This passage from the Gospel of Mark describes Jesus teaching his disciples about eternal life. When asked what one must do to inherit eternal life, Jesus says to follow God's commandments. He then warns that it is very difficult for rich people to enter God's kingdom. While the disciples are amazed, Jesus reassures them that with God all things are possible. When Peter protests that they have left everything to follow Jesus, Jesus promises that those who give up possessions for him will receive rewards both in this life and the next. He concludes by saying that those who are first will be last and vice versa.
The document discusses how Christians are God's masterpieces or works of art created by God for good works. It references several Bible verses about how God loves and saves humanity. The document encourages believers to participate in God's work by loving God, growing deeper in faith, serving others, reaching out to people, and giving of themselves.
Object Lesson for Kids - Heavens Mail RoomKen Sapp
This document describes an object lesson about prayer using the metaphor of heaven's mail room. It explains that in heaven there are three sections: 1) a receiving section where God receives prayers, 2) a packaging and delivery section where blessings are sent in response to prayers, and 3) an acknowledging section where people on earth send thanks to God, but it is often idle because few people send thanks. The lesson teaches that prayer is conversation with God and we should thank Him for answering our prayers.
This document discusses relationship astrology and compatibility between partners. It suggests that astrology can provide insight into potential areas of compatibility and incompatibility in a relationship by examining how individuals' charts interact. Specifically, it asserts that looking at how Mars, Venus, Mercury and the Moon connect between charts can reveal hidden information about how well-suited a couple may be and what issues could arise. Understanding compatibility through astrology can help couples be more aware of each other's needs and perspectives, and potentially help strengthen relationships and reduce divorce rates.
The document outlines the strategic vision and plans of ECFC 20/20, a football club, to achieve its ambitions over the next decade. It discusses establishing objectives, communicating the vision, ensuring strategy drives operations. It details actions to appoint leadership, produce budgets, transform revenue streams, and support the community. The vision is for ECFC to be the leading club in the southwest drawing large crowds with a family-focused atmosphere and community support. Strategic plans are outlined for marketing, human resources, football/youth development, community/environment, facilities, finances, and communications.
The document defines various literary and film terminology as well as concepts related to individualism, liberalism, and collective responsibility in society. Some key terms include:
- Active voice and passive voice in writing
- Ad hominem and ad misericordiam fallacies in arguments
- Aerial shots, close-ups, and tracking shots in film
- Archetypes, themes, and motifs commonly found in literature
- Individualism, liberalism, and progressivism as political ideologies
- Concepts like individual rights/freedoms and economic freedom in a liberal democracy
- The difference between individual and collective interests and responsibilities
This document lists three web development projects and provides brief details about two current clients, Escalon and StarQuest. As the part-time Marketing Director for both clients, the author is responsible for creating all marketing strategy and tactics, including rebranding, positioning, lead generation, and content marketing. Links are provided to the before and after versions of the home pages for Escalon and StarQuest's websites.
NEOBR Board of Realtors Monthly meeting for February 2013. The topic is ZipForm training conducted by Jeff Savage, CRS, e-PRO, SRES with RE/MAX Grand Lake in Grove, Oklahoma.
Gebruiker aan zet - sociaal onderwijs met sociale mediaTNO
Wat is de stand van zaken tav online cocreatie in het onderwijs? Hoe kan cocreatie in het onderwijs ingezet worden? Welke kansen zijn er? Waar kan het aan bijdragen?
Exchange of usage metadata in a network of institutional repositories: the ca...ULB - Biblioth竪ques
The document discusses the exchange of usage metadata between institutional repositories in a network called Economists Online (EO). It proposes using Scholarly Works Usage Profiles (SWUP) based on the OpenURL ContextObject framework to normalize usage data from different sources. SWUP maps log file information like downloads to standardized identifiers for items, users, services. This allows aggregated usage analysis and ranking of popular publications across the EO network.
The document outlines the agenda and key topics for a Trusted Relationships Programme meeting. The agenda includes presentations on identity management issues, technical developments, personal identity management, and conclusions. Some of the key identity management issues discussed are authentication of external users, addressing policies that can be barriers to access, encouraging trusted relationship management and data sharing between institutions and employers, and providing secure learning environments and access to information for employees and work-based learners. The meeting aims to discuss tools for identity management, issues relating to portfolios and learning identity, views on privacy, and technical identity management issues.
Civitan is a charity association and club founded in 1998 that helps people in need through no fault of their own. It provides food to local food banks, assists families with disabled children or who are critically ill, and helps families in financial need. The association raises money to support educational trips and therapies for children and teenagers. Members participate in the association to help people in their community and find companionship through shared activities.
The University of Bristol has several initiatives to promote enterprise education including opportunities within the curriculum, extracurricular activities, and resources to support student startups. Successful ventures include XMOS, a software-defined silicon chip company founded by computer science students and faculty, and SnapFashion, a visual search engine developed by a computer science student that won a university startup competition. The university also partners with SETsquared, a business incubator that supports new companies and was named the top UK incubator in 2008.
Women Without Frontiers is an international non-governmental humanitarian organization based in Rhodes Island. The organization aims to provide services to those in need regardless of attributes like color or religion, but prioritizes helping women and children, such as those affected by war, poverty, or violence. Over seven years, the organization has gained support from thousands of women in Greece and abroad committed to its goals of empowering civil society. The organization conducts work both internationally, by responding to emergencies and natural disasters, and nationally through activities like providing legal support, clothing, and educational lectures. Some examples of its work include sending medical supplies after the 2004 tsunami and donating items to schools and war zones in Iraq.
This document teaches the alphabet by having the reader guess the letters in groups of three. It prompts the reader to identify letters and groups of letters, praising them for correct answers with responses like "Very Good!" and "Well Done!". The document quizzes the reader on the entire alphabet from start to finish in this interactive question and answer format.
This document provides a summary report of a data analysis activity. It includes two fields - the first summarizing the data analysis process and any problems or solutions, and the second analyzing results by question, listing the total questionnaires and quantitative data for questions 3 through 7. A third field analyzes the overall picture and conclusions from the indicator overview.
The document summarizes the results of a questionnaire given to students in grades 4-8 about health and safety topics. It includes 8 questions about natural disasters, dangers, protective measures, drugs and their effects on the body, and where students learn about road safety rules. Charts show the number of students who selected each answer choice. The majority of students identified earthquakes and floods as natural disasters, and learned about road safety from school or their parents.
The document discusses the future of cloud security and outlines several key points:
1) As cloud computing becomes more widely adopted, security must advance to address new types of emerging threats that target applications and aim to steal proprietary data or cause disruption.
2) Traditional network security approaches are insufficient for cloud environments that rely more on application-level communication. New techniques for analyzing application behavior and network traffic patterns will be needed.
3) Achieving security in cloud environments will require adopting proactive defenses, intelligent management systems, and the ability to monitor workloads across multiple cloud platforms and resources.
A discussion of how the Massachusetts Toxics Use Reduction Act is a model of how to proactively reduce the use of carcinogens in business
Los estudiantes reciclan palets para construir maceteros, trabajando en equipo y aprendiendo del profesor. Llenan los maceteros con sustrato y abono, siembran semillas de pimientos y crean un diario para documentar el crecimiento de las plantas.
Photographers at a university student media organization report to either the photo editor or editor. Photographers may work for more than one media outlet and are given assignments by editors. The director of photography or photo editor is in charge of discipline. Staff photographers must maintain at least a 2.0 GPA, be full-time students, regularly attend training and critique sessions, attend weekly assignment meetings, and maintain enthusiasm for photojournalism. The student media owns copyright to photos taken on assignment for 18 months before shared ownership with the photographer.
The document discusses a school project on health and wellness between 5th and 7th grade students. It addresses natural disasters, learning about dangers, personal safety equipment like gas helmets to protect from toxins, the emergency number, evacuation maps, harmful substances, effects of drugs on organs, and learning road safety rules. The goal is to educate students on maintaining a healthy mind and body.
The document announces events for a youth group called Realife Sigma for the week of April 18, 2010, including a Jeopardy game between teams next Sunday, open office hours at McDonald's on Wednesdays to make videos and discuss Bible study, the last office hours of the school year from 11:15-12:10pm in the Teen Room, a Bible study on May 8th called The Springs Preview requiring a $5 permission slip, a Realife Sigma Awards Banquet on May 1st from 6-8:30pm with a sign-up deadline of April 25th, and banquet voting that night by picking up a ballot from the pastor.
The document announces upcoming events for a youth ministry group called Realife Youth, including roller skating on March 14th, a 3-on-3 basketball tournament on May 29th, and office hours at McDonald's to get to know the youth pastor and make a video. It also provides Sigma points totals for two groups and information on becoming a member of the youth group and its core leadership team.
This document lists three web development projects and provides brief details about two current clients, Escalon and StarQuest. As the part-time Marketing Director for both clients, the author is responsible for creating all marketing strategy and tactics, including rebranding, positioning, lead generation, and content marketing. Links are provided to the before and after versions of the home pages for Escalon and StarQuest's websites.
NEOBR Board of Realtors Monthly meeting for February 2013. The topic is ZipForm training conducted by Jeff Savage, CRS, e-PRO, SRES with RE/MAX Grand Lake in Grove, Oklahoma.
Gebruiker aan zet - sociaal onderwijs met sociale mediaTNO
Wat is de stand van zaken tav online cocreatie in het onderwijs? Hoe kan cocreatie in het onderwijs ingezet worden? Welke kansen zijn er? Waar kan het aan bijdragen?
Exchange of usage metadata in a network of institutional repositories: the ca...ULB - Biblioth竪ques
The document discusses the exchange of usage metadata between institutional repositories in a network called Economists Online (EO). It proposes using Scholarly Works Usage Profiles (SWUP) based on the OpenURL ContextObject framework to normalize usage data from different sources. SWUP maps log file information like downloads to standardized identifiers for items, users, services. This allows aggregated usage analysis and ranking of popular publications across the EO network.
The document outlines the agenda and key topics for a Trusted Relationships Programme meeting. The agenda includes presentations on identity management issues, technical developments, personal identity management, and conclusions. Some of the key identity management issues discussed are authentication of external users, addressing policies that can be barriers to access, encouraging trusted relationship management and data sharing between institutions and employers, and providing secure learning environments and access to information for employees and work-based learners. The meeting aims to discuss tools for identity management, issues relating to portfolios and learning identity, views on privacy, and technical identity management issues.
Civitan is a charity association and club founded in 1998 that helps people in need through no fault of their own. It provides food to local food banks, assists families with disabled children or who are critically ill, and helps families in financial need. The association raises money to support educational trips and therapies for children and teenagers. Members participate in the association to help people in their community and find companionship through shared activities.
The University of Bristol has several initiatives to promote enterprise education including opportunities within the curriculum, extracurricular activities, and resources to support student startups. Successful ventures include XMOS, a software-defined silicon chip company founded by computer science students and faculty, and SnapFashion, a visual search engine developed by a computer science student that won a university startup competition. The university also partners with SETsquared, a business incubator that supports new companies and was named the top UK incubator in 2008.
Women Without Frontiers is an international non-governmental humanitarian organization based in Rhodes Island. The organization aims to provide services to those in need regardless of attributes like color or religion, but prioritizes helping women and children, such as those affected by war, poverty, or violence. Over seven years, the organization has gained support from thousands of women in Greece and abroad committed to its goals of empowering civil society. The organization conducts work both internationally, by responding to emergencies and natural disasters, and nationally through activities like providing legal support, clothing, and educational lectures. Some examples of its work include sending medical supplies after the 2004 tsunami and donating items to schools and war zones in Iraq.
This document teaches the alphabet by having the reader guess the letters in groups of three. It prompts the reader to identify letters and groups of letters, praising them for correct answers with responses like "Very Good!" and "Well Done!". The document quizzes the reader on the entire alphabet from start to finish in this interactive question and answer format.
This document provides a summary report of a data analysis activity. It includes two fields - the first summarizing the data analysis process and any problems or solutions, and the second analyzing results by question, listing the total questionnaires and quantitative data for questions 3 through 7. A third field analyzes the overall picture and conclusions from the indicator overview.
The document summarizes the results of a questionnaire given to students in grades 4-8 about health and safety topics. It includes 8 questions about natural disasters, dangers, protective measures, drugs and their effects on the body, and where students learn about road safety rules. Charts show the number of students who selected each answer choice. The majority of students identified earthquakes and floods as natural disasters, and learned about road safety from school or their parents.
The document discusses the future of cloud security and outlines several key points:
1) As cloud computing becomes more widely adopted, security must advance to address new types of emerging threats that target applications and aim to steal proprietary data or cause disruption.
2) Traditional network security approaches are insufficient for cloud environments that rely more on application-level communication. New techniques for analyzing application behavior and network traffic patterns will be needed.
3) Achieving security in cloud environments will require adopting proactive defenses, intelligent management systems, and the ability to monitor workloads across multiple cloud platforms and resources.
A discussion of how the Massachusetts Toxics Use Reduction Act is a model of how to proactively reduce the use of carcinogens in business
Los estudiantes reciclan palets para construir maceteros, trabajando en equipo y aprendiendo del profesor. Llenan los maceteros con sustrato y abono, siembran semillas de pimientos y crean un diario para documentar el crecimiento de las plantas.
Photographers at a university student media organization report to either the photo editor or editor. Photographers may work for more than one media outlet and are given assignments by editors. The director of photography or photo editor is in charge of discipline. Staff photographers must maintain at least a 2.0 GPA, be full-time students, regularly attend training and critique sessions, attend weekly assignment meetings, and maintain enthusiasm for photojournalism. The student media owns copyright to photos taken on assignment for 18 months before shared ownership with the photographer.
The document discusses a school project on health and wellness between 5th and 7th grade students. It addresses natural disasters, learning about dangers, personal safety equipment like gas helmets to protect from toxins, the emergency number, evacuation maps, harmful substances, effects of drugs on organs, and learning road safety rules. The goal is to educate students on maintaining a healthy mind and body.
The document announces events for a youth group called Realife Sigma for the week of April 18, 2010, including a Jeopardy game between teams next Sunday, open office hours at McDonald's on Wednesdays to make videos and discuss Bible study, the last office hours of the school year from 11:15-12:10pm in the Teen Room, a Bible study on May 8th called The Springs Preview requiring a $5 permission slip, a Realife Sigma Awards Banquet on May 1st from 6-8:30pm with a sign-up deadline of April 25th, and banquet voting that night by picking up a ballot from the pastor.
The document announces upcoming events for a youth ministry group called Realife Youth, including roller skating on March 14th, a 3-on-3 basketball tournament on May 29th, and office hours at McDonald's to get to know the youth pastor and make a video. It also provides Sigma points totals for two groups and information on becoming a member of the youth group and its core leadership team.
Our Ministry seeks to help teens make positive life choices through worship, community, learning, and service. The announcement discusses an upcoming 3-on-3 basketball tournament and applications to join a youth group, as well as weekly hours at McDonald's and promoting the group on Facebook to spread God's word.
The document announces several upcoming youth events organized by, including a senior high retreat from February 26-27 with meals and lodging for $15, a laser tag party on February 7th, a 3-on-3 basketball tournament on May 29th, and weekly Wednesday office hours at McDonald's from 3-4:30pm. It also provides updates on youth group point standings and encourages youth to share their faith on social media to earn additional points.
The document announces several upcoming youth events organized by, including a senior high retreat in February with activities like pizza, broomball and speakers, a 3-on-3 basketball tournament in May, and weekly meetups at McDonald's to discuss God. It also encourages youth to share about Christ on social media and fill out reviews of Christian materials to earn points for a camp scholarship.
This document contains announcements for youth group activities for, including laser tag tonight, a non-Superbowl party on February 7th, preparation for a 3-on-3 basketball tournament on May 29th, and office hours at McDonald's every Wednesday afternoon to make a video, talk about God, and get a $1 menu item. It also provides details on earning ministry points by sharing Christ on social media from January 31 to February 13.
A church is encouraging members to share their Christian faith with others to earn points that can be redeemed at an upcoming Christmas party. Members can earn points by mentioning Christ to others, sharing how Christ is working in their lives, or going through the gospel message. The church is also advertising upcoming youth events like a free fun day with laser tag and sloppy joes, and a movie night where popcorn will be provided.