Erikoistutkija Johanna J辰rvinen-Tassopoulos, Terveyden ja hyvinvoinnin laitos, Suomi peliss辰 Rahapelihaitat haltuun -seminaari 16.3.2016, Terveyden ja hyvinvoinnin laitos, Helsinki
The document provides an overview of the city of Vantaa, Finland, including details about its history, population, transportation connections, housing developments, social services administration and budget, health services administration and goals of promoting social inclusion, sustainability and being an innovative city. Vantaa is located near Helsinki and has over 200,000 residents, with services including 8 health centers, 6 social centers, a hospital, homes for the elderly, and administrative departments for areas like family services, elderly services, and financial and administrative services.
Marketing focuses on providing the best image of a business to find customers, while sales ensures that customers purchase products or services when interacting with the company. There are three main differences between marketing and sales: marketing is about finding customers through the company's image, sales is about closing purchases, and marketing and sales affect how customers perceive the business versus their actual experience.
A tool in Marketing Communication that manifest immediate purchase with the help of impulsive buying decision. learn about various methods of sales promotion and key techniques.
The document discusses sales promotion techniques used by businesses to stimulate customer demand. It describes various consumer and trade-focused promotion tools like samples, coupons, premiums, loyalty programs, and point-of-purchase displays. The goals of sales promotion are outlined as attracting new customers, increasing purchases by existing customers, and counteracting competitors. Businesses must carefully consider the costs, incentives, targeting, duration, and ease of redemptions when planning a promotional campaign. Evaluation of past promotions is also discussed to assess objectives and identify lessons.
This document discusses evaluating the effectiveness of sales promotions. It begins by outlining common sales promotion techniques like money off deals, coupons, free gifts, and product sampling. The purposes and benefits of promotions are also reviewed, along with limitations. To evaluate effectiveness, the document recommends comparing sales before, during, and after a promotion using data from retailers and consumer surveys. Examples provided include a Coca-Cola promotion targeting loyal customers and an Auchan discount store promotion during a holiday. Proper evaluation is necessary to determine if promotions increase market share or attract unwanted "cherry pickers."
This document provides an overview of basic sales promotion techniques. It defines sales promotion as a planned marketing activity that enhances a product or service's appeal and positively changes consumer behavior in return for an additional benefit. The document outlines various types of sales promotions like temporary price discounts, coupons, bonus packs, sampling, premiums, and sweepstakes. It also discusses the impact of promotions on consumers in economic, emotional and informational ways. Additionally, the benefits of promotions for timed purchasing, brand switching, and increased volume are presented, as well as some potential problems like lack of brand building and orienting managers to the short-term.
Sales promotion includes short-term tactics to provide added value or incentives to consumers, wholesalers, retailers, or salespeople to stimulate immediate sales. The objective is to build awareness, create interest, and increase short-term sales volume. Common consumer promotion tools include free samples, coupons, discounts, buy one get one offers, and combo packs. Major trade promotion tools given to retailers are price discounts, advertising allowances, free goods, and point-of-purchase displays to encourage purchasing and stocking certain products. An example given is Nike providing a 40% discount to attract new customers, increase store footfall, and clear existing stock.
Promotion involves communicating with customers to inform, influence, and persuade them to buy a product. The promotional mix includes advertising, sales promotions, personal selling, public relations, direct marketing, and merchandising. The optimal promotional mix depends on the product's life cycle, nature, competition, marketing budget, strategy, and target market. Promotion aims to increase awareness, change attitudes, and encourage purchase. Effectiveness is measured by whether objectives are achieved, while efficiency considers objectives achieved relative to costs.
Maakunta ja sote-uudistus Uudenmaan maakunta Timo Aronkyt旦Timo Aronkyt旦
Sote-uudistus. Uudenmaan maakunnan maakunta- ja sote-uudistuksen muutoksen hallinnan valmistelu maaliskuu 2017.
Alueuudistus #sote #alueuudistus #Uusimaa2019
Sales promotion consists of short-term incentives to encourage immediate or earlier purchase of products and services. Whereas advertising focuses on reasons to buy, sales promotion emphasizes reasons to buy now. Sales promotion makes up 77% of marketing expenditures on average for consumer packaged goods companies. Popular sales promotion techniques include buy-one-get-one-free offers, loyalty programs, discounts, coupons, competitions, and free samples. Marketers must carefully plan sales promotion programs by determining incentive size, participation criteria, promotion period, and evaluating the program's effectiveness and returns on investment.
Sales promotions aim to increase immediate sales, gain trade support, and support the sales force. They are widely used due to pressure to quickly boost sales and because they can easily target consumers, trade partners, and salespeople. Common consumer promotions include coupons, rebates, samples, and contests which are flexible and can be combined to meet objectives. Trade promotions target wholesalers and retailers through point-of-purchase displays, trade shows, retailer kits, and incentives to gain merchandising support and distribution. Loyalty programs aim to increase retention through rewards while sponsorship and events associate brands with lifestyles.
This document provides an overview of basic sales promotion techniques. It defines sales promotion as a planned marketing activity that enhances a product or service's appeal and positively changes consumer behavior in return for an additional benefit. The document outlines various types of sales promotions like temporary price discounts, coupons, bonus packs, sampling, premiums, and sweepstakes. It also discusses the impact of promotions on consumers in economic, emotional and informational ways. Additionally, the benefits of promotions for timed purchasing, brand switching, and increased volume are presented, as well as some potential problems like lack of brand building and orienting managers to the short-term.
Sales promotion includes short-term tactics to provide added value or incentives to consumers, wholesalers, retailers, or salespeople to stimulate immediate sales. The objective is to build awareness, create interest, and increase short-term sales volume. Common consumer promotion tools include free samples, coupons, discounts, buy one get one offers, and combo packs. Major trade promotion tools given to retailers are price discounts, advertising allowances, free goods, and point-of-purchase displays to encourage purchasing and stocking certain products. An example given is Nike providing a 40% discount to attract new customers, increase store footfall, and clear existing stock.
Promotion involves communicating with customers to inform, influence, and persuade them to buy a product. The promotional mix includes advertising, sales promotions, personal selling, public relations, direct marketing, and merchandising. The optimal promotional mix depends on the product's life cycle, nature, competition, marketing budget, strategy, and target market. Promotion aims to increase awareness, change attitudes, and encourage purchase. Effectiveness is measured by whether objectives are achieved, while efficiency considers objectives achieved relative to costs.
Maakunta ja sote-uudistus Uudenmaan maakunta Timo Aronkyt旦Timo Aronkyt旦
Sote-uudistus. Uudenmaan maakunnan maakunta- ja sote-uudistuksen muutoksen hallinnan valmistelu maaliskuu 2017.
Alueuudistus #sote #alueuudistus #Uusimaa2019
Sales promotion consists of short-term incentives to encourage immediate or earlier purchase of products and services. Whereas advertising focuses on reasons to buy, sales promotion emphasizes reasons to buy now. Sales promotion makes up 77% of marketing expenditures on average for consumer packaged goods companies. Popular sales promotion techniques include buy-one-get-one-free offers, loyalty programs, discounts, coupons, competitions, and free samples. Marketers must carefully plan sales promotion programs by determining incentive size, participation criteria, promotion period, and evaluating the program's effectiveness and returns on investment.
Sales promotions aim to increase immediate sales, gain trade support, and support the sales force. They are widely used due to pressure to quickly boost sales and because they can easily target consumers, trade partners, and salespeople. Common consumer promotions include coupons, rebates, samples, and contests which are flexible and can be combined to meet objectives. Trade promotions target wholesalers and retailers through point-of-purchase displays, trade shows, retailer kits, and incentives to gain merchandising support and distribution. Loyalty programs aim to increase retention through rewards while sponsorship and events associate brands with lifestyles.
10. Depressio
Esiintyvyys 0,1% (v. 2016 10%) vrt. psykoosit 0,5%
Genotyyppitestaus, t辰sm辰l辰辰kkeet jo ehk辰isyss辰,
Sosiaaliverkoston uudet l辰辰kkeet, sos aktiivisuus,
virikkeellisyys pakko
Medikalisaatio 2050, mielen
liikak辰ytt旦 (kun 100% ei riit辰).
Ei saisi keskitty辰 yli 3:een
asiaan kerrallaan (v. 2020).
13. Verkostot
Tiedon, terveystiedon jakaminen yhdist辰辰
ihmiset (vrt. 2010-luku jolloin puhuttiin
Uber-l辰辰k辰rit (2016-) Uber-potilaat-
kansalaiset (2024-)
-lyasusteiden sensoreiden informaatio siirtyy pilviverkkoon.
Tieto yhdistyy ja vertautuu - kansalainen oppii, muuttaa
k辰ytt辰ytymist辰辰n (elintavat)), ennakoi tilanteita jne
-Verkostojen tieto est辰辰 epidemioiden syntymist辰;
influenssaa ei en辰辰 ole (tosin rokotuksia tehd辰辰n viel辰), polio
eradikoitiin 2030
14. Kansalainen pit辰辰 itsest辰辰n
huolta tiedolla.
Huom! Potilas-sanan m辰辰ritelm辰 muuttui 30-
luvulla: potilaalla viitataan en辰辰 tilanteeseen
jossa ollaan parantavan hoidon
ulottumattomissa (aik. saattohoito)
Kansalainen omistaa ja k辰ytt辰辰 omaa big-
dataansa (2010-luvulla ihmiset oppivat
hallitsemaan pankkipalvelujaan k辰nnyk辰ll辰 :)