drive for uncontrolled globalization/ colonialization of health damaging
manufacturing and services by multinational companies set against a drive for low tax/ small state policies
The Sovereign individuals, the rise of the super-rich, oligarchy, increasing inequality through the offshoring
of wealth.
And the rise of populism, accelerating political corruption and distrust of governments, creating culture
wars; leading to politic instability across the globe, creating conditions of fear, distrust and opportunities
for conflict.
The information revolution has influenced all of these: the explosion of social media, and industrial
disinformation undermining individual thinking and undermining democratic processes
A Healthy State? John Middleton LEPH European Conference, Umea, Sweden, May 2023
A Healthy State? John Middleton LEPH European Conference, Umea, Sweden, May 2023
The rule of the market
Cutting public expenditure for social services
Eliminating the concept of the public good
Government represents bureaucratic bloat and political imposition.
Markets embody human freedom. And with markets, people get what they
deserve; to alter the market is to spoil the poor and punish the productive
Friedrich Hayek, Ludvig
von Mises 1938,
published 1944-45
A Healthy State? John Middleton LEPH European Conference, Umea, Sweden, May 2023
A Healthy State? John Middleton LEPH European Conference, Umea, Sweden, May 2023
Friedrich Hayek, Ludvig
von Mises 1938,
published 1944-45
A Healthy State? John Middleton LEPH European Conference, Umea, Sweden, May 2023
A Healthy State? John Middleton LEPH European Conference, Umea, Sweden, May 2023
A Healthy State? John Middleton LEPH European Conference, Umea, Sweden, May 2023
A Healthy State? John Middleton LEPH European Conference, Umea, Sweden, May 2023
These 10 Corporations Control Almost Everything We Eat
A Healthy State? John Middleton LEPH European Conference, Umea, Sweden, May 2023
A Healthy State? John Middleton LEPH European Conference, Umea, Sweden, May 2023
Political and societal constraints?
Geopolitics affects all administrations, policing and public heath services
A Healthy State? John Middleton LEPH European Conference, Umea, Sweden, May 2023
The Sovereign individuals:
the rise of the super rich,
increasing inequality
through the offshoring of wealth.
The Sovereign Individual explores the
social and financial consequences of this
revolutionary change [the information
revolution] Our desire is to help you take
advantage of the opportunities of the new
age and to avoid being destroyed by its
Political and societal constraints?
Geopolitics affects all administrations, policing and public heath services
A Healthy State? John Middleton LEPH European Conference, Umea, Sweden, May 2023
The Sovereign individuals:
The Sovereign Individuals who will gain most from this liberation are the brightest, most
brightest, most successful and ambitious among us, those who can educate and motivate
and motivate themselves . Genius will be unleashed, freed from both the oppression of
oppression of government.
Persons of even quite modest means will soar as the gravitational pull of politics on the global
politics on the global economy weakens. Unprecedented financial independence will be a
independence will be a reachable goal in your lifetime or that of your children.
The left-behinds realise they have been taken for a ride and their communities
and way of life are under threat. A time of great danger and great reward.
Political and societal constraints?
Geopolitics affects all administrations, policing and public heath services
A Healthy State? John Middleton LEPH European Conference, Umea, Sweden, May 2023
The Sovereign individuals:
The good news is that politicians will no more be able to dominate, suppress and regulate the
greater part of commerce in this new realm
Governments will have to treat people like customers, and less in a way that organised
criminals treat the victims of a shakedown racket First in scores, then in hundreds, and
ultimately in the millions, individuals will escape the shackles of politics.
Latter-day barbarians like the Russian mafia, other ethnic criminal gangs, drug lords, and
renegade covert agencies will be laws unto themselves.
A Healthy State? John Middleton LEPH European Conference, Umea, Sweden, May 2023
The richest billionaires could give
$139,300,000,000 away and still
be as rich as they were in 2020.
These billionaires could end
global hunger for about $300
billion. A fraction of their overall
Calls for wealth taxes
Build back
John Middleton Global threats to health, Wroclaw, December 1st 2022
A Healthy State? John Middleton LEPH European Conference, Umea, Sweden, May 2023
A Healthy State? John Middleton LEPH European Conference, Umea, Sweden, May 2023
The rise of Populism
A Healthy State? John Middleton LEPH European Conference, Umea, Sweden, May 2023
A healthy state?  Geopolitical threats to safety and health
A healthy state?  Geopolitical threats to safety and health
A Healthy State? John Middleton LEPH European Conference, Umea, Sweden, May 2023
This is not about persuasion: This is about
"Darkness is good: Dick Cheney. Darth
Vader. Satan. That's power.
"Let them call you racist, let them call you
xenophobes, let them call you nativists. Wear it like
a badge of honor. Because every day, we get
stronger and they get weaker...History is on our
side and will bring us victory.
a worldview popular in far-right and alternative
religious circles that believes progress and equality
are poisonous illusions.
The rise of Populism
A Healthy State? John Middleton LEPH European Conference, Umea, Sweden, May 2023
Bannon and Trump:
People in social media world
live in bubbles or tribes
Easy to connect with like
minded- marginal beliefs
Uncritical unchallenged
Short attention spans
The age of social media, misinformation and disinformation
A Healthy State? John Middleton LEPH European Conference, Umea, Sweden, May 2023
Breaches of privacy;
Iatrogenesis (in
medical informatics);
Disinformation or
fake news;
And cyber-attacks
[uses and abuses of AI]
The age of social media, misinformation and disinformation
A Healthy State? John Middleton LEPH European Conference, Umea, Sweden, May 2023
Misinformation: false information that is spread,
regardless of intent to mislead.
Disinformation: false information that is
intentionally designed to mislead.
The age of social media, misinformation and disinformation
A Healthy State? John Middleton LEPH European Conference, Umea, Sweden, May 2023
Social media
of major
inform or
The age of social media, misinformation and disinformation
A Healthy State? John Middleton LEPH European Conference, Umea, Sweden, May 2023
Social media
environment of
major incidents:
Trolls in troll
farms disinform
A Healthy State? John Middleton LEPH European Conference, Umea, Sweden, May 2023
The age of social media, misinformation and disinformation
A Healthy State? John Middleton LEPH European Conference, Umea, Sweden, May 2023
Infodemics: misappropriating social media - to sway
opinion and behaviour  in this example in vaccine
The age of social media, misinformation and disinformation
A Healthy State? John Middleton LEPH European Conference, Umea, Sweden, May 2023
personal information to
sway opinion and
behaviour  in this
example in elections
Political and societal constraints?
Geopolitics affects all administrations, policing and public heath services
The 4 main aspects come together in the Post February 2022 geopolitical world
The Sovereign Individuals
The rise of populism
The information
A Healthy State? John Middleton LEPH European Conference, Umea, Sweden, May 2023
A Healthy State? John Middleton LEPH European Conference, Umea, Sweden, May 2023
The oligarchy: the
sovereign individuals
A Healthy State? John Middleton LEPH European Conference, Umea, Sweden, May 2023
The oligarchs and political influence
A Healthy State? John Middleton LEPH European Conference, Umea, Sweden, May 2023
Conservative friends of Russia: a party
courting Russian money
A Healthy State? John Middleton LEPH European Conference, Umea, Sweden, May 2023
friends of
Russia: a party
still courting
Russian money
post February
A Healthy State? John Middleton LEPH European Conference, Umea, Sweden, May 2023
A Healthy State? John Middleton LEPH European Conference, Umea, Sweden, May 2023
War in Ukraine
Global impacts - food and fuel shortage,
Impact on old military strategy  Cold war hardware
Impact on new military strategy- hand held weapons,
cyber warfare and drones
Highlighting global political corruption
 Geopolitical health:
 The epidemiology of corruption? privacy?
transparency? state of democracy?
Organised crime? Trade?
 The prevention of bad behaviour in politics:
the prevention of dictatorship'
William Beveridge designed a welfare state
for the UK in the deepest point of the
Second World War.
We should regard want,
idleness , ignorance, squalor
and disease as enemies of us
all. That is the meaning of a
social conscience; that we
refuse to make our separate
peace with evil.
Build back ?
To what austerity, poverty, insecurity
and unfairness? Environmental squalor
and health and wealth for some?
Plan for an outbreak of health.'
Thank you
A Healthy State ?
Geopolitical threats to safety and health
Professor John Middleton
Honorary Professor of Public Health, Wolverhampton University UK,
Immediate Past President, Association Schools of Public Health in the European Region
Vice President, Global Network for Academic Public Health
A Healthy State ?
Geopolitical threats to safety and health
Thank you also to May Van Schalkwyck, Sebastian Levesque,
Maria Brake, and Martin Mckee
What is ASPHER ?
The Association of Schools of Public Health in the European Region (ASPHER)
is the key independent European organisation dedicated to strengthening the
role of public health by improving education and training of public health
professionals for both practice and research.
We have 130 member schools of public health in Europe and associates
We are developing our partnerships with sister public health organisations in
America, Africa, Asia, Australasia and the Arab world in the newly
constituted, Global Network for Academic Public Health (GNAPH)

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A healthy state? Geopolitical threats to safety and health

  • 1. A Healthy State ? Geopolitical threats to safety and health Professor John Middleton Honorary Professor of Public Health, Wolverhampton University UK, Immediate Past President, Association Schools of Public Health in the European Region Vice President, Global Network for Academic Public Health
  • 2. Values? Political and societal constraints? Policing for public order and control? Policing for public protection, and community safety A Healthy State? John Middleton LEPH European Conference, Umea, Sweden, May 2023
  • 3. Political and societal constraints? National politics shape policing and public health Geopolitics affects all administrations, policing and public heath services A Healthy State? John Middleton LEPH European Conference, Umea, Sweden, May 2023
  • 4. Political and societal constraints? National politics shapes policing and public health: extremes of authoritarian or democratic ? A Healthy State? John Middleton LEPH European Conference, Umea, Sweden, May 2023
  • 5. A Healthy State? John Middleton LEPH European Conference, Umea, Sweden, May 2023 Political and societal constraints? National politics shapes policing and public health:
  • 6. A Healthy State? John Middleton LEPH European Conference, Umea, Sweden, May 2023 Political and societal constraints? National politics shapes policing and public health:
  • 7. A Healthy State? John Middleton LEPH European Conference, Umea, Sweden, May 2023 Political and societal constraints? National politics shapes policing and public health:
  • 8. A Healthy State? John Middleton LEPH European Conference, Umea, Sweden, May 2023 Political and societal constraints? National politics shapes policing and public health:
  • 9. A Healthy State? John Middleton LEPH European Conference, Umea, Sweden, May 2023 Political and societal constraints? National politics shapes policing and public health:
  • 10. Political and societal constraints? Geopolitics affects all administrations, policing and public heath services 4 main aspects to my presentation today: Neoliberalism: creating the drive for uncontrolled globalization/ colonialization of health damaging manufacturing and services by multinational companies set against a drive for low tax/ small state policies The Sovereign individuals, the rise of the super-rich, oligarchy, increasing inequality through the offshoring of wealth. And the rise of populism, accelerating political corruption and distrust of governments, creating culture wars; leading to politic instability across the globe, creating conditions of fear, distrust and opportunities for conflict. The information revolution has influenced all of these: the explosion of social media, and industrial disinformation undermining individual thinking and undermining democratic processes A Healthy State? John Middleton LEPH European Conference, Umea, Sweden, May 2023
  • 11. Neoliberalism A Healthy State? John Middleton LEPH European Conference, Umea, Sweden, May 2023 The rule of the market Cutting public expenditure for social services Deregulation Privatisation Eliminating the concept of the public good Government represents bureaucratic bloat and political imposition. Markets embody human freedom. And with markets, people get what they deserve; to alter the market is to spoil the poor and punish the productive Friedrich Hayek, Ludvig von Mises 1938, published 1944-45
  • 12. A Healthy State? John Middleton LEPH European Conference, Umea, Sweden, May 2023 Neoliberalism
  • 13. Neoliberalism A Healthy State? John Middleton LEPH European Conference, Umea, Sweden, May 2023 Friedrich Hayek, Ludvig von Mises 1938, published 1944-45
  • 14. A Healthy State? John Middleton LEPH European Conference, Umea, Sweden, May 2023 http://www.bmj.com/content/358/bmj.j4443?sso=
  • 15. https://tobaccotactics.org/article/illicit-tobacco-trade/ A Healthy State? John Middleton LEPH European Conference, Umea, Sweden, May 2023 https://www.theguardian.com/uk/2000/jan/31/duncancampbell
  • 16. A Healthy State? John Middleton LEPH European Conference, Umea, Sweden, May 2023 https://www.emerald.com/insight/content/doi/10.1108/13685201111098879/full/pdf?title=the-dark- triad-organized-crime-terror-and-fraud
  • 17. A Healthy State? John Middleton LEPH European Conference, Umea, Sweden, May 2023 These 10 Corporations Control Almost Everything We Eat
  • 18. A Healthy State? John Middleton LEPH European Conference, Umea, Sweden, May 2023
  • 19. A Healthy State? John Middleton LEPH European Conference, Umea, Sweden, May 2023
  • 20. Political and societal constraints? Geopolitics affects all administrations, policing and public heath services A Healthy State? John Middleton LEPH European Conference, Umea, Sweden, May 2023 The Sovereign individuals: the rise of the super rich, oligarchy, increasing inequality through the offshoring of wealth. The Sovereign Individual explores the social and financial consequences of this revolutionary change [the information revolution] Our desire is to help you take advantage of the opportunities of the new age and to avoid being destroyed by its impact.
  • 21. Political and societal constraints? Geopolitics affects all administrations, policing and public heath services A Healthy State? John Middleton LEPH European Conference, Umea, Sweden, May 2023 The Sovereign individuals: The Sovereign Individuals who will gain most from this liberation are the brightest, most brightest, most successful and ambitious among us, those who can educate and motivate and motivate themselves . Genius will be unleashed, freed from both the oppression of oppression of government. Persons of even quite modest means will soar as the gravitational pull of politics on the global politics on the global economy weakens. Unprecedented financial independence will be a independence will be a reachable goal in your lifetime or that of your children. The left-behinds realise they have been taken for a ride and their communities and way of life are under threat. A time of great danger and great reward.
  • 22. Political and societal constraints? Geopolitics affects all administrations, policing and public heath services A Healthy State? John Middleton LEPH European Conference, Umea, Sweden, May 2023 The Sovereign individuals: The good news is that politicians will no more be able to dominate, suppress and regulate the greater part of commerce in this new realm Governments will have to treat people like customers, and less in a way that organised criminals treat the victims of a shakedown racket First in scores, then in hundreds, and ultimately in the millions, individuals will escape the shackles of politics. Latter-day barbarians like the Russian mafia, other ethnic criminal gangs, drug lords, and renegade covert agencies will be laws unto themselves.
  • 23. A Healthy State? John Middleton LEPH European Conference, Umea, Sweden, May 2023 The richest billionaires could give $139,300,000,000 away and still be as rich as they were in 2020. These billionaires could end global hunger for about $300 billion. A fraction of their overall wealth. Calls for wealth taxes Build back Fairer?
  • 24. John Middleton Global threats to health, Wroclaw, December 1st 2022
  • 25. A Healthy State? John Middleton LEPH European Conference, Umea, Sweden, May 2023
  • 26. A Healthy State? John Middleton LEPH European Conference, Umea, Sweden, May 2023
  • 27. The rise of Populism A Healthy State? John Middleton LEPH European Conference, Umea, Sweden, May 2023
  • 30. A Healthy State? John Middleton LEPH European Conference, Umea, Sweden, May 2023 This is not about persuasion: This is about disorientation. "Darkness is good: Dick Cheney. Darth Vader. Satan. That's power. "Let them call you racist, let them call you xenophobes, let them call you nativists. Wear it like a badge of honor. Because every day, we get stronger and they get weaker...History is on our side and will bring us victory. a worldview popular in far-right and alternative religious circles that believes progress and equality are poisonous illusions. The rise of Populism
  • 31. A Healthy State? John Middleton LEPH European Conference, Umea, Sweden, May 2023 Bannon and Trump: People in social media world live in bubbles or tribes Easy to connect with like minded- marginal beliefs Uncritical unchallenged Short attention spans
  • 32. The age of social media, misinformation and disinformation A Healthy State? John Middleton LEPH European Conference, Umea, Sweden, May 2023 Discrimination; Breaches of privacy; Iatrogenesis (in medical informatics); Misinformation, Disinformation or fake news; And cyber-attacks [uses and abuses of AI]
  • 33. The age of social media, misinformation and disinformation A Healthy State? John Middleton LEPH European Conference, Umea, Sweden, May 2023 Misinformation: false information that is spread, regardless of intent to mislead. Disinformation: false information that is intentionally designed to mislead.
  • 34. The age of social media, misinformation and disinformation A Healthy State? John Middleton LEPH European Conference, Umea, Sweden, May 2023 Social media environment of major incidents: Bystanders inform or misinform
  • 35. The age of social media, misinformation and disinformation A Healthy State? John Middleton LEPH European Conference, Umea, Sweden, May 2023 Social media environment of major incidents: Trolls in troll farms disinform
  • 36. A Healthy State? John Middleton LEPH European Conference, Umea, Sweden, May 2023 https://theconversation.com/ uk/topics/russian-trolls-58864
  • 37. The age of social media, misinformation and disinformation A Healthy State? John Middleton LEPH European Conference, Umea, Sweden, May 2023 Infodemics: misappropriating social media - to sway opinion and behaviour in this example in vaccine hesitancy
  • 38. The age of social media, misinformation and disinformation A Healthy State? John Middleton LEPH European Conference, Umea, Sweden, May 2023 Infodemics: misappropriating personal information to sway opinion and behaviour in this example in elections
  • 39. Political and societal constraints? Geopolitics affects all administrations, policing and public heath services The 4 main aspects come together in the Post February 2022 geopolitical world Neoliberalism The Sovereign Individuals The rise of populism The information A Healthy State? John Middleton LEPH European Conference, Umea, Sweden, May 2023
  • 40. A Healthy State? John Middleton LEPH European Conference, Umea, Sweden, May 2023 The oligarchy: the sovereign individuals
  • 41. A Healthy State? John Middleton LEPH European Conference, Umea, Sweden, May 2023 The oligarchs and political influence
  • 42. A Healthy State? John Middleton LEPH European Conference, Umea, Sweden, May 2023 Conservative friends of Russia: a party courting Russian money
  • 43. A Healthy State? John Middleton LEPH European Conference, Umea, Sweden, May 2023 Conservative friends of Russia: a party still courting Russian money post February 2022
  • 44. A Healthy State? John Middleton LEPH European Conference, Umea, Sweden, May 2023
  • 45. A Healthy State? John Middleton LEPH European Conference, Umea, Sweden, May 2023 War in Ukraine Global impacts - food and fuel shortage, Inflation Refugees Impact on old military strategy Cold war hardware obsolete Impact on new military strategy- hand held weapons, cyber warfare and drones Highlighting global political corruption
  • 46. Geopolitical health: The epidemiology of corruption? privacy? transparency? state of democracy? Organised crime? Trade? The prevention of bad behaviour in politics: the prevention of dictatorship'
  • 47. William Beveridge designed a welfare state for the UK in the deepest point of the Second World War. We should regard want, idleness , ignorance, squalor and disease as enemies of us all. That is the meaning of a social conscience; that we refuse to make our separate peace with evil.
  • 48. Build back ? To what austerity, poverty, insecurity and unfairness? Environmental squalor and health and wealth for some? Plan for an outbreak of health.'
  • 49. Thank you A Healthy State ? Geopolitical threats to safety and health Professor John Middleton Honorary Professor of Public Health, Wolverhampton University UK, Immediate Past President, Association Schools of Public Health in the European Region Vice President, Global Network for Academic Public Health johnmiddleton@phonecoop.coop
  • 50. A Healthy State ? Geopolitical threats to safety and health Thank you also to May Van Schalkwyck, Sebastian Levesque, Maria Brake, and Martin Mckee
  • 51. What is ASPHER ? The Association of Schools of Public Health in the European Region (ASPHER) is the key independent European organisation dedicated to strengthening the role of public health by improving education and training of public health professionals for both practice and research. We have 130 member schools of public health in Europe and associates globally. We are developing our partnerships with sister public health organisations in America, Africa, Asia, Australasia and the Arab world in the newly constituted, Global Network for Academic Public Health (GNAPH)

Editor's Notes

  • #19: Multinational companies reproduce the individualistic narrative and current economic and social models that leave so many behind and fuel violence and despair.油 The police and the public bear the brunt. Key examples are the alcohol and fossil fuel industries.油 油 These industries fuel so much inequity, ill-health and violence yet they present themselves are part of the solution, often funding CSR programmes ostensibly designed to meet the needs of people, while acting to prevent policies we know are needed to address the harms caused by their products and distort evidence and understanding.
  • #20: Multinational companies reproduce the individualistic narrative and current economic and social models that leave so many behind and fuel violence and despair.油 The police and the public bear the brunt. Key examples are the alcohol and fossil fuel industries.油 油 These industries fuel so much inequity, ill-health and violence yet they present themselves are part of the solution, often funding CSR programmes ostensibly designed to meet the needs of people, while acting to prevent policies we know are needed to address the harms caused by their products and distort evidence and understanding.