20 year marketing plan of contemplative mimi asuncion- finalCarla Azucena
The document outlines Mimi Asuncion's 20-year marketing plan to become a contemplative physician. Her vision is to live with integrity, compassion, and enthusiasm for life in order to become the best neurologist and heal people for God's glory. Her goals are to become a certified medical practitioner with an MD-MBA by year 2, complete her residency by year 7, obtain further clinical training by year 10, and have a stable medical practice with high income by year 20. She will monitor her progress daily through Bible reading, prayer, self-reflection, and spending time with family/friends. Her ultimate measure of success will be bringing out the best in people and touching their lives through demonstrating qualities like love,
The document outlines 10 key concepts about gathering information and scanning the environment for marketing purposes. It discusses how marketing information systems help with decision-making, relying on internal records, market intelligence and research. It also covers recognizing trends and opportunities, the six environmental forces that influence marketing, demographic factors, economic conditions, socio-cultural beliefs, sustainability, technology trends, and laws/pressure groups. The concepts are illustrated with examples from marketing case studies.
A table shows the weights and body mass indexes of 7 people. Person A weighed 75 kg and had a BMI of 29.7, indicating they were overweight. Person B weighed 70 kg and had a BMI of 27.2, also indicating they were overweight. The document discusses how BMI can be used to assess if a person is underweight, healthy weight, overweight, or obese.
20 year marketing plan of contemplative mimi asuncion- finalCarla Azucena
The document outlines Mimi Asuncion's 20-year marketing plan to become a contemplative physician. Her vision is to live with integrity, compassion, and enthusiasm for life in order to become the best neurologist and heal people for God's glory. Her goals are to become a certified medical practitioner with an MD-MBA by year 2, complete her residency by year 7, obtain further clinical training by year 10, and have a stable medical practice with high income by year 20. She will monitor her progress daily through Bible reading, prayer, self-reflection, and spending time with family/friends. Her ultimate measure of success will be bringing out the best in people and touching their lives through demonstrating qualities like love,
The document outlines 10 key concepts about gathering information and scanning the environment for marketing purposes. It discusses how marketing information systems help with decision-making, relying on internal records, market intelligence and research. It also covers recognizing trends and opportunities, the six environmental forces that influence marketing, demographic factors, economic conditions, socio-cultural beliefs, sustainability, technology trends, and laws/pressure groups. The concepts are illustrated with examples from marketing case studies.
A table shows the weights and body mass indexes of 7 people. Person A weighed 75 kg and had a BMI of 29.7, indicating they were overweight. Person B weighed 70 kg and had a BMI of 27.2, also indicating they were overweight. The document discusses how BMI can be used to assess if a person is underweight, healthy weight, overweight, or obese.
Palestra Motivacional da Conven??o Contabilidade CRC PIAnderson Hernandes
O documento discute a jornada profissional do palestrante Anderson Hernandes, desde quando ele trabalhava em diversos empregos aos 15 anos at se tornar um empresrio contbil aos 21 anos. Tambm aborda os desafios do mercado contbil atual e a necessidade de mudan?a no perfil profissional para atender s novas necessidades do mercado e ter maior visibilidade e participa??o. Por fim, incentiva a mudan?a de atitude para ter sucesso por meio do conhecimento, habilidades e atitudes positivas.
El documento describe varias redes sociales y herramientas de comunicacin populares como Facebook, Hotmail, YouTube, Hi5, Smartboard, Scribd, Myspace, Hotpotatoes, CmapTools, Sonico, Blogger, ݺߣshare, Bebo y Tuenti. Permite a los usuarios compartir fotos, videos, enlaces y mantenerse en contacto con amigos a travs de perfiles y mensajera. Algunas herramientas como Hotpotatoes y CmapTools son para crear material educativo interactivo, mientras que Smartboard, Scribd y ݺߣshare permiten
Este documento resume las lecciones aprendidas y tendencias clave para las salas de redaccin del futuro. Algunos puntos principales son: 1) invertir en educacin e investigacin de mercado en lugar de tecnologa cara; 2) lograr una buena relacin entre el periodismo tradicional y la audiencia; y 3) enfocarse en construir y administrar una audiencia valiosa cuyo inters genere ingresos publicitarios.
Dokumen tersebut membahas tentang multimedia interaktif dalam tiga bab. Bab pertama menjelaskan kriteria penilaian mata kuliah yang terdiri dari absensi, tugas, UTS, dan UAS. Bab kedua memberikan pengertian multimedia interaktif sebagai kombinasi dari dua media atau lebih yang dapat diinteraksikan pengguna. Bab ketiga menjelaskan fungsi multimedia interaktif dalam berbagai bidang seperti bisnis, e-learning, hiburan, dan komunikasi.
A table shows the weights and body mass indexes of 7 people. Person A weighed 75 kg and had a BMI of 29.7, while Person B weighed 70 kg and had a BMI of 27.2. The document discusses calculating BMI based on a person's weight and height.
A table shows the weights and body mass indexes of 7 people. Person A weighed 75 kg and had a BMI of 29.7, indicating they were overweight. Person B weighed 70 kg and had a BMI of 27.2, also indicating they were overweight. The document discusses how BMI can be used to assess if a person is underweight, healthy weight, overweight, or obese.