20 year marketing plan of contemplative mimi asuncion- finalCarla Azucena
The document outlines Mimi Asuncion's 20-year marketing plan to become a contemplative physician. Her vision is to live with integrity, compassion, and enthusiasm for life in order to become the best neurologist and heal people for God's glory. Her goals are to become a certified medical practitioner with an MD-MBA by year 2, complete her residency by year 7, obtain further clinical training by year 10, and have a stable medical practice with high income by year 20. She will monitor her progress daily through Bible reading, prayer, self-reflection, and spending time with family/friends. Her ultimate measure of success will be bringing out the best in people and touching their lives through demonstrating qualities like love,
The document outlines 10 key concepts about gathering information and scanning the environment for marketing purposes. It discusses how marketing information systems help with decision-making, relying on internal records, market intelligence and research. It also covers recognizing trends and opportunities, the six environmental forces that influence marketing, demographic factors, economic conditions, socio-cultural beliefs, sustainability, technology trends, and laws/pressure groups. The concepts are illustrated with examples from marketing case studies.
A table shows the weights and body mass indexes of 7 people. Person A weighed 75 kg and had a BMI of 29.7, indicating they were overweight. Person B weighed 70 kg and had a BMI of 27.2, also indicating they were overweight. The document discusses how BMI can be used to assess if a person is underweight, healthy weight, overweight, or obese.
Este documento describe un programa que crea y valida una matriz. Contiene c坦digo para crear un formulario con una cuadr鱈cula y botones. Hay procedimientos para llenar la matriz con datos de entrada, cargar la matriz en la cuadr鱈cula, y validar si la matriz es diagonal revisando que solo contenga valores distintos de cero en la diagonal principal.
O documento discute o aquecimento global e o efeito estufa, explicando que certas mol辿culas contribuem para o aumento do efeito estufa e que os principais gases respons叩veis s達o o di坦xido de carbono e o metano. Tamb辿m aborda as previs探es para o planeta se a temperatura continuar a crescer e quais a巽探es a sociedade pode tomar para mitigar os impactos das mudan巽as clim叩ticas.
Las TIC son tecnolog鱈as de informaci坦n y comunicaci坦n que permiten acceder, producir, almacenar e intercambiar informaci坦n a trav辿s de im叩genes, sonido y datos. Algunas herramientas TIC incluyen internet, correo electr坦nico, foros, chats, blogs, manejo de datos, simulaciones y sitios web. Las TIC tambi辿n se clasifican en medios de comunicaci坦n masiva como televisi坦n, radio y computadoras, e inform叩tica multimedia como CDs y contenido en l鱈nea. Las herramientas colaborativas permiten que usuarios
O documento discute o conceito de Virtual Heritage, definido como um meio eletr担nico para recriar ou interpretar per鱈odos hist坦ricos em 3D, geralmente utilizado para compreender antigas culturas. O Virtual Heritage 辿 comparado Realidade Virtual e discutido como uma ferramenta para pesquisa, preserva巽達o e difus達o do patrim担nio cultural. Exemplos de aplica巽探es incluem reconstru巽探es virtuais de locais como o Teatro Municipal do Rio de Janeiro e a Capela Sistina.
This document outlines a didactic project that uses playful activities and open educational resources to aid in the technological training of students in an electrician installation course. The key objectives are to make learning more relaxed, help students practically assimilate concepts, and develop skills like creativity, reasoning, cooperation and computer literacy. A variety of playful activities are proposed, along with guidelines on implementation and assessment.
O documento resume as atividades e projetos da Junta de Freguesia da Lous達 e Vilarinho para 2015, incluindo a melhoria do acesso a locais como a Quinta do Caim達o atrav辿s de obras, a limpeza de aldeias para promover o turismo, e a aprova巽達o do or巽amento e plano para 2015 na Assembleia de Freguesia.
A table shows the weights and body mass indexes of 7 people. Person A weighed 75 kg and had a BMI of 29.7, indicating they were overweight. Person B weighed 70 kg and had a BMI of 27.2, also indicating they were overweight. The document discusses how BMI can be used to assess if a person is underweight, healthy weight, overweight, or obese.
Este documento describe un programa que crea y valida una matriz. Contiene c坦digo para crear un formulario con una cuadr鱈cula y botones. Hay procedimientos para llenar la matriz con datos de entrada, cargar la matriz en la cuadr鱈cula, y validar si la matriz es diagonal revisando que solo contenga valores distintos de cero en la diagonal principal.
O documento discute o aquecimento global e o efeito estufa, explicando que certas mol辿culas contribuem para o aumento do efeito estufa e que os principais gases respons叩veis s達o o di坦xido de carbono e o metano. Tamb辿m aborda as previs探es para o planeta se a temperatura continuar a crescer e quais a巽探es a sociedade pode tomar para mitigar os impactos das mudan巽as clim叩ticas.
Las TIC son tecnolog鱈as de informaci坦n y comunicaci坦n que permiten acceder, producir, almacenar e intercambiar informaci坦n a trav辿s de im叩genes, sonido y datos. Algunas herramientas TIC incluyen internet, correo electr坦nico, foros, chats, blogs, manejo de datos, simulaciones y sitios web. Las TIC tambi辿n se clasifican en medios de comunicaci坦n masiva como televisi坦n, radio y computadoras, e inform叩tica multimedia como CDs y contenido en l鱈nea. Las herramientas colaborativas permiten que usuarios
O documento discute o conceito de Virtual Heritage, definido como um meio eletr担nico para recriar ou interpretar per鱈odos hist坦ricos em 3D, geralmente utilizado para compreender antigas culturas. O Virtual Heritage 辿 comparado Realidade Virtual e discutido como uma ferramenta para pesquisa, preserva巽達o e difus達o do patrim担nio cultural. Exemplos de aplica巽探es incluem reconstru巽探es virtuais de locais como o Teatro Municipal do Rio de Janeiro e a Capela Sistina.
This document outlines a didactic project that uses playful activities and open educational resources to aid in the technological training of students in an electrician installation course. The key objectives are to make learning more relaxed, help students practically assimilate concepts, and develop skills like creativity, reasoning, cooperation and computer literacy. A variety of playful activities are proposed, along with guidelines on implementation and assessment.
O documento resume as atividades e projetos da Junta de Freguesia da Lous達 e Vilarinho para 2015, incluindo a melhoria do acesso a locais como a Quinta do Caim達o atrav辿s de obras, a limpeza de aldeias para promover o turismo, e a aprova巽達o do or巽amento e plano para 2015 na Assembleia de Freguesia.
A table shows the weights and body mass indexes of 7 people. Person A weighed 75 kg and had a BMI of 29.7, while Person B weighed 70 kg and had a BMI of 27.2. The document discusses calculating BMI based on a person's weight and height.
A table shows the weights and body mass indexes of 7 people. Person A weighed 75 kg and had a BMI of 29.7, indicating they were overweight. Person B weighed 70 kg and had a BMI of 27.2, also indicating they were overweight. The document discusses how BMI can be used to assess if a person is underweight, healthy weight, overweight, or obese.