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′ 蟲
AI &
Deep Learning
Human & Social
NCLab 譯殊 郁規 覿
郁規 襦)
 瑚 豕豐 AI蠍磯 Mobile  (襦″磯 mobile-IoT , MobiSys 2008 豌 覦)
 豕豐 誤磯 覈磯 /豕豐 殊覈一 蟆/豕豐  覈覦 /焔焔
Life-immersive Socio-Physical Platform
Platforms & Services of
AI & Deep Learning
Human & Social
IoT/Mobile Systems
Real-world AI System
(PPAI: Pervasive Physical AI System)
 Real, physical world  讌 郁屋,
 Sensor襯 牛 physical world襦 覿 れ螳朱 一危 
 Actuator襯 牛 れ瑚 讌 螳
 AI 殊 蠏殊,  蠏殊
 一, 讌, れ螳
 Physical computing  覈覦-IoT ろ 譴 覿螳
 End-to-end 觜れ 蟯
 Real world immersion 企 企 譴 accuracy 覦 焔
 Seamless integration of physical world, AI logic, human interaction
Data-driven AI
 れ real world 讌 郁屋蠍一 覿
 蠍一讌 一危  
 DNN model building 譯
 覈 焔 譴
 螻襴讀 覦  譯
Earable Intelligence Platform
 Intelligence on the Ear
 Wearable AI 譴: AI 殊 蠏殊,  蠏殊
(Real world AI襯 伎 AI螳  螳蟾伎 伎 )
 Earable Devices
  覈語  谿 覦伎
 企┯讌 覈覦-IoT HW 
 Human understanding, Sociality, Mobility, Stability
 Can such a TINY device become a platform for AI?
 襷れ  HW, 覦壱磯Μ 
 れ AI 覈, , る (れ AI れ AI 覈語 る朱 伎 . )

Surround Sensing
(譯朱 覈襴, 蠍願 , )
Physiological Sensing
(ろ碁 覈磯, 殊 蟇願蟯襴, )
螻覦讌 螻糾 貉るる 螻糾讌 AI:
AI for Social Appropriateness
豺伎伎ろ 讌襴蟯
Sleep-in-peace Hair Dryer, Mindful Vacuum Cleaner, 
Could be a most complex & advanced AI system in the real world!
れ , 譬 螻糾, 覿 覿襴, 給 (襦襯 覈襴)  貉るる一 苦 讌
螻糾讌 AI
Elasticizer: Real World AI襯   AI 覈 炎鍵
 Real-world AI: 殊 蠏殊,  蠏殊
 れ 蠍郁鍵  蟆 : Mobile AI, Wearable AI, IoT AI 焔焔
  覦 螳 覦伎れ 襷 覈語 螳螳 螳覲朱  
  螳讌 覈語 れ  轟 覦  蟲  襷蟆 
朱 覲 ろ
Nokia eSense 伎企觚
誤朱一 螳 50ms 危
Google Pixel 4
誤朱一 螳 200ms 危
Galaxy Watch 4
誤朱一 螳 100ms 危
[Platform for Massive Mobile-IoT Social Computing]
IoT 蠍一, 覩殊殊殊 給:
讌 讌 覩殊殊殊 企伎  蟾?
Hivemind: Social Control-and-Use of IoT towards Democratization of Public Spaces (MobiSys 21)
蠎讌  襷
[Life-immersive Socio-physical Computing]
Wearable Computing, 螳 瑚 螳 朱 螻る
磯Μ 襷螳 殊伎!
Dyadic Mirror: Everyday Second-person Live-view for Empathetic Reflection upon Parent-child Interaction (IMWUT 20) 9
[Platform for Massive Mobile-IoT Social Computing]
覈覦 貉危, 蠏覈 蟲一  襷 蠏碁Μ!
Card-Stunt as a Service: Empowering a Massively Packed Crowd for Instant Collective Expressiveness
(MobiSys 17)
[Life-immersive Socio-physical Computing]
 貉危朱 も 螳 ロ:
螻 伎蟆  , 襯 襷れ伎  蟾?
蟲♀鴬谿 覓語
語 覓語
る誤 覓語
[Life-immersive Socio-physical Computing]
蟷   譯朱 襦覺 覦
HomeMeld: Co-present Robotic Avatar System for Illusion of Living Together
螻, 螻, 螻讌, 殊 讌, , 語 蟇願, ろ碁, 一語, 
襦 螳 殊 襭 覦 蟇願蟯襴 觜るゼ  
[蠏襯 譴朱  螳ロ 殊揃 蟇願蟯襴 ]
Earable 蠍磯 れ 
蠍磯覺: 覩語 覓危誤 覈磯 覦伎  蠍磯  蟇願糾 蟲
螻殊 觜
蟲 讌覈
 IoT/覈覦  覦  貉危 覿殊 蟲 覈
 Top conferences (蟯 覿 豕螻 )
 ACM MobiSys, ACM SenSys, ACM MobiCom, ACM UbiComp, ACM CSCW, ACM
HotMobile, ACM CHI, ACM IUI, IEEE ISWC, IEEE PerCom, ACM Multimedia, 
 ACM MobiSys: 覈覦 ろ 覿 豕螻 
 ACM MobiSys 2019 General Chair
 蟲蠍郁 豕豐, 豕 朱
 蟲蠍郁 豐 22ク 譴 8ク 磯Μ 郁規 朱 (2021.10)
 ACM SenSys: IoT/覯 覦 殊 ろ 豕螻 
 ACM Sensys 2015 General Chair
 蟲蠍郁 豕豐, 豕 朱
 蟲蠍郁 豐 12ク 譴 6ク 磯Μ 郁規 朱 (2021.10)
 ACM UbiComp: 觜貎狩一 貉危 ろ 覿 豕螻 
 ACM UbiComp 2014 Program Co-Chair
 ACM CSCW:  貉危 覿 豕螻 
 蟲 蠍郁 豕豐, 豕 朱
 蟲 豐 25ク 譴 8ク 磯Μ 郁規 朱 (2021.10)
蟲 讌覈 (譟語)
 Apple, US: 豢蟲 覦 ( IBM Research)
 Nokia Bell Labs, UK: 覩殊 覦
 Telefonica Research, Spain: 覦 覦
 Meta AI, US: 伎 覦 ( Qualcomm Research)
 Amazon Alexa, US: 覦 覦 ( Michigan State Univ. 蟲)
 碁 貉危郁概螻: 伎蠍 蟲
 KOREATECH 貉危郁概螻: 螳轟 蟲
 POSTECH 貉危郁概螻: 語 蟲 ( IBM Research)
NCLab Open Lab day
殊: 10 25() 17:00
レ: E3-1 れ  螳 (4443)
 NCLab 郁規 磯 豌危
  襾轟朱伎 蟲, NCLab 螻 蟲襯
郁規 伎: https://nclab.kaist.ac.kr
覓語:  覦煙語 (insun@nclab.kaist.ac.kr)
NCLab  蟠蠍る?
Nokia Bell Labs
Multi-layer ろ 郁規 螳豌
Dr. Chulhong Min
IBM Research
覈覦-IoT 郁規 螳豌
Dr. Inseok Hwang
Dr. Chungkuk Yoo
語蠍磯 貉危 螳豌
Dr. Jinwon Lee
Singapore Management Univ.
瑚譴 覈覦 貉危 
Prof. Youngki Lee
Michigan State Univ.
蟆 譴 SW 郁規覦覯襦
Prof. Taiwoo Park
譟語 蟲 讌覈
Prof. Seungwoo Kang
University of Oxford
Tsinghua University
Amazon Research
Prof. Cecilia Mascolo
University of Cambridge
Prof. Mahadev Satya.
Carnegie Mellon University
Prof. Nicholas D. Lane
Prof. Yunxin Liu
Dr. Jinwon Lee
University of Helsinki
Prof. Sasu Tarkoma
Nokia Bell Labs, Cambridge Singapore Management Univ.
Prof. Rajesh K. Balan
Prof. Archan Misra
Dr. Fahim Kawsar
 碁 螳豌
Dr. Souneil Park
蟲 螻給郁規 ろ語
Dr. Taiwoo Park

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Jong-Hyun Kim
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Yong Sung Woo
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sy kim
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Hakyong Kim


  • 2. AI & Deep Learning Mobile-IoT Systems Human & Social Computing NCLab 譯殊 郁規 覿 NCLAB
  • 3. 郁規覿 郁規 襦) 瑚 豕豐 AI蠍磯 Mobile (襦″磯 mobile-IoT , MobiSys 2008 豌 覦) 豕豐 誤磯 覈磯 /豕豐 殊覈一 蟆/豕豐 覈覦 /焔焔 Life-immersive Socio-Physical Platform Platforms & Services of FUTURE AI & Deep Learning Human & Social Computing IoT/Mobile Systems
  • 4. . Real-world AI System (PPAI: Pervasive Physical AI System) Real, physical world 讌 郁屋, Sensor襯 牛 physical world襦 覿 れ螳朱 一危 Actuator襯 牛 れ瑚 讌 螳 AI 殊 蠏殊, 蠏殊 一, 讌, れ螳 Physical computing 覈覦-IoT ろ 譴 覿螳 End-to-end 觜れ 蟯 Real world immersion 企 企 譴 accuracy 覦 焔 Seamless integration of physical world, AI logic, human interaction Data-driven AI れ real world 讌 郁屋蠍一 覿 譟, 蠍一讌 一危 DNN model building 譯 覈 焔 譴 螻襴讀 覦 譯
  • 5. Earable Intelligence Platform Intelligence on the Ear Wearable AI 譴: AI 殊 蠏殊, 蠏殊 (Real world AI襯 伎 AI螳 螳蟾伎 伎 ) Earable Devices 覈語 谿 覦伎 企┯讌 覈覦-IoT HW Human understanding, Sociality, Mobility, Stability Can such a TINY device become a platform for AI? 襷れ HW, 覦壱磯Μ れ AI 覈, , る (れ AI れ AI 覈語 る朱 伎 . ) Surround Sensing (譯朱 覈襴, 蠍願 , ) Physiological Sensing (ろ碁 覈磯, 殊 蟇願蟯襴, )
  • 6. 螻覦讌 螻糾 貉るる 螻糾讌 AI: AI for Social Appropriateness 豺伎伎ろ 讌襴蟯 Sleep-in-peace Hair Dryer, Mindful Vacuum Cleaner, Could be a most complex & advanced AI system in the real world! れ , 譬 螻糾, 覿 覿襴, 給 (襦襯 覈襴) 貉るる一 苦 讌 螻糾讌 AI
  • 7. Elasticizer: Real World AI襯 AI 覈 炎鍵 Real-world AI: 殊 蠏殊, 蠏殊 れ 蠍郁鍵 蟆 : Mobile AI, Wearable AI, IoT AI 焔焔 覦 螳 覦伎れ 襷 覈語 螳螳 螳覲朱 螳讌 覈語 れ 轟 覦 蟲 襷蟆 朱 覲 ろ Nokia eSense 伎企觚 誤朱一 螳 50ms 危 Google Pixel 4 誤朱一 螳 200ms 危 Galaxy Watch 4 誤朱一 螳 100ms 危
  • 8. [Platform for Massive Mobile-IoT Social Computing] IoT 蠍一, 覩殊殊殊 給: 讌 讌 覩殊殊殊 企伎 蟾? Hivemind: Social Control-and-Use of IoT towards Democratization of Public Spaces (MobiSys 21) 8
  • 9. 蠎讌 襷 蟯企手 [Life-immersive Socio-physical Computing] Wearable Computing, 螳 瑚 螳 朱 螻る 磯Μ 襷螳 殊伎! Dyadic Mirror: Everyday Second-person Live-view for Empathetic Reflection upon Parent-child Interaction (IMWUT 20) 9
  • 10. [Platform for Massive Mobile-IoT Social Computing] 覈覦 貉危, 蠏覈 蟲一 襷 蠏碁Μ! Card-Stunt as a Service: Empowering a Massively Packed Crowd for Instant Collective Expressiveness (MobiSys 17)
  • 12. [Life-immersive Socio-physical Computing] 貉危朱 も 螳 ロ: 螻 伎蟆 , 襯 襷れ伎 蟾? 蟲♀鴬谿 覓語 語 覓語 る誤 覓語
  • 13. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p9P9bBwIP54 [Life-immersive Socio-physical Computing] 蟷 譯朱 襦覺 覦 HomeMeld: Co-present Robotic Avatar System for Illusion of Living Together
  • 14. + 螻, 螻, 螻讌, 殊 讌, , 語 蟇願, ろ碁, 一語, 襦 螳 殊 襭 覦 蟇願蟯襴 觜るゼ [蠏襯 譴朱 螳ロ 殊揃 蟇願蟯襴 ] Earable 蠍磯 れ 蠍磯覺: 覩語 覓危誤 覈磯 覦伎 蠍磯 蟇願糾 蟲 螻殊 觜
  • 15. 蟲 讌覈 IoT/覈覦 覦 貉危 覿殊 蟲 覈 Top conferences (蟯 覿 豕螻 ) ACM MobiSys, ACM SenSys, ACM MobiCom, ACM UbiComp, ACM CSCW, ACM HotMobile, ACM CHI, ACM IUI, IEEE ISWC, IEEE PerCom, ACM Multimedia, ACM MobiSys: 覈覦 ろ 覿 豕螻 ACM MobiSys 2019 General Chair 蟲蠍郁 豕豐, 豕 朱 蟲蠍郁 豐 22ク 譴 8ク 磯Μ 郁規 朱 (2021.10) ACM SenSys: IoT/覯 覦 殊 ろ 豕螻 ACM Sensys 2015 General Chair 蟲蠍郁 豕豐, 豕 朱 蟲蠍郁 豐 12ク 譴 6ク 磯Μ 郁規 朱 (2021.10) ACM UbiComp: 觜貎狩一 貉危 ろ 覿 豕螻 ACM UbiComp 2014 Program Co-Chair ACM CSCW: 貉危 覿 豕螻 蟲 蠍郁 豕豐, 豕 朱 蟲 豐 25ク 譴 8ク 磯Μ 郁規 朱 (2021.10)
  • 16. 蟲 讌覈 (譟語) Apple, US: 豢蟲 覦 ( IBM Research) Nokia Bell Labs, UK: 覩殊 覦 Telefonica Research, Spain: 覦 覦 Meta AI, US: 伎 覦 ( Qualcomm Research) Amazon Alexa, US: 覦 覦 ( Michigan State Univ. 蟲) 碁 貉危郁概螻: 伎蠍 蟲 KOREATECH 貉危郁概螻: 螳轟 蟲 POSTECH 貉危郁概螻: 語 蟲 ( IBM Research)
  • 17. NCLab Open Lab day 殊: 10 25() 17:00 レ: E3-1 れ 螳 (4443) : NCLab 郁規 磯 豌危 襾轟朱伎 蟲, NCLab 螻 蟲襯 17 郁規 伎: https://nclab.kaist.ac.kr 覓語: 覦煙語 (insun@nclab.kaist.ac.kr) NCLab 蟠蠍る?
  • 20. Nokia Bell Labs Multi-layer ろ 郁規 螳豌 Dr. Chulhong Min IBM Research 覈覦-IoT 郁規 螳豌 Dr. Inseok Hwang Dr. Chungkuk Yoo Qualcomm 語蠍磯 貉危 螳豌 Dr. Jinwon Lee Singapore Management Univ. 瑚譴 覈覦 貉危 Prof. Youngki Lee Michigan State Univ. 蟆 譴 SW 郁規覦覯襦 Prof. Taiwoo Park 譟語 蟲 讌覈 Prof. Seungwoo Kang KOREATECH University of Oxford Tsinghua University Amazon Research Prof. Cecilia Mascolo University of Cambridge Prof. Mahadev Satya. Carnegie Mellon University Prof. Nicholas D. Lane Prof. Yunxin Liu Dr. Jinwon Lee University of Helsinki Prof. Sasu Tarkoma Nokia Bell Labs, Cambridge Singapore Management Univ. Prof. Rajesh K. Balan Prof. Archan Misra Dr. Fahim Kawsar Telfonica 碁 螳豌 Dr. Souneil Park 蟲 螻給郁規 ろ語 Dr. Taiwoo Park