A presentation to the first European conference of Law Enforcement and Public Health, Umea Sweden, May 22nd-24th 2023; on geopolitical trends and concerns for policing and public health improvement
20230625 middletonj LEPH UMEA healthy State delivered presentation.pptx
The best job in the world: practicing public health, past present and futureJohn Middleton
Practicing public health, past present and future. annual lecture to the Maastricht Global Public Health Leadership students course. with an extended additional section on the year 2020 in pandemic and lessons 201211 middletonj maaastricht
Lecture given on September 20, 2010 in Bratislava within Conservative Economic Quarterly Lecture Series /CEQLS/ by
Tim Evans, Chief Executive of the Cobden Centre,
Chairman of the Economic Policy Centre,
a Consultant Director with the Adam Smith Institute and
President of the Libertarian Alliance
A presentation for the ASPHER and University of Bielefeld in the series, 'Public Health in the Times of War '
20221125-4.5 final delivered militarism and health.pptx
20221125-4.5 final delivered militarism and health.pptx
Corruption is described as the "AIDS of civilization" that can only be eliminated through global cooperation against powerful corrupt individuals and organizations. The document provides examples of corruption in various countries involving politicians and business leaders embezzling large sums of money. It also notes that the vast majority of US federal subsidies go to large corporations and banks, with the top 18 recipients receiving over $54 billion, showing how private interests can influence government activities and regulations.
This document discusses the development of social policies and human rights in Europe. It traces the evolution from a time of great inequality between the rich and poor to the establishment of the European social model. This model aims to promote social solidarity through universal healthcare, income transfers from wealthy to poor citizens, and other welfare policies. However, support for such social policies varies between Europe and the United States. The document examines factors like race, geography, and crisis events that have been used to both promote and undermine social solidarity within societies. It argues that inclusive social policies and speaking out against exclusion are important for upholding human rights and democratic values.
Key learnings from the 61st global summit of the consumer goods forumOyinlola Seun-Obayomi
Wolfgang Sch辰uble, German Federal Minister of Finance, spoke at the summit on the future of Europe. He emphasized that the EU needs to be strengthened and become more efficient while also taking on more responsibility. However, the question remains as to how to do this while respecting subsidiarity. Sch辰uble argued the EU should focus on migration policy, security and foreign policy, and economic and monetary policy. Europe needs to control its borders through common asylum standards and fair refugee distribution. Member states also need increased cooperation on counterterrorism and defense. Staying competitive requires cooperation on agreed economic and monetary rules while also improving workforce mobility.
The document discusses the resurgence of socialism and political realignment in Europe and America. In Europe, center-right and centrist parties lost support while socialists, greens, and nationalists/populists gained. Similarly in America, both political parties have adopted more collectivist economic policies through factions appealing to nationalists, unions, globalist technocrats, and greens. This has weakened the case for free markets and increased support for greater government intervention. The document calls for free market advocates to develop alliances between thinkers and business people to better communicate the benefits of capitalism and risks of socialism.
Karen Kasold: Media Globalization And Inequalitymerlyna
The document discusses several topics related to media globalization and inequality, including how mass media can damage public discourse, the rise of perception management techniques, debates around new international information orders, threats to a global public sphere, and issues of market-driven media and ensuring access to communication for all. It examines the power of elites over media institutions and outlines principles in the People's Communication Charter to transform global communications and protect rights.
1. Media refers to various channels of communication like television, radio, newspapers, and the internet. It performs important functions in society such as providing information, education, entertainment, and connecting different parts of society.
2. During the 20th century, new media channels like radio and television were developed and became mass media capable of reaching millions of people. More recently, the internet was developed in the 1950s and is now accessible to about half the world's population.
3. The key functions of media include providing information, education, entertainment, highlighting important issues, promoting accountability and good governance, and enabling advertisement. Media plays an important role in society.
Intensifying Complexities in the Global Context, People's reporter Vol. 32 no...VIBHUTI PATEL
Market fundamentalism of
neo-liberal economic
globalisation, religious
chauvinism and cultural
nationalism, financialisation of
the world economy, right wing
sectarian political leadership
both locally and globally,
valorisation of toxic patriarchy
and hyper masculinity with
hyper nationalism and jingoism
by globally controlled media
barons have intensified
complexities in governance,
polity, livelihood and survival
struggles in the midst of
climate change, for the mass of
rural and urban workers,
peasants, forest dwellers/
tribals, fisher folks, petty
traders, small scale
industrialists, sexual minorities
and women.
Media oligarchs from various countries are expanding their control over news media. In countries like Turkey, Russia, India, and China, billionaire businessmen have acquired large media empires with the tacit support of governments. These oligarchs exercise strict control over coverage and replace journalism with entertainment or propaganda that supports their business and political interests. While new media was thought to circumvent such censorship, internet giants in China are also controlled by oligarchs allied with the Communist party. The document discusses how media consolidation harms press freedom worldwide.
The document summarizes the work of the Media Diversity Institute, which works to promote diversity and inclusion through responsible journalism. It discusses how media can both challenge prejudices and divide communities. It notes issues with the coverage of immigrants, Roma people, asylum seekers, and Muslims in some UK media outlets. The Media Diversity Institute aims to mobilize media to deepen understanding of diversity and promote the highest standards of professional journalism around issues of diversity.
Media plays an important role in modern democracy by allowing free expression and an informed public. Under the First Amendment, citizens have freedom of speech and press across printed and digital media. The media helps form public opinions by providing information on current events and issues from diverse sources. However, media bias can also distort information and influence views through selective reporting or speculative coverage driven by commercial interests rather than accuracy.
This document outlines several projects related to developing intelligent communities and territories in Europe from 2013-2020. It discusses creating an "i-Europe" platform that would virtually connect states, regions, cities and communities through smart cloud technology. Three scenarios for Europe's future are presented: a "lost decade", sluggish recovery, or sustainable recovery through implementing intelligent strategies. Specific intelligent nation projects underway in Singapore, Malta, Taiwan and others are briefly described. The document promotes developing smart, sustainable communities and territories through projects like "Smart EcoCity" and an "Intelligent EcoIsland" in Cyprus.
The world Media is a plural Latin noun; the singular form is medium. So it is correct to call television a medium and to refer to multiple types of communication as Media.
Presentation for the Grand European Symposium:油Training, Research and Innovation in the Europe of Health, on September 30th 2021, The Sorbonne Grand Amphitheater 油
210923 middletonj sorbonne vr2
The document discusses trends and scenarios related to the future global economic and social environment. It describes shifting cultural values toward post-materialism and trends in demographics, infrastructure, communications, and consumption patterns that are structural changes not easily stopped. While some areas of the world face social instability, advances in technology, education and management could help address challenges and make the world work better for more people if resources were used more efficiently.
The document discusses several ways in which mass media may fail to fulfill ideal functions in a democracy. It describes how people experience social and political reality increasingly through mediated sources like TV rather than direct experiences. TV is cited as the primary source of political information for most Americans, though news presented is often superficial with an emphasis on spectacle over substance. The business interests of media owners shape content to maximize profits over public interests. This can lead to homogenized, sensationalized news with limited perspectives.
The document discusses globalization and its impact on healthcare in Malaysia. It describes how globalization has led to increased privatization and deregulation of healthcare systems according to free market ideology. However, this approach has also been criticized for worsening inequality and limiting access to healthcare. The roles of international organizations like the IMF and World Bank in promoting this structural adjustment are also examined.
20240412 middletonj ASPHER war curriculum.pptxJohn Middleton
A short presentation for the ASPHER webinar, for Global Public Health Week 73. ASPHERs Core Curriculum Programme (CCP):油what are the needs for teaching the role of public health in preventing and responding to armed conflict?
Prevention, Recovery, Rehabilitation
A life in public health, influences and chunesJohn Middleton
A presentation for the Associaiton of Schools of public Health in the European Region, ASSETS summer school, Brussels, July 3-6th 2023. covering a career in public health, major influences on my practice, and musical references to public health 20230711 middletonj assets very final.pptx
The油 perspective on Public Health Curricula油Accreditationand international r...John Middleton
A presentation on the work of ASPHER the Association of Schools of public Health in the European Region, and APHEA, the Agency for Public Health Education Accreditation, for the congress National Des Medicine Saude Public (Portugal, November 3rd 2022)
ASPHER's ambition in climate change and health educationJohn Middleton
A presentation for the launch of the ASPHER Climate change and health education EU Health Policy Platform network 202207 ASPHER middletonj climate change and health long version.pptx
Climate change as a high risk factor for health John Middleton
Presentation for the World Committee for lifelong learning (CMA) 4th conference debate at the Cite Des Metiers, Paris, June 22nd 2022
20220622 CMA middletonj climate change and health long version.pptx
Presentation to the Norfolk Medical and Surgical Society, January 21st 2022 on the current state of the pandemic worldwide and in the UK and other global and planetary threats to health and how to 'plan for an outbreak of health'
20220125middleton medchi
Planning for an outbreak of health? Lessons from the COVID-19 pandemicJohn Middleton
Presentation for Jagellonian University Krakov, Poland, Institute of Public Health 30th anniversary celebration congress, October 708th 2021. 211007 middletonj krakow vr 2
1. Media refers to various channels of communication like television, radio, newspapers, and the internet. It performs important functions in society such as providing information, education, entertainment, and connecting different parts of society.
2. During the 20th century, new media channels like radio and television were developed and became mass media capable of reaching millions of people. More recently, the internet was developed in the 1950s and is now accessible to about half the world's population.
3. The key functions of media include providing information, education, entertainment, highlighting important issues, promoting accountability and good governance, and enabling advertisement. Media plays an important role in society.
Intensifying Complexities in the Global Context, People's reporter Vol. 32 no...VIBHUTI PATEL
Market fundamentalism of
neo-liberal economic
globalisation, religious
chauvinism and cultural
nationalism, financialisation of
the world economy, right wing
sectarian political leadership
both locally and globally,
valorisation of toxic patriarchy
and hyper masculinity with
hyper nationalism and jingoism
by globally controlled media
barons have intensified
complexities in governance,
polity, livelihood and survival
struggles in the midst of
climate change, for the mass of
rural and urban workers,
peasants, forest dwellers/
tribals, fisher folks, petty
traders, small scale
industrialists, sexual minorities
and women.
Media oligarchs from various countries are expanding their control over news media. In countries like Turkey, Russia, India, and China, billionaire businessmen have acquired large media empires with the tacit support of governments. These oligarchs exercise strict control over coverage and replace journalism with entertainment or propaganda that supports their business and political interests. While new media was thought to circumvent such censorship, internet giants in China are also controlled by oligarchs allied with the Communist party. The document discusses how media consolidation harms press freedom worldwide.
The document summarizes the work of the Media Diversity Institute, which works to promote diversity and inclusion through responsible journalism. It discusses how media can both challenge prejudices and divide communities. It notes issues with the coverage of immigrants, Roma people, asylum seekers, and Muslims in some UK media outlets. The Media Diversity Institute aims to mobilize media to deepen understanding of diversity and promote the highest standards of professional journalism around issues of diversity.
Media plays an important role in modern democracy by allowing free expression and an informed public. Under the First Amendment, citizens have freedom of speech and press across printed and digital media. The media helps form public opinions by providing information on current events and issues from diverse sources. However, media bias can also distort information and influence views through selective reporting or speculative coverage driven by commercial interests rather than accuracy.
This document outlines several projects related to developing intelligent communities and territories in Europe from 2013-2020. It discusses creating an "i-Europe" platform that would virtually connect states, regions, cities and communities through smart cloud technology. Three scenarios for Europe's future are presented: a "lost decade", sluggish recovery, or sustainable recovery through implementing intelligent strategies. Specific intelligent nation projects underway in Singapore, Malta, Taiwan and others are briefly described. The document promotes developing smart, sustainable communities and territories through projects like "Smart EcoCity" and an "Intelligent EcoIsland" in Cyprus.
The world Media is a plural Latin noun; the singular form is medium. So it is correct to call television a medium and to refer to multiple types of communication as Media.
Presentation for the Grand European Symposium:油Training, Research and Innovation in the Europe of Health, on September 30th 2021, The Sorbonne Grand Amphitheater 油
210923 middletonj sorbonne vr2
The document discusses trends and scenarios related to the future global economic and social environment. It describes shifting cultural values toward post-materialism and trends in demographics, infrastructure, communications, and consumption patterns that are structural changes not easily stopped. While some areas of the world face social instability, advances in technology, education and management could help address challenges and make the world work better for more people if resources were used more efficiently.
The document discusses several ways in which mass media may fail to fulfill ideal functions in a democracy. It describes how people experience social and political reality increasingly through mediated sources like TV rather than direct experiences. TV is cited as the primary source of political information for most Americans, though news presented is often superficial with an emphasis on spectacle over substance. The business interests of media owners shape content to maximize profits over public interests. This can lead to homogenized, sensationalized news with limited perspectives.
The document discusses globalization and its impact on healthcare in Malaysia. It describes how globalization has led to increased privatization and deregulation of healthcare systems according to free market ideology. However, this approach has also been criticized for worsening inequality and limiting access to healthcare. The roles of international organizations like the IMF and World Bank in promoting this structural adjustment are also examined.
20240412 middletonj ASPHER war curriculum.pptxJohn Middleton
A short presentation for the ASPHER webinar, for Global Public Health Week 73. ASPHERs Core Curriculum Programme (CCP):油what are the needs for teaching the role of public health in preventing and responding to armed conflict?
Prevention, Recovery, Rehabilitation
A life in public health, influences and chunesJohn Middleton
A presentation for the Associaiton of Schools of public Health in the European Region, ASSETS summer school, Brussels, July 3-6th 2023. covering a career in public health, major influences on my practice, and musical references to public health 20230711 middletonj assets very final.pptx
The油 perspective on Public Health Curricula油Accreditationand international r...John Middleton
A presentation on the work of ASPHER the Association of Schools of public Health in the European Region, and APHEA, the Agency for Public Health Education Accreditation, for the congress National Des Medicine Saude Public (Portugal, November 3rd 2022)
ASPHER's ambition in climate change and health educationJohn Middleton
A presentation for the launch of the ASPHER Climate change and health education EU Health Policy Platform network 202207 ASPHER middletonj climate change and health long version.pptx
Climate change as a high risk factor for health John Middleton
Presentation for the World Committee for lifelong learning (CMA) 4th conference debate at the Cite Des Metiers, Paris, June 22nd 2022
20220622 CMA middletonj climate change and health long version.pptx
Presentation to the Norfolk Medical and Surgical Society, January 21st 2022 on the current state of the pandemic worldwide and in the UK and other global and planetary threats to health and how to 'plan for an outbreak of health'
20220125middleton medchi
Planning for an outbreak of health? Lessons from the COVID-19 pandemicJohn Middleton
Presentation for Jagellonian University Krakov, Poland, Institute of Public Health 30th anniversary celebration congress, October 708th 2021. 211007 middletonj krakow vr 2
Die Zukunft ist rosig, die Zukunft ist die 旦ffentliche GesundheitJohn Middleton
The future's bright, the future is public health. Presentation to the MPH students introductory course Bielefeld University School of public Health, October 11th 2021. 211011 2 middleton j bielefeld main
The best job in the world: A past, and a future in public health John Middleton
A description of my career in public health today including lessons from local, national and international public health and the current COVID-19 pandemic. Presentation for the Coventry University BSc in public health employability course, October 25th 2021.
211025 middleton coventry final
COVID-19: What went right, what went wrong and how do we learn from this? John Middleton
Look at UK English and European experience during the COVID-19 pandemic. Successes and failures. Presentation for a meeting of the Centre for Health and Development (CHAD) University of Staffordshire. Centre via recorded lecture, Thursday, 28 October 2021 12:00 211027 4 definitive middleton chad conference final
Video presentation also to be available online
A presentation on my life in public health and vaccinations- from measles in the West Midlands of England, 1983-2014 to COVID-19 in Europe, 2020-now, implications for the public health community and vaccines manufactures including the vaccine TRIPS waiver. Presentation to a Spanish public health and vaccines forum, October 18th 2021 211018 middleton spanish vaccines and industry presentation 1 version recorded
Planning for an outbreak of health? Lessons from the COVID-19 pandemicJohn Middleton
Planning for an outbreak of health? Lessons from the COVID-19 pandemic Presentation to a meeting of the Alliance International Science Organisations,Univversity fo Belgrade and Chinese Academy of Sciences, online, September 23rd 2021
210923 middletonj anso conference beograd
The urgent need to train students to be global advocates and activists : plan...John Middleton
Presentation for the Escuela de Salud P炭blica de M辿xico (ESPM), part of the Instituto Nacional de Salud P炭blica (INSP). 100 year celebration, April 22nd 2021. INSP210422 middletonj insp vr3
A review of global health issues, highlighted by the COVID-19 pandemic and suggestions for improvement of health in a post pandemic world. Presentation for the Mongolian National University of Medicine School of public Health, April 16th 2021
210415 long version middleton j mongolia ph conference
Presentation for the Associa巽達o de Estudantes da Escola Nacional de Sa炭de P炭blica da Universidade NOVA de Lisboa (AEENSP_NOVA) April 20th 2021 210420 long version middleton j aeensp
Co-Chairs and Presenters, Gerald Appel, MD, and Dana V. Rizk, MD, discuss kidney disease in this CME activity titled Advancements in IgA Nephropathy: Discovering the Potential of Complement Pathway Therapies. For the full presentation, downloadable Practice Aids, and complete CME information, and to apply for credit, please visit us at https://bit.ly/48UHvVM. CME credit will be available until February 25, 2026.
The shoulder complex acts as in coordinated fashion to provide the smoothest and greatest range of motion possible of the upper limb.
Combined motion of GH and ST joint of shoulder complex helps in:
Distribution of motion between other two joints.
Maintenance of glenoid fossa in optimal position.
Maintenance of good length tension
Although some amount of glenohumeral motion may occur while the other shoulder articulations remain stabilized, movement of the humerus more commonly involves some movement at all three shoulder joints.
Explore the impact of thyroid disorders in pregnancy, including causes, risks, diagnosis, and management strategies to ensure maternal and fetal health.
At Macafem, we provide 100% natural support for women navigating menopause. For over 20 years, we've helped women manage symptoms, and in 2024, we're proud to share their heartfelt experiences.
1. Explain the physiological control of glomerular filtration and renal blood flow
2. Describe the humoral and autoregulatory feedback mechanisms that mediate the autoregulation of renal plasma flow and glomerular filtration rate
FAO's Support Rabies Control in Bali_Jul22.pptxWahid Husein
What is FAO doing to support rabies control programmes in Bali, Indonesia, using One Health approach with mass dog vaccination and integrated bite case management as main strategies
This presentation provides a detailed exploration of the morphological and microscopic features of pneumonia, covering its histopathology, classification, and clinical significance. Designed for medical students, pathologists, and healthcare professionals, this lecture differentiates bacterial vs. viral pneumonia, explains lobar, bronchopneumonia, and interstitial pneumonia, and discusses diagnostic imaging patterns.
Key Topics Covered:
Normal lung histology vs. pneumonia-affected lung
Morphological changes in lobar, bronchopneumonia, and interstitial pneumonia
Microscopic features: Fibroblastic plugs, alveolar septal thickening, inflammatory cell infiltration
Stages of lobar pneumonia: Congestion, Red hepatization, Gray hepatization, Resolution
Common causative pathogens (Streptococcus pneumoniae, Klebsiella pneumoniae, Mycoplasma, etc.)
Clinical case study with diagnostic approach and differentials
Who Should Watch?
This is an essential resource for medical students, pathology trainees, and respiratory health professionals looking to enhance their understanding of pneumonias morphological aspects.
Dr. Jaymee Shells Perspective on COVID-19Jaymee Shell
Dr. Jaymee Shell views the COVID-19 pandemic as both a crisis that exposed weaknesses and an opportunity to build stronger systems. She emphasizes that the pandemic revealed critical healthcare inequities while demonstrating the power of collaboration and adaptability.
Shell highlights that organizations with gender-diverse executive teams are 25% more likely to experience above-average profitability, positioning diversity as a business necessity rather than just a moral imperative. She notes that the pandemic disproportionately affected women of color, with one in three women considering leaving or downshifting their careers.
To combat inequality, Shell recommends implementing flexible work policies, establishing clear metrics for diversity in leadership, creating structured virtual collaboration spaces, and developing comprehensive wellness programs. For healthcare providers specifically, she advocates for multilingual communication systems, mobile health units, telehealth services with alternatives for those lacking internet access, and cultural competency training.
Shell emphasizes the importance of mental health support through culturally appropriate resources, employee assistance programs, and regular check-ins. She calls for diverse leadership teams that reflect the communities they serve and community-centered care models that address social determinants of health.
In her words: "The COVID-19 pandemic didn't create healthcare inequalities it illuminated them." She urges building systems that reach every community and provide dignified care to all.
Rabies Bali 2008-2020_WRD Webinar_WSAVA 2020_Final.pptxWahid Husein
A decade of rabies control programmes in Bali with support from FAO ECTAD Indonesia with Mass Dog Vaccination, Integrated Bite Case Management, Dog Population Management, and Risk Communication as the backbone of the programmes
TunesKit Spotify Converter Crack With Registration Code 2025 Freedfsdsfs386
TunesKit Spotify Converter is a software tool that allows users to convert and download Spotify music to various formats, such as MP3, AAC, FLAC, or WAV. It is particularly useful for Spotify users who want to keep their favorite tracks offline and have them in a more accessible format, especially if they wish to listen to them on devices that do not support the Spotify app.
Copy Above link & paste in New Tab
Creatines Untold Story and How 30-Year-Old Lessons Can Shape the FutureSteve Jennings
Creatine burst into the public consciousness in 1992 when an investigative reporter inside the Olympic Village in Barcelona caught wind of British athletes using a product called Ergomax C150. This led to an explosion of interest in and questions about the ingredient after high-profile British athletes won multiple gold medals.
I developed Ergomax C150, working closely with the late and great Dr. Roger Harris (1944 2024), and Prof. Erik Hultman (1925 2011), the pioneering scientists behind the landmark studies of creatine and athletic performance in the early 1990s.
Thirty years on, these are the slides I used at the Sports & Active Nutrition Summit 2025 to share the story, the lessons from that time, and how and why creatine will play a pivotal role in tomorrows high-growth active nutrition and healthspan categories.
A healthy state? Geopolitical threats to safety and health
1. A Healthy State ?
Geopolitical threats to safety and health
Professor John Middleton
Honorary Professor of Public Health, Wolverhampton University UK,
Immediate Past President, Association Schools of Public Health in the European Region
Vice President, Global Network for Academic Public Health
2. Values?
Political and societal constraints?
Policing for public order and control?
Policing for public protection, and
community safety
A Healthy State? John Middleton LEPH European Conference, Umea, Sweden, May 2023
3. Political and societal constraints?
National politics shape policing and public health
Geopolitics affects all administrations, policing and
public heath services
A Healthy State? John Middleton LEPH European Conference, Umea, Sweden, May 2023
4. Political and societal constraints?
National politics shapes policing and public health: extremes of
authoritarian or democratic ?
A Healthy State? John Middleton LEPH European Conference, Umea, Sweden, May 2023
5. A Healthy State? John Middleton LEPH European Conference, Umea, Sweden, May 2023
Political and societal constraints?
National politics shapes policing and public health:
6. A Healthy State? John Middleton LEPH European Conference, Umea, Sweden, May 2023
Political and societal constraints?
National politics shapes policing and public health:
7. A Healthy State? John Middleton LEPH European Conference, Umea, Sweden, May 2023
Political and societal constraints?
National politics shapes policing and public health:
8. A Healthy State? John Middleton LEPH European Conference, Umea, Sweden, May 2023
Political and societal constraints?
National politics shapes policing and public health:
9. A Healthy State? John Middleton LEPH European Conference, Umea, Sweden, May 2023
Political and societal constraints?
National politics shapes policing and public health:
10. Political and societal constraints?
Geopolitics affects all administrations, policing and public heath services
4 main aspects to my presentation today:
Neoliberalism: creating the drive for uncontrolled globalization/ colonialization of health damaging
manufacturing and services by multinational companies set against a drive for low tax/ small state policies
The Sovereign individuals, the rise of the super-rich, oligarchy, increasing inequality through the offshoring
of wealth.
And the rise of populism, accelerating political corruption and distrust of governments, creating culture
wars; leading to politic instability across the globe, creating conditions of fear, distrust and opportunities
for conflict.
The information revolution has influenced all of these: the explosion of social media, and industrial
disinformation undermining individual thinking and undermining democratic processes
A Healthy State? John Middleton LEPH European Conference, Umea, Sweden, May 2023
11. Neoliberalism
A Healthy State? John Middleton LEPH European Conference, Umea, Sweden, May 2023
The rule of the market
Cutting public expenditure for social services
Eliminating the concept of the public good
Government represents bureaucratic bloat and political imposition.
Markets embody human freedom. And with markets, people get what they
deserve; to alter the market is to spoil the poor and punish the productive
Friedrich Hayek, Ludvig
von Mises 1938,
published 1944-45
12. A Healthy State? John Middleton LEPH European Conference, Umea, Sweden, May 2023
13. Neoliberalism
A Healthy State? John Middleton LEPH European Conference, Umea, Sweden, May 2023
Friedrich Hayek, Ludvig
von Mises 1938,
published 1944-45
14. A Healthy State? John Middleton LEPH European Conference, Umea, Sweden, May 2023
16. A Healthy State? John Middleton LEPH European Conference, Umea, Sweden, May 2023
17. A Healthy State? John Middleton LEPH European Conference, Umea, Sweden, May 2023
These 10 Corporations Control Almost Everything We Eat
18. A Healthy State? John Middleton LEPH European Conference, Umea, Sweden, May 2023
19. A Healthy State? John Middleton LEPH European Conference, Umea, Sweden, May 2023
20. Political and societal constraints?
Geopolitics affects all administrations, policing and public heath services
A Healthy State? John Middleton LEPH European Conference, Umea, Sweden, May 2023
The Sovereign individuals:
the rise of the super rich,
increasing inequality
through the offshoring of wealth.
The Sovereign Individual explores the
social and financial consequences of this
revolutionary change [the information
revolution] Our desire is to help you take
advantage of the opportunities of the new
age and to avoid being destroyed by its
21. Political and societal constraints?
Geopolitics affects all administrations, policing and public heath services
A Healthy State? John Middleton LEPH European Conference, Umea, Sweden, May 2023
The Sovereign individuals:
The Sovereign Individuals who will gain most from this liberation are the brightest, most
brightest, most successful and ambitious among us, those who can educate and motivate
and motivate themselves . Genius will be unleashed, freed from both the oppression of
oppression of government.
Persons of even quite modest means will soar as the gravitational pull of politics on the global
politics on the global economy weakens. Unprecedented financial independence will be a
independence will be a reachable goal in your lifetime or that of your children.
The left-behinds realise they have been taken for a ride and their communities
and way of life are under threat. A time of great danger and great reward.
22. Political and societal constraints?
Geopolitics affects all administrations, policing and public heath services
A Healthy State? John Middleton LEPH European Conference, Umea, Sweden, May 2023
The Sovereign individuals:
The good news is that politicians will no more be able to dominate, suppress and regulate the
greater part of commerce in this new realm
Governments will have to treat people like customers, and less in a way that organised
criminals treat the victims of a shakedown racket First in scores, then in hundreds, and
ultimately in the millions, individuals will escape the shackles of politics.
Latter-day barbarians like the Russian mafia, other ethnic criminal gangs, drug lords, and
renegade covert agencies will be laws unto themselves.
23. A Healthy State? John Middleton LEPH European Conference, Umea, Sweden, May 2023
The richest billionaires could give
$139,300,000,000 away and still
be as rich as they were in 2020.
These billionaires could end
global hunger for about $300
billion. A fraction of their overall
Calls for wealth taxes
Build back
25. A Healthy State? John Middleton LEPH European Conference, Umea, Sweden, May 2023
26. A Healthy State? John Middleton LEPH European Conference, Umea, Sweden, May 2023
27. The rise of Populism
A Healthy State? John Middleton LEPH European Conference, Umea, Sweden, May 2023
30. A Healthy State? John Middleton LEPH European Conference, Umea, Sweden, May 2023
This is not about persuasion: This is about
"Darkness is good: Dick Cheney. Darth
Vader. Satan. That's power.
"Let them call you racist, let them call you
xenophobes, let them call you nativists. Wear it like
a badge of honor. Because every day, we get
stronger and they get weaker...History is on our
side and will bring us victory.
a worldview popular in far-right and alternative
religious circles that believes progress and equality
are poisonous illusions.
The rise of Populism
31. A Healthy State? John Middleton LEPH European Conference, Umea, Sweden, May 2023
Bannon and Trump:
People in social media world
live in bubbles or tribes
Easy to connect with like
minded- marginal beliefs
Uncritical unchallenged
Short attention spans
32. The age of social media, misinformation and disinformation
A Healthy State? John Middleton LEPH European Conference, Umea, Sweden, May 2023
Breaches of privacy;
Iatrogenesis (in
medical informatics);
Disinformation or
fake news;
And cyber-attacks
[uses and abuses of AI]
33. The age of social media, misinformation and disinformation
A Healthy State? John Middleton LEPH European Conference, Umea, Sweden, May 2023
Misinformation: false information that is spread,
regardless of intent to mislead.
Disinformation: false information that is
intentionally designed to mislead.
34. The age of social media, misinformation and disinformation
A Healthy State? John Middleton LEPH European Conference, Umea, Sweden, May 2023
Social media
of major
inform or
35. The age of social media, misinformation and disinformation
A Healthy State? John Middleton LEPH European Conference, Umea, Sweden, May 2023
Social media
environment of
major incidents:
Trolls in troll
farms disinform
36. A Healthy State? John Middleton LEPH European Conference, Umea, Sweden, May 2023
37. The age of social media, misinformation and disinformation
A Healthy State? John Middleton LEPH European Conference, Umea, Sweden, May 2023
Infodemics: misappropriating social media - to sway
opinion and behaviour in this example in vaccine
38. The age of social media, misinformation and disinformation
A Healthy State? John Middleton LEPH European Conference, Umea, Sweden, May 2023
personal information to
sway opinion and
behaviour in this
example in elections
39. Political and societal constraints?
Geopolitics affects all administrations, policing and public heath services
The 4 main aspects come together in the Post February 2022 geopolitical world
The Sovereign Individuals
The rise of populism
The information
A Healthy State? John Middleton LEPH European Conference, Umea, Sweden, May 2023
40. A Healthy State? John Middleton LEPH European Conference, Umea, Sweden, May 2023
The oligarchy: the
sovereign individuals
41. A Healthy State? John Middleton LEPH European Conference, Umea, Sweden, May 2023
The oligarchs and political influence
42. A Healthy State? John Middleton LEPH European Conference, Umea, Sweden, May 2023
Conservative friends of Russia: a party
courting Russian money
43. A Healthy State? John Middleton LEPH European Conference, Umea, Sweden, May 2023
friends of
Russia: a party
still courting
Russian money
post February
44. A Healthy State? John Middleton LEPH European Conference, Umea, Sweden, May 2023
45. A Healthy State? John Middleton LEPH European Conference, Umea, Sweden, May 2023
War in Ukraine
Global impacts - food and fuel shortage,
Impact on old military strategy Cold war hardware
Impact on new military strategy- hand held weapons,
cyber warfare and drones
Highlighting global political corruption
46. Geopolitical health:
The epidemiology of corruption? privacy?
transparency? state of democracy?
Organised crime? Trade?
The prevention of bad behaviour in politics:
the prevention of dictatorship'
47. William Beveridge designed a welfare state
for the UK in the deepest point of the
Second World War.
We should regard want,
idleness , ignorance, squalor
and disease as enemies of us
all. That is the meaning of a
social conscience; that we
refuse to make our separate
peace with evil.
48. Build back ?
To what austerity, poverty, insecurity
and unfairness? Environmental squalor
and health and wealth for some?
Plan for an outbreak of health.'
49. Thank you
A Healthy State ?
Geopolitical threats to safety and health
Professor John Middleton
Honorary Professor of Public Health, Wolverhampton University UK,
Immediate Past President, Association Schools of Public Health in the European Region
Vice President, Global Network for Academic Public Health
50. A Healthy State ?
Geopolitical threats to safety and health
Thank you also to May Van Schalkwyck, Sebastian Levesque,
Maria Brake, and Martin Mckee
51. What is ASPHER ?
The Association of Schools of Public Health in the European Region (ASPHER)
is the key independent European organisation dedicated to strengthening the
role of public health by improving education and training of public health
professionals for both practice and research.
We have 130 member schools of public health in Europe and associates
We are developing our partnerships with sister public health organisations in
America, Africa, Asia, Australasia and the Arab world in the newly
constituted, Global Network for Academic Public Health (GNAPH)
Editor's Notes
#19: Multinational companies reproduce the individualistic narrative and current economic and social models that leave so many behind and fuel violence and despair.油
The police and the public bear the brunt.
Key examples are the alcohol and fossil fuel industries.油
These industries fuel so much inequity, ill-health and violence yet they present themselves are part of the solution, often funding CSR programmes ostensibly designed to meet the needs of people, while acting to prevent policies we know are needed to address the harms caused by their products and distort evidence and understanding.
#20: Multinational companies reproduce the individualistic narrative and current economic and social models that leave so many behind and fuel violence and despair.油
The police and the public bear the brunt.
Key examples are the alcohol and fossil fuel industries.油
These industries fuel so much inequity, ill-health and violence yet they present themselves are part of the solution, often funding CSR programmes ostensibly designed to meet the needs of people, while acting to prevent policies we know are needed to address the harms caused by their products and distort evidence and understanding.