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February  28, 2010 ANNOUNCEMENTS for REALIFEYOUTH.org What is a TRUE Friend?
OUR PURPOSE Our Ministry Seeks  to Help Teens  Make the Abundant  Life Climb  to Become  Disciples of Christ who  Worship ,  Link ,  Learn , and  Serve
SIGMA  POINTS BORN to FLY 1,080,500 1,028,000 Difference:  52,500 points 8 7 70
Accept the challenge   To be a member of   Get an application and turn it in by March 7 th   THE CORE
Keep up with your Points Online www.realifeyouth.org /sigma Realife Youth Group Making the Abundant Life Climb Together  February 21, 2010
ROLLER SKATING March 14 th   6-9pm $2 + Permission Slip
SUMMER SIZZLER 3-on-3 Tournament Saturday, May 29 th   Spread the word Registrations being accepted www.realifeyouth.org/summersizzler
McDonalds Office Hours  3:00-4:30pm * Get to know PL * Ask Questions * Make Video * Get $1 Menu Item
facebook.com/realifeyouth Become a Facebook Fan:

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