Ликвидный лизинг недвижимостиDiodorov2005The math model for real estate dynamic depreciating process with calculating of inflution, real interest rates and depreciating time
engage...to facilitate deeper learningSanjay GoelThis document contains information about Sanjay Goel, including his contact information and a list of his published papers on engineering education. It discusses Bloom's taxonomy of learning objectives and its cognitive, affective, and psychomotor domains. It provides details about each level of Bloom's cognitive domain. It also addresses the need for higher-order learning experiences, integrative learning, and reflective learning to facilitate deep learning in students. National surveys on student engagement in the US are referenced, and ways to initiate and facilitate deep learning through academic challenge, active learning, student-faculty interaction, and enriching experiences are outlined. International journals on engineering education are also listed.
Wills Science Honors PowerpointwillfoxThe document discusses erosion along Town Neck beach that has caused steep cliffs, gaps in the beach, and threatens nearby houses. Storms and erosion from both sides of the beach have swept away sand, exposing cliffs and coming close to breaking through to houses. Jetties and groins along the beach are worsening the erosion problem. If erosion continues, more houses could be damaged or destroyed like one house that was flooded.
ЛизингSoftlineЛизинг ИТ-оборудования представляет собой его долгосрочную аренду с правом последующего выкупа. Данный финансовый инструмент позволяет модернизировать и укрепить бизнес без значительного отвлечения оборотных средств.
Bilateral Meeting - Day 6J. Carlos MartínezThe document outlines an agenda for workshops 4 and 5 that includes binational teams working on new tasks, a gallery walk to view the teams' work, and a tasty break in the evening.
engage...to facilitate deeper learningSanjay GoelThis document contains information about Sanjay Goel, including his contact information and a list of his published papers on engineering education. It discusses Bloom's taxonomy of learning objectives and its cognitive, affective, and psychomotor domains. It provides details about each level of Bloom's cognitive domain. It also addresses the need for higher-order learning experiences, integrative learning, and reflective learning to facilitate deep learning in students. National surveys on student engagement in the US are referenced, and ways to initiate and facilitate deep learning through academic challenge, active learning, student-faculty interaction, and enriching experiences are outlined. International journals on engineering education are also listed.
Wills Science Honors PowerpointwillfoxThe document discusses erosion along Town Neck beach that has caused steep cliffs, gaps in the beach, and threatens nearby houses. Storms and erosion from both sides of the beach have swept away sand, exposing cliffs and coming close to breaking through to houses. Jetties and groins along the beach are worsening the erosion problem. If erosion continues, more houses could be damaged or destroyed like one house that was flooded.
ЛизингSoftlineЛизинг ИТ-оборудования представляет собой его долгосрочную аренду с правом последующего выкупа. Данный финансовый инструмент позволяет модернизировать и укрепить бизнес без значительного отвлечения оборотных средств.
Bilateral Meeting - Day 6J. Carlos MartínezThe document outlines an agenda for workshops 4 and 5 that includes binational teams working on new tasks, a gallery walk to view the teams' work, and a tasty break in the evening.